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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1966)
THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, April 28, 1966 Page 3 ight to on and t. Did airaui demon- iding i :r foi tudents • com- is thit in who : thin? l c c DR. H. R. BYERS Byers Named To NAS Post Dr. Horace R. Byers, dean of the College of Geosciences, has been elected chairman of the Geophysics Section of the Nation al Academy of Sciences. The meteorologist was named to the 750-member organization of the nation’s scientific elite in 1953. He is one of three academy members on the teaching staff. The geophysics section includes 35 scientists. Byers came to A&M in Sep tember from the University of Chicago. He is the first dean of the new geosciences college which involves A&M’s earth sci ences. The MIT graduate is best known for research on thunder storms and directs the U. S. Government’s thunderstorm stu dies. English Society Inducts Members Sigma Tau Delta, the English honor society, initiated 15 new members and elected next year’s officers at a meeting this week. The new members were all se lected on the basis of scholarly achievement. The list includes Dr. Harry P. Kroitor, a faculty member, Douglas Bailey, Janet Douglas, Daniel Fischer, Sharon Hall, D’Ann Hearn, Betty Hines, Jan Gannaway, Jan Loveless and Samuel Mackin. Also selected were Carol Ro berts, Roy Rodriguez, Antoinette Rundt, Katerine Singer and Don- j aid Sweeney. Jim Baldauf was selected pres ident for next year. Other offi cers include Dennis Minor, vice president; Jack Mackin, secre tary; Janet Douglas, treasurer, and Jan Loveless historian-mar shall. Dr. Stanley L. Archer serves as faculty advisor for the groun. Yearbook Uses Prof’s Research Research by Dr. Dale F. Leip- per into hurricane effects on ocean water temperature is ac knowledged in a recently publish ed national reference work. The Encyclopedia Britannica’s 1966 yearbook mentioned two United States oceanographic de velopments, including Leipper’s findings. Data the yearbook recorded shows ocean water was cooled 12% degrees in an area 50 by 200 miles measured after passage of a hurricane. Leipper’s re search on Hurricanes Betsy of 1965 and Hilda of 1964 was from the decks of A&M’s oceanogra phic research vessel Alaminos. la-de-da snooty affairs our specialty! Ladies love meeting at Ramada Inn! Fancy banquets. Club get- togethers and Luncheons are just more fun! Hold your next femme test at Ramada . .. whether lav ishly formal or quaintly unre strained. At Ramada it's no secret: we love ladies! Try our fast, friendly breakfast and luncheon service. RAMADA INN Bryan - College Station 846-8811 WIN a '66 MUSTANG GET YOUR "GIFTS GALORE" CARD TODAY!-No Purchase Necessary-EVERY CARD A WINNER! YOUR CARD MAY WIN-50,000- 5,000 - 200 -100 - FREE S&H GREEN STAMPS! SHURFINE \ SALAD DRESSING OR MIRACLE whip Salad Dressing Cjt. jar 39 With Purchase of $2.50 or More Excluding Cigarettes S *UU® DRES^ "Thrif-Tee Trim Heavy Beef Chuck Sale 5,000 S&H Green Stamp Winners MRS. TOM BOWERS 2500 Burton, Bryan Texas MRS. CLIFFORD B. HUNTER 2304 Burton Dr., Bryan, Texas MRS. JOSEPH HACSKAYLO 1205 Orr St., C.S. MRS. CAROLINE B. HOEGG 3702 Cavitt — Bryan rT^iiT^TTsUr^rTsUrPsTir?^^ V. Heavy Beef—English Cut BONELESS ROAST u, 79c CHUCK ROAST > SHOULDER ROAST LT Lb 55c GROUND BEEF L '“. Lb 49c 3^$L39 APPLE SAUCE 6cZ $1100 Mohawk Brand Carnation Evaporated MILK CANNED PICNICS $188 Lb. Can BRIQUETS XT 10 Bag 49c tall cans $ loo Duncan Hines CAKE MIX 3 pkgs. $L00 AIM SELTZER — 44c Regular 63£ Size Spray or Pushbutton Deodorant mennen 59^ Size—Off JERGENS Lo00 " 33c 95^ Size—Dental Cream COLGATE 59c Shurfine—Assorted Flavors CANNED DRINKS Northern — Toilet [TISSUE Cackleberry—Grade A EGGS Large Dozen 4r.35c Rath’s Blackhawk—Sliced BACON 1-Lb. Pkgr. A. F. Brand 12-Oz. Can MELLORINE '/ 2 Gal. Ctn. Shurfresh MARGARINE Shurfine Shurfine Frozen—Peas - Okra or BLACKEYE PEAS 5 p 0 £ $L00 Maryland Club COFFEE PORK & BEANS 3 1-Lb. Ctns. 300 Cans Del Monte Shurfine Frozen—French Fries ONION RINGS 3 8-Oz. Pkgs. $1.00 Shurfrost, Frozen—Chicken - Beef - Turkey DINNERS ll-Oz. — Pkg. 39c can Limit One With $2.50 Purchase or More CATSUP rpf T]\T A Shurfine A U1 l/m. Chunk Style PEANUT BUTTER FOIL vikinB 14-Oz. Btls. 00 Aluminum 3 N Cana SLOO is-oz. 49c 25 Ft ' 97r . Roll £ 4 C GOLD TIP TOMATOES 6, ^$ GOO Libby’s VIENNA SAUSAGE FRESH CRISP ICEBERG LETTUCE HEADS FOR Fresh—Fla vorf u 1 4-Oz. Cans K.Y. BEANS Lb. 19c FANCY—GOLDEN RIPE Cello Bag RADISHES Bach Bananas lb 10 QRRS •>:0 \V.rl p: v\vL SLICED OR HALVES PEACHES Hunt’s 2«/2 Cans c r 303 Cans Del Monte PEAS 4 SHURFRESH CHEESE SLICES JZ:29c CREAM CHEESE,SU.m. 2^ 25c TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 200 E 24th — DOWNTOWN * 3516 TEXAS AVE. — RIDGECREST —COUPON— 100 FREE S&H GREEN STAMPS With This Coupon And The Purchase Of $10.00 or More (LIMIT ONE PER PERSON) MUST BE ONE PURCHASE (Cigarettes Excluded) Void After Sat. April 30, 1966