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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1966)
TI Survey ays Accident ' study Needed wuld tq.. J I The need to hasten emergency »d, idol Ijctivities in freeway accidents m am was revealed in a recent survey the m* onducted by traffic engineering it at la esearchers of the Texas Trans- prtation Institute. | Researchers sent questionnaires 6 ® b police departments of major I® 8 ®” ties to determine the time it ifliild (i |. 0 perform the various an f bases of activity performed at 1 Iirs le scene of an accident, from 1 on v" le time the accident occurs un- ? dk ^ ^ reewa ^ c ^ eare ^- I a ' “An average time of approxi- ; o | a ™ lately 35 minutes was required one of the major cities for all Bents c ti v *ty,” D r - C. V. Wooten, as- ;t hat j istant TTI director, reported. If wisk r ^* le survey revealed that it i, hj s | ormally takes five minutes to illy km eP or t ^he accident. Another the som ' ve minutes elapses while the dice dispatcher notifies an in- ins mil estigating officer. The investi gator usually reaches the scene autho: > n ^ ve or 10 minutes, rhefiil It takes about 10 minutes to slighti|ocate a wrecker operator, and it w another 10 minutes before he «ateurisf$rrives. ife stoi same 1 :lors tai trovers ilk mus sly cause id artis imotm. THE BATTALION Friday, April 1, 1966 College Station, Texas Page 5 becau: i sixtei buttl iad. Ti ir neigi ik do* vith hJ Frank L. Lynch, TTI research er, offered these suggestions for reducing the clearance time. —Have an adequate number of yoving patrol cars, especially giuring peak traffic periods. —There should be adequate Iccess to communication media irtists (for reporting accidents. —Investigators should have a half wi borough knowledge of street ac- ii’s sonjjiess to the freeway in their dis- I unde tricts. Researches concluded with a lu^e, ^ recommendation that “studies could II bould be continued to determine onderir R pp r0 priate methods of encour- had d|igi n g drivers to move their ve- d be an hides to some point off the free way, thus reducing the effect on the traffic stream.” CORRECTIVE LEVER An idea designed to correct orthopedic problems in children is inspected by Matilda Scarmardo, secretary in the Depart ment I of Aerospace Engineering. Ted J. Meiller, a depart ment lab mechanic, invented “Torq-Heel.” It applies direct ly to standard infant or youth shoes. Engineering Mechanic Invents Orthopedic Foot Contraption A mechanic at Texas A&M has designed an orthopedic device in his spare time. Ted J. Meiller of the Depart ment of Aerospace Engineering, developed the rubber-ribbed heel to aid children with leg, ankle and foot malformations. When the mechanism goes be fore the annual Texas Medical Association convention in Austin April 7, three years of intensive research and design will achieve partial fruition. Meiller became discontented with clumsiness of a brace worn by a niece. He began to experi ment. The solution came to him one day a year later — a rubber shoe heel to impart torque to the foot or leg through slanted ribs. “Torq - Heel”, the patented name applied to the mechanism of Meiller's imagination, was thus born. Department professor Charles A. Rodenberger suggest ed a different approach and has also applied for patents on the contrivance. The strip, with 20-degree slant ed ribs, fastens to a regular child shoe. Pressure of the wearer’s weight crushes the ribs. Result ing force applies twist. Geo metric variation of the ribbed areas controls the amount of tor sion. Of Mice and Men Editor, The Battalion: I was enraged by an article written by Herky KAUingsworth in one of your publications last week. He made the statement that all women after jmarriage let themselves ‘go to pot’. I know Mr. Killingsworth stated that he did not want to be held respon sible for this remark, but if he is going to make it and publish it, I’m afraid he will have to face the blame for it. After boiling over this for several days, I feel that I must speak up in defense of the married girls. Why is it that single men have the mistaken impression that marriage makes the Cinderella story work in reverse, and that R. L. HUNT, JR. AND ROY W. KELLY A&M Consolidated Candidates for 2 school trustee positions, April 2. Oppose “Gerrymander ing” Negro vote. Story on Page 3. Paid Pol. Ad. © VOLKSWAGEN Authorlxtd £«/•• • 8»rvlc» mndPtrtt ComiandSf Hickman Garrett Motors South College Phone 822-01 1701 South College Avenue Phone 822-0146 By Herky Killingsworth women automatically become great female cabbages with their brains and waistlines being whisked away with a swoop of an •unavoidable wand shortly after their wedding day? I have two children, and would wager that I look better in a bikini than any girl Mr. Killings worth has ever dated. After ob serving the married girls I know here, I can’t find any evidence to uphold Mr. Killingsworth’s statement. True, there are some slob-like wives, but I’ll bet that they were slobs long before their wedding day. Bryan-College Station has an abundance of beautiful wives and young mothers, so let’s stop be ing unfair to them. I’d advise Mr. Killingsworth to wake up and look around before making any more of his assanine state ments! A wronged wife Dear Wronged, Last week when I wrote that column, in a sleepy stupor, I must add, I was extremely careful to put in the word “average”. This gives me an out when the com plaints start filing in as I knew they inevitably would. The truth is, when I say average housewife I am obviously not talking about an Aggie housewife for every one knows that they are far above average. Otherwise they would have never landed an Ag gie. It’s other married women that go to pot. OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT NOW! 4V2?5 Annum Paid Quarterly on INSURED SAVINGS FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION 2913 Texas Ave. I am sorry that single men have wronged the housewives but one wonders if there must not have been something to get it started. Maybe it started with your Cinderella story. If I re member my fairy tales correctly, Cinderella went to pot at the last stroke of midnight. Her fancy clothes turned to rags, the $40 hair-do was ruined, her Cadillac turned into a Volkswagen, and those 400 horsepowers turned into little mouses. Could it be that this is where the saying started. As far as my dating goes, you have wronged me. My inferiority complex will never get over it. Five years at A&M had com pletely shattered my confidence and it was only yesterday that I had gotten the nerve to speak to a girl. Yes, I spoke to a co-ed. I had really noticed the beauti ful Aggie wives on campus as often as any lonely Aggies. I had always felt that Aggies were the luckiest guys in the world be cause they married the most beautiful girls in the world. But then again I think of how lucky the girls are to marry an Aggie. Under those circumstances I’d be afraid to let myself go to pot too. And about those remarks about the bikini. All I can say is WOW. You’ve obviously got a lucky husband so follow my ad vice and don’t let him lose you. Herky (Abigale) Killingsworth P.S. Next time just call me Abby. ^ t/ <==>$ RAMADA INN Sunday Buffet Your full choice of our complete buffet, consisting of 75 to 80 choice selected items each Sunday. ADULTS — $2.25 CHILDREN — $1.25 Alternating Foreign Specialty Table Each Week Bryan * College Station 846-8811 RAMADA INN New Parks Department Growing Fast The new Department of Recre ation and Parks is showing signs of rapid growth after only 11 weeks of operation. The department was organized last fall and began its first course offering, “Principles of Parks Ad ministration,” with 23 students in January. According to its head, Dr. Leslie M. Reid, there have been more than 40 requests for enrollment information from graduate and undergraduate stu dents. Recreation and Parks is one of three departments in the also- new School of Natural Biosci ences approved early in 1965 by the Texas Commission on Higher Education (now the Coordinating Board, Texas College and Uni versity System). Other departments in the Bio sciences School are Range Science and Wildlife Science. Reid said the Department of Recreation and Parks aims direct ly at the “multiple land use phil osophy,” which means that rec reation is becoming a must in land utilization along with food, fiber and timber production. “This area seeks to solve prob lems involving humans and na tural environment recreation and park administration, and alloca tion and development of land and water resources,” Reid said. “Specific problems, for example, are man’s need for elbow room, increasing population pressures, and activity preferences of peo ple.” Such aims are proving attrac tive to students. The department head said 12 undergraduates are already committed to working on BS degrees in this field. Ten students are on campus now who expect to work toward a graduate degree, starting this fall, and there are about 16 applicants for graduate work from other schools. “This fall we figure we’ll have about 20 graduates and 40 under graduates studying with us,” Reid predicted. He emphasized the importance of strong graduate activity. The department will soon submit master of science and doctoral degree programs to the Coordi nating Board, Texas College and University System. Approval will have a bearing on whether the U. S. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation establishes a Regional Research and Training Center at Texas A&M. The Bureau, an agency of the U. S. Department of Interior, plans to set up 12 of the centers at various universities in the United States. By the fall of 1967, Reid be lieves the department will have about 100 majors with a ratio of 60 undergraduates to 40 gradu ates. FIRE SALE STORES 403 N. MAIN DOWNTOWN BRYAN APPLIANCE SALE • 121 EAST 25TH STREET • (Next To News Office Supply) $30,000 APPLIANCE STOCK REFRIGERATOSR — ELECTRIC AND GAS RANGES — DISH WASHERS — GAS & ELEC TRIC CLOTHES DRYERS — AIR CONDITION ERS — RADIOS — STEREOS — T.V’s — VAC UUM CLEANERS — ANTENNAS, ETC. BRAND NEW, BRAND NAME MERCHANDISE FRIGID AIRE — TAPP AN — MAGNAVOX — RCA — ZENITH ALL AT COST YOU SAVE 33V3% FOR EXAMPLE MAQ 95 frigidaire REFRIGERATOR S9CQ95 FRIGIDAIRE ^ DISH WASHER *96450 FRIGIDAIRE S' ~ GAS DRYER *388 00 frigidaire ^ ELECTRIC RANGE 06 60 frigidaire FOOD DISPOSAL *97ftS0 TAPPAN ^ GAS RANGE $ 278 05 s 157 45 *151 ao *238™ $ 24 44 *188 50 * EXTRA SPECIAL * RCA CLOCK RADIO JUST $13.88 MAGNAVOX — Stereo AM ■ ?M Radio and Record Player ZENITH — AM-FM Radio Stereo Record Player - ZENITH — AM-FM Radio Stereo Record Player RCA STERO PLAYER RCA TELEVISION SET RCA T.V. SET Model CF345W RCA T.V. SET Model CG287W RCA T.V. SET Model BG 249E ZENITH T.V. Model L 1615-3 ZENITH T.V. Model L 1615-3 ZENITH T.V. Model N 2205LI MAGNAVOX T.V. Model 10V114A MAGNAVOX T.V. Model 100 D108 COLOR T.V. 21" Model 2 RT552K .243” *259” $ 216 58 Mil 03 *177 48 *220” *160 48 *145” *96 8 ’ *104” *165 43 .75,° *138” *469 , ' i * EXTRA SPECIAL * $109.95 MAGNAVOX STEREO L MICROMATIC RECORD PLAYER FOLD-OUT SPEAKERS CARRYING CASE JUST $69.92 These Appliances are from an insurance loss, but you would never know it if we didn’t tell that they had smoke on them at one time. v DO YOU WANT TERMS? DIRECT FINANCING NO MONEY DOWN — 36 MONTHS TO PAY LET YOUR DISCOUNT BE YOUR DOWN PAYMENT • $100,000.00 DEPARTMENT STORE STOCK • FORMERLY WEINER’S OF HOUSTON 33%—50% AND MORE OFF THE ALREADY LOW CASH PRICES • SUCH AS • LADIES’ AND GIRLS’ WINTER COATS All 50% Off THE LOW CASH PRICE! MEN’S & BOYS’ HATS and CAPS Felt, Canvas, Etc. ALL i/£ PRICE! BLOUSES, SLIM JIMS, SKIRTS, SHORTS, Etc. For y 3 to y 2 OFF! LADIES’ AND GIRLS MEN’S & BOYS’ SHIRTS UNDERWEAR Whites, Colors. Fruit of The Loom Sport, Western Brands and B.V.D. You Know. 25% OFF 33'/3% OFF Boys’ DO YOU SEW? SPRING $10,000 PIECE GOODS SUITS 25< to $2.98 Yard $2.66 Up 33/3% OFF Cannon Sewing Notions TOWELS Simplicity Patterns. Zippers, Buttons, Thread All Sizes & Colors Rick - Rack, Bias Tape All 33'/3% Off All 331/3% Off SHEETS and BED SPREADS PILLOW CASES BLANKETS - PILLOWS Muslin or Percale CURTAINS - DRAPES Twin or Double 25% OFF AH 33/3% OFF ALL B RANDS | | CIGARETTE! \ CARTON $3.09 1 MEN’S ROBES Khaki or Jeans $5.99 Travel Robes WORK CLOTHES Shirts, Pants, Overalls T.V. Lounge Robes $8.99 Value ONLY $5.00 ALL 25% OFF Ladies’ and Children’s One Group of DRESSES DAMAGED DRESSES 33'/ 3 to 50% OFF YOUR CHOICE $1.00 Ea. Men’s and Boys’ SOCKS & ANKLETS DRESS PANTS Wash and Wear Fit the Entire Family! or Wool 1/3 OFF 25% OFF LIGHT FIXTURES Aluminum (For Every Room) PAINT LARGE SELECTION ALL 50% OFF 5 Gal. Can .... $10.00 NEVER AGAIN WILL YOU FIND SUCH A SELECTION OF BARGAINS UNDER ONE ROOF! HURRY! — HURRY! — HURRY! FIRE SALE 403 N. MAIN DOWNTOWN BRYAN