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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1968)
*4 i Summer Musical A uditions Planned College slue would like to CARRIES FLAG TO CITADEL WALL Lance Cpl. James Avella, North Bergren, N. J.,i carries U. S. flag atop tin roof near south wall of Hue’s Citadel. He fastens flag to telephone pole signaling Alpha company reached its objective. (AP W’irephoto by radio from Saigon) Bulletin Board TODAY The Texas ASM Sport* Car Cluh will discuss upcoming events at 7 p.m in Room 203 of the YMCA. The Flying KadeU will have pictures made for the Aggieland at the base control tower at East, erwood Airport at 5:30 p.m. THE Psychology Huh will hear Miss Barbara Davis speak on the psychology of advertising at 8 p.m. in Room 2B of the Memorial Student Center. The Agricultural Engineering Society will hear Mias Marsha Adams, a junior at Baylor, speak on her experiences as a Baptist student missionary with hippies at 7:30 p.m. in Room 200 of Scoates Hall. i students and adults who > use their talents and in an outdoor theatre this summer, are Invited to audi- * tion for “TEXAS,” the spectacu lar musical drama, written by Paul Green and performed during the summer months in Palo Duro Canyon State Park, near Canyon and Amarillo Auditions are scheduled for Setnrdaf, at the Inn of the Six Flags, across from Six Flaga Park Pony Express Building, Arlington, Taxaa, from 9-12 a.m. and 1>6 p m. Members of the east must be available from June 1 (rehearsal) through Labor Day. The Theatre has a close connec tion with West Texas State Uni versity and credit ia available fori your work in the show. Those wishing to try out should be prepared to give a memorised reading (not to exceed three minutes) to show voice injection and characterisation. Actors fill ing minor roles also double as members of the chorus and all applicants should audition for singing as well as acting roles. Singers should present one pre pared number and have an accom panist or musk for an accom panist. The selected song should show the strength and quality of the voice, whether it be opera- aria, art, show or folk song. The director, William Angus Moore, the musical director, Royal Brantley both on th# staff of West Texas State University— and Raymond Raillard, executive vice president for “TEXAS” are to be present for the auditions. ‘TEXAS,” with a cast of 66. ia a historical musical romance of the Panhandle of the 1880’s. The story is told in dance, pagean try, drama and song. It was writ ten by the Pulitxer prise-winning playwright, Paul Green, with musical arrangements by Isaac Van Grove and has attracted over 125,000 people from all 50 states and 53 foreign countries in its two years of production. It has been on the list of top twenty attractions for two yaars which the National Association of Travel Organisations publishes, ia included in Festivals USA, a listing of suggested entertain ments for foreign visitors, and has woa a community service award from Freedom's Founda tion at Valley Forge. Performances will be every night except Tuesdays from June 29 through Labor Day in the handsome Pioneer Amphitheatre which lies in the Palo Duro Canyon, an inspiring place to work in a wonderful summer climate. THE BATTALION Tuesday, Febraury 27, 1968 College SUtion, Texas * Page 3 Pre- Vet Adopts Family i Girl To Visit Czechs A Texas AAM freshman pro- veterinary medicine major who has no brothers or sisters will “adopt” a Cxechoalovakian family tbit summer. Joanna Chastain, 18, has been selected as one of five AAM par ticipants for the Experiment in International Living. She will be the first girl from AAM in the program. AAM STUDENTS who have been Experimenters toll Jeanne she will make friendships as bind ing as family ties, and as lasting. Her father peesed away seven years ago. Jeanne’s mother is a Texea Transportation Institute stenographer. Mbs Chastain will be a junior ambassadress in the Experiment, a program of international good will baaed on the premise that one beat learns to understand an other people and their culture by living among them as the member of a family. EIL participation usually fol lows the sophomore year, but Miss Chastain will be applying for year-round HaeSea in vet school then. She has a 2.27 grade point ratio, a n Opportunity Awards scholarship and will raceive a 3600 Experiment scholarship. EXPERIMENTERS attend an intensive two . week language school at BratUeboro, Vt., in pre paration for 10 weeks in an as signed country. Students live with a family during the first half and sight-see in groups later. Jeanna was alternate- for a sim ilar high school program con- ducted by the American Field Ser vice and first applied for Den mark. MSC Director J. Wayne Stark convinced her she should apply for Czechoslovakia. "From my library research, Czechoslovakia appears more chal lenging,” the pre-vet major com mented. “Abo, there’s an agri cultural academy at Prague we may get to visit and it’s my life dream to see the Vienna Riding School’s Lippxan horses.” “PART OF the tour will be through Austria, and on our way MARSHA ADAMS Quern Entries Due March 15 The Senior Claas of 1968 notm nations for Cotton Pageant Queen must be in by March 13. Nomina tion forma will be filled out when pictures (portraits 5x7 or larger and a full length shot 3x5 or larger) are submitted to the Stu dent Prtvranwi Office. All pic ture# will be returned. to CxechoeLovakia, we’ll travel through Denmark by train,” Jean na said. v "This won’t be my first flight from the home neat,” the grey- eyed blonde remarked. Her moth er. Mrs. Katherine Chastain, worked in California mx months while Jeanna completed studies at Mac Arthur High in San Aiw tonio. They lived in California, Colorado, Nevada, Arkansas, New Mexico and Arisons. TT ■ ■ « ‘ Jesnna's affection for animals formed the basis of correspon dence with Joy Adams, author of “Born Free,” and led to her ar rival at AAM. “I had intended, to study at Oklahoma AAM, then ere moved to Sen Antonio. I began writing Dr. (Edgar D.) McMurry (vet medicine assistant dean) as a sophomore, sometimes twice a month. I'm afraid I pestered him. but he always replied and helped me get a scholarship and admit tance as an undergraduate,” she pointed out BATTALION CLASSIFIED Political II * Announcement* Subject to action of the Dem ocratic Primary May 4, 19f>8 For Congressman, Sixth Con gressional Dbtrict: OLIN E. TEAGUE (Re-Election) WANT AD RATES Om 4V pet word >4 P*T wor4 rorh ■editional ear Minimum thmr(» S0< Claaoiftee Duplay see par column inch •ach inaortlon DEADLINE 4 p.rn. ear bafora publication FOR RENT COLLEGE HILLS ACROSS FROM ASM COLT COURSE. Fmir room fumulwe eopWi npartmint Ample claaat rpaco ■alMsWa far coupia or two harhnlor ntu- ita. Bilb paM. AdulU only. t?| Phoac -eesi unfa STATE MOTEL, rooms aae kttabao, ear aae weakly rate, aaar tka L'nWctaRjr, t4S- W10. MMa THE BRYAN ARMS APARTMENTS i ‘‘Congenial Living” Saparato Aeull A Family Arena “Ckiieran Welcome" Model Apt*. Opaa For Impact ton Prom lit# • All UUlHiaa Paid lies 8. College Avenue Heel dent Manager • Apt. U Phone m-m« Make Your Deposit Now FOR SALE 11 Mag Pong table tope. value ily earn. Burks Hargrove. S4S-tSP7 Phone UTtfn 10 erne electric Coen Cola boi Originally $SM now only $»6 Burke Hargrove. Phone *“ sss7. srrtfn • metal folding chairs. I7.PS value only $4 each in S lota. Burke Hargrove. ~~ ae S4S-PSS7, S!7tfa 1PM Simca 4-door GT. tl.SM warranty left. S4S-SS0S or S4S-S4M. mi lev M4tS OFFICIAL NOTICE SPECIAL NOTICE Official notice* must arrive ia tbs Office of Student Publication* before deedTlne of 1 p. m. of the day preceding publication. ms. Dodge Coronet R/T 44S positrnction. dbc brakes. CaTstS: SS4U t Roping Saddles. Call ttX-4*M after S. Party record*. Golf-Game. Bud Fletcher album*, Ken Idaho album*. Play-boy maga- •ins*, all kinds Texas Aggie Champion tickers—many other novelty and gag t**m Aerie Den. North Gate (next to Loupot'al open S a. m. till T (even day* reek come *ee u»! MStfn WORK WANTED Typing. S44-StM. SSltfn THE CBADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Todd. Donald Enos Degree: Doctor of Philosophy ia Electrical Engineering Dlmertation: A Method of Interpolation o4 Sample DaU Using Multiple Channels Time: Wednesday February ft. 1*4* at S .00 p. m. Place: Room US. Bolton Hall Wayne C HaU Dean of Graduate Studies i44tl ATTENTION I Personnel and student* af ASM University. See u* before you buy your furniture and appliance needs. Ask •beet the student plan. The store of )4la4hi«4lw furniture—Wood PuraHurv Com- ■peay. SSI North Texas. Telephone Htl- itrf srrtfn LOST White gold Cull H44-4212 after I. Elgin Indies from I . • wrist watch. aad S44-SMI Mitt Applications for degrees are now being accepted In the Registrar's Office from all students who expect to complete their degree reuuirrments by May ISM. Candi dates for advanced degrees must file their applications with both the Registrar's Of fice and the Graduate Dean's Office. The deadline date for filing applications la ! March 1. ISM. MttS Pre-Veterinary Medicine Students Pre-Veterinary medicine students who ex pect to qualify as applicants for admission to the professional curriculum of the College of Veterinary Medicine in Septem ber IMS may secure application fora** in the Regbtrar s Office beginning Maeday. February M. IMS. May 1, IMS Is the deadline for filing applieatioot aad Iran- scripts with the Registrar. MStll StSlfn From North Gate — Doga — male and Melaher *22-0241. Ill tee German Shaprrd fMMM. Call Batty Fir*. Uttfn For BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED "SPRING AWARD SCHOLARSHIPS" Application forms for Spring Award Scbolarehlps assy be obtained from the Student Financial Aid Office. Room SM, YMCA Building during the sssiol rehrusry 12th • March SL ISM. All spnllcatlom must be filed with the Student Financial AM Office by nek 1 later titan »:M p. m. April 1. ISM. Late applications will not be accepted. MlttS Y I C T 0 B I A N APABTMENTS Midway between Bryan S ASM University STUDENTS 1 I Need A Heme JSt Bedroom Far. A Unfur. Pool aad Private Courtyard I MONTHS LEASE 122-Mti 401 Lake St. Apt. 1 CHILD CARE HOME A CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES A SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th 822-2819 Preveterinary Medicine Students All students who expect to register ia pre-rrterlnary medicine for the Spring Semester IMS must have their courses approved by their Academic Advisor. A form signed by the Academic Advisor and listing approved courses must be preernted at registration. Stltfn HELP WANTED TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED * EXCHANGED CtMapleiely GasrmRteed LOWEST PRICES HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION US S Bryns —Bryan— *22-4*74 HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER. *4*0 South College. State Licensed. 0*4*2*. Virginia D. Jomm. R. N. Mtfn ENGINEERING OPPORTUNITIES for Seniors and Graduates in mechanical, aeronautical, * ELECTRICAL. CHEMICAL, CIVIL, MARINE. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, METALLURGY. CERAMICS, MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS, * COMPUTER SCIENCE, ' 1 ENGINEERING SCIENCE. ENGINEERING MECHANICS CAMPUS INTERVIEWS FRIDAY, MAR. 8 r Appointments should be mad« in advance through your College Placement Office Pratt & Whitney R ire raft | mtasuosas OWWTOM O* u»e»*o ».ece»»r COawt CWMCNT UTILIZATION* INCLU row*!... Jo* Alecs AFT, NISSIICS, *P*C( VCMISICS. NA0INC AND INPUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS. - FREIGHT SALVAGE • Brand Name Furniture • Household Applisnce* • Bedding A Office Furniture • Plumbing Fixtures All das utility tagad luma raat by enr regain »rad to full department. C & D SALVAGE CO. 22nd A 8. Taber Sinaia — Bryn GM Lowest Priced Cere 349.79 per mo. With Nonssl Down Payment OPEL KADETT Sellst rom Pontiac • Buick 27M Taxaa Ava. Mth A Parker •22-I2S* * *22.1207 VISIT WEBB’S PLACE AH Kinds Of Books We Trade and Sell Abo Sheet Mimic A Records Next to Low-Ana’s Cafe North Goto • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior ’ Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers Noth Gate 846-5816 AUTO REPAIRS All .Makes Just Say: "Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer LOOKING FOR A NEW CAB FOR ONLY $1767.00 COME TO Hickman Garrett Volkswagen • AUTHORIZED DEALER 1761 So. College Are. 822-9146 TYPEWRITERS Rentab-Babe Service Terms Diatributora For: Royal and Victor Cakulators A Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 999 S. Mala 622-4999 Now Leasing The New Luxurious Trinity Gardens • Two Bedroom, 1 % Beth • Expert Yard Maintenance • Formal LMng and Dining Rooms • All Eloetrk Built-in G. E. Kitchens o Custom Drapes and Carpets • Carrier Central Heating and Air Conditioning • Very Large Privately Fenced Backyards o Washer-Dryer Connections in Gmrago • One Block from Now Elementary School • Attached Garage • Rentals 3159.50 o Children and Pets Welcome. for iafonaation call: 846-2614 or 846 • 6070 Trinity Plnoe A S. W. Cellege Station Parkway ATTENTION Research Professoral Graduate Research : Assistants You may be eligible for special income tax benefits. For this and other tax problems contact Blocker Trant 4015 S. Texas Ave. Phone 846-7842 *2»t4l 1.1 V’>- AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: ‘ 'Calls George Webb Farmera Inaursnce Group 24M S. Catlaga *21 Mil Wanted, two registered nursaa for su pervisor on S to II shift at Madison County II m Sal. Madison, ilia. Taxes. Exeallant Salary. Call collsrt. DI 2-2M1. Mbs Gloria Kira or Mr. B. C. Clark. tMtfa SOSOLIK S TV A RADIO SERVICE Zenith • Color A RAW • TV A Makes - TV - Repairs 713 S. Main ' 822-1941 WE RENT TYPEWRITERS Electric, Manual, A | Portable OTIS MCDONALD’S 42* S. Main — Phona *22-1*2* Bryan. Taxes ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES! Deadline for Ordering Gradua tion Invitations Feb. 29. Order taken from 9-12, 1-4, Mon. - Fit. at the Cashier's Win dow-Memorial Student Center. Classic Wax Cal Custom Accessories Hurst Floor Shifts Enco & Conoco 31 f qt. Amalie & Havoline .. 35f qt. Ws stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings 50% Off Parts Wholesale Too FilterSy Oil, Air - Fuel 10,000 Parts-We Fit 96% of AH Cars - Save 25 - 40% Brake Shoes $2.98 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars Auto trans. oil 25# AC - Champion - Autolito plugs Starters - Generators All 6 Volt - 310 95 Each Most 12 Volt — 3H.95 Each Tires—Low price every day — Just check our price with any other of equal quality. Yeur Friedrich Dealer , Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 B. 25th Bryan. Texas JOE FAULK ’82 21 years in Bryan