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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1968)
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Dealer :o Parts Iryan, Texas M ’32 Bryan Play Deck ’0 Money, up U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Porterhouse Steak L b . U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Top Round Steak L b . U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Minute Steak u>. U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Boneless Rump Roast u>. U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Boneless Boston Roiled Roast U, U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Eye 0 Round u>. U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Boneless English Roiled Roast L b U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Boneless Beef Brisket lb U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Rib Eye Steak L b U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Sirloin Strip Steak u. ^ r/; t \ I TW* prottctlv* 4 J rim of fat A 1 roducn cooking of outsld* fat I thrinkago.... ^ Mover more than Vi-Inch Jtside tat favor More tender "heort-of-rooft" Only Kroger I has it! | heort-c loot fo your money Less Cooking i Time Needed! I As easy to slice as a Boneless Roast! TENDERAY 50 EXTRA . TOP VALUE STAMPS [With this coupon and purchase of any 2 Pkgs. of Country Oven COOKIES .Good at Kroger February 1-3, 1968 G A. ii this coupon oood foJ 50 EXTRA TOP VALUE STAMPS ^With this coupon ond purchase of 1 bottle of 24 ct. $1 .19 Size [DRISTAN TABLETS! ^Good at Kroger February 1-3,1 m Blackhawk Rath Smokey Links All Meat Blackhawk Rath Wieners Blackhawk Rath Breakfast Links Country Club or Kwick Krisp Sliced Bacon Fully Cooked Whole Smoked Picnics LARGE TEXAS n 12-Oz. Pkg. 69 c 12-Ox. Pkg. 49 c 8-Oz. Pkgs. $100 1-Lb. Pkg. 69 c Lb. 39 c Country Club Canned Ham 68 3-Lb. Size ORANGES , c. 5( SEASON'S FINEST VINERIPE TOMATOES 12 pIcx 69t 50 SELF-RISING FLOUR fleischmann MARGARINE KROGER ICE CREAM OAK FARMS COTTAGE CHEESE KROGER MANDARIN ORANGES 1 1 LB. PKG. Yi GAL. C.TN. 1 LB. CTN. ge b t r s ig c hte t rT s jam ^ st49j£* STOKELY FROZEN PEAS, CORN, BEANS. MIXED VEGETABLES 2 ^ 89t MORTON FRUIT AND FROZEN T CREAM PIES 3 o. $1 FRESH JUMBO ^ LEMONS 3 ■■ 29( fresh tender * STRAWBERRIES 3>«.u$l SHAVE CREAM FOAMY noz. tarsizE 47 c FRUIT COCKTAIL /ho3 Si CANS ■ SPRAY DEODORANT RIGHT GUARI 4 OZ. $1.00 SIZE /VIENNA SAUSAGE 23( |.r,5,r|m ODORANT austex with beans DIET SEGO VARIETY 4 PACK 59$ VALUABLE COURON PLAIN OR SELF-RISING GOLD MEDAL FLOUR. Sba^ Limit 1 with coupon & $5 or more purchase excluding beer,wine or cigarettes. Cola Flavors Only big K COLA c CHILI 3”., $1 KROGER GARDEN SWEET PEAS5»41 KROGER CHUNK TUNA 4Sk?$1 KLEENEX ASSORTED A DECORATED TOWELS zr 29t Limit 3 Please 28-Oz. Size No Return Btls. GRANT DUTCH HYBRID ^AMARYLLIS 99< GLADIOLAS 8 LARGE BEAUTIFUL IRIS 50 BULBS IN PKG. 99<l THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, February 1, 1968 Page 5 Arkansas Will Dig Up Prison Farm Graves CUMMINS PRISON FARM, Ark. (-3?) — The bodies buried in unmarked graves in a grassy field here apparently are going to be dug up, whether they hold the re mains of paupers or murdered inmates. Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller an nounced Wednesday night that he had recommended that, the State Penitentiary Board consid er having all bodies removed from the unmarked graves and placed in a proper burial ground. He said this could be done in conjunction with a state police investigation that began Tues day, the day after a burly Cum mins inmate led investigators to the field where they dug up skeletons of three men — one headless, one with the skull bashed in and a third with the legs broken. The inmate, Reuben Johnson, 59, claimed that these were the remains of men murdered by “guards and wardens.” He said he had seen “quite a few” men killed, and had helped to bury “10 or 12.” The governor acknowledged that the graves, three or per haps 100 or more in the area, might be those of inmates who died destitute and whose bodies went unclaimed. On the other hand, he said, “We could be on the brink of uncover ing a scandal of untold propor tions.” Rockefeller met Wednesday afternoon with Col. Carl Miller, director of the Arkansas State Police, and Maj. William Strue- bing, who is conducting the in vestigation. Earlier in the day, authorities said the three skeletons found Monday would be sent to the FBI laboratory in Washington for tests that are expected to be con cluded within 10 days to three weeks. Struebing declined further com ment on the investigation, but reiterated that he thought the bones were from an old paupers’ cemetery. International News COPENHAGEN, Denmark OP) —A rowboat and an Arabian horse are among gifts for the wedding Saturday of Danish Princess Benedikte, 23, and German prince Richard Zu-Sayn-Wittgenstein- Berleburg, 32. The boat seating four is from the local parliament of the Danish Faroe islands and the horse for the riding princess is from a Danish circus. KINSHASA, Congo (A*) — A two-man Soviet team from Braz- ziavlle, capital of the former French Congo, visited this side of the Congo River on Tuesday, presumably to make preparations for reopening the Soviet Embas sy in the former Belgian Congo. Ambassadors are to be exchanged soon. RABAT, Morocco (A 1 ) — King Hassan II has invited Japan’s Emperor Hirohito to visit Moroc co and Japanese Ambassador Yukio Hasumi has answered fav orably, officials reported. The date remains to be set. The an nouncement caused surprise in Tokyo, where a palace spokesman said chances are “the slimmest” that the emperor would go. TOGANE, Japan <A>) _ Po lice caught Takeo Suzuki, 51, who admitted he tried to burn down the town hall and said he was responsible for eight other fires. “I did it because they refused to make me an officer of the volun teer fire brigade,” police reported he said. MOSCOW (A*) — The govern ment-controlled Soviet Red Cross and Red Crescent medical soci eties announced they are sending aid including blankets, tents, sur gical instruments and medicines to the Republican side in the Yemeni civil war. Royal Saudi Arabia has accused the Russians of also sending military aid. MEXICO CITY <A>) — Research is being done to determine wheth er two of the Dead Sea Scrolls could be brought to Mexico and exhibited safely as a contribution to the cultural program of the 1968 Olympic Games, Israeli Am-, bassador Shimshon Arab reported. Scientists in Communist China have reported finding parts of a fossilized skull belonging to Sin anthropus pekinensis, or Peking Man. The bones were unearthed at Choukoutien, site of the orig inal discovery of Peking Man near Peking.