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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1966)
Tuesday Declared Dewitt Greer Day Ca |IGHWAY MAN HONORED •okj )ewitt C. Greer will be hon- Erajired Monday for his 40 f % r ears of service to the Tex- touci], s Highway Department by he people of Bryan-Colleg-e Station and Texas A&M. ‘e de. sedi t 'erda! obsei Tuesday has been proclaimed “Dewitt C. Greer Day” by offici als of the Bryan-College Station community and Texas A&M Uni versity in recognition of the state highway engineer’s 40 years of Texas Highway Department serv ice. The special tribute to Greer co incides with the opening of the 40th Annual Texas Highway Short Course which will be conducted at A&M Dec. 13-15. The entire meeting will be dedicated to the veteran highway leader. Greer joined the Highway De partment in 1927, four years after receiving his civil engineering de gree from A&M, and for the past Thu* 1 P.«. latiora •M. 37M .IIB ever? rday. ). m. 12:00 375U s, bit '68 IB( 'ORES, BIus 6-4«l 378U ED Contract Given For Course n Maintainability Engineering A contract to develop and con- Maintainability Engineering Di- luct an accredited graduate-level tourse in maintainability engi- teering for the Red River Army )epot at Texarkana has been a- warded Texas A&M University, Th„'J[ tnnounced President Earl Rudder. The unique agreement calls for i&M to instruct graduate engi- teers and physicists, in coopera- lion with Army officials, in a two- year government training pro gram for the Logistics Intern Training Center of the depot. The special course will be de veloped and presented through A&M’s Industrial Engineering De- lartment, headed by Dr. Albert ff, Wortham. About 96 scient ists will study at A&M and Tex arkana in the first four classes. Department Professors R. L. Street and Dr. Robert J. Mc- Nichols will instruct the program, induding eight months training at the depot and four months at A&M. Under the contract, A&M will provide the second year of instruc tion, with the top-ranked engi neers’ and physicists’ first year of work under direction of the I I DON'T DON’T MIND MIND I DON'T MIND EITKLR meeting of the don’t minds If you don’t mind having all the details of planning a banquet or convention taken care of for you, call Ramada Inn. We’ll make sure your meeting is trouble-free . . . no matter what size your group! Try our fast, friendly breakfast and luncheon service. RAMADA INN Bryan-College Station 846-8811 vision staff. The program sche dules 18 months of classroom work and six months on-the-job par ticipation. Herchel E. Lynch, acting chief for the maintainability engineer ing training program, was at A&M this week finalizing pro gram details, working out sche dules and course curriculum. Lynch graduated from A&M in 1956 with a bachelor degree in civil engineering. The program objective is to train engineers in research, de velopment and design of new wea pons systems in order to mini mize maintenance burden costs. The new discipline in engineer ing will include 75 college semes ter hours in maintainability engi neering, reliability engineering, quality assurance and control, me trology, operations research, dyn amic instrumentation, computer science, statistical analysis and prerequisite courses in proba bility, statistics, applied mathe matics, management and logistics. The first class of 19 began grad uate study in February, 1966. The second class started last July. The third class — presently being re cruited from the nation’s colleges and universities — begins instruc tion in July, 1967. “This program will cover ma terial from the cradle to the grave,” Dr. Wortham explained. “Maintenance costs, acceptance criteria and early-stage design are a few of the areas to be studied.” Aggie Ex Is Recipient Of Army Citation Army Maj. Joe V. Wagstaff of Henderson, former A&M student, was presented the Bronze Medal at Nha Trang in Vietnam. Member of the Class of 1955, Maj. Wagstaff was decorated at Field Force Headquarters for meritorious service in combat operations against hostile Viet nam forces. The intelligence officer has since returned to the United States with assignment at Fort Lewis, Wash. Wagstaff’s wife Judith and two children reside at Spanaway, Wash. The son of Mrs. Alma McCor mack, Route 4, Box 8, Henderson is a graduate of Henderson High School. 26 years has served as state high way engineer, the department’s top administrative post. The proclamation officially de signating “Dewitt C. Greer Day” states in part: “The Texas Highway Depart ment, under his (Greer’s) admini stration, has enjoyed the full con fidence and respect of the citizen ry while more than doubling the state’s mileage of highways and expanding almost five billion dol lars of public funds.” Also noted in the document is th efact that Greer administers the largest highway department in the world and directs an em ployment force of more than 17,- 000 persons. The proclamation was announc ed Wednesday by Brazos County Judge W. C. Davis, Bryan-College Station Chamber of Commerce President James D. Ingram, Bry an Mayor Jack Conlee and College Station Mayor David A. Ander son. A resolution passed by A&M’s Board of Directors states that Greer “through his devotion to duty, his dedication to service, his engineering acumen, and his outstanding ability as an admini strator, has made a major con tribution to highway development in Texas and this nation .... and is today universally recogniz ed by other highway officials in this nation as the dean of high way administrators . . . .” Earlier this year, Greer was named a distinguished alumnus of A&M. Opening session of the short course will be devoted to personal tributes to Greer. Speakers in clude A&M President Earl Rud der; Herbert C. Petry, Jr., of Carrizo Springs, chairman of the Texas Highway Commission; J. H. Kultgen of Waco, commission member; State Sen. William T. Moore of Bryan, representing Gov. John Connally; E. M. Johnson of Jackson, Miss., president of the American Association of State Highway Officials; and A. C. Taylor of Fort Worth, regional engineer for the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads. Also S. J. Matthews of Austin, executive director of the Texas Municipal League; Nueces Coun ty (Corpus Christi) Judge Noah Kennedy, representing the coun ties of Texas; H. C. Heldenfels of Heldenfels Brothers Contrac tors, Corpus Christi, representing the highway industry; and Wel don Hart of Austin, executive vice president of the Texas Good Roads Association. Greer is past president of the American Association of State Highway Officials and has receiv ed the organization’s coveted Thomas H. McDonald and George S. Bartlett awards. The latter award is presented annually in association with the American Road Builders Association and the Highway Research Board. He also has represented the highway interests of the nation in three international conferences a- broad and was instrumental in establishing A&M’s internation ally recognized Texas Transport ation Institute to conduct research for effective and enduring high ways. Kiwanis International and the American Public Works Associa tion selected Greer as one of “Ten Top Public Works Men-of- the Year” in 1962. let us be your Santa . . . and do your Christmas Shopping early at Loupot's Engineering Profs THE BATTALION Attend AY A Meet Three members of the Teacher Training Division of Texas A&M’s Engineering Extension Service are participating in the American Vocational Association Convention this week in Denver, Colo. They include head teacher trainer B. M. Hackney and in structors Louis R. Maneely and Eugene C. Fisher. Hackney is a delegate to the Iota Lambda Sig ma section. ILS is a professional fraternity for vocational people. The 60th annual AVA conven tion ends Friday. Wednesday, December 7, 1966 College Station, Texas Page 5 For best results use The Bat talion Classifieds. You Don’t Have To Have A Wooden Stomach To Eat At CARROLL’S CORNER WHERE EVERYTHING IS BETTER! Hurry... 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Phone 822-0139 Bryan, Texas HALLMARK GREETING CARDS and FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS We Specialize In All Types Of MUMS & CORSAGES Send Flowers FTD For Out Of Town Orders at ower North Gate - 846 5825 Sk op