Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1967)
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Reg. $1.15 ^>I?T(TES GOOD THUR. ■ FRI. - SAT.^ Value With Mailer Coupon 50c SEPT- 28 « 20 ■ BO* Off we BLEACH GIVE Clorox Half Gallon Chunk III CLEANSER Starkist Cans Maxwell House-Maryland Club or Folgers Comet Regular 2fi Off WEST-PAC FROZEN VEGETABLES • Mixed Vegetables • £ ut Gre *" B « ans 1%-Lb. • Corn - Carrots “ • Green Peas 3 Pkgs. Gladiola Maxwell House 10-Oz $1.29 6-Oz. m FLOUR GIVE -*^ FFEE Cackleberry j mmsy LARGE EGGS -“•"'47' WIS or Whole GIVE LIBBY’S GREEN BEANS .... J “ $1 Cream Style or Whole Kernel LIBBY’S GOLDEN CORN 5 No 303 $1 Libby’s GARDEN SWEET PEAS 4 No 303 $1 WE Sliced or Halves, iellow Cling COFFEE Your Choice LIMIT ONLY ONE POUND WITH PURCHASE $5.00 OR MORE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES & BEER jM OnKKMI GIVE LIBBY’S PEACHES 3 No c. 2 * 89c Morton Frozen DINNERS 89 c Quantity Rights Reserved 2 ll-Oz. Size Milk A. F. Brand 2% Homo Gal. Ctn. 69 Kraft, COTTAGE CHEESE 1-Lb. . Ctn. Rath’s Rath’s, All Meat GIVE SMOKIES n o, 69c FRANKS 33c RAPID SHAVE R £49c Breck 12-Oz. (Ush SHAMPOO Reg. 65^ 39c Norwick ASPIRIN ioo ct. c%r Reg. 49^ mDC WE GIVE Chuck Steak or (Baby Beef) — CHUCK ROAST WE GIVE Baby Beef T-Bone STEAK U.S.D.A. Grade ‘A’ WE GIVE FRYERS Whole A. F. Brand Sliced Bacon ,> 59 Lettuce 2 Hds. 29 c Seedless, White Grapes Lb. 19 c Golden, Delicious Texas Lb 19 c 2 Lbs 29 c Fresh Cabbage Lb. 7 C WE GIVE Limit 12 Bottles With Other Purchases Excluding Cigarettes & Beer '"•“"“""SSSS! LOW PRICES ; plus GREEN STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE OF $10.00 OR MORE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES AND BEER ORR’S SUPER MKT. /I < =82 COUPON EXPIRES Jf C= ^2 SAT. SEPT. 30 L m PLUS GREEN STAMPS 2 Convenient Locations * Downtown 200 E. 24th St. * Ridgecrest 3516 Texas Ave. THE BATTALION Thursday, September 28,1967 College Station, Texas Pagell Ponies Searcli High And Lov For Sound ()! DALLAS. (A 9 )—Just hint ttai you once played a down at qua. terback and you’ll be on Southern Methodist Universitj football team with ankle wrapps and knees braced in a matter ti seconds. Quarterbacks with sound lip are what Coach Hayden Fq j s ne needs most as he thinks back week, recalls all the fuss aj flurry his team and sub quarter back, Ines Perez, caused with tig gripping 20-17 victory over Tem A&M on national television. Then he compares it with tli week when the aftermath of th 21-0 defeat by Missouri is a thit| to try one’s soul. Mike Livingston, the startiq quarterback, went out with torn ligament in his right kia and didn’t play at all the las half in the Aggie game Perez, the 5-4 marvel, stepped i fo r the and passed Southern Methodisth victory with only four seconi August. left. Then last week Perez startd the game against Missouri, hi met Cle\ completed six of nine passes fi 140 yards when a couple of lii» men weighing a combined IS pounds or so hit him as he *« trying to pivot. He got a jammet right knee and strained tendon in the foot. Perez had to keep his foot a a water bucket while on tin bench and by the end of the gant that wasn’t doing much good. So Fry is looking for quarto' backs while comparing the sib ation with 1964 when he hadthra injured signal callers and re only one game. “We hope Livingston can t« Detroit back by the time of the Minnesdi game. SMU has this week oil but meets Minnesota Oct. 7, tot have no assurance that he wil be,” said Fry sadly. “He Perez have the type of injoil that could persist all season. 1 Fry has turned to Eddie Vak dez, a junior college transfer; Eol Floyd, a sophomore who plapei some at quarterback in school but is noted more for to defense, and Chuck Hixson, i sophomore who can pass. All virtually untried but they’ll hi! to carry on with Fry hoping J luck holds up better than it di in 1964. All is dark on the Hilltop at Fry is thinking about how mac difference one week can makei this exciting but erratic games football. Chic earlier tl jng a As. i race fail* St. Paul, The involved race in i last deca staged tl runaway This nals ran group. 1 year has bums, th Beet race has The June then wit Last Finley’s off. All as they < As i elad wit! sticky! Detr third pla cause th Sox. He blown th game an' It m sota’s ho politan S last two Sox host finishing Yest of their \ as their were hot Angels \ This the Twii crown or Southwest Texas Has Top Offense NACOGDOCHES. GT)-Soutl west Texas and Howard Pa; players lead all the individui football statistics in the Lonl Star Conference after two w of the season. Jesse Perkins of Southwell Texas leads in total offense witl 312 yards and in passing withSDl yards after two games. Howafl Payne’s James Harris is the to rusher with 198 yards in M games. He also is the scorins leader wtih 30 points. Cliff Mitchell of Southwell Texas has caught the most passe! nine for 97 yards, and Jam® Williamson of Howard Payne i first in punting, averaging ^ yards on 13 kicks. In team statistics, East TexH leads in total offense with 381 yards a game and in rushial offense wtih 242 yards. Sul P is the passing leader, complete 52 per cent of its tosses for a 1 average of 155 yards a game. On defense McMurry has hell two opponents to an average -43 yards total offense per gato while Southwest Texas has yidj ed only 16 yards in rushing N two teams. SIX EX-SPARTANS COACfl EAST LANSING, Mich. (API -- The addition of two form* 1 Michigan State players on fy Daugherty’s coaching stall brings to six the number of fa r mer Spartans who are coachim on the campus. Dave Smith, an end in the eatll 50s, is now assistant backfie! 1 coach. George Perles, a S tat lineman 10 years ago, was add# to the staff during the summer- Other ex-Spartans on Duff/* staff are Henry Bullough, defe® sive line; Gordon Serr, offensi# line; A1 Dorow, offensive back field, and Vince Carillot, defe®' sive backfield. Daugherty’s other two aid# are end coach Cal Stoll, out ®1 Minnesota, and Ed Rutherfo® from Wayne State.