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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1964)
X t battalion Thursday, September 17, 1964 College Station, Texas Page 5 OUR WAY OF SAYING THANKS... SHOP OUR RIG APPRECIATION SALEI YOU’LL FIND VALUES GALORE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT ! ! PRICES GOOD THURS., FRL, SAT.. SEPTEMBER 17 -18-19. QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED! ROSEMARY AT TEXAS AVENUE IN BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION s and K the > their in. 208 6817 William Philos- of the i, Wil- Coun- 064 at 04 in 67M JAR, ■aduate thesii ination ication ng for ■ those ive the lal and isserta- ; grad- amina- STORE HOURS 8 A. M. TO 8 P. M. — 6 DAYS A WEEK GRAPE JUICE Vienna Sausage WELCH’S J 15 c diaser- ith the it one amina- )826 IVIFT’S UNCHEON MEAT !-0z. Can OTATOES shoestring ornate Juice OR MACARONI SKINNER’S 10-Oz. Box 3. 5000 1-1 r on vs 'S J2.98 {4.98 3.96 13.88 $3-88 12.96 $6.86 $2.69 ffieW . 37< [obil- . 33^ . 30$ . ,25* td and orted mpic ,ric€8 REME PIES MORTON'S Assorted Flavors fOKLEY’S ) If A DCJ Bartlett Halves 1 Ct fjfUIO ...No. 303 Can 13C 1 BEST O’ BREEDS 1 DOG FOOD 5e 1 YORK 1 ASPIRIN Bti ofio ° 9 c FINEST MEATS IN COLLEGE STATION __ HUCK ACON loppy Brand Baby I Beef Lb. *2* : 79 TOMATOES U. S. No. 1 CALIFORNIA VINE RIPENED IB CHOPS s “59 DELICIOUS SALAD MAKER! BUDGET PRICED Lb ^ J 3i99‘ ^ort Ribs »29 c ill Brisket Stew »23 HOULDER ROAST (ROUND BEEF FRESH CORN Oc Grown Ears BABY BEEF 100 FREE S&S RED STAMPS With Any BROOM or MOP Coupon Expires 9-19-64. J (TO CrfH 100 FREE S&S RED STAMPS With Mohawk CANNED PICNIC 232332 100 FREE S&S RED STAMPS With $10.00 Purchase or More. Coupon Expires 9-19-64. Lutherans Set Meeting Place Temporarily Sunday services of University Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, will be held in the Presbyterian Student Center at 11 a.m. with Bible class scheduled for 10 a.m. Services will be held in the Pres byterian Student Center temporari ly until the new Lutheran chapel and student center is dedicated next spring, according to the Rev. E. Geogre Becker, Lutheran cam pus minister. Gamma Delta, as sociation of Lutheran students, wil continue to meet in the YMCA at 7:15 p.m. every Wednesday. University Lutheran Church is a campus congregation designed especially to meet the needs of stu dents, Aggie wives, and campus- related personnel. It is one of 50 full-time campus ministries across the nation organized for this pur pose. Present officers include Don Schur, president; Idis Goddard, vice - president; Mrs. Albert Krienke, secretary; Bill Haseloff, treasurer; Fred Karle, chief usher; A1 Krienke, building committee chairman, and Ken Graf, Gamma Delta president. Parliamentarians Meet Saturday A parliamentary institute will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday in the Memorial Student Center. Subjects to be discussed are “The Language of Parliamentary Law,” “Class of Motions,” “To Amend and “Eight Steps to Action.” The Texas State Association of Parliamentarians will conduct the session. Dinner Committee Named By Rudder A&M University President Earl Rudder has announced appoint ment of the 1964-65 Faculty-Staff Dinner Club Committee. Chairman is Walter H. Parsons Jr., of Building and Utilities De partment. The co-chairman is Dr. I. W. Rupel, Department of Dairy Science. Other members are Don Young, Mrs. Ann Keel, Dr. Russell J. Kohel, W. P. Worley, W. E. Eckles, Maj. David W. Bolte, John Oliver, W. E. Donaldson and K. E. Elm- quist. The first of the year’s four dinner-dances, at which newcomers will be guests of Rudder, is set for 7:30 p.m. Sept. 24 in the Memorial Student Center Ballroom. Season tickets covering all four affairs may be purchased at the Main Desk of the Memorial Stu dent Center or from any member of the committee until noon Sept. 23. ARE ALL GREAT CHEFS TEMPERAMENTAL? We can’t realty say if they’re all temperamental ... but we know about the chef at Ramada Inn! His disposition is so miserable . . . his voice so loud and abusive — if his food wasn’t so spectacular he’d be out of work tomorrow! Temperamental isn’t the word for him. But the way he pre pares a steak! Easily angered? Salads like you've dreamed of! Mean and sassy? Well, we didn't hire him because he was a nice guy. Businessmen’s Lunch .75 up MONDAY THRU FRIDAY EVERY SUNDAY Buffet $2.00 For Evening Dining Try Our Delicious Steaks In The Beefeaters Room RAMADA 'S&XuAljc£g2S'