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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1967)
Page 4 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, June 1, 1967 Library Reaches ‘Topping’ Stage Texas A&M officials and the Temple Associates construction superintendent, Harvey J. Thig pen, “topped out” the new $3.5 Cushing Library addition re cently. graduate college; Dr. James Dyke, library director; Thigpert; A&M’s building inspector, M. B. Akers, and Presidential assistant Ed Cooper. A small cedar tree was placed on the penthouse roof, 70 feet above the first floor which will be the highest point of the struc ture. The penthouse atop the four- floor structure will house works for one of three elevators and air conditioning equipment. S anders Winner Of Purina Award Attending the 3,000-year-old ceremony were President Earl Rudder; Academic Vice President Dr. Wayne C. Hall; Dr. Haskell Monroe, assistant dean of the The topping out a blend of superstition and horseplay that is supposed to protect a new build ing from demons, follows that point in construction at which the edifice reaches its highest point. LIBRARY HIGH POINT MARKED Cushing Library construction has reached its highest elevation, a situation celebrated by a “topping out” ceremony. Attending the brief event, involving placing a small cedar tree o nthe 70-foot-high penthouse roof, are (from left) Texas A&M building inspector M. B. Akers, Harvey J. Thigpen, Temple Association construction superintendent; Aca- dent Vice President Wayne C. Hall, President Earl Rudder and Dr. James Dyke, library director. James Q. Sanders of Beeville, animal science major at Texas A&M, is the winner of Ralston Purina Company’s Danforth Award for Agricultural College Seniors. James received the honor in recognition of his high academic standing, activities and leader ship. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Olin Sanders of Wofford Lane in Beeville. The student will spend two weeks this summer studying busi ness operations of Purina Com pany headquarters in St. Louis, Mo. He will spend another two weeks at the American Youth Foundation Camp in Michigan where he will broaden his experi ences and learn leadership at/ decision making. The award, named for d Purina Company’s founder, liam H. Danforth, is direclj toward land-grant schools in ta : ; state. A&M is Texas’ land-gta; university. Sanders has won nuinero; awards and honors while at Tea.; A&M. He is a member of tit meat and livestock judgit; teams, Saddle and Sirloin Qii and Alpha Zeta, Phi Eta Sigm and Phi Kappa Phi honoran fraternities. The student has an overi grade point ratio of 2.77, wl® means that his grades are most) A’s. Mesivtmavx PicmrP/m/vs EVERY BAY LOW PRICES... GOLD BONDSIPMRS.. X*TFHS5g PRICKS GOOD* THURS- FRI f SAT, JUNE l-Z<3 '(*1. 9 ARE YOU A MEMBER YET? he /COUPON CUPPERs' CLUB SAVER! I ima cuvjrun nun in lOOFm GOLD BOV , with <SBac*ey purchase * > IO°s OR NC*E expiues: JUNE 3, 1967 - V <>UR AIOUIARIY K ARMED 1AVINO »TA STAMPS I I I I I mkoahv CLUB r—- 1 In n T p )&Ln\ cor C. ed. I P lifc “bru • PIGC5LY WI<5(3LY QUALITY M6AT5 was. .f GOLD BOND STAMPS ss GRADE “A” HEART O’ TEXAS Here’s a Shopper’s Bonus worth EXTRA GOLD BOND Stamps gvlvhvp Yes, you can get your share of thousands of Extra and Bonus GOLD BOND Stamps simply by redeeming the coupons from our special COUPON CLIPPERS CLUB Booklet each week. You receive Extra GOLD BOND Stamps by redeeming coupons with a $5. or more purchase during the weeks indicated. You receive Bonus GOLD BOND Stamps simply by having the weekly visit squares punched in your Coupon Booklet. Be sure to redeem your coupons every week for GOLD BOND Stamps! redeem M WBEK COUPON Non, Wand 01 ! * Co® cut vp 6 * 29* LIMIT OHS WITH <* SMCERY PURCHASE Excluding Beer & Cigarettes £ 1 • v V 4 '?/£ Cru . 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Wise HU TER Sumn Tvv, with home nome. 4485 AflUANET VITAUS AIW«EAM.« t ^104 59 4 PUffVlS nmei 79 f AtRO SHAVE % ms 82. OEARASILSTKX LYSOL G6# AQUAVaVA S/ZE .RFG VBf 59^ REG. 79c HAWUXJOH MEX5MNA.. 79# Geers’. 49# LAVCRIS 63c RUPENT . JERGENT 2V.OZ. 45 c f?EG HEAT . fWPER reg. 49c .^7 xs.saf 49 ^ .«r«»6H49# WWPEP. zo • WPGE kk79^ OVC ^TO?RE HOUJ2.S 8AM+0 8PM MILY smmmftmMeiBtismm Service 4 Satisfaction Guaranteed THUS UK-tt EcSEMAW BRfAN< C6UE6E SWkHIB K] 3 Hi lie We Wh Pf Fi 10 96 25 Br Am AC Tir, Jus oth;