Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1966)
j Since 1785 The Times of pndon has devoted page 1 to advertisements. However, ads now will go to pages 2 and 3. MuilccArl Supply 'Piclu/te. ptoMcea- 913 So. Col Ug *Ave-Bryan,Tsstas Deer Surveys Affect THE BATTALION Length Of Season Thursday, October 6, 1966 College Station, Texas Page 7 The 1966 deer hunting season, beginning Nov. 12, could be seri ously affected by surveys that were taken as long as five years ago. YOUR : IP; . |; !||||||: : tr* n i nt r% FRIEND FOR LIFE He’s helping young men plan today for a better life tomorrow. He’s your Southwestern Life College Representative — and he has specially-designed life insurance policies to fit your own individual needs today, tomorrow and in the years ahead. They’re new-idea plans created by one of the nation’s leading life insurance companies especially for, and only for, men college seniors and graduate students pursuing professional degrees. He’s an easy person to talk with, and what he has to tell you about these policies can make a lot of differ ence in your future. Talk with him when he calls — give him an opportunity to be “Your Friend for Life.” There’s never any obligation. ROBERT J. JAECKLE 707 University Drive — 846-5604 representing. . . Southwestern Life Sam Reeves, a sophomore wild life science major here, found these facts and others to be true as he worked as an assistant field biologist for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department this sum mer. Reeves, stationed in Silsbee but traveling throughout the East Texas Piney Woods area, had the responsibility of gathering in formation on deer population dynamics in the field. “What I really did, however, was learn how to count deer,” he said. “We had several methods of counting the deer in different areas,” Reeves said, ‘but there were three that we used the most: sight records, cruise lines and track counts. “Sight records were fairly simple. You waited until late in the evening, then rode through the woods and counted the deer you saw in a certain measured area. “On a cruise line, you walked about two miles straight through the woods, one hour before sun down. The strip was in a straight fairway that had been cleared previously. As you walked you made a sight count of the deer you saw on or near the fairway. “The third method, track count ing, sometimes got to be quite monotonous. The procedure fol lowed was to clear a three-foot wide strip, six miles long to a county. We would then clean the strip by dropping brush behind a jeep. When we came back to the place the next morning, we would count the sets of tracks that had violated our pathway. “By comparing the figures totaled from this summer’s sur vey with those from previous years, wildlife biologists can pre dict whether or not it would be beneficial to raise or lower the bag limit and season length in certain areas of Texas.” GRADY ALLEN Aggies' defensive end. Athletic Dinner Ducats Now Available For $5 Tickets for the Texas A&M Athletic Hall of Fame luncheon on Oct. 29 are now on sale at the Athletic Director’s office in G. Rollie White Coliseum for $5 each. Three football greats — two players and a coach — and a track olympian will be in ducted into the Hall of Fame at a noon luncheon before the Aggies tangle with the Arkansas Razorbacks in a Southwest Con ference game in Kyle Field. The inductees are Dana X. Bible, Joe M. Boyd, Dick Todd and Arthur H. (Art) Harnden. Allen Plays Finest Game Against Tech Grady Allen, Texas A&M defensive end, played his finest ball game of the season last Saturday night as the Texas Aggies threw a new threat into the Southwest Con ference, downing the Texas Tech Red Raid ers, 35-14. The Aggie letterman was credited with six tackles and three assists during the night as he halted Tech sweeps and downed Raider passers for minus yardage. Once his jarring tackle forced a Tech fumble that the Aggies recovered. Allen didn’t feel that he and his team mate sperformed any impossible feat with the victory. “It showed just what we really could do. Our defense came around and the offense didn’t seem to do much wrong.” “A win always helps. The first win makes things a little better,” Allen said. Things are a lot better at Aggieland now. A&M looked like a different team Saturday. Not the same squad that lost its first two games in the second half on mistakes. Saturday night when the Aggies meet the LSU Tigers in Baton Rouge, La., de fenders like the 200-pound Allen will again play a big part for A&M. Allen, just a junior this year with one year of varsity experience, again is a regular. Last year Coach Gene Stallings said at a press conference that Allen was probably the most under-rated man on his team. An un known player that nobody noticed. But that’s all changed now. Aggie opponents know about Allen and his determined play at the right defensive end post. The 6-3 Allen came to A&M from Na cogdoches where he was captain of his high school team and all-district offensive end. He played linebacker on defense. He had plenty of ability and talent when he came to A&M but Allen feels that Stall ings has really improved him. “I really like playing for him. He teaches sound foot ball. Sound football that will be paying off soon for A&M.” n I One free card per store Visit. No purchase re- nUlcS. quired. No need to pass through checkstand. Secure your FREE slip a.t either end fo checkstand or from any store employee other than in Meat Department. Safe way employees and their immediate families are not eligible. You must be 16 or over to receive “Play 21” cards. Only bonafide “Play 21” cards marked “Program No. 138” will be honored. Winners’ name and picture will be used only with their permission. WINNERS GALORE m ‘PLAY 21’ Coupon Worth IglM'!* | 100 FREE | GOLD BOND STAMPS . With the Purchase of [( Any Half ar Whale SMOKED HAM n Coupon Eipirot Oct. I, 1944. ^ ® Coupon Worth !tM£ f 50 FREE % f GOLD BOND STAMPS j\ With the Purchase of :( 27-ax. Can I SIMONIZ VINYLWAX » jt Caupea Iiytraa Oct. t, MU. )3 Coupon Worth » 75 FREE U GOLD BOND STAMPS s -- With the Purchase of 1— ANY 3—l-ox. PVgi. Safeway LUNCH MEATS ^ Coupon Ixpirti Oct. I, 1944. ^11 ($ Coupon Worth 50 FREE 21 £( GOLD BOND STAMPS ® With the Purchase of 4-ax. leHIa Pertussin COUGH SYRUP Coupon Expiros Oct. t e 1944. "P*®! 21” PROGRAM #138 99 ★ $ 125,000 IN CASH PRIZES! + WIN UP TO 5 1,000 IN CASH! PLAY 21" WINNERS: $100—F. C. BENSON 829 Marshall, Vernon Coupon Worth 50 GOLD BOND STAMPS With the Purchase of S-oz. Can Crown Colony BLACK PEPPER Coupon Expires October I, Itti. wZwaWd W/t NUPtfWii Wti’iffifflWitroNWSWNW Coupon Worth] 100 GOLD bond stamps With the Purchase of IVa-Lb. Reg. or Pitted DATES Coupon Expiras October I, Itti. TWWWi ($) Coupon Worth 20* Off Zc^ rK . 2-Lb. Pkg. Safeway Thick SLICED BACON Coupon Expirts Octobers, 1944. wmmmmmmmmmmmmmm $1,000 WINNER W. A. WRIGHT 1512 Graham, Tyle'r $100—MARTHA BARTLETT 202 Charles Dr., Irving $100—BOBBIE KENNEY 2803 Welborn, Dallas $100—RICHARD FOUST 1025 S. Jennings, Ft. Worth Variety and Freshness at Safeway ... $100—JACK PERSON 100 Sara Sue, Wichita Falls $100—ANNETTE SCULLY 2402 Pickett, Longview $500 WINNER HOWARD HARDCASTLE 871 Marshall, Colorado City $100—M. C. ROSS 908 S. 50th St., Temple $100—ANNIE PORTER 1305 E. League, Waco $100—SHIRLEY WILLIAMS I 103 W. Monroe, Austin Russet Potatoes Purex Bleach Folger’s Coffee Heinz Ketchup Kleenex Tissues (5<f Oft Label)—Gallon Plastic Safeway Has the Finest Meats! Chuck Roast Blade Cut. U.S.D.A. Choice Heavy Beef. Tender, lean cut of meat trimmed before weighing for good eating. Serve with Potatoes and Carrots. Lb. Seven Roast Chuck Steak Short Ribs 39 4 U.S.D.A. Choice Grade Heavy Beef—Lb. U.S.D.A. Choice Grade Heavy Beef—Lb. Arm Roast U.S.P.A. ChoTco Hnvy leef—Lb. Uw Excellent for Bar-B-Que—Lb. 49* 49* Rib Steak 49* 49* 19< 4- $ l Clover Honey O u> QQC Empress. Strained. COD Family Flour l% D Lb [10-Lb. Bag ...98*) Kitchen Craft. ' Iced Tea Blend AQi Canterbury. For Iced Tea.—'/z-Lb. Box Your Choice ... Mix or Match U.S. No. I. Fancy. The most versatile of vegetables. Can be prepared in many ways. /Premium Bakers Q OQA ^Russets. O LhS ffci aR ' y 10:49 All Grinds—I-Lb. Can with $2.50 purchase 14-oz. Bottle Facial. Assorted Colors. 200-Count Pkg. Large “A” Eggs 5b 2 25< 10* 2 ta 25* 43* 2 tk< 29* 23* Tokay Grapes 1 Qa or Ribier. Sweet and full of juice—Lb. JL ^ * Tomatoes Large, red ripe slicers—Lb. White Onions A natural with meats. Texas Yams Yellow and so sweet—Lb. Radishes Red and so crisp—6-oz. Pkg. Artichokes Marinated—6-oz. Jar Bananas Golden ripe and delicious. Bartlett Pears So mellow and juicy—Lb. 29* Breakfast Gems. Grade "A 1 Quality. Large Size—Dozen .Armour Star or Safeway _ Sliced Bacon 79* Lean, tasty strips of bacon cured just right to please you. A real breakfast treat. — I-Lb. Pkg. 35* I EjIH- 89* Ground Chuck Lean, red beef ground fresh for better enjoyment—Lb. Pork Steak 65* Franks •sssav? 49* Fish Fiflets v&t.'ist 4# Dog Food Pooch. Regular or Liver Flavored—IB'/z-oz. Can 12i- $ l : W;, or Wold ★ Jonathan Apples ★ Pippin Apples it Red Delicious Your Choice—Lb. I,— 19 4 Cottage Cheese 29* 69* Lucerne—16-oz. Gfn. (32-oz. Carton ... 57#) Longhorn Cheese Safeway—Lb. Snow Star. Assorted Flavors—Vz-Gal. Carton Pork Roast Boston Butt. A favorite with Yams. Tender—Lb. IlimlrC Manor House. U.S.D.A. Inspecfed, A £}d UUbllO Grade "A". 5 to 5'/j-Lb. Avg.-Lb. 4'3 ' Fryer Leg Quarters .,HS. 39* Fryer Breast Quarters “^ 45* Strawberries Bel-air. Frozen—10-oz. Pkg. 29* Waffles Bel-air. Frozen—4-Count Pkg. 10* Fish Sticks Sea Star. Frozen—8-oz. Pkg. 25* Stock Up Now! ICE CREAM 59* 89< 33* 2 49* Cheese Cake Sara Lee. Frozen—17-oz. Pkg. Peas & Onions Birdseye. Frozen—10-oz. Pkg. Meat Pies Swanson. Frozen—8-oz. Pkg. 55* Prices and Coupent Effective Thurs., Frl. and Sat., Oct. 6, 7 and I, in. BRYAN We Reserve the Right fo Limit Quantities. No Sales fo Dealers. SAFEWAY OCopyright I960, Safeway Stores Incorporated FRESHMEN PICTURE SCHEDULE FOR 1967 AGGIELAND CORPS FRESHMEN Yearbook Portrait Schedule-;-. Corps freshmen will have their portraits made for the Aggie land ’67 according to this sched ule. Portraits will be made at University Studio at North Gate in class “A” winter uniforms. Fish should bring poplin shirts, black ties, & brigade shields. Those freshmen who paid for their yearbook picture at regis tration should bring their fee slip — those who did not, may pay their $1.50 at the University Studio. Oct. 3 & 4 4 & 5 5 & 6 6 & 7 7 & 10 10 & 11 A-2 & B-2 C-2 & D-2 E-2 & F-2 G-2 & H-2 White Band Maroon Band CIVILIAN FRESHMEN can be photographed any day during this period. Wear coat & tie. Just Arrived For ALL AGGIE RODEO TALL CROWN HATS (American) LEVI’S (All sizes) Boot Headquarters COURT’S SADDLE SHOP 318 N. Main The most walked about slacks on Campus are HUBBARD with "DACRON” The action is fashioned by Hubbard . . . DACRON® polyester inthe blend means total neatness. Try a pair of BREECHES by HUBBARD for the tapered look you’ll want! HUBBARD SLACKS !tsssa inn m.ii,iiL—iBJl'l.HMUm 1