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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1968)
':<& 'J* f . - • *,uvA- Pag-e 4 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, February 15, 1968 Latest Viet Callup Depletes Reserves By FRED S. HOFFMAN AP Military Writer WASHINGTON <A>) _ The hur ry-up shipment of another 10,500 combat troops to Vietnam cuts deeper into a strategic reserve of fulltime soldiers which senior military officers say has been dangerously depleted. These officers say privately they believe at least one division should be called up from the Army National Guard to bolster the strategic reserve in the United. States for swift deployment around the world. The question of the call-up of group reserve units is under study and no decision has been reached. But pressure for such a call-up is rising. Military officers in the Penta gon express belief further ground force deployments to Vietnam will be necessary and that the current buildup objective of 525,000 will be raised. This also is under study. A Congress member who de clined to be identified said the dispatch of more troops to Viet nam in addition to the 10,500 would be announced shortly. “They’re already programmed,” he said. Three days after the Viet Cong opened their devastating city of fensive, Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara told news men “we believe that the Ameri can forces there at present are adequate.” In the interim, Gen. William C. Westmoreland sent out a call for more ground troops, in view of that offensive and the continuing North Vietnamese threat to at tack the Khe Sanh stronghold in northwestern South Vietnam. Either McNamara was over ruled or has changed his mind since his Feb. 1 statement that U. S. forces in Vietnam are ade quate. Civilian officials at the Penta gon dispute the idea U. S. mili- IS, VIETNAM SERVICE DECORATIONS Army Lt. Col. Herman E. Schubarth (left) and Capt. Roy L. Taylor were pinned with combat decorations by Col. Jim H. McCoy at Texas A&M University. The commandant presented the Legion of Merit and Air Medals to Colonel Schubarth and the Bronze Star Medal to Captain Taylor. . ; f ' • : -''if tary strength is being stretched perilously thin. They say there are nearly one million men—not counting reservists—in uniform in the United States who could be drawn on for overseas deploy ment. But senior officers argue such numbers are misleading, since a large part of this total is in basic or other training or performing rear-area functions. Key elements of the strategic reserve, these officers say, are the combat-ready regular Army and Marine divisions in the United States. There were 10 such divisions in this country in July 1965 when President Johnson ordered a ma jor build-up of American ground forces in Vietnam. Eight of them were Army divisions, two were Marine. There are four Army divisions in the United States—and one of them is losing a brigade of highly trained paratroopers to the Viet nam war. The Army has begun to form | another division, the Sixth Infan try, at Ft. Campbell, Ky., but this outfit will not be combat- ready for about nine months. After the new deployments to Vietnam, the Marines will be down to a little more than one division in the United States. Marine officers long have urged a call to active duty of the Fourth Marine Division, the Corps’ r serve element. The Marines claim their reserve division and its associated air wing could be ready for deploy ment about 30 days after call-up. This combined ground-air unit totals about 48,000 men. The Army has a 150,000-man force of first-line reservists and guardsmen who for two years have been undergoing extra training and are supposed to be fit for deployment eight weeks after being mustered. Aggie Archer Hits Target With Aero Engineering I AERODYNAMIC ARROW Barry Phillips of Corpus Christi prepares an arrow for airflow tests in the Aerospace Engineering Department’ two by three foot wind tunnel. The Texas A&M senior found that a new fletch shape reduces arrow drag and promises archers more range and accuracy. Read “ " Classifieds A Texas A&M student’s ac curacy with the bow and arrow may improve as the result of his aerospace engineering studies. Barry L. Phillips of Corpus Christi, archer of three years ex perience, used aerodynamics meth ods and a wind tunnel to study improved arrow feather design. Data the senior aerospace en gineering major acquired pro vided sufficient reason to change the fletch design of his arrows. “I’m anxious to try them out on the range,” Phillips remarked. He’s been taking final examina tions the last week. Feathers on the back end of an arrow stabilize the projectile in flight, acting as an airplane rud der to guide it. Extending five- eighths of an inch from the shaft, the three feathers impart spin through a slight twist in mount ing (much like the rifling of a gun barrel) and also resist air passage, called drag in aero par lance. “Origin of and reason behind many archery practices have been lost,” the Brazos Bowmen Field Archery Club member noted. “One such practice is the use of only two basic fletch shapes — shield and parabolic — and the minimum fletch span.” He studied fletch drag and span factors in the Aerospace De partment’s two by three foot subsonic wind tunnel and reported results in a problems course in structed by Prof. Charles A. Rodenberger. In wind tunnel tests of the three fletch designs, he found the Chicks Displayed In NFFA Exhibit the Here chick—there chick. Everywhere chick, chick. Old McDonald had a farm. Well, maybe not a farm. Just 50 baby chicks in Memorial Student Center display window. The chicks are being displayed in observance of National Future Farmers of America Week, Feb. 18-24, Dr. Herman Brown, faculty advisor for A&M’s chapter, said. “My wife dreamed up the idea back in 1959 and thought it would be eye catching,” Dr. Brown said. elliptical shape caused less drag and that feathers could be shorter than the prescribed five-eighths of an inch. “The elliptical shape should give me a little greater range and more accuracy at short distances," the 22-year-old said. TO DETERMINE 170 feet per second arrow velocity with a 53- pound bow, he shot arrows at a timing device manned by Max Adams, department technician, Wind tunnel velocity was matched to give field-condition tests. Phillips, son of a Corpus Christi elementary teacher, said he hopes to get into subsonic aerodynamics work after graduation in May. The son of Mrs. Maxine Phil lips, (5726 Kerry, Corpus) grad uated in the top fifth of the 1963 Carroll High class and attended Del Mar Junior College two years, Phillips’ archery interest has taken him to the Longhorn Club meet in Houston and the state tournament at Corpus Christi. His wife Becky also pulls a bow, “If I ever have the time and money to go hunting and fishing, I’ll have trouble going by myself," he smiled. “Becky loves it.” Play Deck ’0 Money, WIN: , 1.000 $10 Bryan °v9 U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Round Steak it Guaranteed Tender 10 Times Out of 10 ✓ * Mitch Milewskt $20 Bryan U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Top Round Steak u U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Rib Eye Steak u, U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Boneless Sirloin Tip ■.•> U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Swiss Steak u,. U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Porterhouse Steak u>. tenderay! U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Sirloin Steak A Delicious Favorite for the Family! J” TENDMAT CHOICE SEMI-IOHELESS R..<R i riXt T " k " ,,w, ^"‘ rq c ! E-Z Carve Rib Roast beei BrisKei u>. oa j _ , >wonly ><«>*« i U.S. Gov't. Inspected, 100% All Beef j B hot it! Fresh Ground Beet 0,^ J 1 75 j } U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef | “1*7^ tf^mett** English Roast 79' i £=•“ kISS, ! I —r wVfr- .. .*•./ U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Boneless | W At Boston Rolled Roast | MSy to s , ic , * QQcj English Rolled Roast **“ * 98- U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Wafer Thin Breakfast Steak u> $ P THIS COUPON COOO FOR 50 EXTRA TOP VALUE STAMPS tf>t« coueoo Oftd pur*how f J LW ~ (MfO fr+tk •f ) Lto. or mom froth Ground Beef U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Country Club Canned Hams T-Bone 3-Lb. Size Army Officers Get Medals For Heroic Vietnam Service 5-Lb. | Size V fm * 1 1 X X Vietnamese service decorations were awarded two Texas A&M military personnel Wednesday for combat duty in Southeast Asia. Lt. Col. Herman E. Schubarth, recently assigned officer-in charge of the advanced section, Military Science Department, re ceived the Legion of Merit and Air Medal. The Bronze Star was awarded Capt. Roy L. Taylor, assistant adjutant in the commandant’s of fice. Both officers are assistant professors of military science. Colonel Schubarth, 39, was in telligence officer and executive officer of the 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) at An Khe and Bong Son. The former Shreveport high schools PMS was cited for intelligence management and forces consoli dation through the Legion of Merit. A transportation unit com mander, Captain Taylor served with the 529th Transportation Company at Phan Rang and was also operation officer of the 36th Transportation Battalion in Viet nam. The Bronze Star is one of the U. S.’s top four medals fox- combat valor. «%- J- I Serve N' Save "Sll imB t Sliced Bacon * JS . Quality Bacon for Less Money! 4/ li§; 1-Lb. o 8-Ox. O Pkgs. BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans and Conventional Loans 2-Lb. Bag FARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 Call 822-1441 Allow 20 Minutes Carry Out or Eat-In THE PIZZA HUT 2610 Texas Ave. Breakfast Rath Links Whole Hog Neuhoff Sausage Whole Hog Neuhoff Sausage Fancy Meats — Eckridge Smokey Links Eckridge Fancy Smorgas Package Eckridge Fancy German Bologna Fres-Shore Perch or Catfish 99‘ Me—wt— epHlfMe °TMI Kft06IR CO. IMS. Steaks 2-Lb. Pkg. ^ : ' Boston Butt Pork Roast Silver Platter Pork Steaks Country Club Canned Ham Serve 'N Save - \ Thick Sliced Bacon Wafer Sliced Leo’s Meats 3 pv,.. \ Leo's Breast of Turkey or Sliced Chicken Sliced 2 PE#.. 8^ Danola Ham Sliced Danola Ham All Meat Hormel Wieners 1-Lb. Pkg. Silver Platter Boneless \ v A Eckridge Fancy Pure Pork Smoked Sausage VS: Leg 0 Pork Serve your Family the Finest Pork! X Fres-Shore Shrimp Cocktail Fres-Sho Breaded Shrimp Sea Treasure Breaded Shrimp Snacks 3i°» $ r 9 Leon Fresh Horn / 10-0*. Pkg. ■ 2-Lb. Box Sea Treasure Fish Sticks ^ mm***' 3 f& *1°° W B) By How in Saigc on enen body co’ men the cedes t just esl “Whe count, official- mate.” Defer McNam figures be “use caution, just as as exag Militt U. S. c gun in called i of prog Brig- informs recently the U. regular hours 1 Sidle be mad units, e pany-si that tl H SEALD Si Jui BLUE Rl Lon REFRESI Bui ( OAK F. Bull She CHIFFO Ma GE1SH Pin PATIO Tan PI0NI Bis ( 1968.^* prices p (Copyrij