Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1967)
* - -yvvv 1, IS? Auto Trusts Eyed s WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department said today it has been conducting an anti trust investigation into the auto mobile industry for many years jut no decision has been made s to whether any action should je taken. The department made the com ments in a one-paragraph State ment related to a Wall Street Journal story which said the de partment has in its files material 'or an antitrust suit aimed at jreaking up General Motors, the world’s largest industrial corpor ation. The statement said “the legal and factual issues under consid eration are difficult and complex. Neither the antitrust division nor the Department of Justice has made any decision as to what action or actions, if any, should be taken.” The Wall Street Journal dis patch from Washington by Louis M. Kohlmeier, says the “paper bomb . . . consists of 104 neatly typed pages all in formal shape for presentation to a federal court.” Profs Attend Meet Two professors from Texas A&M will attend a national edu cation conference on teaching ag ronomy in Washington, D.C., November 3-4th. Drs. J. F. Mills and R. D. Sta ten, both members of the Texas A&M Soils and Crop Scien ces Department, will attend sever al symposium-type meetings deal ing with necessary changes for the future in teaching agronomy. THE BATTALION Wednesday, November 1, 1967 College Station, Texas Page 3 Job Calls ATTENTION ! ! ALL CLUBS Athletic, Hometown, Professional and Campus Organizations. Pictures for the club sections of the Aggieland are now being scheduled at the Student Publications Office, Y.M.C.A. Building. PROTECTIVE HEADGEAR REQUIRED BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1968—All motorcyclists and their passengers will be required by law to wear safety approved headgear whenever riding a motorcycle after the first of January. Headgear meet ing Texas Department of Public Safety standards must bear a manufacturer’s iden tification sticker on the back and reflective material on the sides (as shown in the photographs). A list of approved headgear may be seen at any police department, sheriff’s office, Department of Public Safety office^ or stores retailing motorcycle headgear. VC Harass Inauguration By GEORGE MCARTHUR SAIGON (AP) — In time of peace it could have been a fix - e- works display to amuse Presi dent Nguyen Van Thieu, Vice President Hubert H. Humphery and 2,000 other guests at the in augural reception. But this is a time of war—and BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES i d»y per • • 4* P ch additional day word imum charge—50< Classified Displa FOR SALE BY OWNER ! Lot 70 x 100 et on 26th Street in Bryan near schools, lone 846-6669. 489tfn wo; Minir Classified Display 90f per column inch each insertion DEADLINE p.m. day before publication FOR SALE Dressy semi-formal, size 7. Call 846-6694. 493t4 Electric base guitar and ampl on 308 like new. $85. 846-43 lifier. Kir [owner leaving town must 6LL1 Three bedroom home central air id heat. One of the most beautifully land- aped lots in Brazos County. Phone 846- >69. 489tfn 65 Honda 306 Dream. Low mileage A-l . $325. 486tfn HELP WANTED Wear and sell Sarah Coventry Jewelry, til 846-2481. 495t3 Servicemen wanted for T. V., radio and “ ‘ dity repa' V. 822-4862. -fidelity repair. Call Bryan Radio and 475tfn Wanted, two registered nurses for au- rvisor on 3 to 11 shift at Madison County gspital, Madisonville, Texas. Excellent lary. Call collect, DI 8-2631, Miss Gloria ice or Mr. E. G. Clark. 465tfn WANTED ,— ftider wanted. From New York to Texas, aving before Thanksgiving. Indy Holdridge, Milner 37. Contact 495tl lypewriter wanted, used, elite-type, por- 6le. Phone 846-5410, Ext. 20, weekday thts or address Box 2415. 494t3 SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes - TV - Repaired 713 S. Main 822-1941 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 COME FLY WITH US • FLIGHT INSTRUCTION • RENTALS • FREE TIE DOWNS • CHARTER SERVICE • MAINTENANCE CESSNA 150’s 172 J-3 CUB TWIN APACHE See Us About Special Summer Rates For Learning To Fly BRYAN AERO, INC. Highway 21 E. Coulter Field Phone 823-8640 — Bryan, Tex. Enco, Amalie, Conoco 31c qt. We stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings 50% Off Parts Wholesale Too Filters, Oil, Air - Fuel 10,000 Parts - We Fit 96% of All Cars - Save 25 - 40% Brake Shoes $2.98 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars Auto trans. oil 25 AC - Champion - Autolite plugs Starters - Generators All 6 Volt — $10.95 Each Most 12 Volt — $11.95 Each Tires—Low price every day — Just check our price with any other of equal quality. Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 21 years in Bryan CHILD CARE Chilu care all ag«a. 846-8151. HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER, 3406 South College, State Licensed. 123-8626. Virginia D. Jones. R. N. 99tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Coin operated electric typewriters avail able for use in Memorial Student Center. Cost 10c for 20 minutes, 26c for 1 hour. Located in Room B of sound proof piano practice rooms on lower level of MSC. Check out key at main desk. 460tfn WORK WANTED Will do typing, all kinds, reasonable rate, will require neat handwriting and ample time. Call 822-7669 after 5 :30 p. m. 49412 Typing C-17-B College View. 846-5416. 491tfn OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Offii of Student Publications before deadline 1 p. m. of the day preceding publicatii ice of THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Choudhury, Mortuza Ahmed Degree: Ph.D. in Plant Breeding tv, . - I tic; Dissertation : Studies on the Morphological Characteristics Which May Influence Mutual Shading and Utilization of Sun light By Rice Plants. Time: Thursday, November 2, 1967 3 :00 p. m. Pla Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies P. Place: Room 303, Plant Sciences Building 493t3 in Civil THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: McMickle, Ralph Wayne Degree: Doctor of Philosophy Engineering Dissertation: Numerical Analysis of Slen der Beanms Under Dynamic Loads Time: Thursday, November 2, 1967 at 3 :30 p. m. Place: Room 201-A, Petroleum Engineering Bldg. Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies 492t4 GM Lowest Priced Cars $49.79 per mo. With Normal Down Payment OPEL KADETT Sellstrom Pontiac - Buick 2700 Texas Ave. 822-1336 26th & Parker 822-1307 OTIS MCDONALD’S Typewriters • Adding Machines • Cal- lators • Cash Registers • Elect static Dry Copiers ervire • • Electro- Sales • Service • Rentals Norelco dictating equipment 429 South Main Street • Phone 822-1328 Bryan, Texas 77802 Personal Loans Build Your Credit For Future Use From $10 to $100 On Your Signature UNIVERSITY LOAN CO. 317 Patricia — North Gate College Station, Texas Tel: 846-8319 FOR RENT Three room apartment, bus, excellent neighborhood, bills not paid. Call early or late. 822-6888. ■ly or 91tfn Comfortable room, air-conditioned, out side door, adjoining bath shared with one. Reasonable. Near bus line. Call early or late 822-6888. 486tfn STATE MOTEL, rooms and kitchen, day and weekly rate, near the University, 846- 6410. 262tfn THE BRYAN ARMS APARTMENTS “Congenial Living’’ Separate Adult & Family Areas “Children Welcome’' Model Apts. Open For Inspection From $120 - All Utilities Paid 1602 S. College Avenue Resident Manager - Apt. 65 Phone 823-4250 Make Your Deposit Now 365tfn PARTMENTS •ray between Bryan & A&M University STUDENTS!! Need A Summer Home 1 & 2 Bedroom Fur. & Unfur. Pool and Private Courtyard 3 MONTHS LEASE 822-2035 401 Lake St. Apt. 1 TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th 822-2819 TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION 118 S. Bryan —Bryan— 822-6874 FREIGHT SALVAGE • Brand Name Furniture • Household Appliances • Bedding ^ Office Furniture • Plumbing Fixtures All damaged items res utility by our repairs stored to full department. C & D SALVAGE CO. 32nd & S. Tabor Streets — Bryan TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 STAMP IT! IT'S THE RAGE REGULAR MODEL ANY ffi 3 LINE TEXT d The finest INDESTRUCTIBLE METAL POCKET RUBBER STAMP. Vz" * 2"- Send check or money order. Be sure to include your Zip Code. No postage or handling charges. Add sales tax. Prompt shipment. Satisfaction Guarantaed THE MORP CO. P. O. Box 18623 Lenox Square Station ATLANTA, GA., 30326 • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5810 AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer it was the real thing. Viet Cong mortars landing just 150 yards from the brightly lighted ball room caused the sharp explosions and the flashes in the night sky. The blasts brought a sudden halt to the conversations. But the band kept playing an Ameri can tune without missing a note. It was 7:35 p.m. Humphrey in a natty dinner jacket with embroid ered lapels, had just entered the glowing ballroom of South Viet nam’s Independence Palace for a reception honoring the nation’s newly inaugurated president. With U. S. Ambassador Ells worth Bunker, Humphery moved across the red-flowered carpet toward the center of the guests. Three sharp explosions rever- breated at that moment. Outside the southern windows, the night sky lit up, three times in quick succession. Humphrey paused in a conver sation with Bunker, then calmly resumed the chat. Gen. William C. Westmoreland, the U. S. com mander in Vietnam, glanced at the windows, his hands behind his back in pensive pose, then also resumed his conversation. “Those are probably mortar shells,” a correspondent said to Humphrey. And Humphrey re plied: “I gather they might be.” In seconds the gala reception given by Thieu was as gay as before. Only outside was the dam age apparent. With the new president was Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky. Besides Westmoreland, and Bunk er, the commander of the U. S. Air Force in Vietnam, Gen. Wil liam Momyer, was present with most of his top staff. Humphrey’s calm was typical of an extraordinary evening. There was not one slight feminine shriek of panic as the shells ex ploded and the windows rattled. As calmly as though nothing had happened, a muted loudspeak er soon announced that the state dinner would begin at 8:00 p.m. Westmoreland, in a white uni form and his full array of med als, made a professional obser vation on the shelling. “I thought they sounded like 75mm recoilless rifle rounds,” he said. A&M Grads Serve On Vietnam Tours Texas A&M graduates of 1965 and 1966 have received U. S. Army assignments in Vietnam. First Lt. Mario A. Macaluso of San Antonio was assigned to an advisory team of the Viet namese Army’s III Corps. A 1966 graduate, 2nd Lt. Reginald D. Newton of Beaumont went to the 12 4 t t h Ti-^nsportatiqp Campariy near Cat Lai. Both were commis sioned at A&M. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Amerada Petroleum Corpora tion : Mechanical Engineering (B,M), Petroleum Engineering (B,M,) Also, summer employment for Freshman, Sophomores, Jun iors, Seniors, Graduate Students. Lone Star Gas Company: Chem ical Engineering (BS), Electri cal Engineering (BS), Geology (B,M,), Industrial Engineering - (BS), Mechanical Engineering ( B S ) , Petroleum Engineering (B) Lone Star Producing Com pany : Petroleum Engineering (B) J. C. Penney Company, Inc: Accounting, Finance, Manage- ment, Marketing, Data Process ing. Standard Oil Company of Cali fornia and Chevron Research Company: Chemical Engineering (B,M,D), Electrical Engineering (B,M,), Mechanical Engineering ( B , M ) , Petroleum Engineering (B,M,D) Texas Water Development Board: Civil Engineering, Geo logy. LTV Aerospace Corporation: Aerospace Engineering (B,M,D), Civil Engineering (B,M,D), Elec trical Engineering (B,M,D), In dustrial Engineering (B,M,D), Mechanical Engineering (B,M,D), Computer Science (B,M,D). Phillips Petroleum Company: Chemical Engineering (B,M,D), Electrical Engineering- (B,M,D), Mechanical Engineering (B,M,D), Civil Engineering (B,M) Indus trial Engineering (B,M), Archi tectural Engineering (B,M), Phy sics (M,D), Nuclear Engineering (M,D), Chemistry (M,D), Pet roleum Engineering (B,M), MBA with Technical Undergraduate De gree. ACCOUNTING ( B B A,- MBA), Finance (B,M), Geology (B,M), Geophysics (B,M), Geo logical Engineering (B,M). Shell Companies: Architectural Engineering (B,M), Chemical En gineering (B,M,D), Civil Engine ering (B,M), Electrical Engineer ing (B,M), Chemistry (B,M,D), Mechanical Engineering- (B,M,D), Petroleum Engineering (B,M,D), Geophysics (B,M), Geology (D), Geological Engineering (B,M), Oceanography (D), Agricultural Economics, Biochemistry & Bio physics, Entomology, Plant Path ology, Plant Physiology, Horti culture, Agronomy, Accounting, Finance, Economics, Data Pro cessing, Statistics, Marketing, Computer Science. THURSDAY Baylor University College of Medicine: Biology (B,M), Chemis try (B,M), Computer Science (B,- M), Biochemistry (B,M), Zoology (B,M), Mathematics (B,M), Phy sics (B,M) Worthington Corporation: Che mical Engineering, Civil Engine ering-, Electrical Engineering, In dustrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering. THURSDAY & FRIDAY Ford Motor Company: Archi tectural Engineering (B,M), Elec trical Engineering (B,M), Indus trial Engineering (B,M), Econom ics (B,M), Finance (B,M), Mathe matics (B,M) SPECIAL DINE, DANCE and SING ALONG with the “SOUND of the BRAZOS” WEDNESDAY 8-11:45 FRANKLIN’S located between A&M and airport on Fm Rd. 60 Open 4 p.m. - midnight Mon.-Fri. Saturday 'til 1 Be sure to stop by after an evening at U-HIT-M Range Now Open! Aggie Den Billiards & Pinball Open 7 Days A Week Until Midnight (Next to Loupot’s) North Gate • OI il ii \ ‘ : -• I ilif?: '.t jni ,!■ v i ■ • , V- CAREER EMPLOYMENT INTERVIEWS FOR SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS - DECEMBER 27th and 28th, 1967 As a free service to you, the Dallas Chamber of Commerce has arranged for more than 100 employers to be available . . . under one roof . . . for career interviews during two of your Christmas holidays. These aggressive firms need top calibre men and women from all fields. Be cause many do not interview on your campus, this is a unique opportunity for you. You will be able to discuss with these many firms the career opportunities available to you in Dallas after graduation. Join in and make your Christmas vacation count. Clip the coupon below and mail it today. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY ... Register by November 10th to be able to select schedule of interviews Job Interviews will be held Dec. 27th and 28th at The Apparel Mart in Dallas, 2300 Stemmons Freeway Because Dallas . . . has had the fastest growth rate of any major metropolitan area during the ’60s, . . . leads the Southwest in wholesale sales, volume of banking business, number of headquartered com panies worth $1 million or more, ... is the nation’s third largest insur ance center and convention center, . . . provides cultural stimulation in a cosmopolitan and inviting environ ment . . . . . . because of these factors and others, Dallas' businesses offer you the opportunities to grow ... and go. Here’s why: Dallas Metro Area had a net increase of 29,470 new em ployees in its work force during the past 12 months. Objective forecasts say there will be at least 25,000 new jobs to be filled in metro Dallas every year through 1970. You can become an integral part of Dynamic Dallas, a city on the move. Sign up for the Operation Native Sons and Daughters career employment interviews, NOW. DALLAS IS REALLY ON THE GO! EMPLOYMENT INCREASED 29,470 DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS YOUR FUTURE IS IN DALLAS! OPERATION NATIVE SONS AND DAUGHTERS Dallas Chamber of Commerce Fidelity Union Tower Bldg. Dallas, Texas 75201 Please mail information to: Name Address. City- Register by November 10 to be able to select your schedule of interviews. 663756