Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1966)
■V . ’ ■ — .<■. THE BATTALION jjlege Station, Texas Page 7 Thursday, October 13, 19GG istance Runners ops In Brains Distance runners differ from sprinters in several aspects, re search at Texas A&M University shows. Drs. Charles McCandless, C. W. Landis and Donald G. Barker j-ported on their research in I’erceptual and Motor Skills,” Biblication of Southern Universi ties Press. Differences in height, weight, body surface, metabolism, pulse aid respiration rate, capacity, hood pressure, vertical jump, re- |:tion time, scholastic aptitude, leading ability and grades were measured in 42 members of a pniverstiy track team. Results showed a statistically Ignificant difference in weight, cipacity, pulse rates and vertical limp. Distance runners in the -group averaged eight pounds Ighter, had 500 cubic centimeters jnore capacity and tended to x'e- civer normal pulse rate more Iipidly after exertion. Sprinters surpassed distance runners in the lertical jump by four inches. I Distance runners — athletes limning events a half mile or liore in length—tended to out- Ilore sprinters on most measures ;pf scholastic aptitude and achieve- nent, though not by a significant liargin. I McCandless is assistant pro- I’ssor of education and chairs the ISducation and Psychology De partment counseling program. Itandiss heads A&M’s Health and Ihysical Education Department Ind Barker is associate professor if education and psychology. Longhorns Burn handles For Hogs By JACK KEEVER AUSTIN <A > i—Aroused Texas tudents plan to burn red candles nd wear orange clothes in their pirited campaign to whip up nthusiasm for the Arkansas 'ame Saturday. But yards and yards of tape nay hold the key to breaking Irkansas’ two-year winning treak against the crippled Long- irns. Most of that tape will be on iuarterback Bill Bradley’s right eg, supporting the knee which lave way as he cut sharply to avoid a tackier in the Indiana ame Oct. 1, causing him to miss le Oklahoma game last Satur- ay. Texas coach Darrell Royal said Honday he doubted if Bradley vould be ready for the Razor- Kieks, but the talented sophomore ikipped through raised ropes in Tuesday’s workout. Sophomore iffensive linemen Danny Abbott md Tommy Souders also rejoined the squad but were still moving Jowly from old injuries. Abbott’s sore back is wrapped in a corset. As the Longhorns prepared for he once-beaten Razorbacks, stu- lent support mounted. The Daily Texan, the student newspaper, tailed it a ‘‘chain reaction.” Red candles were selling fast at 10 cents each as part of a traditional campaign to hex op ponents. Burning the candles worked fine in 1941, 1950 and 1953 when Texas beat Texas A&M, SMU and Baylor in games they were rated to lose. The 1941 victory broke an 18-year winning- streak the Aggies had over Texas at College Station. SMU was No. 1 in the nation when it fell to Texas and the candle jinx 23-20 in 1950, and Baylor was No. 3 when the Longhorns won 21-20 in 1953. Large signs supporting Texas ^usually saved for the A&M game—are going up all over the campus, and Friday has been declared ‘‘wear orange day.” A pep rally is set for that night. More student tickets have been drawn for the Arkansas game than any game this year. FRESHMEN PICTURE SCHEDULE FOR 1967 AGGIELAND CIVILIAN FRESHMEN can be photographed any day during this period. Wear coat & tie. CORPS FRESHMEN Yearbook Portrait Schedule: Corps freshmen will have their portraits made for the Aggie- land ’67 according to this sched ule. Portraits will be made at University Studio at North Gate in class “A” winter uniforms. Pish should bring poplin shirts, Mack ties, & brigade shields. Those freshmen who paid for their yearbook picture at regis tration should bring their fee ilip — those who did not, may pay their $1.50 at the University Studio. Oct. 7 & 10 & 11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 17 & 18 & 19 & White Band Maroon Band Sqd. 1 & 3 & 5 & 7 & 9 & 11 & 13 & S' KRAFT ^ "miracle Green Beans Del Monte Cut 303 Cans J/VJbi il»r — ALLSWEET OLEO 4 Ctns. $100 WHIP Salad Dressing QUART JAR DOG FOOD Tall Cans KRAFT Miracle Whip ' ; '.M ’T^ KOUNTY KIST CORN LIMIT ONE WITH PURCHASE OF $2.50 OR MORE. Excluding Cigarettes WHOLE KERNEL CACKLEBERRY — GRADE A, LARGE EGGS! 49‘ Vacuum Packed 12-Oz. Cans STYLE Betty Crocker White - Chocolate - Devils Food - Yellow CAKE MIXES PEACHES sZ'L Halves PIE Mort0nS — App,e ’ 1>each ’ Coconut Custard 4 ^ Cans* SLOG 20-0*. rtQ Size THIS WEEK GET YOUR Bread & Butter Plate Each week a piece of Star-Glow Dinner- ware will be featured for juit 9£. For each $5 in grocery purchase:, you are entitled to one piece at this low price. There's no limit . . . with a $10 purchase you can get ON L V two pieces . . . and so onl Hair Spray Reg. 89e 49c >7V vith each $5 porchaie PORK ROAST Boston Butt Style Build a complete »et in the weeks to cornel Lovely com- anion pieces also available pani at lo PORK STEAKS Cu ron Boston Butts PRICES GOOD THUR. - FRI. - SAT. OCT. 13 - 14 - 15. LITTLE PIG SPARE RIBS ilhtsl SLICED BEEF LIVER WIENERS ITLTr DRINK REFRESHING l2 Z49c PORK SAUSAGE IT ,.,49c DECKER’S — HICKORY SMOKED, 6 TO S LBS. AVE. m COKES Picnics Whole Only Bottle Carton LIMIT ONE WITH $2.50 PURCHASE OR MORE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES SLICED PICNICS „ 39c NEW CROP — TEXAS RUBY RED A. F. BRAND SLICED BACON 1-Lb. Tray Pak Grapefruit 5“59 c RADISHES OR GREEN ONIONS 2 15c SWEET POTATOES 3 29c TOMATOES —COUPON— 100 FREE S&H GREEN STAMPS With This Coupon And The Purchase Of $10.00 or More (LIMIT ONE PER PERSON) MUST BE ONE PURCHASE (Cigarettes Excluded) Coupon Expires Oct. 15, 1966 QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED APPLES Jon!, ' han MARYLAND CLUB C0FF1I 449c VINE RIPE 2, TOKAY GRAPES POUNDS Large, Sweet Clusters Lb. Can LIMIT ONE WITH *2.50 PURCHASE OR MORE. Excluding Cigarettes A. F. BRAND MzatUp &/Ufarv\ WHS ICE CREAM J/>-GaL Ctn. We Give iftk Green Stamp s 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Downtown Ridgecrest 200 E 24 Street * 3516 Texas Ave