Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1965)
Page 6 College Station, Texas Thursday, February 4, 1964 THE BATTALION Aggies Pelt Porkers, 82-79 Timmerman Sparkles In Overtime Victory By LANI PRESSWOOD Sports Editor FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.—“We’ve got life.” With these words Coach Shelby Metcalf summed up the general A&M feeling after the Aggies had edged past Arkansas in an over time cliffhanger, 82-79. The Porkers held a five-point lead with 2:12 to go and a three- point edge with 40 seconds left. A frantic short jumper by Tim Timmerman with 15 seconds left deadlocked the score at 71-71 and sent the thriller into a five-minute overtime pei'iod. A&M raced to a 78-71 lead in the post-mortem and hung on for the crucial victory. The Cadets now own a 3-2 record and are in a four-way tie for second place behind the Baylor-vanquished Red Raiders of Texas Tech. A resounding 51-29 rebound ad vantage enabled the Aggies to sub due the tenacious Razorbacks. The Hogs ran a tantalizingly slow of fense coupled with an aggressive defense to stay with the taller Ag gies. It was a great team effort by a club battling desperately to re main in contention for the South west Conference crown. The victory was accomplished despite a rash of medical prob lems which developed during the contest. Timmerman was plagued the entire game with an uncooperative stomach and was taking pills at intervals. Starting guard Dick Rector strained his right knee and was forced out of the game in its early minutes. Captain Paul Tim mins injured his head when a Porker careened into him after he had dived to deflect a long pass. The lead changed hands 14 times and was tied on four occasions. The widest Hog lead was six at 25-19 while the Aggies mounted a seven-point lead at 78-71 and 80- 73. The first half ended 38-37 in favored of A&M. It was marked by slow but solid basketball. There were few turnovers and high shooting percentages. A&M held the lead until 7:52 when J. D. McConnell meshed a pair of charity shots for a 55-54 Arkansas edge. The lead seesawed until the Porkers spurted to a five-point lead which was over come only in the fading seconds of regulation play. The Razorbacks tried to freeze the ball but were unsuccessful against the ballhawk ing Ags. The Cadets outscored Arkansas, 11-8, in the overtime. Six of the Maroon total came from John Beasley, who led all scorers with 27. At 1:18 in the overtime, Bill Gasway dropped in a pair of free throws which gave the Aggies a five-point lead and put victory out of the reach of the struggling Hogs. Timmerman may have played his best game in an Aggie uni form. He hit on 7 of 11 field goals, scored 17 points, and hauled in 8 rebounds. Ken Norman contributed ten points, Dickie Stringfellow and Timmins each had eight. String- fellow, a guard, finished with nine rebounds. Ricky Sugg had 22 and Orval Cook 19 to pace the Porkers, who shot 43 per cent from the field and made 29 of 32 free throws. A&M had five more field goals and wound up with a 46 per cent mark. Their free shot record was 22 of 31. The crowd in Barnhill Field- house was surprisingly subdued, except for brief flurries. It pro vided a marked contrast to the en thusiastic greeting about 350 Ag gies gave to the returning cagers at Easterwood Airport. The re ception put the frosting on the victorious night. In the dressing room immedi ately after the game, Timmins said, “We had to win this one. It was just a sweet victory. We’re getting our momentum up now.” A jubilant Shelby Metcalf add ed, “Winning is happiness. Beat ing Texas is the ultimate happi ness. We’re going to take them one at a time.” wmmm PRICES GOOD THURS., FRI., SAT. FEB. 4-5-6. IN BRYAN ONLY. We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities. SUGAR 5 “■ 19 FLOUR FOOD CLUB 5 ^ 29 STRAWBERRIES Top Frost 10-Oz. Frozen Pkg. COKES 6 19 Btl. Ctn Plus Dep. With $2.50 Purchase 15 WASHINGTON STATE FANCY DELICIOUS APPLES EACH CARROTS 1-Lb. Cello Pkg. LUNCH MEAT Armour Treet 12-Oz. Can PORK ROAST Picnic Cut—Lb. BEEF STEAK Shoulder Cut FRANKS farmer brown 12-Oz. Pkg. AGAR HAM 3-Lb. Can $1.99 BATTALION CLASSIFIE WANT AD RATES )nc dmy 4# par word >4 per word each additional day Minimum eharpe—504 DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Classified Display lay 904 P*r column inch each insertion FOR SALE ’64 Malibu SS, 4 in Floor, 300 H.P., 327—NICE! Wismeski’s Phillips 66 Sta tion, Hwy. 6. 129t4 Harmon Kardon tuner, Electro-Voice peaker, cabinet. Bill Tompkins, Dorm 17, 127t3 speaker, cal Room 104. Two 26" English Racer bicycles, $40.00 ; one Knight Tape Recorder, $30.00 ; one Bookcase, $5.00, B-20-C C.V. 127tfn Two bedroom home, wooded lot, ad joining A&M campus, close to schools and shopping center. Call VI 6-5442 after hopping ; :00 CHILD CARE Personally taken care. VI 6-8237, D-9-B, C.V. 128t3 Equipped and Experienced. VI 6-8608. 127t4 Will keep child age 1-3 years, working hours. Mature, experience! 8668. during ced. VI 6- Equipped and experienced. VI 6-8608. 126t5 Experienced child care in my home from 8-5. VI 6-6536. 121tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY, 3404 South College, TA 2-4803, Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn Bob Veale of the Pittsburgh Pirates fanned 15 Milwaukee Braves in Forbes Field, Pitts burgh last September. C-13-D. VI 6-7985. 89tfn Child care, experienced, VI 6-7960. 80tfn Child care with experience, sformation, VI 6-8151. Call for 64tfn SPECIAL NOTICE SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. & A.M. Called meeting Thursday, February 4, at 7:00 p. m. The -- Master Mason’s Degree will be X/AU W conferred. /-S' John Jtiurr 'v'' Joe Woolk' John Huff W.M. Joe Woolket Secy. 128t2 Make reservations now for your Spring mada Inn—VI 6- Banquets. 8811 or th 1352. Call the 5 Triangl no’ Rai ? Restaurant—TA 2- 127t24 /e up to 40% auto parts, tires, bat- 1, seat covers, mufflers, tail pipes and accessories. SEE WHITE AUTO STORE. College Station, VI 6-5626. 127t4 Sa’ teries our new location, 811 South e, arten’s). Come see us. Chapman’s Now at College Avenu Weingi Paint and Wallpaper Co. (two blocks north of 126t8 Bi-City, Ink—Complete typing and pr ing service. 1001 S. College. TA 2-1 rint- 921. 85t20 Fast efficient service reasonable prices on ■ chures, repo /ice cataloges, magazines, programs, bro- orts, posters, tickets, stationery, Hix Printers, TA 2-7525. 24tfn TYPING SERVICE-MULTILITH PRINT ING, thesis-dissertations-yearbook-brochures rm papers-business letters-job resume plicationa-blank forms, etc. REPRODUC- "'T : Copy negatives and prints-l—’ - paper masters - metal plates-< phe^o finishing. Camera and movi s-business }lank forn negativei ■ masters - ing. Cam lectors repair service. PHOTOGRAPHY. J. C. Glidewell’s PHOTO LAB. TA 3-1693 applie TION: Copy negatives and slides - paper masters nts-Iantern custom rie pr tAPH iewi 2007 S. College Ave., Bryan. WANTED TO BUY Used Appliances, Furniture or Clothing 312 N. Main TA 2-3867 Bargains in used furniture, appliances and clothing. Thousands of items for sale. See us—we’ll probably have it. 312 N. Main TA 2-3867 HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 DAMAGED and UNCLAIMED FREIGHT (New Merchandise) Furniture, Appliances, Bedding, Tables, etc. A little of everything. C & D SALVAGE E. 32nd & S. Tabor TA 2-0605 JACK SHACKELFORD, Inc. Authorized Lincoln-Mercury-Comet Dealer Sales, Service, and Parts Graduating Seniors Financing Complete Service Dept. Body and Paint Dept. Pat Quimby, Service Mgr. 1215 Texas Ave. TA 3-5475 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer FOR RENT Exceptionally nice, over-sized room, twin reasonable. cepti or double bed in house, bus, TA 2-6888. nice, private entrance, two baths ibl< also weekends, 127t4 University Terrace Apartments (Across From A&M Golf Course) NOW AVAILABLE Beginning Saturday Jan. 30 Luxurious Apartment Homes With 2-3 Bedrooms with 1-1 'k baths Furnished or unfurnished complete GE kitchens, marble serving counters, bath vanity tops & sinks, carports & swim ming pool. Fenced play area & laundry. Plush carpeting & sound proof walls. irpeting & sound pro Ceiling to floor custom made draperies. Central heat & air individually controlled. Off Street Parking Adjoins Redmond Shopping Center ALL BILLS PAID 1700 Jersey Street College’s Address of Distinction Model Apts. Bob Taylor Open For TA 2-3801 Inspection 4tSlGlH 126t5 Furnished one bedroom apartment near University, $75.00 month. Call James C. Smith Co. TA 2-0557. Room for gentleman, private bath. VI- 6-6665. 125tfn VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Bryans Best Located Apartments $95 and up • 6 minutes from downtown Bryan or A&M University • Across from Townshire • 1 & 2 bedrooms with 1 or 1% baths • Furnished or Unfurnished • Central Air & Heat • Carpeting & Drapes • All G.E. electric built-ins • Carports & Pool • Laundry Facility 401 Lake Phone TA 2-2035 U9t20 WORK WANTED Typing, experienced executive and geolog ical technical secretary, electric typewriter. Call TA 3-8218. Legal secretary wants typing, thesis ex- srience—references. Call TA 2-3710 be- pei tween 8 :30 and 5 :00 weekdays. l^ttfn Typing—reasonable rates. Thesis experi ence, VI 6-4493. llOtfn MALE HELP WANTED Aggie wan early and late evening average sala for part ’ning houi and working conditions. ted and lat :rage salary and working Apply at Dutch Kettle or call VI 6-8080. above 129tfn Man—alert, ambitious, married, 19-25. NEED EXTRA MONEY? $35.00 per week taking orders, evenings and Saturdays, ” BBBiA ’ —— VI 6-5266. 127tfn nationally known company. WANTED Young, responsible family man: ex perienced with cattle and irrigation ; Immediate work on river front ranch ference required, tioi and k on riv Area, Box 1518, College Station, Texas. 128tfn Junction Are TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES 118 S. Bryan—Bryan—TA 2-6874 SOSOLIK'S T. V., Radio. Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 NEED MONEY See Jeff Wheeler Licensed Pawn Broker 312 N. Main TA 2-3867 We loan money on anything of value. T he C hie ken Shack /? Import Motors Authorized Triumph Volvo Dealers 100% Financing To Graduating Seniors Sports and Economy Cars New and Used Complete Service Dept. 2807 Texas Ave. TA 3-5175 HELP WANTED RNl’s & LVN’s wanted. Laiuil ieals. Write Madison County Eif [adisonville, Texas for interview, Waitress and pantry girl, apply ii at Norton’s Pancake House. FEMALE HELP VVA Hostess wanted, experience not r Must be neat in appearance, peraon at THE RAMADA INN. OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must be bro _ mailed so as to arrive in tht ( iblicationa (Grom of Student Publications (Groun( fl 1-12, Hi YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-i Monday through Friday) at or beta deadline of 1 p. m. .of the day pra publication—Director of Student ft tions. CHANGES IN STUDIES Changes in the list of courses for any student is currently registers be made only on the recommen 1. on t the head of each department or seta; cerned and with the approval of ti! of the student’s college. A state! Fe fedi ,rry a grade Director of not add courses after February i. course dropped after Wednesday, Ii 10, shall normally carry a graded normally H. L. Heatoi Admissions on, and Registrar May graduates may begin orderin' graduation invitations starting FAi 1-26, ONLY, Monday-Friday, froa the Cashier’s Window, Memorial! GRADUATE COLLEGE CALEB) SPRING SEMESTER, 1961 FAILURE TO MEET CERTAIN QUIREMENTS BY THE TIME Si FIED MAY RESULT IN A POSTi! MENT OF THE RECEIPT OF Ii DEGREE. February 1-6 Registration for the! uate Record Examination February 6 Last day for enrollingc University for the Spring Semea for adding new courses February 10 Last day for irj courses with no grade February 12 Foreign language en: tions for Ph.D. candidates February 15 Last day for filinj: proposal for Master’s degree February 15 Last day for qualifjii admission to candidacy for thesera who expect to receive the PH D.Ed. in August 1965 February 22 Last day for tions for advanced degrees February 26-27 Graduate Record Em filing PS* tion* April 30 Last day for filing origiul two copies of theses and dissera in final form with the Graduated May 15 Last day for final examiis for advanced degrees May 22 Commencement Applications for degrees shouldh Applications for degrees should fe! it both the Graduate College id Registrar’s Office. Required of all graduate studeis the Aptitude Test! have not taken Advanced Test of the GRS. To mi pay $5.00 fee at the Fiscal Offij take receipt to Graduate College I: Candidates for doctoral i Candidates for doc are reminded that the scM of final examinations Ii published under ‘‘Official in ublished under ‘‘OfficialW The Battalion. Forms!« •ose, available at the Gn purp College Gradui abli must be submitted! ate College no later prior to the dayi tie week examination. Final copies tations shou^S Graduate College at week prior to the final ens inal copies of these a tions should be filed Ph.D. Language Examination for meeting the foreip Examinations for meeting the forei guage , requirement for the Ph.D, will be given Friday, February given rrmay, 6:30-9:30 p. m. in R ademic Buildini lary IS 125-111 ooms 125;ffi Students wishing 0 this examination should apply ti Office for a letter of antb Graduate tion not later than February struction sheets are available fro« Secretary in the office of the Depai* of Modern Languages. Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies GIL’S RADIO & T Sales: Curtis Mathis, Westinghouse Service: All makes and moiiii including color T, & multiplex F M 2403 S. College TA 21 FRE FRE Pli Bi Brook sh AUTO INSURANCE Sing’le and “under 25” driverii] standard rates! Unusuallylai dividends for preferred ri: For all your insurance n Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Grotfl Gladiola 3400 S. College Ave. TA 3-8051 Bryan I STUBBLEFIELDS Imported Cars for Pain BUF] Authorized Chrysler-Sin^ Dealer The only imported car withai year or 50,000 miles warranty 1 ' for Hair ISCO] General Foreign Car Repair Service ERNEST PIVONKA, Service Manager 3219 Texas Ave. TA 3-6$ Kraft Fr ORE Watch Repair Jewelry Repair Diamond Senior Rings Senior Rings Refinished Kraft Tl DRE for Sak m C. W. Varner & Sob.' Jewelers North Gate VI 6-581S | Patio fl TRANSMISSIONS Brakes — Motors — Tune-Up Quality Counts—All Work Guaranteed MASTER’S TRANSMISSION 1309 S. College Ave. TA 2-6116 CASH AVAILABLE FOR BOOKS, SLIDE RULES & ETC. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS N«w Store Hours — 8 a. m. ’til 5:30 p. m. — 6 Days A‘Week. Ei .t