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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1966)
THE BATTALION Thursday, November If), College Station, Texas Page 3 TTI Staffer Writes Paper On Mackinder nui Co A Texas A&M University transportation researcher is au thor of the article “Maekinder’s Heartland and Escalation Ratch et” which appears in the Novem ber issue of Military Review, the agazine of the U. S. Army onwnand and General Staff Col lege at Fort Leavenwerth, Kan. The author is WilHana D. Franklin, assistant research economist in the Texas Trans portation Institute. His article presents the widely accepted heartland theories of the late Sir Halford J. Maekin- der, a famous British geogra pher, and examines them in the light of thermonuclear conflict and limited war, shtee they have Sserved as the basis for most analyses of national strategy since 1942. THE HEARTLAND WAS con sidered by Mackinder as the piv ot area of world pevrar, aeeord- ing to the article. Me vwwwd the ■world as a Mereator projection lin attributing overwhelming im portance to the continental heart- |land—“Who rules eastern Europe [■Commands the heeartlwMl; who [rules the heartland eommands phe world.” I In his article Franklin linked fthe Mackinder theory with a con- |cept in economics relating to son- reversible cyclical ftactfcdrtsiOtos is conomic activity which results in hat is known as a ratchet ef- ect. Such a concept would be ap- ropriate in relation to controlled scalation. With each step up- ard on the escalation scale, it |becomes progressively more dif- icult to move back down the •ca)e, thereby resufoing in a non- wmsVoVfe eflwA. This means that each decision o escalate must be considered arefully at the highest military nd civilian decision-making lev- 1s before being implemented, ranklin states. Prof Scrutinizes Education Topics Dr. Roger L. Harrell of Texas A&M is scrutinizing, first-hand, orkings of the U. S. Office of ducation and federal-state edu- ational relationships. The assistant professor «tf o*hi- ation is on a year's leave of ab sence to participate in a model raining course conducted by the National Institute of FubHc Af fairs. Harrell works in various posi tions in the Washington office and attends weekend institutes along with other course work. “THE TRAINING course deals with Office of Edacation pro grams, other agencies concerned with education and federal-state relationships of major depart ments and agencies whose re sponsibilities are related to fed eral programs,” explained Dr. Paul Hensarling, A&M’s Educa tion and Psychology Department head. “The course supplements work experience fora better awder- standing of how national policies for education are developed and implemented,” he went on. Democratic government theory, political and policy-making proc esses are among topics studied. Two-day conferences next June will assess the pilot program. snooty affairs our spadaftyi Ladies love meeting at ftamad* Inn! Fancy baftquets, Chah get- togethers and Luftehebtre are )«Bt more fun! Held year newt fhmwe test at Ramada ... v&hther lav ishly formal or quaintly unre strained. At Ramade If s no se«fet: we love ladies! Try oar foot, breakfast «Mt IWttltiWi ssrstsa. RAMADA INN . Bryan - CoHfcge Station 846-8811 TOWN TALK THIS WEEK GET YOUR BREAD Regular or Sliced 114-Lb. Loaves ( Qjljy Del Monte—Golden 4SL79c COFFEE CUP Each week a piece of Star-Glow Dinner- ware will be featured for just 90. For each $5 in grocery purchases, you are entitled to one piece at this low price. There's no limit. . . with a $10 purchase you can get two pieces . . . and so on! DINILY 1 Whole Kernel, Cream Style SALAD DRESSING “ * 39c LUNCH MEAT ,ulha ! 2 ^55c PRICES GOOD THUR. - FRI. - SAT. NOV. 10-11-12. EXTRA with each $5 purchase ^"1 Build a complete set in the weeks to come! Lovely com panion pieces also available at our low prices! ICE MILK A Br “ d ! ! at 49c ICE CREAM A F B ™ d w g.i.59c GOLD MEDAL FLOUR .. 5 £ K 49c TAMALES p r t 4 c Z,89c 2 MEDIUM EGGS c “ ry Grade A Doz. 89c GREEN STAMPS FREE 100 IN EACH 2 PAIR PACKAGE NYLONS MOHAWK—-HICKORY SMOKED PICNICS SLICED PICNICS Seamless Pair Pkg. Whole Only—Lb. Little Pig — 3-Lbs. and Down SPARE RIBS ^ 59c Rath’s—Breakfast SAUSAGE R L o b „45c Hickory Smoked ysi Half or "Whole Lb. C Baby Beef CHUCK STEAK, b 49c Rath’s—Black hawk 3 SMOKY LINK SAUSAGE Red-T-Cut BEEF STEAKS %$1 WIENERS A ML t I2 P°;,45c 69c Rath’s 12-Oz. Blackhawk Pkg. 50 FREE S&H STAMPS - WITH PURCHASE ANY 3 R :r LUNCH MEATS JUST WONDERFUL HAIR SPRAY 49 4-WAY COL# TABLETS ".7. Rath Blackhawk Sliced 1-Lb. “Finger Lickin' Chicken Parts!’ 9 CHICKEN BREASTS LB. 49c THIGHS OR DRUMSTICKS LB. 49c BACKS OR NECKS LB. 10c YAMS Sug,ryS,m 4 N ca 2 „: /! $1.00 INSTANT COFFEE Mw ^ IIHoMe 1( ,.o,. Jar SLI9 FRUIT CAKE MIX FRUITS ;:L P “ 18 pI.^39c HONEY GRAHAMS “ _ 16 t;37c CREAM PIES r^ n ~. 3 1 s”. 89c Hard to Hold or Reg. Reg. 990 Size 33c Fresh, Crisp CUCUMBERS 2 L fc25c Loaded With Vitamin “A”—SWEET POTATOES 2 19c Washington—Red Delicious APPLES Fancy .... Lb. 19c New Crop—Emeral WALNUTS,'Tb rB Ba S 49c ponds 69c PERTUSSIN Cough Syrup Reg. 79? 59c GRAPEFRUIT Full of Juice RUBY RED QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED PRICES GOOD THUR.-FRI.-SAT. NOVEMBER 10-11-12. MARYLAND CLUB 5 Lb. Bag 39 —COUPON— 100 FREE S&H GREEN STAMPS With This Coupon And The Purchase Of $10.00 or More (LIMIT ONE PER PERSON) MUST BE ONE PURCHASE (Cigarettes & Beer Excluded) Coupon Expires Nov. 12, 1966. COFFEE 49 LIMIT ONE WITH $2.50 PURCHASE OR MORE Excluding Cigarettes SHORTENING SNOWDRIFT ORRS LIMIT ONE WITH $2.50 PURCHASE OR MORE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES 3 Lb. Can 49 Low Prices.. Plus S&H GREEN STAMPS 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Downtown Ridgecrest 200 E 24 Street A 3516 Texas Ave 'll U r