Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1965)
■ 1 wave re 'eatened ti his team’s nd finishs don and ai ' e no highs: mother to 1 Manage ! tells aki dents stall f the H on. Haviii n with th r, they aw ling inclui 'St their a:- :e Saturiii| e n t Dnits f you hats 3s is form tux forth Texas aa aits for tb should mi world niij 1 adds ti e that Vi merica ml age. M. Schui CV NT$! 1 V) m 59c as 69c m 29c , $1.09 $1.00 1 $1.00 ; $1.0 , $1.00 . ino 11 II n loin psai Bulletin Board THE BATTALION Thursday Abilene Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the lobby of the MSC. Pictures will be taken. Amarillo Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Ander son Room of the YMCA. Bay Area Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 108 of the Academic Building. New Year’s party to be discussed. Brazoria County Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 225 of the Academic Build ing. Will discuss Christmas party. Corpus Christi Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 108 of the Academic Building. Deep East Texas Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2B of the MSC. Will elect sweetheart. Matagorda County Hometown Club will meet at 7 p.m. in the MSC lounge. Will take club pic ture and elect sweetheart. Northshore-Galena Park-Chan- nelview Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 204 of the —Job Calls— Public Housing Administration —architecture, architectural con struction, landscape architecture, civil engineering, electrical engi neering, mechanical engineering, business administration, account ing, economics. YMCA. Will discuss party. Bell County Hometown Club will meet at 7:10 p.m. in Room 205 of the Academic Building. Chemical Engineering Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Lone Star Gas Company Build ing. Sunday Knights of Columbus 3205 will meet at 7:30 p.m. in St. Mary’s Student Center. Annual Christ mas party. Monday Texas A&M Rodeo Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Animals Industries Building. Brazos Bowmen Archery Club will meet at 8 p.m. in Room 2C of the MSC. Attorney General Aide To Speak A&M To Conduct On Criminal Code Thursday, December 9, 1965 College Station, Texas Page 3 Local Post Office To Receive Award Industrial Education Offices Remodeled Main office of the Department of Industrial Education is being remodeled for the first time in 50 years. The “new” office will consist of a lower ceiling, western cedar paneling on the walls, recessed lighting, a formica counter, acous tical ceiling, sandalwood drapes and yellow and white painting. The office has recently been air conditioned. The remodeling is being done by Buildings and Utilities of A&M. Lonny Zweiner of the Texas Attorney General's office will speak on “The New Criminal Social Room of the Memorial Student Center at 7:30 p.m. Tues day. The speech is being sponsored by the A&M chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, the professional jour nalistic society. Zweiner is ex pected to slant his opening re marks toward the criminal code’s application to news coverage. The meeting will then be open to questions from the floor. Zweiner has been a member of a group of Attorney General of fice assistants engaged in speak ing tours around the state brief ing various groups on the various applications of the new code. His studies in the field should classi fy him as an authority in the field. The new criminal code which will go into effect in Texas on Jan. 1 places certain restrictions on pre-trial coverage of crimes by newspapers and in part is an attempt to do away with trial by newspaper. A&M Graduate Student Recalls World Record Dive By GUS DE LA GARZA Special Writer Lt. Comdr. Don Walsh, co holder of the world’s deepest dive who is now working on his master’s degree here in physical oceanography, recently told where, how and why the deepest dive was made. Sociology Club Sets Yule Party Monday The Sociology Club will have its Christmas Party Monday at the Dan R. Davis residence, 202 Montclair, College Station. The 1965-66 Sweetheart will be presented to the Club at the party, scheduled for 8-9 p.m. Members wishing to attend the party should contact Mrs. Dor othy Grice no later than Friday in Room 315 of the Agriculture Building or call 846-5701, ex tension 85. Math Department Slates Colloquim Alexander F. Kleiner, graduate assistant in the Department of Mathematics, will speak on “Fourier Series and Convolution” at the department’s next col loquim program at 4 p.m. Tues day in Room 206 of the Academic Building. Walsh said he dived 250 miles southwest of Guam in the Mari anas trench, the deepest known place in the ocean. Walsh and Jacques Piccard went 35,800 feet deep in the bathyscaphe Trieste on Jan. 23, 1960. Piccard’s father built the Trieste in Italy, and it was bought by the U. S. Navy in 1958. The purpose of the dive was to demonstrate the use of a bathyscaphe as a tool to study the oceanographer’s environment, Walsh said. He said the ocean ographer had long been barred from depths of the ocean. And the whole idea was to take the trained eye and mind of a sci entist to the bottom. Walsh said the dive demonstrated the utility and feasibility of this approach. Resulting publicity convinced scientists in oceanography of its utility and opened the ocean depths to closer investigation. Walsh said further investigation and study of the ocean would eventually find ways and means of developing the vast mineral and food wealth of the sea. Oceanographers are aware of this vast wealth but have not de veloped methods to exploit the ocean and successfully compete with present land methods of ex ploitation. One exception Walsh noted was the petroleum indus try, which has successfully de veloped methods to recover oil and gas from the ocean. Walsh said he enjoyed giving talks on the future of oceanog raphy, but work on his master’s degree “frankly keeps me very busy.” Busy or not, Walsh has time to be an advisor to the Great Issues Committee. EducationStudents Publish Newsletter A&M’s chapter of the Student Education Association published the first edition of its newslet ter “The A&M Cryer” this week. Purpose of the newsletter is to keep students interested in education aware of the activities of the association, President Jor dan Brooks said. The newsletter will be pub lished monthly by association members and will be financed by funds from association dues. First edition news included an announcement of a chapter meet- ting to be held at 8 p.m. Tues day in the Memorial Student Center. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Mary Alexander, associate director of instructional ma terials and library services at the Camp Gary Job Corps Center. SCONA XI in cooperation with THE GREAT ISSUES COMMITTEE Presents THE FAR EAST: FOCUS ON SOUTH EAST ASIA (The Challenges Of A Dynamic Region) MR. CHARLES T. VETTER Information Coordinator Office of Public Information, USIA Friday 8:00 p. m. Students Conference On National Affairs Public Invited — No Admission Charged Speeches Will Be In MSC Ballroom Tropical Studies Texas A&M has joined the Organization for Tropical Studies, a cooperative 12-uni versity program in tropical edu cation. Academic vice president Wayne C. Hall announced the OTS acceptance of A&M after the organization’s November meeting at its operations base, the University of Costa Rica. Georgia joins A&M as a new member of the inter-American enterprise offering training in fundamentals of tropical biology, advanced botany and zoology on the graduate level, and an op portunity for independent re search. Other member universities in clude California, Southern Cali fornia, Washington, Michigan, Kansas, Harvard, Louisiana State, Florida, Miami and Costa Rica. The National Science Founda tion was awarded a $118,410 grant for the winter season in February and March in Costa Rica. Study in the OTS program is open to graduate students, col lege faculty members and other qualified scientists associated with educational institutions. “While our present emphasis is on tropical biology,” Dr. W. Henry Leigh, University of Mi ami biology chairman and treas urer of OTS, noted. “OTS now is ready to start a series of plan ning conferences looking forward to the development of programs in the social sciences and earth sciences. The program also will be expanded to include other trop ical areas outside Costa Rica.” “Costa Rica was chosen as the operating base of OTS,” Leigh said, “because it provides a wide spectrum of tropical environ ments for convenient study.” Brazos Attorneys Host Ladies Friday Members of the Brazos County Bar Association will hold their traditional ladies night banquet at 7 p.m. Friday night at the Holiday Inn. Principal speaker will be Clint C. Small Jr., Austin attorney and president of the State Bar of Texas. He will be introduced by Judge B. H. Dewey Jr. of Bryan. Student Veterans Must File Reports All students entitled to re ceive benefits from the Veterans Administration must report to the Student Affairs office, ac cording to Bennie Zinn, director. November forms must be signed immediately, with Dec ember forms due after the Christ mas Holidays. The Postmaster General’s “Ci tation for Excellence” will be presented Friday noon to the College Station Post Office for outstanding maintenance and care of its postal facility, Post master Ernest Gregg said to day. Honorable Olin E. Teague, Con gressman for the 6th District, will make the presentation at ceremonies to be held on the workroom floor to Postmaster Gregg who will receive it on behalf of the citizens and postal employees of College Station. The citation is awarded by Postmaster General Lawrence F. O’Brien on the recommendation of the Assistant Postmaster Gen eral for Facilities. Melvin H. Johnson 1 ’ 64 College Master Representative Sf Fidelity Union Life 846-8228 iUSE MinlctAI Supply ‘Pidbi/te. plowte^- •923 S» College Ava-BryanTates Lou Is Playing Santa This Year- and giving away money. Lou will give you cash on all pur chases (except books and vet sup plies) of up to 50% this Christmas. So hurry; shop at ,OU *6 VI 6-6312 North Gate PRICES GOOD THURS. - FRI. - SAT. DECEMBER 9-10-11. IN BRYAN ONLY. RIGHTS RESERVER TO LIMIT. FREE! 100 BIG BONUS STAMPS! With This Coupon! fgr,oo BK BONUS i WITH ANY PURCHASE at Weingarten's COUPON EXPIRES DECEMBER 11, 1965. ROUND STEAK VEAL LB. Veal Sirloin »69 Veal COCA-COLA FOOD CLUB — With $2.50 Purchase With $2.50 Purchase T-Bone.79 12 49 FOOD CLUB Shortening - 49 c Catsup -15‘ RUSSETT POTATOES s 29‘ CALIFORNIA Navel FRESH CRISP Oranges - 59 G Lettuce - 19 ( CHRISTMAS TREES 89