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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1966)
Need A Used Bayoneti THE BATTALION Thursday, March 3, 1966 ^ College Station, Texas Page 3 Aggies Go For Bulletin Board AGGIE TRADING POST By LANI PRESSWOOD During class hours, one of the liveliest places on the Texas A&M campus is the bulletin board on the first floor of the Academic Building. Where else can you find a bayonet, a car refrigerator and a parachute rig for sale at the same time? Or a matched set of .45 caliber target pistols for $250, or a chance to sell pictures of the Bonfire in the Hensel-Col- lege View area on weekends ? These are but a few of the wide variety of advertisements to be found virtually anytime on the heavily-used board. The board contains nine rows of homemade signs, most either notecards or paper slips of a similar size. There are separate sections labelled “Lost,” “Found,” “For Sale,” “Wanted,” and “Misc.,” although few advertisers take advantage of the convenient classifications. A recent inspection of this overgrown section of want ads produced a typical assortment of merchandise. Textbooks and uniforms were the most numerous items ad vertised, and in these categories everything from a nuclear engi neering text to a pair of senior boots could be found. Used automobiles closely fol lowed in frequency, with Volks- wagens, Plymouths, B u i c k s , Chevrolets, Mercurys and a Pon tiac all making the list. Sev eral motorcycles and a 40-foot mobile home were also up for sale. And one Aggie put out a des perate call for a ”4.11 Chevy Rear” that he needed before the weekend. For music lovers there was a piano, guitar and trombone, along with several radios, stereo sets, amplifiers and tape record ers. A muscular type could pick up a set of barely-used barbells for only $19 while a slow reader could take eight lessons in speed reading for a mere thirty dol lars. There were several attention- getting devices in evidence that would have done credit to Madi son Avenue. One advertiser wrote “SEX” in large block let tering at the top of his card. Below it was a message in smal ler letters beginning, “now that I have your attention, would you be interested in . . . ”’ Another card read: “Attention Matthew Brady Fan Club Mem bers—Be Ready For The Next Civil War With This,” Written underneath this come-on was an ad for a Polaroid camera. The advertisement for the ear- 10 Merit Awards Available For Junior College Students Ten merit award scholarships are available for junior college graduates to attend Texas A&M. The scholarship provides $150 support for each of four semes ters, renewable by semester if the holder maintains a 2.0 grade point ratio, said Robert M. Lo gan. “We wish to recognize out standing junior college students and encourage them to continue their education at Texas A&M,” the student aid director comment ed. Sixty thousand students were enrolled in 51 junior colleges in Texas in 1964-65, when A&M had 710 junior college transfers. Scholarships will be awarded strictly on scholastic achieve ment, Logan stated. However, financial need will be used to determine scholarship winners among several students with equal academic records. Funds for the ten $600 scholar ships are available through gifts to the A&M Development Fund. Applications may be obtained from deans of students and must be filed no later than June 15. Awards will be announced by June 30. fe ' . ■ SINGING DUET Marie and Molly O’Shaugnnessy of the University of Texas will sing in the Intercollegiate Talent Show Saturday night. They also do Irish dances. Their act will be one of 12 featured at G. Rollie White Coliseum. The show starts at 6:30 p. m. Tickets are available at the Memorial Student Center Program Office and at Bryan-College Station banks. Lose Your Shirt? Lou Has A Great New SALE On SHIRTS & PANTS $1.95 Each or 3 for $4.50 where else? but, LOUPOTS North Gate lier-mentioned parachute rig pro claimed that the $40 outfit was “ready to jump.” And a promi nent, black-and-white photograph showed the two pistols resting in a velvet-lined case. One advertiser ran afoul of what appeared to be a revenge- bent student taking his lumps in a freshman English course. The victim’s ad included the mis spelled words “cheverlets” and “tyres” and both were circled and had an “sp” drawn beside them. Another collegiate businessman offered to trade James Bond nov els, even, for books of trading stamps and still another adver tised a massive collection of old Playboy magazines. A couple of enterprising ladies asked these questions in their separate ads: “Need curtains for your dorm room?” and “Need a quiet room to study in?” Of course there was a whole host of other items advertised, including a pair of Italian-made ski boots, massager and bicycle loaded with extras. But the bayonet ad remains the most intriguing of the lot. It read: “Bayonet for sale — Never used — Many uses around the home.” I 1 M I nnrT_^ixjL I i jHm; if i t g * ■ I f i i bm m m iggi t J CAMPUS TRADING POST bulletin board always good for a laugh. HOW CAN THEY AFFORD A NEW CAR? SPECIALS FOR THUR. FRI. SAT. MARCH 3-4-5. All Quantity Rights Reserved. SNOWDRIFT, CREAMY WHITE — WITH $2.50 PURCHASE HIS WIFE SHOPS at BROOKSHIRE BROS Brookshire — Grade “A” Large SHORTENING 3^49-EGGS i 49 ADMIRATION COFFEE SUGAR With $2.50 Purchase Pound Can With $2.50 Purchase IMPERIAL 49 5 & 39 1 BLUE CIRCLE Golden Cream Style CORN 5 <E *1oo BLUE CIRCLE Sweet PEAS 6 si *1<>o U.S.D.A., HEAVY BEEF — LOIN OR ROUND STEAK Nice, Lean Pork STEAKS! Lb. S9c FRANKS 81 “£:39c PURE PORK Homemade SAUSAGE 2 lbs 98 Norbest or Armour TURKEY HENS 39c STEAKS Fresh, Ground BEEF Hunt’s Tomato Sauce 5 8-Oz. Cans 59c Hunt’s Tomato Paste 4 6-Oz. Cans 59c Hunt’s Tomato Sauce 2 No. 300 Cans 39c Hunt’s (With Mushrooms) Tomato Sauce 4 8-Oz. Cans 59c Hunt’s Apricots 4 Cans $1.00 Hunt’s Solid Pack Tomatoes 3 No. Cans. $1.00 Hunt’s Tomato Juice 5 No. 300 Cans 59c Hunt’s Tomato Juice 4 46-Oz. Cans $1.00 Dole’s, Pineapple - Grapefruit Drinks 3 46-Oz. Cans $1.00 Arrow Brand Pinto Beans 2-Lb. Bag 33c “Don’t Say Vanilla Say Adam’s Best” Adams Extract IVz-Oz. Btl. 39c Metrecal, Lemon or Cinn. Cookies Pkg. of 36’s 89c Liquid Metrecal 6 Cans $1.69 Liquid Bleach Purex Vz Gal. Jug 29c Golden Ripe BANANAS Lb. 10c Washington, Extra Fancy Winesap Apples Lb. 19c Calif. Sunkist Oranges Lb. 15c Fancy, Slicer Size Carrots 2 - 1-Lb. Pkgs. 25c U. S. No. 1 Mexican White Onions .... 2-Lbs. 25c MMM WWW IWMH ■■■■■■■<■ ■Will MIMMIf I THIS COUPON WORTH 50 FREE Top Value Stamps With Purchase of $5.00 or More (Excluding Cigarettes) One Per Family Coupon Expires March 5, 1966. THIS COUPON WORTH 50 FREE Top Value Stamps With Purchase of Dippity-Do Bonus Pack • Hair Setting Gel. Coupon Expires March 5, 1966. TOMATO CATSUP 5 $1.00 Hunt’s, Yellow Cling PEACHES . 3 No c. 2 ™ $L00 Hunt’s Fruit Cocktail 4 - 300 Cans $1.00 Wilson’s Chili 24-Oz. Cans 59c Carnation’s Coffee Mate ...-3-Oz. Jar 29c Carnation’s Instant Breakfast 7 Flavors Per Pkg. 79c Carnation’s Coffee Mate .. 6-Oz. Jar 49c FROZEN FOODS Ws Banquet, Cream PIES 3 k*$1o# Tennessee TURNIP GREENS Coastal FISH STICKS 2 r£- 29c Pkgs. 8-Oz. .. Pkg. 23c GRAPE JUICE 6 6 c°i$L00 Tennessee GREEN PEAS .. 2X:31c Prices and Coupons Effective Thurs. - Fri. • Sat. March, 3-4-5. College Station Texas AD Quantity Rights Reserved Ghcc/ishite, tikcf. Redmond Terrace Shopping Center