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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1965)
Page 6 College Station, Texas Thursday, January 28, 1965 THE BATTALION TexasGridmanMay Pass Up Final Year Business, Education Unity Emphasized At Conference The close relationship of busi ness and education and depend ence upon each other was under scored here Wednesday as one of the nation’s top utilities execu tives spoke to the Executive De velopment Course. Speaking was Donald C. Power, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of General Tele phone and Electronics Corp., New York City. GT&E with more than 6,500,000 telephones has about 85 per cent of the independent phone business in the nation and also has numer ous manufacturing companies. “Many of the challenges facing education and business overlap sub stantially, especially in the areas of ingenuity and communication,” Power told the executives from 30 firms and agencies. Power said he spoke as a form er university professor who also is a businessman. He is a gradu ate, former faculty member and past chairman of the board of Ohio State University. “The complexities of modem bus iness require many of the same thought habits that liberal edu cation inoculates,” Power said in discussing study of the human ities as vital in education. He said the need to produce Poll RE Week May Growing concern for America’s moral conditions and greater in terest in formulating “a sound philosophy of life” have the at tention of increasing numbers of Aggies. The results of an “interest locator” listing 29 topics for evalu ation by students were announced by J. Gordon Gay, general secre tary of the YMCA. The poll brought responses from approxi mately 3,000 Aggies. The YMCA Cabinet and cadet and civilian stu dent chaplains conducted the sur vey as part of preparations for campus Religious Emphasis Week activities starting Feb. 15. Gay explained that the interest topics evaluation helps in plan ning the materials to be present ed during the assemblies. Each student was asked to indicate the five topics he thought most in teresting. “All through the years the topic ‘planning for a successful marri age’ is the number one interest, but this year the topic concern ing moral laxity and what can be done stirred almost equal inter est,” Gay said. The tallies were 768 and 749. The consensus showed in third place the topic, “Are ‘Sunday Saints’ better than people who never attend church but have high morals and are honest and social ly accepted?” The tally, 550. Almost as many Aggies, 544, expressed interest in the topic, “How can I formulate a sound philosophy of life?” “Interest in this topic of a philo sophy of life has developed in the last five years,” Gay said. Other topics chosen among the “top ten” and the number of stu dents listing each: “Is our sci- tific and technical world of today slowly disregarding parts of the Bible as impractical and unbelievable, or is it proving them to be scientifically true?”, 516; “How closely asociated are man’s belief and his behaviour?”, 487; and Arabs To Hold Religious Fete The Arab Students Club will hold a holiday dinner at 6:30 p.m. Saturday in the South Sol arium of the YMCA Building, honoring “Eid El-Fitr,” a reli gious holiday observed by more than 400 million Muslims through out the world. “Sports Car Center” Dealers for Renault-Peugeot & British Motor Cars Sales—Parts—Service We Service All Foreign Cars TA 2-4517 422 Texas Ave. r PAKDNEK You’ll Always Win The Showdown When You Get Vour Duds Done At CAMPUS CLEANERS Select Topic “Is religion and God, as well as moral ethics, disappearing from our civilization because of the ad vancements in science?”, 418; “What values should a man seek in life?”, 410; “How can Ameri can citizens exert a moral and spiritual influence in world rela tions?”, 402; and “Under what conditions might peace be possible in the modern world? Should na tions compromise their ideals in the interest ofr peace?”, 376. More than 100 A&M students also took advantage of the oppor tunity to write in suggested topics. generalists as well as specialists is a great challenge facing educa tion. “More than ever before, industry needs vigorous and imaginative people to whom precedent is sim ply the starting place for new ans wers to new problems,” Power said. “The problem boils down to mak ing sure that a company’s general ists are not so general that they lost touch with the practical bus iness realities, or that the spec ialists are not so specialized that they lock themselves into narrow compartments,” the executive said. The veteran utilities executive was introduced to the 45 EDC participants and guests by John H. Lindsey, Houston insurance man and member of the advisory com mittee for the annual Executive Development Course. Lindsey also is president of the Association of Former Students. President E. H. Danner of the General Telephone Co. of the Southwest and Southwestern States Telephone and President Earl Rud der were among the guests at tending the morning session. Also present were a number of tele phone company officials. Power in an extended and frank question-answer session fol lowing his discusion of “New Challenges Facing Education and Business” said, “A good manager can manage anything.” The EDC opened Sunday even ing on campus and continuing through Feb. 12 features work shop sessions led by 28 senior officers of national and state firms, plus other meetings. AUSTIN, Tex. (A*) — Texas I Sauer Jr., the Longhorns top passi Coach Darrell Royal said Wednes- receiver, may pass up his final day he had. learned that George' year of college eligibility and sign a pro football contract with the New York Jets of the American Football League. Royal indicated he may try to delay the move a year. He said Jet Coach Webb Ew- bank and Sonny Werblin, on the team’s owners, me their word they won’t sign!.; without my consent, assured them I won’t j sent.” Ccrlle^eillaAW College Master Fidelity Union Life Building- Dallas, Texas Has no War Exclusion Clause. Contains Full Coverage while in Military Service. Affords excellent savings and insurance features. Furnishes outstanding dismemberment, accidental death benefits, and disability coverage. Offers an Exclusive Guaranteed insurability option. Provides a unique Family Plan feature. Includes Return of Premium benefits first twenty years. Is guaranteed by a top company—Highest National Rating. Gives insurance NOW, with premium deposits deferred until you are out of school. GrUeittfliaaie'L FOR COLLEGE MEN ^Designed only for and Offered only to college men. For Information, Call 6-8228 Aggieland Agency at N. 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