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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1966)
2nd BIG WEEK Savory Aged—Heavy Beef CENTER CUT ROAST u, 49c CHUCK ROAST Savory Aged—Heavy Beef ARM ROAST 49c Blade Cut Savory - Aged Heavy Beef — Lb. 39 FREE 100 S&H GREEN STAMPS WITH PURCHASE OF ANY SIZE RATH’S CANNED HAM Savory Aged - Heavy Beef Stew Meat * 69‘ LITTLE SIZZLERS ....... .. ! 2 P t:59c SILVER SPUR - SLICED BACON 49 I THIS WEEK GET YOUR SAUCER SWISS STEAK 59c VIENNA SAUSAGE 5 ^ $1.00 STRAWBERRY PRESERVES “ )8 t;49c Each week a piece of Star-Glow Dinner- ware will be featured for just For each $5 in grocery purchases, you are entitled to one piece at this low price. There's no limit... with a $10 purchase you can get two pieces . .. and so onl ■-V ► yLf »» LARGE EGGS Cackleberry Grade A Doz. 49c ", f eo-pc Stable setting with each $5 purchase * Build a complete set in | the weeks to corr Lovely companion pieces also avaiiable at low Orr's prices! DRINKS 46-Oz. O C ^0 Cans SPINACH SHURFINE 8 Ca°L $1.00 APRICOT HALVES “ 4 GOLDEN CORN 6 CATSUP Shurfine Tomato . 3 2 bus! 89c 303 Cans GREENS™™ 'Shurfine 10c 3 l$1.00 Roxey Dog Food 13 Energy 300 Cans DETERGENT b^ 1 LIMIT ONE WITH $2.50 PURCHASE OR MORE FRUIT COCKTAIL “ „ 5^1 $1.00 CORN MEAL 5 L ^39c Fresh, Crisp Pascal CELERY Delicious Apples 2 Stalk. 25 Lb 19 SUDDEN BEAUTY" irSpr,y Extra Fancy Red ONIONS Green ^Bunches- RADISHES Fresh, Crisp .. Reg. 87. 49C PEPSODENT TOOTHPASTE It 55c PACQUIN HAND CREAM It 49c 49c o Cello I f* 2 Pkgs. 1DC U. S. NO. 1—RED DEODORANT ORANGE JUICE 5-Day Roll-On — Size Shurfine Frozen 9 12 - 0z - IKf. Cans 4 t/L POTATOES 10 BAG BOOTH FROZEN PERCH FILLETS I Lb. Pkg. 49c QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED PRICES GOOD THUR. - FRI. - SAT. NOVEMBER 3-4-5. DRINK REFRESHING PEPSI-COLAS —COUPON— 100 FREE S&H GREEN STAMPS With This Coupon And The Purchase Of $10.00 or More (LIMIT ONE PER PERSON) MUST BE ONE PURCHASE (Cigarettes & Beer Excluded) Coupon Expires Nov. 5, 1966. Limit One With $2.50 Purchase or More 12 Bottle Carton IMPERIAL SUGAR 5 39 C Limit One With $2.50 Purchase or More Low Prices.. Plus S&H GREEN STAMPS 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Downtown Ridgecrest 200 E 24 Street 0 3516 Texas Ave THE BATTALION Thursday, November 3, 1966 College Station, Texas Page 3 Horse Coursc Set Nov. 6-8 Texas A&M University’s sixth annual Horse Short Course Nov. 6-8 has lined up special attrac tions in addition to the regular skull sessions. The fringe benefits this year include a Shetland pony show, a regulation polo match and vari ous horse type demonstrations to which the public is invited. Program Chairman B. F. Yeates, Extension animal hus bandman at A&M, said the Shet land pony show is set for 9 a.m. Nov. 6 in the Animal Science Pa vilion. He said the polo match at 3 p.m. the same day is designed to show the public what the game is all about and to increase inter est in the sport among the thou sands of pleasure horse owners in Texas. Horses used will be Quarter-type polo ponies. The game features students and former students of Texas A&M versus students and for mer students of Texas Techno logical College, Yeates said. The polo match site is just north of the System Administra tion Building on an area bounded by State Highway 6 and Farm Road 60. Horse type demonstrations are scheduled for 7 p.m. Nov. 7 in the Animal Science Pavilion. Yeates said these include cutting horses, Shetland harness animals, Arabian classes, polo ponies, jumpers, and Appaloosa trail horses. The short course itself begins with registration at 7:30 a.m. Nov. 7 in the Memorial Student Center. Nov. 8 program activi ties are devoted to horse health discussions during the morning in Guion Hall. That afternoon, short course participants will shift out to the Veterinary Medi cine Building for a post-mortem demonstration and a question- the-experts session. New Instrument Speeds Analysis The Texas A&M University Plant Sciences Department has acquired an electronic instru ment which will speed up re search analysis work. The instrument, an atomic ab sorption spectrophotometer, will be used by Dr. H. E. Joham and his associates. Joham, professor in the Plant Sciences Department, said the in strument measures the amount of micro elements in plants and soils. The $4,000 instrument will be used primarily on cotton. It will aid in finding cotton tissue defi ciency and toxicity levels of many micro elements such as manganese and zinc. A cotton stem, root, or leaf, is collected and burned to a white ash. It is then put in a 1 percent hydrogen chloride solution and filtered. The sample is then ready to be analyzed. Joham said it previously took about one week to analyze 50 samples, but now it takes only one day. “This department is equipped I as well as any plant sciences department in the United States,” Joham said. MtnkcArl Supplu 'piotufue. ptawtet- 923 5«.ColUg* Arc- la-de-da snooty affairs our specialty! ladies love meeting at Rsmada Inn! Fancy banquets, Club get- togethers and Luncheons are just more fun! Hold your next femme fest at Ramada . . . whether lav ishly formal or quaintly unre strained. At Ramada it’s no secret: we love ladies! Try our fast, friendly breakfast and luncheon service. RAMADA INN Bryan - College Station 846-8811