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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1968)
Page 2 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, February 1, 1968 Registration Trips The Surest Foot Panel Blames Astronaut Deaths On Complacency Campus Salesmen Must Get Permits The patter of little feet can be heard once more through the hallowed halls of Hart, Leggett, Milner, and Dorm 2. Shod in everything from shower shoes to military shoes to cowboy boots to tenny hoppers, the patter can be detected in every office from architecture to zoology. They are the feet of a mighty army. Some feet will pull hundreds of pounds of clothes, books, cabinets, and bedding to the fourth floor of this semester’s “home” only to be told two days later that it’s the fourth floor of another dorm where they’re supposed to be. Some feet are new. Most feet are very, very old; in fact on their third heel and sole. At the South gate, the feet are assembling six across in marching formation. At the North gate, the motley clad feet are mobbing together. But both have one destination, one path to follow, one course of action to tread — an all-out assault on floors of tacks at Sbisa Dining Hall for registration. Only a week ago those same feet walked across coals set in their path by a cynical group of already callous-poded professors. Those coals burned many. Some will barely walk again. Some will recover after many semesters of physical therapy. And as the cadence goes, those feet “grabbed their ball and grabbed their chain and ran like H— to the nearest train.” Propping feet up on soft footrests and soaking them in warm water helped to heal the many blisters of the fall semester. While the student Body was away, the staff, like a centipede, ran in all directions trying to prepare for the Desenex-protected onslaught to begin Friday. But that mighty army of footwork will in the end be outwitted by the fancy footwork of Sbisa Army Regulars. Their obstacle course could trip a cat. After standing and shuffling for hours, the hundreds of feet will enter upon the red hot floors of another semester, will exit some time later and something poorer from registration, some what hopeful and relieved but already flatfooted. Ky EDWIN B. HAAKINSON Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (A 5 ) — A year long Senate inquiry into the fiery death of three astronauts brought a conclusion Wednesday that “no single person bears all the re sponsibility for the Apollo 204 ac cident.” “Over-confidence and compla cency” resulted from a prior suc cessful series of manned flights in the earlier Mercury and Gemi ni projects, the Senate Space Committee said. BUT THE usually unanimous panel, which supervises the multi billion dollar space program, dif fered sharply in the degree of reprimands for top officials of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the prime contractor for the lunar landing project, North American Aviation, Inc. Thirteen members, led by Chairman Clinton P. Anderson, D-N.M., and Sen. Margaret Chase Smith of Maine, ranking Repub lican, urged that Administrator James E. Webb and other top NASA officials keep Congress fully informed on all its prob lems, including deficiencies of contractors. BUT THREE committeemen, Sens. Walter F. Mondale, D- Minn., Edward W. Brooke, R- Mass., and Charles H. Percy, R- lli., charged both the space agen cy and its prime contractor with failing to keep Congress and the public properly informed prior to the tragedy at Cape Kennedy, Fla., on Jan. 27 of last year. Mondale said the lunar pro ject “was in deep and peripous trouble” before the accident and Congress was unaware of that fact. WHEN CONGRESS learned about a critical NASA report on North American through outside sources, Mondale said, there were “deliberate efforts to mislead committee members and evade legitimate congressional inquiries during an investigation of this- nation’s worst space tragedy.” “NASA’s performance — the evasiveness, the lack of candor, the patronizing attitude exhibit ed toward the Congress, the re fusal to respond fully and forth rightly to legitimate congres sional inquiries, and the solicit ous concern for corporate sensi tiveness at a time of national tragedy—can only produce a loss of congressional and public confi dence in NASA programs,” Mon dale wrote. PEEtCY AND Brooke, in a sep arate statement, said: “We are disturbed at the possibility that, had there been no disaster, im portant shortcomings in man agement, scheduling, design, pro duction arid quality control might never have come to light.” There was no immediate com ment from NASA on the report. North American spokesmen said they wanted to study the report before commenting. Door-to-door salesmen solicit ing on campus must possess a university-issued permit as well as a City of College Station per mit, Texas A&M Security Chief Ed Powell warned this week. Chief Powell said a magazine salesman was apprehended Mon day in the College View-Hensel Apartment area for failure to possess a university permit. The salesman had obtained College Station permit, but sue a document is insufficient form campus activities, the chit stressed. Application for university ptt mits must be submitted to tli office of the dean of student^ Powell added. DO YOU KNOW... The College Career Plan is available exclusively to college students by spe cially trained College Rep resentatives! nmorican ^ Amicable LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY EXECUTIVE OFFICES, WACO.TEXAS Oakwood Professional Bldg. Bryan, Texas VI 6-7963 Nixon May Get GOP Nomination Church Suspends Stubborn Pair By JOHN MORGANTHALER Associated Press Writer NEW YORK <7P) _ Everything points to it: Richard M. Nixon will announce Thursday his can didacy for the Republican presi dential nomination, and leave im mediately on a campaign swing through New Hempshire, Wiscon sin and Oklahoma. The three states afford the first tests of the strength of the form er vice president, leader in all the polls of GOP voters. He car ried all three states in his nar row 1960 loss to John-F. Kennedy for the presidency. NEW HAMPSHIRE’S first-in- the-nation primary is March 12. The Wisconsin primary follows on April 2. Oklahoma holds the first GOP state convention on Feb. 24, to elect delegates to the August Miami Beach convention. A spokesman in Nixon’s New York headquarters said only that he will have a statement on his candidacy, but the campaign schedule left no doubt about its State Pre-Med Group To Meet The Texas A&M Pre-Medical, Pre-Dental Society will holds its annual banquet March 23 at Ag- gieland. Dr. Howard L. Gravett, chair man of the Pre-Medical, Pre- Dental Committee, said a speaker probably will be named within three weeks. Guests of the 130-member so ciety will include representatives from Baylor Medical School, the University of Texas Medical School at Gailveston, and South western Medical School at Dallas. Gravett said a representative also is expected from the new medical college due to open next year in San Antonio. nature. Nixon holds a news conference in Manchester, N. H., on Friday, and on Saturday attends a Man chester reception with his wife and daughters and addresses a Nixon for President dinner in Concord. Nixon’s New Hampshire man ager, State Rep. David Sterling had said he would file the papers in Concord to put Nixon’s name on the ballot. THE ONLY other major candi date on the ballot will be Gov. George Romney of Michigan, who retdrns to New Hampshire Sunday for a third campaign swing. There may be write-in campaigns for Gov. Ronald Rea gan of California and Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York, both noncandidates. Nixon has chartered a jet to fly him from New Hampshire to Wis consin on Monday, where he has set up a news conference, televi sion interview and dinner speech in Green Bay. On Tuesday he will breakfast in Appleton, speak to Wisconsin State University students in Stevens Point, and address a Lincoln Day dinner at St. Mary’s School in Fond du Lac. ON WEDNESDAY he will fly to Oklahoma City, where he will appear on a program with for mer Gov. Henry Bellmon, chair man of the Nixon for President Committee based in Washington. Bellmon is expected to announce soon as a candidate for the Okla homa Senate seat held by Demo crat A. S. Mike Monroney, and step down as Nixon chairman. His replacement hasn’t been de cided. Sen. John G. Tower, R- Tex., has been considered, and might be cochairman along with the more liberal former Rep. Rob ert C. Ellsworth, 41, of Kansas, new executive director of the Nixon for President Committee. IOWA CITY, tff*) — A church court found a professor and his wife guilty of “disrupting the peace and unity” of Iowa City’s century-old First Presbyterian Church Wednesday and suspended them indefinitely from member ship. The four clergymen and three laymen, of a special commission sitting as judge and jury con victed Prof. Joseph E. Baker, 62, and his wife, Matilda, of charges that they disrupted the congrega tion with their campaign to pre vent the 112-year-old brick church from being torn down to make way for a new one. Baker immediately served no tice of appeal to the Iowa Pres byterian Synod. The judgment of the commis sion bars the Bakers from hold ing membership, church office or receiving communion. It specifies that they may be reconsidered for membership after a sufficient showing of “repentance.” Baker, an English professor at the University of Iowa, said it was strange to him to be judged by “a court that does not allow the defendant time to offer his defense, nor to be tried by a jury of his peers, nor to have an impartial judge.” An imaginary line connecting Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico encompasses about 440,000 square miles of open sea called the Ber muda Triangle. Though many ships and planes travel the tri angle each day without mishap, an unusual number have vanished there without a trace. FINAL MAKE - UP EL ZARAPE RESTAURANT Pictures For 1968 Aggieland Specializing In Mexican Food Hours open Tues. thru Sat. All Seniors and 4 - 9 p. m. and Sun. 11 - 9 p. m. Graduate Students Mr. & Mrs. Bee Thru Feb. 17. Three Tostodas Conqueso With Meals University Studio 311" McArthur Street College Station, Texas A Must for the Graduating Student This book could be the most profitable investment in your life. “Getting THE Job” and “Getting Ahead” A frank, meaty handbook for finding and getting the job you want — for advancing your ca reer. Take the guesswork and confusion out of your job-search ing and decision-making. Writ ten especially for graduating students. Order your copy to day. Just $2.00 Cash with order, please. No C.O.D.’s. Order from: S. Bahnsen 2602 Kent Rd. Columbus, Ohio 43221 THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported non profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community neivspaper. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use foi cat ise pu matter herein are also reserved. le ublication of all news dispatches credited credited in the paper and local news of spontaneoi blished herein. Rights of republication of all oth rep otherwise origin to it or not ws of spontaneous Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. Members of the Student Publications Board are: Jim Lindsey, chairman ; Dr. David Bowers, College of Liberal Arts ; F. S. White, College of Engineering; Dr. Robert S. Titus, College of Veterinary Medicine; and Hal Taylor, Col lege of Agriculture. News contributions may be made by telephoni or 846-4910 or at the editorial office. Room 4, YMC For advertising or delivery call 846-6415. ng 846-6618 3A Building. The published in College Station, Texas daily except Saturday. Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, September through May, and once a week during summer school. Battalion, a s udent newspaper at Texas A&M is 1 in College Station, Texas daily except Saturda Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester; $6 per school ull year. All subscriptions subject sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA Building, College Station, Texas year; $6.50 sales pe Ad' to 2% Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association EDITOR CHARLES ROWTON Managing Editor John Fuller News Editor John McCarroll Sports Editor Gary Sherer Staff Writers Bob Palmer, John Platzer Editorial Columnist Robert Solovey Photographer Mike Wright I s Atmosphere for Achievement If you are contemplating a career in aerospace, your next ten years are critical ones. 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AND U)HEN YXJ m UP, TjO probably (DON'T UNDERSTAND DOMEN i I SOMEH00), I THINK Y l'A1 That's Very funnv.J hysterical I WOULP HAVE MADE A COOP SCHOOL PRINCIPAL! OKAY, I'M READY...THR00) ME THE HOCKEY BALL! Wolf Brand BEEF Wolf CHILI Iceberg LETTl Vine Ripe TOMA Washington DELC Fresh FLOR Swift’s Pr Hi SIRLC T-BOI PIKE* urn DAIR A. F. SL