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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1968)
mm . .. ■ u ... ,\ -■■■■•■ • . •' • y. ... I -.r. 1 . ‘ Pag-e 2 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Tuesday, February 6, 1968 No Parking Zone, A Last Resort Amid the new steel, concrete and brick structures on the A&M campus is an odorous beast of our mechanized society. It has become an essential to everybody and everday life. As with many boys, it is a rather promiscuous animal, and now completely overpopulates the scene. It’s your car. The traffic problem in and around A&M has become in creasingly worse. Never have so many driven so much to so few parking spaces, to paraphrase a phrase. Recent parking space additions on the outer perimeter of the campus have already fallen behind the pace. Like a teen-aged boy who has to take his kid sister with him wherever he goes, each student seems to have at least one car with him at college. The result is that adequate traffic control and parking facilities are always a step behind what is required. You could compare the campus to a city, where engi neers have built many fine roads leading to the downtown area but in town leave drivers to fight for available space while caught in a maze of one-way streets and knotted intersections. Students who live on the campus are not necessarily major contributors to the problem. In most cases, a dormitory-residing student will park his car in an assigned lot and leave it there for the week. He is usually within easy walking distance to his classes. It is the ever increasing number of students who live off the campus and must commute to classes who are, through no fault of their own, creating new problems. Add their cars to those of the thousands of faculty and staff members and you have a battleship trying to float in a swimming pool. The College Station Police attempt to alleviate the problem of a tremendous influx and exit of cars at the inter section of College Ave. and Farm Road 60 by supplying an officer at 8 a. m., noon, and 5 p. m. But it is only one intersection in desperate need of traffic control. The North Gate intersection may be one of the worst in the county. Traffic is often stacked up with cars exiting from Houston Street, other attempting to leave the Post Office parking area, and still other autos coming from the Farm Road 60 underpass. MSU Prexy Blasts Campus Demonstrators “The perfect schedule—no class before 10 or after 3, no Monday or Friday classes! It would be nice if I could get in more than six hours, though.” The traffic light there is all-placed and ill-timed Drivers often block the intersection so that those trying to turn cannot. It is hazardous touch-and-go driving. West Gate is another hazard. With cars parked street- side in the new parking lot, a driver must pull his car out into the intersection to be able to see oncoming traffic from the left. And the new four-lane Old College Road is the campus’ western drag strip—a dangerous proposition. As far as parking spaces, more are desperately needed. If that means building lots outside of reasonable walking distance to the center of the campus, then multi-level park ing facilities must be considered. By necessity, the two-ton beast of the highways must be planned for before the 160-pound future student. (AGP)—Campus demonstrators who disrupt speeches and obstruct employment interviews are “whol ly incompatible with the basic tenets of a great university,” University of Michigan President Robben Fleming told Michigan State University graduates at fall commencement, the MSU State News reported. For years, Fleming said, uni versities have fought against re strictions on speakers and on many campuses the fight has been won. “How are we to explain,” he asked, “that while all kinds of speakers may come to the campus, some of them will be so disrupted that their views may not be heard ?” He said some excuse interrup tions on the grounds that there has always been heckling when the speech topic is of emotional interest to the audience. “This may explain, but it does not justi fy,” he said. “For those of us who would defend the right of free inquiry within the university, there cannot be a double stan dard.” Some argue, and with merit, Fleming said, that employment interviews are not an integral part of campus life and therefore should be conducted off campus. “Obstructive tactics, however, are not directed at all interview ing but only at selected interview ing,” he said. “Others, he said, resolve the problem by invoking a ‘higher morality’ to determine who should Battalion Survey Aggies Favor Escalation Of Viet War By CHARLES ROWTON Battalion Editor The “in” thing on this nation’s college and university campuses seems to be demonstrations. Recent protest demonstrations have encompassed such topics as the quality of faculty members, over-emphasis of athletics, sub standard housing for students, campus recruiting visits by repre sentatives of producers of chemi cals used by the military, and recruiting visits by representa tives of the Armed Forces of the United States. But the main, re curring topic has been the ques tion concerning United States in volvement in Vietnam. “PEACENICKS” on the majori ty of college campuses keep things moving at a high pitch. A spirited bunch with a high de gree of “stick-to-it-iveness,” they apparently believe in what they are doing. They would find little following at Texas A&M. Located in Col lege Station, Texas A&M was the first land grant institution es tablished in Texas, opening in 1876. From its small beginning with 40 students, it has grown to a major university with an enroll ment of 12,000 plus. Texas A&M has a strong mili tary background and ranks sec ond only to the military acade mies in the number of graduates who have served as officers in the armed forces. TWO YEARS of military train ing under the R.O.T.C. program was required of all male students who were physically qualified until 1965 when the program be came optional. Present enrollment in the Corps of Cadets is approxi mately 2,500. The situation in Vietnam and the protest movements against the war are thex - efore of primary interest to the students of Texas A&M. A survey was taken to discover the precise opinions of these stu dents. An approximately even number of questionnaires was re turned by both civilian students and members of the Corps. FOUR QUESTIONS were ask ed in the survey: What is your opinion of the United States in volvement in the war in Vietnam; are you in favor of pulling out or escalating; what is your opin ion of the protest movements on this nation’s campuses, and do you think it hurts soldier morale; and how does your opinion on these questions contradict or con firm your religious convictions ? The question concerning the opinions of students about the involvement of the United States in the war in Vietnam was one on which nearly all students in volved in the poll agreed. The consensus of opinion was that because the United States is al ready involved, it must stay there to save face. “I am for the United States intervention in Vietnam” one stu dent said, “because if the U. S. backs down from the Communists at this point, there will be no stopping them from taking over the rest of Asia.” ANOTHER felt that “we must wage war in Vietnam or forget the principles of democracy and freedom for which we stand. The war in Vietnam is a ‘have-to’ case for Americans.” Some harbored resentment to wards President Lyndon B. John son for his “placing the welfare of the Vietnamese above his own countrymen.” Seen as only “a political battle” by some, one individual said “many men are killed in Vietnam each day, yet politicians have to talk while military commanders are kept from employing the necessary force to win the war.” ONE STUDENT summed up the sentiment of all those for involvement in Vietnam. “I believe that the U. S. must fight in Vietnam; our survival as a leading nation depends on this. We promised that we would defend South Vietnam, and many neutral countries are watching us. They feel that if we don’t keep our promise to pi'otect Vietnam, we cannot be trusted at all, and that they would have to become communist to keep their countries intact. Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Burma, Thailand, etc.; all would have to seriously reconsider their foreign policies if we could not be trusted. “Secondly, our fighting has set back the communist plan of con quest more than five years. In the writings of Mao and his Theo ries on Warfare, a timetable for the conquest of all Asia was laid out. As of 1964, this timetable had been set back five years, and a further setback is expected. “THIRDLY, this war is sup posedly a war against aggression. We fought a war in the same area more than 20 years ago against a different enemy, who desired the same thing—the rule of Asia. If we say the Vietnam war is wrong, shouldn’t we consider World War II wrong also?” However, not everyone saw in volvement as right. “From a historical standpoint, it was a mistake to get involved in the first place.” Another wrote “Vietnam is a civil war. It is between the Viet Cong and the government of the south. The U. S. seemingly has no business interfering in a civil war of a foreign country.” Escalation seemed to be the only alternative for all but four of the students surveyed. A “HAWK” attitude was ex- px-essed by one student who de clared “war can result in only one of two choices—victory or defeat. War is a time for battle with victory in mind—not a time for compromise.” Some thought escalation was called for, but not by the U. S. forces. “We should help South Vietnam plan a full scale invasion of Nox-th Vietnam. After all, it is their country and their freedom and I do not feel that escalation by the United States would, in the end, insure a democratic South Viet nam. The United States is com mitted to containment in the south, but the Vietnamese them selves should be the ones to end the war by carrying it to the nox-th.” Withdrawal proponets'were “in favor of a withdrawal of all but a meager occupation force in South Vietnam to show its people that we respect their wishes for self-government, with no foreign military intervention, yet at the same time illustrating our willing ness to assist if a need arises.” TEXAS A&M students agx-eed three-to-one that the protest movements are a definite detri ment to the morale of the U. S. G. I. However, nearly all of them felt it would be an infringement of free speech to Torceably halt these demonstrations. that these near-sighted individu als are attempting to undermine the basic structures upon which the United States was founded, perhaps in an effort to eliminate themselves from having to be confronted with the perils of war. I believe the American soldier realizes this is only a minority movement and that most Amei-i- cans are behind them 100 per cent.” “I am personally kgainst pro test movements and would never participate in one because I think it not only hurts our soldiers’ morale, but also gives our enemies a new hope. Although I realize it is each person’s right to question his government, I feel that these people have forgotten that it is their government and their coun try for which the soldiers in Viet nam are dying.” MOST OF THOSE polled felt that support of the war does not contradict their religious convic tions. Of course, “all monotheistic religions frown upon violence and destruction of human life. How ever I believe God expects no man to live without honor and honor cannot be achieved without the maintenance of your convic tions.” Others called for drafting or jailing of. individuals participat ing in these demonstrations. “The protest movements made by the hippies and so-called “peaceniks” are nearing the bor ders of treason. It appears to me Another individual believed his opinion “confirms my religious convictions. I do not know of any instance where Christ condemned war. Indeed, when Christ knew he was right, he openly attacked the Pharisees who were the top group of the Jewish Church. I consider the war in South Viet nam against the Godless society of communism a war which re ceives open suppox-t from the Church and God.” be allowed to interview. “The trouble with this concept is that it is not at all clear who is to be in charge of judging the dic tates of a higher morality,” Flem ing said. He said the demonstrators fail to recognize the nature of the recruiting process—that a student who signs up for an int< does so as an “exercise of h( vidual judgment.” The right to dissent vanishtj he said, when those who disi with a given kind of employi can tell others that they not exercise individual fn of choice. BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans and Conventional Loans FARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texali Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 NOW OPEN SCHERTLE’S GALLERIES of Bryan Original Oil Paintings 2016 TEXAS AVENUE BRYAN, TEXAS 77801 PHONE 822-431; I Call 822-1441 Allow 20 Minutes Carry Out or Eat-In THE PIZZA HUTl 2610 Texas Ave. 68 — YEAR OF THE ELEPHANT Join The Texas A&M Young Republicans - NOW Drawer B. O. College Station Phone 846-7693 or 846-3195 REGISTRATION AND TEXT BOOKS BREAK YOU! | Then see us; for a personal loan. Take advantage of our prompt, confidential loan service now. UNIVERSITY LOAN COMPANY 317 Patricia (North Gate) College Station, Texas Telephone: 846-8319 COLLEGE DIVISION THE ALLEN ACADEMY Schedule of night classes — Spring 1968. per week beginning February 1, College Credit. Art 131-2 Beginners Art & Drawing .... Monday Acct. 242 - Thursday Alg. 132 College Algebra ... Monday Bio. 141 Zoology Thursday Eng. 131 Composition & Rhetoric Tuesday Eng. 232 English Literature . Monday Govt. 232 State & Local Govt.. History 132, U. S. Hist. (Since 1865) Psy. 132 Introduction to Psy. Typing 131-2 Beginners & Intermediat Typings ig 1968. One night 1968. Transferable Monday $50.00 Thursday 50.00 50.00 ..Thursday 55.00 Tuesday 50.00 Monday 50.00 Tuesday 50.00 Wednesday 50.00 Wednesday 50.00 .Tuesday 50.00 Registration in progress. For further information call Dean Massie or Director of Admissions. 823-0666. Fuller, Elmendorf Tops In AF William G. Fuller Jr. of Poteet and David C. Elmendorf of Hous ton will be honored as Texas A&M’s top sophomore and fresh man Air Force ROTC students. Col. Vernon L. Head, px-ofessor of aerospace studies, announced Fuller and Elmendorf had the best AFROTC course averages for the, fad semester. Fuller, a sophomore pre-law major and Texas Aggie ’ Band member, scored 96 per cent in his AFROTC academic work, tops among 195 cadets, A fi'eshman football offensive and defensive regular, Elmendorf led 440 fresh men with his 97 per cent. Fuller has an Air Force scholar ship, a pilot contract and is active in student affaix-s. He is Flying Kadets treasurer, a junior as sistant scoutmaster and an hon ors program student. He woi-ked on the 13th Student Confex - ence on National Affaii’s and attended YMCA Freshman Camp. Elmendorf also plans to play baseball and made A’s in all his fall semester courses except phy sical education, in which he had a “B”. He is a member of Squad ron 14 in the Corps. LET US ARRANGE YOUR TRAVEL... ANYWHERE IN THE U. S. A. ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD Reservations and Tickets For All Airlines and Steamships — Hotel and "iaV/ Rent Car Reservations Tickets Delivered —Call 822-3737— Robert Halsell Travel Service 1016 South College Avenue Bryan THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use fo, * r ±1 , t 7 rm repubhcation of all news dispatches credited to it or not iJiVC trlOSC OJ the StltdeTlt WVlteVS Ohlly. 1 he otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous Battalion is a non tax-supported non- r^d. of republication of a11 other profit, self-supporting educational enter- Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. prise edited and operated by students as News contributions may be made by telephoning 846-6618 a university and community neivspaper. Fo^dlLus^n^ 4 ’ YMCA Bui,dintr ' Members of the Student Publications Board are: Jim Mail subscriptions are S3.50 per semester; $6 per school Lindsey, chairman; Dr. David Bowers. College of Liberal year; $6.50 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 2% Arts; F. S. White, College of Engineering; Dr. Robert S. sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: Titus. College of Veterinary Medicine; and Hal Taylor, Col- The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA Building, College Station, Texas lege of Agriculture. 77843. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M is EDITOR CHARLES ROWTON SSUKfJS SSSS. Managing Editor : Joh„ Fuller May, and once a week during summer school. News Editor John McCaiTOll — — — —T—WT r: rTT; T~- Sports Editor Gary Sherer sJSSTSK^SS’SSfZStaS'S Editorial Columnist Robert Solovey Francisco. Features Editor Mike Flake — Staff Writers Bob Palmer, John Platcer, MEMBER Mike Wright The Associated Press, Texas Press Association Photographers Russell Autry, Mike Wright PEANUTS fjJadLWlwCT THATs ALL TO DO... YOU JU£T LIE THERE AN0LIE THERE By Charles M. let's not overlook the POSSIBIUTV OF GENIUS! —/T LJLL / - H j Wm™ PICK A CARD,,, ANVCARD;. ■■ Th< nes To< l l B firs scri A& tier be i the and ent uni con scr Te> tiv< clui I the by Gn I api the for ica Pn der tur zer tab prs II ••*. ..--..vvr.v • 1. ■ ■