Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1966)
Campus Briefs BATTALION Data Processing Head Selected To Presidential Advisory Panel Robert L. Smith Jr., head of the Data Processing Center, has been appointed to a panel serving the Office of Science and Tech nology, in the Executive Office of the President. Smith said the panel will study the problem of computers in edu cation. One of the big problems is financing courses where stu dents are taught to operate the computers. The panel will consider prob lems in its field and then a report will be prepared. The reports are considered before decisions are made at a federal level, Smith noted. Smith is the only person from the South to be named to the panel. Account Opened For Employe’s Son An account has been opened at University National Bank for persons wishing to contribute to ward medical expenses of George Creagor, son of James Creagor, a technician in the Cottonseed Products Research Lab. The youth was severely injured in a freak gun accident Oct. 19 and has been in a Houston hos pital ever since. Blood donors are also needed to replace the 71 pints given Creagor by transfusion to date. Interested persons may contact the Cottonseed Lab or E. E. Fol som in Campus Security or may mail contributions to the bank. ing Extension Service, are in Austin this week for a conference with University of Texas offi cials. They are meeting with other vocational - industrial teacher trainers to plan a 1966 summer school at the University of Texas. A&M and Texas alternate hosting six-week teacher training schools each summer. Last year 164 persons, includ ing auto mechanics, cosmetolo gists, printers, welders, appliance repairmen, photographers and others attended the . Aggieland school. A&M instructors will be on the teaching staff at UT. Hackney, head of the voca tional-industrial training program for TEES, also is participating in an administrator’s conference. and playing bridge—began at 9:30 a.m. and continued all day. He also said 70 students re turned for supper that night. Kerlick To Attend 4 State Meets Ed W. Kerlick, chief instructor of the electric line crews training program for the Texas Engineer ing Extension Service, will par ticipate in four conferences this month. He will be in Abilene Tuesday for the Group IV superintendent’s conference, and in Lubbock Thurs day for the Group V superintend ent’s conference. He will discuss supervisory problems and evalu ate training activities. Kerlick will be in Abilene again Jan. 19 for a telephone extension training conference. Bulletin Board Prof’s Wife Featured In National Magazine Mrs. Joanne Smerdon, wife of Professor Ernest Smerdon, is featured in the January issue of McCall’s magazine. McCall’s helped Mrs. Smerdon select an easy-care hairdo for her trip around the world with her husband. 3 TEES Staffers, UT Officials Confer B. M. Hackney, Dewey Cowling Jr. and Louis R. Maneely, teacher trainers for the Texas Engineer- 374 Attend New Year’s Meal YMCA General Secretary J. Gordan Gay has announced that 374 foreign students, their wives and children feated at the New Year’s Day meal prepared for them at the YMCA. Local contributors donated 8 turkeys, 58 casseroles, 45 salads and 50 desserts for the event. Gay added that the festivities—watch ing the bowl games on television THURSDAY Bellaire Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Social Room of the Memorial Student Center. Bell County Homteown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 205 of the Academic Building. El Paso Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m .in room 3-C of the MSC. Fort Worth Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 3-A of the MSC. Lavaca County Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Academic Building. Orange County Hometown Club will meet at 8 p.m. in the MSC. Rio Grande Valley Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. on the front steps of the MSC. San Angelo-West Texas Home town Club will meet at 7:15 p.m. in the MSC. Wichita Falls Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Biological Sciences Building. Williamson County Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the MSC lobby. He will attend a quarterly session of the Texas Job Training and Safety Committee Jan. 27-28 in Austin. He will discuss hot line training plans for 1966, re view results of a recent statewide survey on training needs, and re port on the national training meeting held in November at Phoenix, Ariz. SHOCKS BUSTED? ALL THIS WEEK AT BUY THREE FAMOUS BRAND SHOCK ABSORBERS at our low everyday price... GET THE FOURTH FOR ONLY Here's how you can tell: oo Wheels Bounce off the Road INSTALLED NO MONEY DOWN ^ Car Sways in Turns WARNING! If your car battery is 2 years old you're headed for TROUBLE! We'll buy your TROUBLE with a... >5 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE toward the purchase of a new Firestone Extra Life battery YOU START OR WE PAY THE TOW! Buy a Firestone Extra Life, or Delco DC-12 or Energizer and get Starting Power guaranteed for 12 months after purchase. Dealer or Store will pay up to $7.50 towing or starting charge provided claim arises solely through battery inability to crank engine and not through other causes such as faulty ignition or mechan ical defects or that vehicle has not had reasonable winter protection. When your battery is 2 years old it can fail anytime without warning and leave you stranded ! iiWtl Store-wide January CLEARANCE iWMMB—I BUY NOW SAVE iiraBSBiss Overstocks • Discontinued Tread Designs • Big Selection of NEW and USED Tires at BARGAIN PRICES! FIRESTONE STORES Phone 822-0139 HOURS 8 A. M. — 6 P. M. College Avenue & 33rd Street GALVESTON CLUB SWEETHEART Sharon Graber has been selected sweetheart lege in New Orleans, she is shown witll of the Galveston Island Hometown Club, club President Robert Hasselmeier, left,! An English major at Sophie Newcomb Col- and Steve Norton. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES On* day A4 par ward Id P*r ward aach additional da? Minimum charge—54d DEADLINE 4 p.m. da, before publieatlen . day before publ Classified Display »®d Par column inch aach insertion FOR RENT Nice furnished two bedroom hom ouple only, no pets, prefi rife, 846-7037 or 846-4717. ne, efer student and 252tfn Unfurnished, two bedroom, roomy apart ment. Near Crockett School. Available February 1. Call 846-6660. 261tfn Two bedroom furnished apartment. South Gate, $55.00 without utilities, 846-5932. Room for rent—with or without meals. 406 E. 27th. 205tfn VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & i ray between Brya A&M University ■ins or IVi baths All General Electric bullt-i: 1 & 2 bedrooms with 1 air Central heat & e walk-ii Beautiful courtyard with swimming -in closets l pool Carpets & Drapes carports St laundry facilities Furnished or unfurnished lident 401 Lake • Resi t manager. Apt. 1 Phone 822-2016 154tfn SPECIAL NOTICE My Dear Friends and Customer! I am pleased to announce that ain located at the K lop, 326 Jersey St., College t Moon and I invite you to visit az an located at the Southside Barbe: it., yoi Alpha Parker Hall iside Barber Station. Bill the ere. 251tlO SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. St A.M. Called meeting, Thursday Jan uary 6 at 7:00 p. m. Entered Apprentice Degree ,1 be conferred. W. W. (Tex) Spurlock W.M. Joe Woolket Secy. 251t2 The will See WHITE AUTO. College Station. •ge SI when you need hardware, household items, appliances, large or small. SAVE DOL LARS. 846-5626. Bi-CIty, Ink—Complete typing and print- 1001 S. College. TA 2-1921. ing service. AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: FOR SALE 8x40 Mobile Home, one bedroom, car peted, air conditioned, adjoining spare room, fenced yard, carport, storeroom, 116 Lakeside, Webb Mobile Homes, 822- TO TAMU STUDENTS WHO ARE PRO- se they surance policy says) : Does your policy cover rsing care, blood and plasma, prescri] SPECTIVE DROP - OUTS (Because don’t know what their health ins nursing care, blood and plasma, pn tion drugs at home, dental work, phys iotherapy? Would your new baby be lotherapy 7 Would y i covered from birh for surgery or inten sive hospital care? Is your policy guaran teed renewable for life? ... If you don’t know out [f you v, then you owe it to yourself to find . . . For details on a major medical :y which includes these items offered policy which includes th< by Texas’ largest life ini ly Texas largest life insurance company, all RUSH at VI 6-5800 days, or VI 6-6121 nights. 234tfn Leaving the city, sacrifice 23” console Motorola TV, 2 years old, excellent condi tion. Call 846-4964 after 5:30. 251t3 Toy Terrier pups for sale, 537-6711. 250t8 ’64 Honda 90, $287.60, 846-8950 after 6:00. 232tfn CHILD CARE ^Experienced child care, references avail able, near campus. 846-4798. 252t22 Child care 8 to 5 ; CaU 846-6536 for information. 252tfn Would like to keep a pre-school age child, $2.00 daily, can furnish reference, 4 blocks from campus, 846-8066. 261t3 WORK WANTED WANTA SAVE MONEY? MOVE CHEAP! SEE MR. “U-HAUL,” ANDY ANDERSON, 2010 South College. Ex] pert hookup. Free insurance and road service. LOCAL OR ONE WAY TRUCKS AND TRAILERS. Call ANDY, 822-3546 for information. 251tl0 REPAIR WORK, patios, awnings, addi tions.—G&L CONTRACTORS. Phone 822- 247tfn Typing, 846-8376 before 6 p. m. 234tfn Typing. 823-6410. 207tfn EMPLOYMENT NOTICE Designations as to sex in our Help Wanted and Employment Agency columns are made only (1) to indicate bona fide occupa tional qualifications for employment which qualifications for employment an employer regards as reasonably sary mployer regards as reasonably nsesa to the normal operation of his businsas le n or enterprise, or (2) as a convenience to our readers to let them know which posi tions the advertiser believes would b* of more interest to one sex than tha other because of the work involved. Such desig nations shall not be taken to indicate that any advertiser intends or practices any un lawful preference, limitation, specification or discrimination in employment practice*. HELP WANTED NEEDED—two part time Sales Assist ants, senior classification. Call 486-5654 for appointment. 250tfn Aggie Wanted for full time job. Counter ork. G> Inge bei ent. Dutch Kettle. work. Good starting salary, plus other fringe benefits. Call 846-9968 for appoint- Practical nurse would like to keep children in. my home 5 or 5 % days a week, reasonable rates. 413 Nimetz, 846-3205. Aggie wife for full time job. Count work. Good starting salary, plus othi fringe benefits. CaU 846-9968 for appoin ing ent, Dutch Kettle. >pon 2601 OFFICIAL NOTICE ces must arrive in th* 0(5 blications before de&dliu Official notice of Student Publ 1 p. m. of the day preceding publicilxl THE GRADUATE COLLEGE i: Final Examination For The Doctoral Dep^ophOL Name: Kraemer, Duane Carl , 1 •, Degree: Doctor of Philosophy In PhysioktiftP. Wll of Reproduction Vv A Study of In Vitro M‘ r01I1 " U epi Dissertation : A study < zation and Culture of Ovine Ova Time: January 6, 1966 1:00 p. m. Place: Library Animal Industry Bldg, Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies K THE GRADUATE COLLEGE | Final Examination For The Doctoral Depf: Name: Blanton, William Geor ree: Mechanisms of • c Iron in Slanton, William George Degree: Doctor of Philosophy In Bioloj Oceanography Dissertation: Some aerobic Corrosion of Metallic Marine Environment Time: January 7, 1966 2:00 p. r Place: Faculty Room Coke Bldg. Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies lit® Regalia For The January 1966 Commencement Exer rTisT ; Aggie candidates for tife&r in osophy are req oa «nn to order hoods as well as the Doctor’s tifr 1 ® 01 All students who an ee of Doctor of PI rder hoods as well and gowns. The hoods are the Registrar’s Office no later •e candid degree of Doctor of Philosophy Doctor s cs?'- The hoods are to be Mt ! hat tei than l(g| p. m., Tuesday, January 18 (this will Bn-Up accomplished by a representative of tf _ , University Exchange Store). The fbJWude hoods will not be worn in the pro t 0 , w : since all such candidates will be hooded the stage as part of the cerenfcQgter n Candidates for the Master’s Degree v-k wear the cap and gown ; all civilian sktOVar dents who are candidates for the Bacheleh u)„ Degree will wear the cap and gW-y- ROTC students who are candidates for * A not) Bachelor’s Degree will wear the approprilfflf 1 uniform. All military personnel who !, .omes J candidates for the degrees, graduate . undergraduate, will wear the uniform or )I-nune il Gregory’s Day Nursery—846-4005. 218tfn Child Care with experience. Call for information, 846-8161. 197tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY. 3404 South College, State Licensed. TA 2-4803, Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn ROOM FOR RENT Very desirable, outside door, adjoining bath, air conditioned, huge closets, quiet, men. Call—mornings or after 6 except Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Thursday and Mondays, 822-6888. cept 2tfn SOSOLIK'S TY & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes - TV - Repaired 713 S. Main 822-1941 MAJOR BRAND Motor Oil.... 25c qt. Filters Vi price All Brands Motor Oil Wholesale Prices We Still Have PRESTONE Anti Freeze .. $1.39 per gal. Limit 2 BRYAN OIL WHSE. 805 N College (Highway 6, N.) at 19th TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: ‘Charge It' Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES 118 S. Bryan —Bryan— 822-6874 Cooks, waitresses, dishwashers needed. Full time help. Apply in person. Coach Norton’s Pancake House. 260tfn EXTRA MONEY Can earn $28.00 per week or $112.00 per month working 16 hours per week as a Fullerette. Call 822-7586, 7 - 7:30 only. J) . HI. 250tfn Waitress Wanted: Apply in person at The Ramada Inn. 208tfn R.N. to work 3-11 p.m. and 11-7 a.m. relief shift l tact B. Tugger, K.W. at VI 6-64V3 after 187tfn and : pital. > provu B. Tug 6 p.m. p.m. and 11-7 a-i at Madison County Hos- 00 and uniforms laundered. R.N. at VI 6-5493 after stult at Madison pital. Starting salary $350.00 and up, Meals provided; uniforms laundered. Con Watch Repair Jewelry Repair Diamond Senior Rings Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5810 PRESTONE $1.39 Gallon (Limit 2) Shock Absorbers Installed Most Cars $4.79 Latex interior paint gal $2.59 Mufflers—Chevy, others many models $5.98 Seat covers low as full set. $3.98 Brake shoes—most cars exchange $2.90 Oils — Quaker State, Pennzoil, Amalie, Valvoline, RPM, Royal Triton, Havoline, Enco, Uniflow, Mobil, Gulf, Sinclair, Conoco, Shell and others. All at real low prices. Rerefined oil Auto trans. oil Filters AC-Lee save 40% 10# qt. 29# AC - Champion - Autolite plugs Tires — Low price every day — Just check our price with any other of equal quality. Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas Joe Faulk ’32 DAMAGED and UNCLAIMED FREIGHT (New Merchandise) Furniture, Appliances, Bedding, Tables, etc. A little of everything. C & D SALVAGE E. 32nd & S. Tabor 822-0605 HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th 822-2819 CITY ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. 447 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE QUESTION OF REZONING LOTS 6 THROUGH 15, LOTS 1, 2, 3, 18, 19, AND 20 OF BLOCK 4 OF THE TAUBER ADDITION FROM DISTRICT NO. 2, SECOND DWELLING HOUSE DISTRICT, TO DISTRICT NO. 3, APARTMENT HOUSE DISTRICT. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas: Ieg< ■ Ci ed District. on Januar at a public hearing City Hall at 7 :00 p. ning certs nuary 24, 1966, on rezoning certain areas within the city limits, more partic ularly described as follows: Lots 6 through 15, Lots 1, 2, 3, 18, 19, and 20 of Block 4 of the Tauber Addition from District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District, to District No. 3 Apartment House District. Notice of said hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city of College Station at least fifteen days prior to date of hearing. PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th day of December, 1965. a: ATTEST: S/K. A. Manning PPROVED S/Ernest Langford Mayor City Secratary ORDINANCE NO. 448 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE QUESTION OF REZONING LOT 15, BLOCK 2 OF THE TAUBER ADDITION FROM DIS TRICT NO. 2, SECOND DWELLING HOUSE DISTRICT, TO DISTRICT NO. 3, APARTMENT HOUSE DISTRICT. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas: ieg< ■ Ci ini land described herein be rezoned No. 3, Apartment House District, It is hereby ordered that a public hear ing shall be held in the City Hall at 7 :00 on January 24, 1966, on rezoning rtain areas within the city rticularly described as follows: 3 and 5 :00 p. m., Friday, January 11, " . rental is as follows: Doctor’s cap 6 an gown $5.25, Master’s cap and gown !! oin Bachelor’s < rental is the same as that for the cap Victory, gown. A 2% sales tax is required in a® . tion to these rentals. Payment is rw®*® sa y at the time of placing order. nUI ; io n a rr Convocations Committee ^ause o GIL’S RADIO & Tl|'f Sales: Curtis Mathis, Westinghouse But Service: All makes and modeli Kamps including color T, oughei & multiplex F M ? jth k 2403 S. College 822-082ff the gsLinel CITY ORDINANCE na ny haterii ORDINANCE NO. 446 _ AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOB New \ PUBLIC HEARING ON THE QUEST!® OV' RmZnNTMG A TR A T.T OF li'lOSea OF REZONING A TRACT OF 1 ACRES OF LAND IN THE MORGj lard-hi RECTOR AND RICHARD CART LEAGUES IN BRAZOS COUNTY, TEWf. PRESENTLY ZONED AS DISTRICT I®, T 1, FIRST DWELLING HOUSE DISTRA; 1 TO DISTRICT NO. 4, FIRST BUSlNE'aid « DISTRICT. ■ ’ BE IT ORDAINED by the City Coi^OntraC of the City of College Station, Texa the City of College Station, Texas: t -p , WHEREAS, the City Planning and ing Commission has recommended land described herein be rezoned as D' str r No. 4, First Business District, nroug It is hereby ordered that a public Rf jf _ _ held in the City Hall at !■ * ta B ing shall be neid in tne uny m. cm January 24, 1966, cm January L_, , vithin the city limits, more P artl described as follows: , ^ A tract of 13.92 acres of land ' n JHlU : areas within the city m ularly described as folio A tract of 13.92 acn Morgan Rector and Richard Carte: in Brazos County, Texas, said tract 1 more particularly described by metes on reit® dong 1 Besda er Lea? jf ract b el ;i larj mpfpS * , Jte n bounds as follows : _ Beginning at a concrete monument at ituati intersection of the northeast rightioT'® intersection of the northeast ngnt-w ,™ line of State Highway No. 6 and the so^ he bo east right-of-way line of Farm Road-' . 30. Then right-of-wa 1820.9 Thence S 46 0 for ice N 45 ° 36' E along the f-way line of F. M. 30 a distant e ‘W^ feet to an iron pipe for corner- he si pip< 21' E along a fence l'":i , distance of 373.3 feet to the center 1)1 gP A creek. JtlaU, Thence up the center of said creel 1 W follows : «e b( N 89° 12' W 58.8 feet ■ , S 74° 43' W 191.3 » nt c S 40° 06’ E 152.8 I h,,! S 12° 06' E 54.7 I’, s 78° 55' e 28.o ibbble S 64° 12' E 190.8 Iv . N 89° 06' W 376.1 UOUte N 88° 17' W 170.7 08' W O A ' S 5 c S 37° 24' E S 24° 40' W S 83° 25' E S 29° 02' W S 18° 52' W 56' W 1 QT 83.7 109.2 243.7 34.9 41.8 69.6 S 12° 56' W 28.4 S 10° 19' E 69.8 N 9° 13’ W 166.5 N 63° 00' W 158.7 N 16° 31' W 110.0 S 16° 07' W 93.7 S 5° 19' W 43.2 S 69° 25' E 37.7 S 77° 59' W 145.7 S 42° II' W 43.3 OPT §>56-1 kasle »PP0] m. on January 24, 1966, on rea certain areas within the city limits, .‘auber from District No. 2, Second Dwelling House ly ( Lot 15, Block 2 of the Tauber Addition as the District, to District No. 3, Apartment House District. ‘‘MOONEY’ The Name To Remember When You Wish To Buy Any Type Of Musical Instru ment, Domestic and Imported Instruments Of Outstanding Quality Are Available MOONEY PIANO & ORGAN CO. Expert Repair Service 1208 So. Coulter Dr. Bryan Phone 823-5045 — Res. 846-3538 Notice of said hearing shall be published i a newspaper of general circulation in ty of College Station prior to date of heari vspaper of general eire the city of College Station at least fifteen ,ys prior to date of hearing. PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th day of December, 1965. APPROVED S/Ernest Langford Mayor ATTEST: S/K. A. Manning City Secratary rry Id sc ■Edd e^esl r ile pistl 68.2 ° - - 123 -’ 4 v 44.6 | S l 49.5 Vith K S 79° 34' W a distance of 160.5 ^ to a fence line. Thence N 46 ° 32' W !l0 'lW g said fence line a distance of 128.6 Ir, fence corner. |d 9opo Thence S 43° 41' W a distance of .—j. a. _ _ a •_ xi - -. ne S 49° 04' W S 38° 24' W S 52° 24' W N 72° 06' W Q A ' feet to a fence post in the northeast 0f‘ ‘& of-way line of Highway 6. tiSlCe Thence N 1° 20' E a distance of feet to the point of beginning and coawjquei r le g 13.92 acres of land more or less. J ,, Notice of said hearing shall be publ&jB tn* a newspaper of general circulatij 1 ” v ] 0 .y of College Station at least fif^T rior to date of hearing. ,,®ht 1 in the cit; da; wii N ti ys prior to date of hearing. fMi PASSED AND APPROVED this ‘‘l day of December, 1965. APPROVED S/Ernest Langford Mayor Bid 1 ATTEST: J S/K. A. Manning B^ City Secratary .Jeatr Read Battalion Classifieds Shoo