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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1966)
Writing Style Now Analyzed By Computers Stylistic analysis by computer can reveal writing differences as distinctive as the writers’ finger prints, Dr. H. O. Hartley in formed a Computer Orientation Seminar at Texas A&M recently. Attended by 50 laymen from English, history, education, busi ness and modern languages de partments, the seminar chal lenged humanists to meet the computer age head-on. Sessions continued Tuesday and Wednesday nights with Profes sors Gene Dippel, R. V. Roach and graduate student James Pye speaking. The seminar provided background for the National Con ference on Computer Research in the Humanities at A&M Nov. 17- 18. Both meetings were spon sored by A&M’s Center for Com puter Research in the Humanities. Dr. Hartley, Institute of Sta tistics director, described a proj ect in which disputed authorship of 12 Federalist Papers was set tled by computer. “A computer and statistical technique-aided stylistic analysis was performed on Federalist Papers known to have been writ ten by Alexander Hamilton and James Madison,” Hartley ex plained. “High - frequency key words were determined which differ entiated the styles of the two men as distinctly as their finger prints,” he declared. A similar analysis of the 12 disputed papers in the Marstellar- Wallace project revealed conclu sive style similarity to Hamilton papers. Hartley said interdisciplinary team-work between humanists and computer-technicians is valid, but issued a warning. “Communication must be well- defined, lest the correct answer be given to a question which was never asked,” he emphasized. Seminar co-director Milton Hug- gett said Dippel, who explained what a computer is, will speak on “How A Computer Thinks” and how to communicate with a computer. Second hour presenta tions will cover “Decision-Mak ing in a Folklore Study,” by Pye snd “Communicating With a Com puter in Anglo-Saxon” by Roach. Job Calls Grants Given By YMCA All interviews listed below conducted in Placement Office, third floor, YMCA. MONDAY Carrier Air Conditioning Com pany: Electrical Engineering, In dustrial Engineering, Industrial Technology, Mechanical Engineer ing. Fisher Governor Company: Chemical Engineering (B.S.), Electrical Engineering (B.S.), In dustrial Engineering (B.S., M.S.) Mechanical Engineering (B.S.), (M.S.). Johnson Service Company: Civ il Engineering, Electrical Engi neering (B.S., M.S.), Industrial Engineering (B.S.), Mechanical Engineering (B.S., M.S.), Phy sics (B.S., M.S.). U. S. Naval Oceanographic Of fice: . Civil Engineering (B. S., M.S.) Geophysics (B.S., M.S.), Chemistry (B.S., M.S.), Electri cal Engineering (B.S., M.S.), Me chanical Engineering (B.S., M.S.), Physics (B.S., M.S.), Oceanog raphy (M.S.), Mathematics (B.- S., M.S.). MONDAY AND TUESDAY The Boeing Company: Aero space Engineex-ing (B.S., M.S., Ph.D.), Electrical Engineering (B.S., M.S., Ph.D.), Industrial Engineering (B.S., M.S., Ph.D.), Mechanical Engineering (B.S., M.S., Ph.D.), Mathematics (B.S., M.S., Ph.D.), Physics (B.S., M.S., Ph.D.). Celanese Corporation: Chemi cal Engineering (B.S., M.S., Ph.- D.), Electrical Engineering (B.S., M.S., Ph.D.), Chemistry (B.S., M.S., Ph.D.), Physics (M.S., Ph.- D.), Economics (B.S., M.S.), Marketing (B.B.A., M.B.A.). Reynolds Metals Company: Chemical Engineering (B.S., M.- S.), Electrical Engineering (B.S., M.S.), Industrial Engineering (B.S., M.S.), Mechanical Engi neering (B.S., M.S.). Texaco Incorporated: Liberal Arts (B.S.), Physical Education (B.S.), Physics, Applied Mathe matics, Statistics, Economics (B.S., M.S., Ph.D.), Computer Science (B.S., M.S., Ph.D.), Ac counting, Business Administra tion, Electrical Engineering, Geo physics, Geology, Geological En gineering, Civil Engineering, In dustrial Engineering, Mechani cal Engineering, Petroleum Engi neering, Chemistry, Chemical En gineering. TUESDAY United Gas Pipe Line Company: Civil Engineering (B.S., M.S.), Electrical Engineering (B.S., M.- GOT A DATE FOR THE WEEKEND (OR WANT A DATE) BUT NO DOUGH Then see us for a personal loan Build your credit for future use UNIVERSITY LOAN COMPANY 317 Patricia (North Gate) College Station, Texas Tel: 846-8319 CASA CHAPULTEPEC BIG 2 DAY SALE — Thursday and Friday Fiesta Dinner Guacamole Salad, Beef Taco, Two Enchiladas, Tamale and Chili, Beans, Rice, Tortillas and Hot Sauce, Candy. "Tr $1.09 ENCHILADA DINNER THREE Cheese Enchiladas with Chili, Beans, Rice, Tortillas and Hot Sauce, Candy. Regular $1.25 99c OPEN 11:00 A. M. CLOSE 10:00 P. M. 1315 COLLEGE AVENUE PHONE 822-4217 LOSE YOUR SHIRT? Lou has a great new SALE on short sleeve Summer Shirts $2.98 each or 2 for $5.50 ♦while you’re there pick up your h.i.s. press free. Winter Shirts at LOUPOT S North Gate S.), Mechanical Engineering (B.- S., M.S.). Union Producing Company: Petroleum Engineering (B.S., M.- M.). TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Touche, Ross, Bailey & Smart: Accounting, Management (B.B.A., M.B.A.). J. Gordon Gay, director of the YMCA, announced yesterday na tional grants for theological stu dy have been made available to January and June graduates. Gay said the deadline for ap plication is Dec. 1. The grants are being awarded by the Rocke feller Foundation. Eligible students are those who think they might enter minis terial study. If accepted, a student will have all fees paid and receive a small stipend for one year. It at the end of that time the stu dent does not wish to continue, he will be under no obligation to repay the money. THE Thursday, October 13, 1966 BATTALION College Station, Texas Page 3 Read Battalion Classifieds IS PARIS BURNING by Collins & Dominique is now at The World of Books Shoppe downtown Bryan SPECIALS GOOD THURS. - FRI. - SAT. Oct. 13, 14, 15. Tooth Paste IPANA Ban Cream —Large 79^ Value DEODORANT 0 „, y 45c Peter Pan Twin Giant Tubes $1.14 Value Folger’s, With Purchase of $2.50 or More 12-Oz. Jar Kraft’s, American or Pimento CHEESE PEANUT BUTTER 47c 12 '° z ' 59c Pkg. Circus Brand, All Flavors Brookshire, Grade “A’ Coffee * 49 c Drinks ^ *11 Eggs % 53 FROZEN FOODS Banquet Meat — Chicken, Turkey or Beef PIES 5 1 to 4 OFF VALUABLE COUPON BtOOKfHlPt * T BROS. Tennessee Turnip (With Turnips) GREENS IM-Lb. Tennessee, Whole BABY OKRA l^-Lb. Welch’s GRAPE JUICE 12-Oz. 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Each 19c Lb. 25c . Lb. 15c ‘-Ricvfiihi’ie i mcr. THIS COUPON WORTH 50 FREE Top Value Stamps With Purchase of $5.00 or More (Excluding Cigarettes) One Per Family Coupon Expires Oct. 15, 1966. HALLMARK GREETING CARDS and FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS We Specialize In All Types Of MUMS & CORSAGES ^ c^cj^ie cm ower Send Flowers FTD For Out Of Town Orders at ower North Gate - 846-5825 op