Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1966)
wmnmmm* •<*'*•* * BATTALION Tuesday, October 11, 1966 College Station, Texas Aggies Settle For Tie With LSF By JOHN WEST Special to Battalion Texas A&M’s assistant head joach Elmer Smith introduced Charley McClendon to football at flendrix College in Conway, Ark. The Aggies of Gene Stallings greeted Louisiana State Univer sity with a brand new brand of ;he game Saturday night, rough ly shoving the eight-point fav ored Tigers around during the second half of a 7-7 deadlock. The frustration of the tie be longed to the Tigers, who were soundly booed by a similar over flow 67,500 crowd last year. Mc Clendon’s team consumed time running off tackle with a 10-0 % OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT NOW! Per Annum Paid Quarterly on INSURED SAVINGS FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION 2913 Texas Ave. v\H0dk- St. Thomas’ Episcopal Chapel Announces ADULT INQUIRER’S CLASS Sundays 8:00 p. m. Oct. 16 - Nov. 20 There will be seven meetings of this one and a half hour class designed to inform people about the life and worship of the Epis copal Church. St. Thomas’ Episcopal Chapel 906 Jersey St. 846-6133 (Southside of Campus) PARDNER You’ll Always Win The Showdown When You Get Your Duds Done At CAMPUS CLEANERS DON’T MIND I DON’t DONT MIND MIND EITHER meeting of the don't minds If you don’t wind having all the details of planning a banquet or convention taken care of for you, call Ramada Inn. We'll make sure your meeting is tr6uble-fr$e . . . no matter what site your group! Try our fast, friendly breakfast and luncheon service. RAMADA*INN Bryan-College ,Station >• .846-8811 lead when it was favored by 13. “I’ll never consider a tie a moral victory,” a proud Stallings declared in the dressing room. “But it’s been a long time since an Aggie team even tied LSU.” Gawain DiBetta’s one yard climb and Larry Lee’s miracu lous seven-yard TD grab in the second quarter stood up through out an all-Aggie second half. Tiger tail - knotting defense caged LSU inside its 46 the last 30 minutes and allowed the host team across the 50 only once, on a third-and-12 keep by QB Fred Hayne^. Meahwhile, Glynn Lindsey field goal attempts of 46 and 16 yards / sailed wide as Stallings’ sophomore-laden defense made Aggie breaks right and left. A&IVi intercepted three passes in the ikst four minutes and filched the / ball five times during the evening, a Rolf Krueger fumble recovery setting up the Maroon scqlre. QB Edd Hargett was pilot, navigator and bombardier of the Aggie air force that cashed in Krueger’s recovery on the LSU 13. Wendell Housley ran twice for five yards, a pass was blocked and Hargett switched to radar. The soph quarterback from Linden rifled a flat throw at a Intramural Outlook E-2, the Maroon Band, squad ron 5, and Mitchell took point leads in their respective classes following intramural swimming and diving competition last week. In class A, E-2 and the Maroon Band tied for the lead with 75 points each. F-2, squadron 6, and squadron 11 are tied at 53 points. Squadron 5 jumped ahead in class B gathering the maximum 80 points. C-l, squadron 1, and squadron 6 trailed with 63 points. Other outfits have 53 points or below. In class C, Mitchell also man aged to capture a perfect 80 points. Dorm 21 was in second place with 70 points and the Pan Am Club trailed with 60. Dorm 12, Law, Leggett, NSF and Pur- year tied with 50. “Participation was excellent group of five Tiger defenders around Lee. The 6-0 senior picked it out of the congested air, to the consternation of George Sevan, Mike Pharis, Sammy Gresaffi, Jerry Joseph and Jimmy Hamic. Lindsey kicked it into a tie that withstood the ravages of the last 37 and a half minutes. LSU scored on its third posses sion, driving 65 yards in 15 plays, seven of which featured Haynes running and passing. Two Tiger field goal tries fluttered short and wide in the first two posses sions. Steve Daniel missed a 42- yarder the second time LSU con trolled the ball. A 35-yard miss was erased by an Aggie offsides in the TD drive, giving the Tigers fourth and one at the 14. Haynes squirted through at left tackle and kept LSU on the ground four plays to score. Hargett passing set Lindsey’s first field goal try early in the second half. Edd hit 15 of 34 tosses for 138 yards in the game. Passes of 7, 10, 9 and 9 yards and a 12-yard off-tackle cruise by Housley accounted for the 51- yard drive to LSU’s 30. Housley and Sallee bruised for the majority of their 55 and 53 yards rushing on A&M’s closest move to untying the score. Hous ley broke over the weakside for the Aggies’ longest run of the season, 26 yards, to LSU’s 13. Leonard Neumann hooked Tom my Buckman’s arm too soon on a third and eight pass into the end zone that set the Aggies on the one-yard line. Housley popped his headgear off on a strongside run that lost two, Sallee banged into the right side twice more to gain the orig inal line of scrimmage then Lind sey placed the tee at the six for his wide three-point try. Notre Dame Moves Ahead By The Associated Press Powerful Notre Dame contin ued its place-a-week increase in The Associated Press major col lege football poll this week while closing in on the leading Michi gan State Spartans. The top 10, with first place votes in parentheses and total points on a 10-9-etc basis: imin iarti competition, particularly by the Corps,” Raymond Fletcher, direc tor of intramurals, said. Anyone interested in becoming an intramural official is asked to come by the intramural office in DeWare field house. Officials are paid by the intramural office. 1. Michigan State (18) 369 2. Notre Dame (15) 353 3. Alabama (4) 300 4. UCLA (2) 288 5. Sou. Calif. (1) 214 6. Nebraska 196 7. Georgia Tech 174 8. Florida 112 9. Purdue 42 IQ. Baylor 38 Gary Sherer’s Top Twenty With everybody in the picking business these days it’s only fit ting that the Battalion try its hand. Staffer Gary Sherer sees the top twenty this way: 1. Michigan State 2. Notre Dame 3. Alabama 4. UCLA 5. USC 6. Nebraska 7. Georgia Tech 8. Florida 9. Georgia 10. Baylor 11. Purdue 12. Oklahoma 13. Arkansas 14. Tennessee 15. Missouri 16. Houston 17. North Carolina 18. Wyoming 19. Syracuse 20. Mississippi Others: Army, Tulane, V.P.I., Maryland, Texas, SMU, Brigham Young, Air Force, Cornell, Har vard; mi AUTO OLASS COMPANY HOME — COMMERCIAL “Our 20th Year” Downtown Bryan 28th & Main 822-1577 GOT A DATE FOR THE WEEKEND (OR WANT A DATE) BUT NO DOUGH Then see us for a personal loan Build your credit for future use UNIVERSITY LOAN COMPANY 317 Patricia (North Gate) College Station, Texas Tel: 846-8319 AGGIES ... DON’T DELAY! Order Your Boots Now For Future Delivery - Small Payment Will Do YOUR BOOTS MADE TO ORDER Convenient Lay-Away Plan ONLY $55.00 A PAIR Economy Shoe Repair & Boot Co. 509 W. Commerce, San Antonio CA 3-0047 The play cost A&M center Jim Singleton, who will be out at least three weeks with a sprained knee. Linebacker Larry Thorn burg was the only other Aggie injury. Gary Kovar finished the game at center. The Aggies’ crunching defense limited LSU to 10 offensive plays in the last quarter and enabled A&M to make up a 117-yard first half offensive deficit. Tuffy Fletcher, Lawson Howard, Curley Hallman and Bill Hobbs inter cepted passes, late game thefts sending the Aggie offensive unit to work on the Maroon 48 and 36. Hobbs’ filch came on the last play and the soph linebacker from Amarillo wound eight yards to LSU’s 32 as time ran out. He almost scooped .opt a low throw on a previous Tiger pos session, with the right side ©pen. The tie was A&M's best show ing in the LSU series since 1$55. They played a scoreless tie in 1920 and left it 7-7 in 1913. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One dey 4# per word 3e per word each additional day Minin imum charge—56* 90* per column inch large— Classified Displa FOR RENT THE FRENCH QUARTER APARTMENTS * 1 & 2 Bedrooms * Fully Furnished * Central Heat & Air * Electric Kitchens * Carpets & Drapes * Swimming Fool * Laundry Facilities ALL BILLS PAID 601 Cross St. College Station 846-8981 - 8 a.m. til noon VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University • All General Electric bullt-ins • 1 & 2 bedrooms with 1 or baths • Central heat & air • Large walk-in closets • Beautiful courtyard with swimming pool • Carpets & Drape dr; ■nish • Resident manager. Apt. 1 ,pes • Carports & laundry facilities • Furnished or unfurnished 401 Lake Phone 822-2035 I64tfn AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th 822-2819 AMALIE, ENCO, HAVOLINE, CONO CO 30c Qt. Quantity rights reserved. All filters Vz price. Every item discounted. BRYAN OIL WHSE. 805 N. College (Highway 6, N) at 19th FREIGHT SALVAGE • Brand Name Furniture • Household Appliances • Bedding • Office Furniture • Plumbing Fixtures All damaged items restored to full utility by our repairs department. C & D SALVAGE CO. 32nd & S. Tabor Streets — Bryan AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co, Ford Dealer TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 Official notices must arrive in the Offie __ Student Publications before deadline o l p. m. of the day preceding publicatior Efficiency apartment, completely fur nished. Two students or working couple, $37.50 each. 822-3619. 349tfn PREVETERI'NARY MEDICINE SEMINARS Thursday - 4 :00 p. m. Chemistry Lecture Room. Freshman preveterinary students are scheduled to attend, students are invited to veterinary Two bedroom, unfurnished house, near campus and shopping center, $76 per month, 846-8214. 348t3 Three bedroom house, completely fur- 1. it ly. Available now, see Dr. McCulley, Math Dept. nished, including freezer and clothes dryer, $130 monthly. Available now, 846-6311 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Hampton, Loyd D. Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Oceanog raphy Dissertation: Acoustic Properties of Sedi- Time: October 13, 1966 at 4 oom Wayne C. Hall Place: Faculty Room in Coke STATE MOTEL, rooms and kitchen, day and weekly rate, near the University, 846- 6410. 262tfn OFFICIAL NOTICE • scheduled to attend. All preveterinary dents are invited to learn more of the ■eer areas in veterinary mdicine. ments P- > B m. Idg. Dean of Graduate Studies DEGREE FILING DEADLINE SET FOR NOVEMBER 1, 1966 Applications for degrees are now being accepted in the Registrar’s Office from all students who expect to complete their degree requirements by the end of the Fall Semester 1966. Candidates for advanced degrees must file their applications with both the Registrar’s Office and the Grad uate Dean’s Office. The deadline date for filing applications is November 1, 1966. 341t20 It is now time for all Student Organiza tions to apply for official recognition at the Student Finance Center at the MSC. DEADLINE FOR APPLYING IS OCTO- R 14. 336tfn SPECIAL NOTICE NOW OPEN Dining Room Family Style Meals Serving Hours 11-1, 5-7 206 Boyett St. Save up to 40% auto parts, tires, bat teries, seat covers, mufflers, tail pipes and iccessories. SEE WHITE AUTO STORES, College Station, VI 6-5626. WE BUTCHER LIVESTOCK For Your Food Locker and Home Freezer. Satisfaction Guaranteed HANSEN FROZEN FOODS INC. Bryan, Texas 341tfn EMPLOYMENT NOTICE Designations as to sex in our Help Wanted Emplo: only (1 qualif aployer sary to the normal ope: (2) nployment Agency columns are tiade only <[i) to indicate bona fide tional qualifications for employmen an employer regards as reasonabb to the normal operation of ina fide occupa tional qualifications for employment which lably nei his busir ces- nesa or enterprise, or (2) as a convenience to our readers to let them know which posi tions the advertiser believes would be of more interest to one sex than the other because of the work involved. Such desig- tions shall not be taken to indicate that y advertiser intends or practices P rii any advertiser intends or pr lawful preference, limitation, sp or discrimination in employment practices. i any un ification HELP WANTED TASTEE FREEZ, need car hostess for day shift, off on Saturday. Hours 10 :00 to 5:00. Good hourly wage plus tips. See Mr. Duff between 10 :00 and 2 :00 or after 5 p. m. Located across from Sands Motel. 349t4 Good opportunity for Aggies at the PIZZA HUT opening Oct. 24. Call 822- 3045. 349t4 Aggie wives invited, soda fountain help, ur or six days TREAT. 846-3665. SCHlcL XOUIlLivIH llxTlXfj ek. Beautiful DUTCH 349t4 Bookkeeper wanted, must have experience in posting machine. Apply in person, RAMADA INN, College Station. 349tfn R.N. to work 3-11 p.m. and 11-7 a.n shift at Madison County Hoi salary $3 uniforms launden tact B. Tugger, R.N. at VI 6-6493 after 5 and relief shift at Madison County ! pital. Starting salary $350.00 and Meals provided; uniforms laundered. Con- WORK WANTED Sewing, experienced seamstress. Aggie wife. Call 846-3353. A-ll-D CV. 347t4 Typing wanted. Call 846-7133 after 6:00 p.m. 347t4 FOR SALE Castell slide rule, fluorescent desk lamp, 10 gallon aquarium and heater, air eeoier. Call 846-5066 after 6 p. m. 349t4 CARPET Before you buy carpet for your home, check my prices. I have had four years experience with the largest tuft ing mill in the world, and I can assure you of the proper selection. Call: RICHARD TUCK 822-6089 Night or Day 3*#t4 HEALTH INSURANCE FOR MARRIED STUDENTS. Hospitalization, surgical, ma jor medical. Non-cancellable FOR LIFE. New babies covered automatically AT BIRTH .... Company ranks 18th in size in Nation: 61 years in business . . . . Come by and compare our plans with wh«t the others have to offer. Or call for anoint ment at your home if you prefer. EIJOENE RUSH, General Agent Phone: 84i6-fiB800 North Gate beside UN Bank (Night) 846- 1966 Impala SS, 4 speed trasm., 14yOOO miles, warranty good, white with red leath- ■ior, owner in Viet Nam.—-Aho. 1#63 Call days. 848t4 er interior, owner in Viet Nam.- Pontiac Bonneville, fully equh Mr. Crouch, Madisonville. Df 8 DI 8-2552 evenings. Typing. 846-6410. REMODELING, REPAIR WORK AND GENERAL CONTRACTING, after 5:00 call 846-5918. DON MARABLE. 290tfn CHILD CARE Child care all ages. 846-8151. PIANOS ORGANS BAND INSTR. Back to school music sale. New pianos, $15 per month. Used pianos, $19 per month. New band instr., $10 per month. Used pianos & band instr., $95 and up. Tuning, repairs, and refinishing. B & M Music Ce. 213 W. 26th — Bryan 822-5226 931t*n Child care experience, 8-5 and hourly, 846-5548 or 846-6636. 336tfn Gregory’s Day Nursery—846-4005. 218tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER. 3406 South College. State Licensed. *23-8626, Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn 1965 Any student wishing to place a Aggieland in his high school library may do so by contacting the Student Publica tions Office, Room 4, Y.M.C.A. basement. Only a limited supply available. Will be a limited supply a given in order requested. TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION 118 S. Bryan —Bryan— 822-6874 Baker Tire Co. 19th and Bryan Streets WHERE YOU CAN BUY TIRES CHEAPER. One Way and Local Trailers For Rent Call 822-8159 ^ TRAILER REffTAL SYSTEM.Uc. • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 Havoline, Enco, Ama lie, Conoco 30c qt. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Parts Wholesale Too Filters, Oil, Air - Fuel 10,000 Parts - We Fit 96% of All Cars - Save 25 - 40% Prestone $1.59 Gal. Brake Shoes $2.90 ex. (most cars) Auto trans. oil 25tf AC - Champion - Autolite plugs Tires—Low price every day — Just check our price with any other of equal quality. All approved Credit Cards accepted Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 EL 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAUEK ’32 20 years in Bryan OTIS MCDONALD’S Typewriters • Adding Machines • Cal culators • Cash Registers • Electro static Dry Copiers Sales • Service • Rentals 429 South Main Street • Phone 822-1328 Bryan, Texas 77802 SOSOLIKS TY & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes - TV - Repaired 713 S. Main 822-1941 For BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED GIL’S RADIO & TV Sales: Curtis Mathis Service: All makes and models, including color T. V. and multiplex F M 2403 S. College 822-0826 STUBBLEFIELD’S IMPORTED CARS Authorized Chrysler - S'imca Sunbeam Alpine Dealer The Only Imported Cars With 5 Yr. or 50,000 Miles Warranty. General Foreign Car Repair. 3219 Texas Ave. Phone 823-6428 — Night 846-3605 DONAHO SALES CO. 207 W. 28th 823-6666 Damaged & Unclaimed Freight, Quality Merchandise At Substantial Savings. ATTENTION January Graduates! May begin ordering their graduation invita tions starting Oct. 3 - 31, Monday - Friday 9 - 4 at the cashier’s window. Memorial Student C eater NOW OPEN! Aggieland Recreation Center (Located Redmond Terrace Shopping Center) COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS • 16—Regulation Billiard Tables • 2—5x10 Snooker Tables • 2— 5x10 Billiard Tables —Latest Pin Ball Games Open 7 Days a Week from 8 a.m. Till Midnite LADIES WELCOME! Positively No Alcoholic Beverages Sold or Allowed! REGISTER FOR FREE LIFETIME PASS! Aggieland Recreation Center