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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1967)
THE BATTALION I Thursday, February 23, 1967 Page 8 College Station, Texas Southern Illinois Still Top College By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Southern Illinois won two more games last week and remained well entrenched at the top of the small-college basketball Top Ten. The Salukis, in the latest As sociated Press poll announced Wednesday, received a total of 138 points for 116 for runner-up Kentucky Wesleyan. The leaders beat Washington, Mo., and Northern Michigan last week for a 17-2 record. Kentucky Wesleyan increased its record to 18-1 by defeating Kentucky State, Northern Mich igan and Chattanooga. Only one other team below the first two remained in the same position last week. That’s fifth- ranked Indiana State, 19-4. Lincoln, Mo., wtih two impres sive victories last week—122-83 over Pittsburgh, Kan., State and 146-76 over St. Ambrose, Iowa— nudged ahead of Cheyney State intot hird place. Cheyney won three games but slid to fourth. The Top Ten, with first-place votes in parentheses, season rec ords through Saturday and total points: 1. S. Illinois (12) 17-2 138 2. Ky. Wesleyan 18-1 _.116 3. Lincoln, Mo. 23-2 79 4. Cheyney State 21-2 69 6. Indiana State 19-4 66 6. Akron 17-3 62 7. Grambling 18-4 38 8. Southwest, Mo. 18.3 33 9. San Diego State 19-4 32 10. Howard Payne (2) 21-2.... 22 Hank Aaron Signs Two-Year Contract ATLANTA, Ga. <A>)—Outfield er Henry Aaron has agreed to a two-year contract with the Atlanta Braves, making him the highest paid player in Braves history, the Atlanta Journal said Wednesday. The star outfielder said he met with Bill Bartholomay, Braves president, and agreed to the pact calling for $100,000 annually for a two-year period, the newspaper added. Aaron and Bartholomay met in the latter’s Chicago office and worked out the details of the agreement that had delayed nego tiations on Aaron’s contract, the Journal said. “I’ve met with Mr. Bartholo may and I’ve agreed to terms,” the slugging outfielder was quoted as saying from his Me- quon, Wis., home. “I’ll report for spring training next Tuesday.” The Braves are training at West Palm Beach, Fla. He is expected to sign the contract at the train ing camp. The new agreement is reported to give Aaron a raise of about $36,000 over the $65,000 he earned last season. Basketball Scores COLLEGE BASKETBALL By The Associated Press Louisville 86, Drake 63 Hofstra 80, Susquehanna 60 Amherst 92, Middlebury 79 MIT 72, Tufts 63 . N. Carolina 79, Maryland 78 5. F. Austin 73, Tarleton St. 67 Canisius 93, LaSalle 76 Youngstown 100, Walsh 64 Catawba 74, Wofford 64 Northeastern 70, Brandeis 63 Spring Sports (Continued From Page 7) Tom Holder, Bob Dommel, Jerry Keating in the sprints, and Roger Other top performers should be Jon Beall in the backstroke, Mike Pettit in the breaststroke, Jerry Keating in the sprints, and Rober Byrne in the 200-yard butterfly. SOUTHERN Methodist, coach ed by Red Barr, is the odds-on favorite to repeat as Southwest Conference champion. Swimming is one of the big sports at the Dal las school and, if the Ponies’ bas ketball squad continues its win ning ways, SMU will have three conference championships — in football, basketball, and swim ming. The loss of Colin Dunn and John Wood because of grades has hurt the Aggies’ chances. Both of these swimmers were going to help the team a lot this season, according to Keating. The Aggie Fish face the SMU Colts prior to the varsity competi tion at 4 p.m. SMU has a good freshmen squad, due mostly to extensive recruiting. The Aggies also have a fine freshmen team, evidenced by the team’s first win, a dual victory over Rice and Tex as Christian University. Varsity competition gets under way at 7:30 p.m. on the SMU campus. FANCY, GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS U. S. NO. I Russets POTATOES 10 69 CELERY Fresh — Crisp CARROTS LARGE Carnation — Evaporated MILK Pink Beauty For 29C Texas — Juice ORANGES 5 Lb,. 29c Olio jo Bags X.J\u Yellow SQUASH Lb. 19C 3GS Cackleberry Grade “A” !45 c r Tall d>1 UCans «P-I- Del Monte — Chunk TUNA 3 N cJ:89c No. 1 Sfr ... CanOyC Shurfine — Stuffed OLIVES 7 .t;59c GLADIOLA FLOUR 5^59 CAKE MIXES \ lOO's OF EVERYDAY LOW H i PRICES Here Are A Few .... DEL MONTE PEAS 303 1 QC Can LO DEI MONTE CORN Cream Style 01 C 303 Can &JL Shurfresh CRACKERS 16-Oz. 1 QC Box JLi/ HI-C DRINKS 46-Oz. OQc Can Ml/ -Plus S&H Green Stamps- Betty O 19-Oz. OQ„ rriwker Pkgs. VELVEETA Kraf, ’“ 2 it 99c STYLE HAIR SPRAY Reg. or Super 89^ Size CREAM PIES rton’s 4 14-Oz. zen JC Size «Pl THE YOUR E BLEACH FOR 1/ ^ A ur wash Gallon B ENERGY I Garbage Can Galvanized 20 Gallon With Lid A. F. — Sour or Dill PICKLES Scott — Jumbo t37c TOWELS Bold Detergent Del Monte PEARS 4 Toilet Tissue NORTHERN 4 Me Kraft’s — Spaghetti DINNERS Gebhardt’s TAMALES 4 3 PtoJ9c U JkA d. Mohawk Smoked ^gj Mwrm Shank Portion lb ^0 Center Portion ib 79c Center Slices Butt Portion |b 49 ib 89; TENDER, JUICY BABY BEEF ROUND Pikes Peak or Made From Selected Lean Cuts - Fresh RUMP ROAST Baby Beef POUND 69 C Rath’s — All Meat - 1 '/j to 2 Lb. Chunk GROUND BEEF ,,45c 4 P L t$L75 JUMBO BOLOGNA WE K A % An GF?EEN STTAMRS . si® WIENERS All 12-Oz. Meat Pkg.' A. F. Brand Sliced ■■ Bacon Lb OD COKES * COUPON WORTH GREEN 1 MO ** H STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE OF $10.00 OR MORE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES AND BEER ORR’S SUPER MKT. COUPON EXPIRES SAT. FEB. 25, 1967 12 BOTTLE CARTON 29 ORRS LIMIT ONE WITH $5.00 PURCHASE OR MORE — Excluding Cigarettes BABY FOOD S3 Jar 8 C Low Prices.. Plus S&H GREEN STAMPS 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Downtown 200 E. 24 Street Ridgecrest 3516 Texas Ave. Li Bj Bat! The A gaturdaj Texas’ G e ncounte texa gain rex suffered month, other ha Longhor Agg ies t another Fi* Sa The 11 be crowi ing cerei Ball at ! A judi class of: Aggie S will cho in the c were sul dents h among Fish So John of The ci Phillips, High Sc at Fort' School; ior at M Ann Scl Robert ior; Kat ior at T Stark o freshma Spurlocl man at THEI dance a Conley, Yoakum T. DeC Lewis I Them “Under ing to J Yaks ai tra, will Ticke last fr on sale Fish Goei For The rifles : since D Texas 5 The i be the 1 fore th ament “We’ place s Blossoi in Ws mented sor. Top are A<£ ico Mi Texas. repress The by Ju! tonio, < Friday right zales < Beat SATU erly Low SUNT clou 20 m.]