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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1966)
TjftV - ■SVjilHi’rt'.':, ditvk Jlrl Supulu 'pictWUt ptOAMLC^ 13 SftColUf* Avt-ftiyAR.ltM rk I I DON'T DON’T DON’T MIND MIND MIND EITHER If meeting of the don’t minds ; If you don't mind having all the details of planning a banquet or convention taken care of for you, f call Ramada Inn. We’ll make sure lyour meeting is trouble-free . . . no matter what size your group! Try our fast, friendly breakfast and luncheon service. ,,1 RAMADA INN Bryan-College Station 846-8811 THE BATTALION Wednesday, April 13, 1966 College Station, Texas Page 3 GUNDERSENS ENTERTAIN AT DANCE Mrs. Wilhelmina Gundersen, right, chats dance Monday night given by A&M junior with Mrs. Delbert McGuire, wife of the head of the Department of Journalism, during a Paul Gundersen in honor of his mother. FA X Engineer Lectures To Aero Class The Federal Aviation Agency can license persons to kill them selves, but no one else can. An FAA design evaluation en gineer revealed the twist while at Texas A&M to meet with an Aerospace Engineering vehicle design course. Sam Nordyke of Fort Worth told the class Tuesday how the FAA evaluates and restricts air craft in experimental categories. The Aero. 401 class problem dealt with testing a hypersonic liquid hydrogen engine. A similar arrangement is used if a private citizen designs and builds a plane. “We X-license it and give the builder a designated area to fly BATTALION CLASSIFIED Political iimouncements jibject to action of the Dem- cratic Primary May 7, 1966. For Congressman, Sixth Con fessional District: OLIN E TEAGUE (Re-Election) lor County Clerk: FRANK J. BORISKIE I. N. (IRA) KELLEY WANT AD RATES d«y 4# per m If per word each additional day Minimum charge- DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication iona 50c 1!">H Volkswagen. X C.V. . day before publ Classified Display 90c per column inch each insertion FOR SALE Call 846-8167, see at ee at 296t3 FIFTY CENTS you can buy a complete etown roster of your friends. Closeout letown roster of your frien< ; on Student Directories . . n Student Publications, abailable basement 294tl3 |lectrolux Sales and Service. G. C. Wil- 1105 E. 28th St. Bryan. Phone 268tfn is, i: ■5331. CHILD CARE care, 846-815 ages. Baby food fur- 257tfn Gregory’s Day Nursery—846-4006. 218tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER, 3406 South College, State Licensed. 828-8626. Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn FOR RENT Furnished one bedroom apartment, cen tral heat and air conditioned, close to campus. Call 846-5711 before 5:00 — 846- 8433 after 5:00. 296tfn STATE MOTEL, rooms and kitchen, day and weekly rate, near the University, 846- 6410. 262tfn VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University All General Electric built-ins 1 & 2 bedrooms with 1 or 114 baths oms wit Central heat & air Large walk-in closi Beautiful courtyard with swimming • Large Ik-in closets pool Carpets & Drapes Carports & laundry facilities Furnished or unfurnished Resident manager. Apt. 1 401 Lake Phone 822-2035 154tfn OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Office of Student Publications before deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preceding publication. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Wendt, Charles William Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Physics Dissertation: A Study of Techniques to Measure and Environmental Variables Influencing the Water Relations of Mesquite (Prosopis Glandulosa var. Glan- dulosa Torr) Time: Place: Room Wayne C. Hall Dean of Grad. Studies April 15, 1966 at 1 :15 p. m. 303 in Plant Science Bldg. EMPLOYMENT NOTICE Designations as to sex in our Help Wanted and Employment Agency columns are made only (1) to indicate bona fide occupa tional qualifications for employment which an employer regards as reasonably neces sary to the normal operation of his business or enterprise, or (2) as a convenience to our tior rprise, or (2) as a readers to let them know which posi- s the advertiser believes would be of e interest to one sex than the other cause of the work involved. Such desig nations shall not be taken to indicate that any advertiser intends or practices any un lawful preference, limitation, specification or discrimination in employment practices. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE HELP WANTED Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree u, Hwei Choc Doctor of Philosopry in Bio- Name : Eu, Hwei Choung Degree: Doctor of Philt chemistry and Nutrition Dissertation: Mechanism of glyceride di gestion and absorption : I. A Study of the degree of acyl group exchange of tri glycerides in intestinal lumen during fat digestion. II. A study of the abso Counselors and riding instructors needed for summer employment on Eastern Boy’s Riding Ranch. Applicants must be 19 Applicants ears or over and have riding experience. Larry M. Greenhaw, 846-8228. digestion. II. A study of 2-monoglycerides by white rats. ace: Bldg. orption Time: PI •noglycerides by April 14 at 2 :00 Conference Room A&M DRIVE-IN — Car hostesses, foun tain manager, cooks. Good pay. Apply in person. 296tfn P- in m. Plant Sciences Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies 296t2 SPECIAL NOTICE SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. & A.M. Called meeting Wednesday, April 13, at 7 p. m. The Fel- - lowcraft Degree will be con- VtfwjrXp ferred. Also Thursday, April 14, a stated meeting. W. W. Spurlock W.M. Joe Woolket Secy. WORK WANTED ^ill do ironing in my home or in your ke. Call 823-6670 or 822-0763. 296t2 IEMODELING, REPAIR WORK AND TERAL CONTRACTING, call 822-4788 after 5:00 call 846-5918. DON 290tfn p; after IRABLE yping, 823-6410. HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th 822-2819 REPORTS, THESES, DISSERTATIONS Miscellaneous Typing BARBARA ROBISON 332 Jersey Street, College Station, Tex. PHONE: 846-5832 lavoline, Enco, Ama- ie, Conoco 30c qt. r here low oil prices originate. All brands Wholesale Parts Wholesale Too Quantity Right Reserved Filter V2 Price (most cars) Carpet, Nylon Front & Rear f30.00 Value Now $16.95 Shock Absorbers Installed Most Cars $4.79 Latex interior paint gal. .. $2.59 lufflers—Chevy, other many models $5.98 Irake shoes—most cars exchange $2.90 !. We carry several thousand Barts. You never pay list price por good parts. Trade where Ijnost Aggies and others trade. »0 years in Bryan. Kuality Oil 10# qt. gkuto trans. oil 29# laC - Champion - Autolite plugs fires—Low price every day — lust check our price with any ither of equal quality. Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 20 years in Bryan Save up to 40% on auto parts, tires, bat teries, seat covers, mufflers, tail pipes and accessories. SEE WHITE AUTO STORE, College Station, 846-5626. ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAM re quired of junior History & Government majors will be given April 19 & 20, 3-5 p. m., Room 204, Nagle. Students must register at the Departmental Office, Room 208, Nagle by April 18. 296t3 ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAMINA TION required of Business Administration majors will be given April 19, 4 p. m.. Room 202, Francis Hall. Students must register in School of Business Administra tion office by April 18. 296t3 SENIOR RING ORDERS from under graduates with 95' hours of credit will be accepted April 18 - May 31. Hours- passed on preliminary grade report April 4 may be used. Ring clerk on duty in Registrar’s m. - Noon, Monday - Friday. record check—save In the center of Greenland, the thick ice overburden has de pressed the ground surface to 1,200 feet below sea level. INCOME TAX ACCOUNTING B. B. TRANT Phone 846-7842 be usi Office 8 Leave name now for time when ordering. H. L. HEATON, Director of Admissions and Registrar 284t35 ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAM re quired of all junior Education or Psychol ogy majors, will be offered from 3-5 p. m., April 12 and April 15 in Academic 401. For BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL MANAGER Employee relations has an open ing for a person capable of handling recruiting, testing, em ployee benefits, & other em ployee relations programs. Some graduate training or advanced degree preferred. Position of fers excellent advancement & training for labor relations. Applicants should submit per sonal resume & salary require ments to: FRITO-LAY, INC. P. O. Box 35034 Dallas, Texas An equal opportunity employer TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES 118 S. Bry»n —Bryan— 822-6874 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Excellent Opportunity For male student, at least 21, who can work 2 or 3 hours per week and earn $50 to $75 dollars per week. Car not necessary. Must be of excellent char acter. If interested, please write to Robert Payne P. O. Box 66527, Houston, Texas 294t9 in,” Nordyke explained. “Such craft are okay as long as it can get off the ground and fly around a field. The builder can fly it and kill himself, but not anyone else.” Nordyke, one of a series of pro fessionals meeting with the class, explained that load analyses and static test results are required in some cases. SUMMER JOBS IN ALASKA ARE PROFITABLE. Listings of Company names' and addresses: $1.00 to Denis Rydjeski: C/O E. R. Anuta; RR 10; Lafayeth Indiana. ayette, 293t6 GIL’S RADIO & TV Sales: Curtis Mathis, Westinghouse Service: All makes and models, including color T. V. & multiplex F M 2403 S. College 822-0826 DONAHO SALES CO. 207 W. 28th 823-6666 Damaged & Uncleamed Freight, Quality Merchandis At Substantial Savings. Aggie Wanted for weekends only, 8 hour ay shift for counter work at the DUTCH ETTLE. Permanent for right man. Con tact Bert Mullins at the DUTCH KETTLE Waitress Wanted: Apply in person at The Ramada Inn. 208tfn R.N. to work 8-11 p.m. an and relief shift at Madison < pital. Starting salary $350.0 DAMAGED and UNCLAIMED FREIGHT (New Merchandise) Furniture, Appliances, Bedding, Tables, etc. A little of everything. C & D SALVAGE E. 32nd & S. Tabor 822-0605 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 SOSOLIK'S TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes - TV - Repaired 713 S. Main 822-1941 • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 Meals tact 6 p.m. i P B. and 11-7 a.m. County Hos- ;arting salary $350.00 and up. ovided; uniforms laundered. Con- Tugger, R.N. at VI 6-6493 after 187tfn Cecil Sez: We meet all advertised prices on Major Brand Oils. No Limit. Filters % Price — All Sizes. 100% new oil 10# qt. All Brands Motor Oil Wholesale Prices. BRYAN OIL WHSE. 805 N College (Highway 6, N) at 19th "MOONEY” The Name To Remember When You Wish To Buy Any Type Of Musical Instru ment, Domestic and Imported Instruments Of Outstanding Quality Are Available At MOONEY PIANO & ORGAN CO. Expert Repair Service 1208 So. Coalter Dr. Bryan Phone 823-5045 — Rea. 846-3538 AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer Economics Head Named To State Post Alfred F. Chalk, head of the Department of Economics, has been elected president of the Southwestern Social Science As sociation. The five-state organization of 12 disciplines met in New Or leans last weekend. Chalk will preside at the 1967 meeting of the 1,150-member association in Dallas in addition to other presi dential duties. A full professor and depart ment head since 1956, Chalk has been associated with the social sciences group for 23 years. The educator served on its executive council for the last two years as vice president. Deadline Monday For Banquet Tickets Tickets for the annual Faculty- Staff-Board dinner will go off sale Monday. The banquet for University employes and the directors of the Texas A&M University System is scheduled April 22 in Sbisa Hall. The board will greet faculty and staff at 6:45 p.m. with the din ner starting at 7:30 p.m. Special entertainment will be provided by the Singing Cadets. Speakers for the evening are Board Vice President Clyde Wells of Granbury and A&M President Earl Rudder. Tickets are available through department heads and directors and at the Memorial Student Cen ter. Freeman Chosen Business Group Head W. C. Freeman, Texas A&M University System vice president and comptroller, is the new presi dent of the Southern Association of College and University Busi ness Officers. Freeman moved to the top ex ecutive’s position after terms as third, second and first vice presi dent. He will serve 15 months. Officers were installed at a con vention banquet during the week end in Dallas. Extension Trainers To Attend Conference Teacher trainers of the Engi neering Extension Service will participate in a Vocational Indus trial Clubs of American confer ence April 28-30 in Austin. B. M. Hackney, Dewey Cowling Jr., and Louis R. Maneely will represent TEES in discussions of youth leadership development in Texas. More than 1,500 Texas youngsters are expected. Prof To Present Paper At Meeting Dr. Don L. Ivey, assistant pro fessor of civil engineering, will present a paper during the Texas section of American Society of Civil Engineers’ spring meeting Friday in Corpus Christi. “Shear Resistance of Structural Lightweight Concrete Members” is the topic of Ivey’s presentation. Proficiency Exam Scheduled Thursday The English Proficiency Ex amination for majors in botany, microbiology, zoology and ento mology will be administered at 4 p.m. Thursday in room 107 of the Biological Sciences Building, Dr. J. G. Mackin, head of the Depart ment of Biology, has announced. Architects Sponsor Wildlife Show The School of Architecture will sponsor a slide show, “The Mur der of Silence”, at 8 p.m. Thurs day in the Bryan Civic Audi torium. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department production will de pict the natural wonders of Texas and the necessity of preserving and improving them in the form of parks and reserved areas. Three projectors and three screens will be utilized to present 6,000 slides in the hour - long cinerama. The presentation, showing scenes from the Big Bend to the oil fields of East Texas, is un officially tied with present con cern for natural resources. Brown To Conduct Missouri Seminar Reagan V. Brown, Extension sociologist, is conducting a three- day* sefcninar f;d^ University of Missouri administrators in Kan sas City. “We have asked Mr. Brown to conduct the seminar based on the extremely fine reports we have had from our people who have participated in his annual sum mer course at Colorado State University,” said C. B. Ratchford, vice president for Extension in Missouri. Ratchford said Brown will de velop the three-day program on human behavior, social action, self-analysis for leadership, group process, and human motivation. Prof To Attend Engineers Meeting Dr. J. George H. Thompson will participate in a regional admin istrative meeting of the Ameri can Society of Mechanical Engi neers in Fort Worth next week. Chairman of the sections com mittee, Thompson will conduct a breakfast session Monday for in coming chairmen of the regional sections. Later in the day, he will lead a discussion on commit tee reports. Thompson is profes sor of mechanical engineering at A&M. Profs To Attend Research Seminars Two professors will attend up coming industrial education re search seminars in New York and North Carolina. Dr. Everett R. Glazener will participate in a research design meeting at Cornell University in May. Dr. Leslie V. Hawkins will attend a North Carolina State University seminar on occupa tional mobility and migration in April. * £^T': lill' S , mi Du N uNOl ki/vlAl'S fRft TONIGHT 2 Color Hits Rickie Nelson In “LOVE AND KISSES” 2nd Show 9:15 p. m. “BATTLE OF VILLA FORITCH” CLOSE OUT SALE on A&M Student-Staff Directories 50 c Each While They Last The only complete roster of hometown addresses. Available from Student Publications Basement YMCA —Job Calls— WEDNESDAY Burroughs Wellcome and Com pany — biology, animal science, poultry science, marketing. Southwest Research Institute — chemistry, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechani cal engineering, physics. Turner, Collie, and Braden, Inc. — civil engineering. CIRCLE TONIGHT 2 Color Thrillers 1st Show 7:10 p. m. Kirk Douglas In “HEROS OF TELEMARK” 2nd Show 9:25 p. m. Jack Lemmon. In “GOOD NEIGHBOR SAM” PALACE STARTS TODAY The greatest comedy of all time! I Tony Curtis ■ Jack Lemmon I I Natalie Wood ■ BLAKE EDWARDS’ “The Great Race” mm Screenplay by ARTHUR ROSS D-rected by BLAKE EDWARD? KwfjjTj TECHNICOLOR* PANAVISIOIT luRjj FROM WARNER BROS. Mai [OLLOBRjfiiDA.: