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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1966)
pp i i Campus Briefs THE BATTALION Thursday, March 24, 1966 Building Team Forum Begins Tuesday Prominent architects, engi neers and contractors will speak Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day during the third annual building team forum. Sponsored by the School of Architecture and the Department of Civil Engineering, the forum topic is “Esthetics and Econo mics.” The forum includes Architect Nathaniel Curtis of New Orleans, La., Consulting Engineer Dr. Lev Zetlin of New York, and Contractor Henry C. Beck Jr. of Dallas. Moderator is Olindo Grossi, dean of Pratt Institute’s School of Architecture, Brooklyn, New York. Tulane Law Grant Open To Students A $1,000 scholarship to Tu lane University’s Law School is available to qualified students. Interested students with a “B” or better average and a law school admission test score of 500 or better should contact Dr. J. M. Nance, pre-law program advisor, 208 Nagle Hall. Students Excel In Forestry Program Outstanding records have been compiled by Texas A&M students who took advantage of a now- discontinued out-of-state forestry scholarship program sponsored by the State of Texas. The scholarship program was halted at the start of this school year. Bob Rhodes of the Depart ment of Range Science said, but added the two-year pre-forestry curriculum is still in operation. During the 10 years the pro gram operated, 15 of the students completed the first two years at Texas A&M and transferred to Louisiana State University. Eight attained membership in Xi Sigma Phi. national forestry fraternity, and two others earned membership in Alpha Zeta, na tional agiculture fraternity, Rhodes said. Two attained the national scholastic society, Phi Kappa Phi. Three have completed require ments for Master of Science de grees and a fourth is now in graduate school. Science Fair Set Saturday The A&M Consolidated Science Fair is scheduled Saturday from 9:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. at A&M ATTENTION SENIORS All seniors who wish to enter a candidate for Van ity Fair need to turn in an application and a 5” x 7” picture or larger to the Stu dent Publication Office by March 23rd. Application can be picked up at the Student Publica tion Office. DANCE LAKEVIEW FRIDAY, MARCH 25 Music By DALE McBRIDE and THE MUSIC MEN Show By THE VIDEOTS Admission $1.50 Per Person Saturday Nite — No Dance 1 1 DON’T DON’T DON’T MIND MIND MIND EITHER lyjr 4 meeting of the don’t minds If you don’t mind having all the details of planning a banquet or convention taken care of for you, call Ramada Inn. We’ll make sure your meeting is trouble-free . . . no matter what size your group! Try our fast, friendly breakfast and luncheon service. RAMADA INN Bryan-College Station 846-8811 Consolidated High School. The fair is open to exhibits from elementary, junior high school and senior high school levels. Worthy exhibits in the junior high school and senior high school levels are eligible for par ticipation in the District Science Fair in Houston April 1-3. All exhibits are the work of the students. Prof To Present Physics Paper Dr. J. B. Coon, professor of physics, will present a paper to the American Physical Society at their meeting March 28-31 in Durham, N. C. The paper, “The Double-Mini mum Potential and the Geometri cal Structure of the lA a State of H 2 C0 (Formaldehyde),” was pre pared by Conn, Victor T. Jones and Donald G. Naugle, both grad uate students. 3 MSC Staffers To Attend Meet Three Memorial Student Cen ter staff members will attend the 43rd annual conference of the Association of College Unions International Sunday through Wednesday in New Orleans. Attendng from A&M are J. Wayne Stark, MSC director; Ha rold W. Gaines, student program supervisor, and Mrs. Betsy Fish er, student program advisor. Hosted by Tulane University, the conference is to enable rep resentatives to discuss problems and future plans of their college unions. Program sessions are planned on 32 different topics. Stark will participate in “The Union as an International Cen ter,” discussing the pros and cons of an international center seperate from the union and ways the union can serve as an inter national center through program ming. College Station, Texas Page 3 Baptists Top Student Poll OLD SOLDIERS MEET THE NEW Texas A&M President Earl Rudder, right, the Green Berets” and a South Viet Nam and Veterans of Foreign Wars Adjutant combat veteran. The trio met at the VFW General Julian Dickenson chat with S/Sgt. Convention at the Sheraton-Park Hotel in Barry Sadler, recording star of “Ballad of Washington, D. C. Clayton Fund Increases Ag Journalism Support Baptists dominate a poll indi cating religious preference for spring semester students. YMCA Secretary J. Gordon Gay reported 1,909 students pre fer the Baptist faith. Methodists, with 1,832, ranked second among 31 listed religions, while Catholics number 1,476. Denominations with more than 100 students include Presbyterian, 593; Episcopal, 431; Church of Christ, 340; Lutheran (NLC), 311; Christian, 180; Lutheran (Missouri Synod), 129, and Protestant, 104. Preferences totaling more than 10 students include Moslem, 68; Jewish, 63; Unitarians, 44; Unit ed Church of Christ, 28; Hindu, 27; Mormon, 19; Christian Sci ence, 16; Congregational, 14; and Brethren, 12. Religions new to the poll since last year are Druid, Armenian Christian, Four Square Gospel, Jain, B’Hai and Confusian. Other religions, preferred by fewer than 10 A&M students are Greek Ohthodox, Buddhist, Naz- arene, Friends, Pentecostal and Seventh Day Adventist. The Clayton Fund of Houston has increased its scholarship sup port in agricultural journalism from $1,500 to $4,000 for the 1966-67 school year, Delbert Mc Guire, Department of Journalism head has announced. Included in the boost will be five $200 scholarships for junior college graduates in agriculture who transfer to Texas A&M to complete their work in agricul tural journalism. The remainder will be available for students in the program. Applications from junior col lege students should be submitted immediately through the super visor to the Department of Jour nalism at Texas A&M so appli cants may learn results in time to plan for the fall semester. “This career field leads all oth ers in communications in the de mand for graduates,” McGuire pointed out in announcing the scholarships. “An agricultural journalism graduate has the unique capability of serving in the general publication field as well as in specialized communica tions fields of agriculture.” Bulletin Board THURSDAY Amarillo Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 3C of the Memorial Student Center. Baytown Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Anderson Room of the YMCA. Rio Grande Valley Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 204 of the Academic Build ing. Bell County Hometown Club will meet at 7:20 p.m. in room 205 of the Academic Building. San Antonio Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in rooms 2A and 2B of the MSC. Chemical Engineering Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Bank of Commerce. Chest To Name New Directors Five new directors will be named at the annual membership meeting of the College Station United Chest Thursday to replace retiring board members and serve three years. The yearly financial statement also will be studied at the 7:30 p.m. session in the A&M Consoli dated High School Cafeteria, Dr. Chris H. Groneman, Chest presi dent, announced. “Any contributor during the current fiscal year is eligible to vote in the selection of new direct tors,” he said. © VOLKSWAGEN Authorized Sales • Service and Parts Come and See Hickman Garrett Motors 1701 South College Avenue Phone 822-0146 Mink (Art Suppltj 'Pidu/ve pUuMjet- •923 S*.Coll«9« Av«-5ry*nTaC*f HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CENTER 3406 So. College — 823-8626 Wishes to announce the associa tion of Mrs. Donna Whitt as teacher for our playschool— ages 3-4. B - C.S. oldest state licensed child care. 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