Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1964)
THE BATTALION idets d e . ■^tent as ice. tell m e >ut “Ag. 'oi'n anc and ti«. ilty sup. Nursin! from thf lattalior. “lumber, our sta- ous ari Regard- nvictioas at Texas mbers o(| 1 in tie g within “knight- uch rude- i official body to lard this leared it that is hly con fer, this lar, com- iiose pet- on those he weak- he future ty effort i abase- :h Jr. ’61 University Laundry Is One Of Finest In Country > L? Ian . BETTER CUSTOMER SERVICE .. Mrs. Nancy White wraps shirts in cardboard shell. AGGIES ... DON’T DELAY! Order Your Boots Now For Future Delivery - Small Payment Will Do YOUR BOOTS MADE TO ORDER Convenient Lay-Away Plan ONLY $55.00 A PAIR Economy Shoe Repair & Boot Co. 509 W. Commerce, San Antonio CA 3-0047 Better Working Conditions, Customer Service Offered Better service for the customers and improved work ing- conditions for the employes top the news of the A&M Laundry, Manager J. H. Kingcaid Sr. said. “We’ve got one of the finest laundries in the United States, and that’s what people who visit us say,” King caid said proudly. The appreciative comments concerning the laundry come from visiting laundry owners and opera tors. Improved shirt packing has drawn a good response from customers and has been started without raising prices despite the additional cost, Kingcaid said. The cardboard shell which protects a stack of launder ed shirts, plus “a good deal of time” make it more ex pensive to pack shirts in the new manner, but Kingcaid foresees no increase in prices. And laundry prices have been raised only once since 1946 when Kingcaid came here to take over management. 54 Years Experience Kingcaid has devoted 54 years to providing good laun dry service and worked mainly for hotels and hotel chains before coming to A&M. He also had a stint of supervising the installation of laundry plants and putting them into operation. Thus he knows laundries inside-out for he was only 10 years old and a schoolboy in Cleburne when he began working with his brothers. Pride in the A&M laundry and its some 160 employes — the number fluctuates widely during the year — is a corn erstone of Kingcaid’s personality. Just now he’s especially proud of canopies installed over the large ironers which iron sheets and other large items. “These hoods give us a better ironing job, faster pro duction and also help make it a little cooler for the workers,” Kingcaid said. Also installed to improve working conditions for a number of employes are cooling ducts placed over the positions where garments are ironed. “Instead of being over 100 degrees, it’s under 90 de grees,” the laundry manager said. Some 20,000 to 25,000 shirts are laundered weekly with as much of the work automated as possible. But it is still lots of hot labor. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One d*r 3<# per word each additi* Minimum charjre—50d DEADLINE 4^ per word il day 4 p.m. day before pnblication Claasified Display 994 Par column inch each inaertion FOR SALE 1952 Ford, V8, good tires, VI 6-4815. 88t2 1963 Volkswagen, good condition $1300. VI 6-6683. 88t3 Need transportation? 1952 Nash Ram bler. Good condition. $125.00, Tom Chandler VI 6-7747 or VI 6-5585. 88t3 1959 Volkswagen, $600.00. Hercules Eng lish bicycle-sports, S30.00. Underwood type writer—portable $20.00. VI 6-4878, M. S. Sandhu, 502 Thompson, C. S. 88t3 Ping-Pong table and equipment, VI 6- 4570. 87t2 1957 Ford business coupe with tool pusher bed. Sealed bids will be received in room 225 Agricultural Engineering Building, Col lege Station, until 10:00 a. m., Oct. 28 and then publicly opened and read. Vehicle may be seen at Agricultural Engineering Shop, west of University Campus on farm highway 60. Prospective bidders may con tact Agric. Engr. Dept. VI 6-7603 for further information and bid forms. 87t4 : a ward- ou want from a $7.95 at NY, N.Y- Let us handle your repairs and remodel ing needs. Room additions, painting, sheet- roofs or what-have-you. or too small. For free estimate call Pugh Lumber Co. VI 6-5711, 80tll leeds. rock work, new No job too larg Large group of used rifles and pistols >10.00 up. VI 6-6267. 69tfn iURI. Allen Blind & Drapery “Complete Window Coverage” Blinds, Draperies, Shades Rods, Shutters. Repairs 3812 Texas Ave. VI 6-4510 SOSOLIK'S T. V., Radio. Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 FOR RENT Furnished, one bedroom apartment down stairs, 106-B Waverly Drive, will be vacated November 1, $50.00 monthly plus utiliti es. 88tfn JUST OPEN VICTORIAN LUXURY APARTMENTS 1 & 2 bedroom (1 or IVz baths) $95.00 & UP 401 Lake St. TA 2-2035 CHILD CARE Experienced, would like to keep children in my home. Z-I-D Hensel, VI 6-6675. 88t4 In my home. Call VI 6-8283. 84tfn Child care, experienced, VI 6-7960. 80tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY, Li censed by Texas State Dept, of Public Welfare. Children of all ages. Virginia D. Jones, Registered Nurse, 3404 South Col- ledge Ave., TA 2-4803. 64tfn Child care with experience. Call lor information, VI 6-8151. 54tfn LOST vith experience. Call for Black billfold, initials N. C. inside at Bill Hughes Restaurant, Saturday morning. Contact Norris Cano, Dorm 10, Room 318. GIL’S RADIO & TV Sales: Curtis Mathis, Westinghouse Service: All makes and models, including color T. V. & multiplex F M 2403 S. College TA 2-0826 DAMAGED and UNCLAIMED FREIGHT (New Merchandise) Furniture, Appliances, Bedding, Tables, etc. A little of everything. C & D SALVAGE E. 32nd & S. Tabor TA 2-0605 STUBBLEFIELD’S Imported Cars Authorized Chrysler-Simco Dealer The only imported with 5 year or 50,000 miles warranty ! ! General Foreign Car Repair Service ERNEST PIVONKA, Service Manager 3219 Texas Ave. TA 3-6428 • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate VI 6-5816 WANTED TO BUY Good used baby bed. VI 6-8151. OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must be brought or mailed so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (Ground Floor YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preceding publication—Director of Student Publica tions. English Proficiency Examinations for Stu dents in Education and Psychology Examinations in English Proficiency, quired of all student: A rts and dents major Psychology on on and Psych lish Proficiency, re in the College of to stu- Education or and Decembei ts in the <JO Sciences, will be offered joring in either Educa ychology on December 3 and December 4, 1964, from 3 :00 p. m. to 5 :00 p. m each day in Academic Room 402. Students m take the examination either day anc brin me ng nts. exami composition and a dicti paper, onary. students may ly and should riting imple- 87t25 w gree requii Candidates foi ilicati DEGREE FILING DEADINE SET FOR OCTOBER 19, 1964 Applications for degrees are now being accepted in the Registrar’s Office from all students who expect to complete their de- rements by the Fall Semester, advanced degrees must file with both the Registrar’s Dean’s Office, ing applications is October 19, 1964. H. L. Heaton Director of Admissions and Registrar 80t8 Ph.D. Language Examination Examinations for meeting the foreign language requirement for the Ph.D. degree will be given Tuesday, November 10, from 121 ding. linatic 6 :00 to 9:00 p. m. in Room 129, Academic Building. Students wishing to take th n should apply to the Gradual a letter of authorization m an October 26. Instruction sheei liable from the secretary later thi are avai office of Studies. Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies the Department of the Graduate January Graduates may begin ordering their graduation invitations starting Octo ber 1-30, only, Monday-Friday, from 9-4, at the Cashier’s Window, Memorial Student HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 Import Motors Authorized Triumph Volvo Dealers 100% Financing To Graduating Seniors Sports and Economy Cars New and Used Complete Service Dept. 2807 Texas Ave. TA 3-5175 Jchulz Save More at JOE FAULK AUTO PARTS OIL-AUTO PARTS-ACCESSORIES-TIRES Enco, Amalie, Conoco Qt. 30d Mobil, Havoline, Phillips 33^ Pennzoil, Quaker, Gulfpride 37(f Reconditioned Oil 16^ Wheel bearings—30-60% discount. Vinyl plastic trim seat covers now only $13.88 - Reg $19.95 Autolite batteries from $13.70 Auto-Transmission oil Qt. 25(1 RB Spark Plugs Each 25(? All Major brands plugs - Dealer 7.50-14 Full 4 ply tires $12.95 plus tax and old tire Brake shoes-Ford-Chev-36-58....$2.69 ex. Latex paint-inside Gal. $2.59 Filters-Major brand 40-50% off. Ye parts hoi filters, an Triumph, V. W’s., etc. of the miscelh parts you need at Dealer type chain store. :se, not a miscellaneous d ignition tune-up kits for most imported cars ; Jaguar, Check our prices on tires for imported rice or less. We gs. M. G., Re ported cars. als, alt. ALL PARTS-OIL-ETC, DISCOUNTED TO SAVE YOU AGGIES MONEY JOE FAULK AUTO PARTS Joe Faulk ’32 25th and Washington in Bryan TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 SPECIAL NOTICE Bi-City, Ink—Complete typing and print ing service. 1001 S. College. TA 2-1921. 85tl8 Fast efficient service reasonable prices on cataloges, magazines, programs, bro chures, reports, posters, tickets, stationery, etc. Gene Hix Printers, TA 2-7525. 24tfn TYPING SERVICE-MULTILITH PRINT ING, thesis-dissertations-yearbook-brochures -term papers-business letters-job resume rm papers-business letters-job resume plications-blank forms, etc. REPRODUC- '" T ‘ anc j prints-lantern metal plates-custom d movie appl TION: Copy negatives and slides - ] pho*o f: slides - paper masters linishi: lectors repair J. C. Glidewell’i 2007 S. College Ave., Bryan. ng. Camera and movie pro pair service. PHOTOGRAPHY, s PHOTO LAB. TA 3-1693, 12tfn HELP WANTED Aggie wife for counter work at excellent working conditions, above average salary, early morning hours. Call Burt Mullens for appointment, VI 6-9968 or VI 6-6146, Dutch Kettle. 80tfn Beautician, white, man or woman, ex perience necessary, call VI 6-4280. 57tfn THE CHICKEN SHACK Golden Brown Jumbo Shrimp, Vz Dozen, french fries, tossed green salad tartar sauce, hot rolls ELLISON RADIO & TV Used TV’s for sale or rent. FM tuner alignment. TV, Auto Radio, Hi-Fi, Stereo Repair 2703 S. College TA 3-5126 DR. J. R. PARKER Chiropractor College Station, Texas Phone: VI 6-4603 118 E. Walton WE BUTCHER LIVESTOCK WE PROCESS BEEF and PORK FOR YOUR LOCKERS and HOME FREEZERS WE FREEZE TO PLEASE HANSON’S AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer CASH AVAILABLE FOR BOOKS, SLIDE RULES & ETC. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOT'S New Store Hour* — 8 a. m. ’til 5:30 p. m. — C Day* A Week. BETTER WORKING CONDITIONS . . . Canopy protects Mrs. Rachel Gonzales, left, and Mrs. Ophelia Rios from heat. Wildlife Managements Buffs Give Close Look To Lizard Graduate students in Wildlife Management here are about ready to change the name of the fence lizard to the tree lizard. Three students conducted a 72- hour research problem over the weekend involving the sceloporus undulatus or fence lizard. Most surprising was the fact that the lizard under scrutiny spent more than half that time in a tree or bush. “We were under the impression that the lizards spent most of their time on the ground. But this liz ard spent most of Saturday 20 to 2 5-feet off the ground on a tree limb,” project director Jack Meyer reported. The students banded the lizard with a five millimeter length of radioactive gold for checking with a geiger counter and released him in the range and forestry area near Easterwood Airport. They checked him every hour with the geiger counter and sometimes with binoculars when he was “treed.” Meyer said the lizard was banded with Gold 198, which has a short half-life of radioactivity which disentegrates in about two and a half days. Psychology Group Elects Officers Dick Conolly was elected presi dent of the Student Psychological Association at a recent meeting. Other officers for the year are Fred Forrest, vice president and treasurer; Pat Laird, secretary; Charles Pantalion, senior repre sentative to the Arts and Sciences Council; Dickie Harris, junior re presentative to the Arts and Sci ences Council, and Alex Quisen- berry, social chairman. Now Meyer and his coharts are looking for a strip of tantalum, which has a half-life of more than 100 days. With this strip of gold, they could check the lizard for nearly a year in regard to hiberna tion, range, habitat, etc. “We won’t have to check the lizard as often in research of this type. Just about anytime the weather changes we will check on him,” Meyer said. Other than learning more about the lizard, the students hope to per fect a method of following or find ing animals. Little research has been done along this line, Meyer explained. The researchers plan to write their findings for publication in a scientific journal. Meyer’s aides include Pat O’ Brien of Lubbock and Hanley Smith of St. Petersburg, Florida. Meyer hails from Indianapolis, In diana. Tinstone "BIG 3“ CAR SERVICE 1. Align Front Wheels s 7.49 2. Balance Front Wheels s 3.49 3. Adjust Brakes s 1.19 tf bought separately. $12.1 7 THIS WEEK ONLY yqss/ J BIBB Any American | w ^HSalpPr Parts extra, if needed ^ Slight extra charge for cars with air conditioning FOR ALLS SERVICES De Luxe Champion NEW TREADS Any Size Whitewalls RETREADS ON SOUND TIRE BODIES OR ON YOUR OWN TIRES FOR ONLY GEO *£049 13" or L Plus tax and 4 trade-in tires of same size off your car. SHELTON COLLEGE AVE. AT 33rd. FREE PARKING INC. TA 2-0139 - TA 2-0130