Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1964)
CE FURNITURE—sofa, living room .cocktail table, all in excellent con- 1, Please call after 6:00, TA 3-3627. 67t4 tOldsmobile, Super 88 «, automatic transn it All State motor scooters «e 1960, ches tVI 6-4630. all gas stove. Call VI 6-6536. 61tfn On Top At Tackle’—Simmons battalion classified WANT AD RATES ^ per word each additional Minimum charge—40<t DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 90c Per column inch each insertion 4<i per word ional day FOR SALE finished desk, chest and bookcase, D Salvage Co., East 32nd and South ,, Bryan, Texas. 68t3 u Plymouth, radio, heater, overdrive, JCV. 6714 fiPord, call VI 6-6308 after 6:00 nu chave a ideal a new shipment of reject siao for study desks, coffee tables, U tables, room dividers or what-have- 1'our pick, $4.96 each. Marion Pugh w Co. Old Hwy 6, Call VI 6-5711. and bookcase, B-20-C College 67tfn 11 Alfa Romeo Convertable, excellent ~m 583. [lion $1050, VI 6-668 67t3 Hardtop, radio. c transmission, pow< brakes, good condition, 67t4 tig, power brakes, good con IK. VI 6-6672. One 1958 1960, cheap, also roll-away bed and 67tfn WORK WANTED Ting, experienced, VI 6-5900. 68tfn SPECIAL NOTICE H sit with air o) 1.1694 children or elderly people r day in your home TA 3-6508 or IICE PROFESSORS—If you are in- w in buying a home, drive by 727 Lane in Bryan and 1009 East 27th Win. If interested, call R. L. Jack- realtor, VI 6-7248, We can show you vacant lots if you would like to build. to serve you. NOW OPEN Redmond Terrace Barber Shop Barbers A. C. Vinzant Carl Smith 11 efficient servit italop- r ice reasonable prices -ines, Droe r mmK bro- ^. Avg°l°. L n AB - « 3-im. ALISON RADIO & TV t J'" S f,,r rent. I'M tuner alignment. ’ ^“ to Radio, Hi-Fi, stereo Repair f 3 S- College TA 3-5126 HOME & CAR tUT ADI ° REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE ^ N ’ s Radio & tv W. 26th TA 2-2819 WE butcher livestock dS PROCESS home freezers We freeze to FLEASE HANSON’S aggies -oi your ° wn on—? H (I1 k on your car ? Parts n * l T Save mor e on "Cnt /nS FAULK ' S A T AUTO PARTS ^. inside Paint Gal. $2.98 ^ Belt, ?4 ’ 98 S« e40 — 3 - 9B 40 - 50% n ^ Uugs __ >1 B ear . Ea. 29<f k Vin KS 30 to 60 % discount mil W 0t off -brand —, 12 . 95 3S.5, LUl , 5 ss K, Uy Sprtn > Pmn.oii .. Qt. j 7 < E "“- X-.llr. Mohll! I 1 ; T* 4- Recon. Oil ~ Qt ‘ 30tf Vti * Trn Qt ‘ 1Ed Pr,ce or le^ 6 par ts you need at AUTO ’32 d Washington $13.88 ■ $3.88 FOR RENT Three room apartment in Bryan, good cation, suitable for young faculty mem bers or graduate students, bills paid, TA 2- location, su Bryan, faculty mem- 7895. 68t3 apt 7350 or TA 3-1912. 6714 One bedroom for two Aggies, place for horse. Will serve breakfast and supper. TA 2-0488. 67t4 For single men, three bedroom apart ment, furnished, lAi blocks from campus on south side, large rooms. $50.00, VI 6- 6630 after 5 :00 p. m. 63tfn CHILD CARE B-20-C College View, Mrs. Chamblis. 67tfn Experienced child care, all facitities, al, A-12-D, CV. VI 6- 8-5, serve noon mei 5285. 67t8 Kindergarten in my home. $10.00 per ose to University. Call VI 6- ■ga: month. Cl 6063. Would like to keep 2 or 214 year old. VI 6-6772. 66t5 In my home, ages 2 to 5, VI 6-5804. 65tfn Ages 3-5, hot lunch, large fenced yard, playhouse, toys. North Ave., VI 6-6351. rge fenced yar Mrs. John Belew, 302 64tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY, Li censed by Texas State Dept, of Public Welfare. Children of all ages. Virginia D. Jones, Registered Nurse, 3404 South Col- ledge Ave., TA 2-4803. 64tfn Will keep children in my home, conditioned and fenced back yard, VI 7960. air 6- 63tfn C-13-D, CV, VI 6-7986. _ Child care with experience. Call for information, VI 6-8151. 54tfn Keep children in my home from 8 to 5. Experienced. VI 6-6536. 35tfn HELP WANTED Ladies wanted day or night shift rive-in, VI 6-7466. ( at 67t4 Male or female help needed at Tastee Freez loated across from Sands Motel. No phone calls please. 66t5 Waitresses or Waiters Experience not necessary Apply At Coach Norton’s Pancake House East Gate College Station VI 6-6413 even- , con- Dutch T _ 77,— _ .muxuns at 1 ne Dutch merit 6 ' VI 6 " 9968 or VI 6 -6146 for appoint- 59tfn Beautician, white, man or woman ex- penence necessary, call VI 6-4280. 57tf n SOSOLIKS T* V.. Radio. Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 dr. J. R. PARKER Chiropractor College Station. Texas Phone: VI 6-4603 118 E. Walton SAVE ON Air-Conditioners Water Coolers Garden Supplies & Lawn Mowers Tires, Batteries, Seat Covers New & Used Bicycles 40% Discount on auto parts WHITE AUTO North Gate College Station TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 Import Motors Authorized Triumph Dealers 100% Financing To Graduating Seniors Sports and Economy Cars New and Used Complete Service Dept. 2807 Texas Ave. TA 3-5175 LOST AND FOUND Lost- ... tation redwooc me pair of glasses, bi-focals, imi- - Iwood frames somewhere between South Gate and Business Administration Bldg. Reward—$2.00, Columbus D. Reeves. A&M Press or BA Office. Call VI 6-6586. 67t4 OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must be brought or mailed so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (Ground Floor YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preceding publication—Director of Student Publica tions. It is now time for all student organiza tions to apply for official recognition at the Student Finance Center, Memorial Stu dent Center. The deadline is October 15, 1964. 68tl8 Students in the College of Arts and Sciences who distinguished during the Spring Semester 1964 may pick up their D.S. cards in the office of the Dean. 208 Nagle Hall. 68t7 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Announcement of Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree (Defense of the Dissertation) Full Name of Candidate: Elsik, William Clinton Candidate for Degree of: Doctor of Philos ophy in Geology Title of Dissertation: Palynology of the Lower Eocene Rockdale Formation, Wil cox Group, Milam and Robertson Coun ties, Texas. Time of Examination: Sept. 16, 1964 at 3 :00 p. m. Place of Examination: Room 104 in Geoli P- of ilogy Building Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studiees 67t4 GRADUATE COLLEGE CALENDAR, FALL SEMESTER, 1964 Sept. 14-18 Registration for the Graduate Record Examination* October 9 Last day for filing thesis proposal for Master’s degree October 10 Graduate Record Examination October 19 Last day for filing application for advanced degrees** October 22 Last day for qualifying for admission to candidacy for those students who expect to receive the Ph.D. or D.Ed. in May 1965 November 10 Foreign language examina tion for Ph.D. candidates January 4 Last day for filing original and two copies of theses and disserta tions in final form with the grad uate College January 9 Last day for final examina tions for advanced degrees January 16 Commencement ‘Required of all graduate students who have not taken the Aptitude Test and an Advanced Test of the GRE. To register, pay $5.00 fee at the Fiscal Office and take receipt to the Graduate College Office. “Applications for degrees should be filed at both the Graduate College and the Registrar’s Office. Note 1: Candidates for doctoral degrees are reminded that the scheduli lat tne scheduling of final examinations is now pub lished under "Official Notices in The Battalion. Forms for th Purpc Colle> Note 2: s” irms for this use, available at the Graduate Ke, must lie submitted to the Graduate College no later than one week prior to the day of the examination. Final copies of theses and disser tations should be filed with the Graduate College at least one eek prior to the final examina- 66t5 wee tion South College Avenue Barber Shop FLAT TOP $1.25 REGULAR SI.00 Children 12 Yrs. and Under 75? Open 6 Days — 8 to 6 1903 South College FISHER NURSERY Contientious, State Licensed Child Care, Hot Lunch, Snacks, Diaper Service. Open 6 a. m. - 6:30 p. m. Daily 906 S. College For Reservation Call TA 2-0597 Friday and Saturday Nights Only GIL’S RADIO & TV Sales: Curtis Mathis, Westinghouse Service: All makes and models, including color T. V. & multiplex F M 2403 S. College TA 2-0826 AGGIE’S ! ! have your favorite home town newspaper delivered to your door each morning. Subscribe to the Dallas Morn ing News, Ft. Worth Star Tele gram, Waco News Tribune, San Antonio Light, and for you BA majors (and all others who are interested) The Wall Street Journal. Your Campus repre sentative is Tom Day, call him at VI 6-4515 to arrange for delivery. For delivery in C.S. or Bryan call TA 2-5275. K. H. (Ken) Truitt (Ken’s News Agency.) AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate VI 6-5816 CASH AVAILABLE FOR BOOKS, SLIDE RULES & ETC. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS New Store Hours — 8 a. m. ’til 5:30 p. m. — 6 Days A Week. Comeback-of-the-year honors on the 1964 Aggie football squad well may go to Melvin Simmons, senior tackle from Odessa. Simmons was named “sophomore of the year” in SWC two seasons ago when he was a standout tackle for the Aggies. Last year, just before fall drills began he injured a knee during a conditioning drill in Odessa. Con sequently, he was unable to start serious work when the Aggies opened fall practice. He never did catch up. Due to various injuries in the line, he was shifted to guard but was just another lineman in the Aggie picture. “I had that late start, got be hind and became discouraged. The harder I tried, the more mistakes I made. I should have known bet ter. Had I relaxed I might have worked my way back to the top.” This past spring he was moved back to tackle, a position where he had won super all-state honors while performing for the Odessa High Broncos. He had a good spring and reported for fall practice this year at 212 pounds and in the best condition of his football life. He’s listed to start on the offen sive unit of A&M’s two-platoon system when the Aggies line up against LSU in Baton Rouge Sat urday night. What does Simmons think about the 1964 Aggies? “I feel real good about it. We have a lot of senior lettermen (16) who have a lot of playing ex perience and that’s very important in the Southwest Conference. The spirit is higher among the players now than at any time since I’ve been here. We’re hungry for some football victories.” Does Your Car Wander Or Weave — Pull To Left Or Right? Then You Need A... THE BATTALION Wednesday, September 16, 1964 College Station, Texas Page 3 Ags Work For LSU The Aggies went through anoth er spirited workout closed to the public Tuesday evening in prepara tion for their season opener against the LSU Tigers Saturday in Baton Rouge. Coach Hank Foldberg watched over the Cadets as they went through their defensive and offen sive formations they will use when they line up against the Tigers. The Aggies also worked against the LSU offensive and defensive formations in their final week of rehearsals. Foldberg said there have been few injuries on the squad during the past week and that the Ag gies have been progressing on schedule. “I’ve been well pleased with their performance so far,” Foldberg said. “I thought they did well in the scrimmage Saturday night once they got started. We have been lucky in our progress in that we have had no rain or badweather to slow us down.” Ag Parachute Club To Meet Thursday The A&M University Parachute Club will hold an organizational meeting Thursday night at 7:30 in the YMCA, club spokesman Don Deviny announced Tuesday. John Finks, last year’s club presi dent, will be in charge of the meet ing. All present members are urged to attend. SAFETY SERVliE FRONT END ALIGNMENT ★ REDUCES TIRE WEAR ★ IMPROVES STEERING ★ INCREASES SAFETY PRECISION WORK BY EXPERTS ON OUR VISU ALINER Only $6 50 Any American Car Payday Terms HERE'S WHAT WE DO I 1. Correct caster 2. Correct camber 3. Correct toe-in — the main cause of abnormal tire wear 4>. inspect Steering X&wvrfit OiiriVSJii Vr+Sr&iir ‘ijiifiiiii 5 Tireslott* NEW TREADS APPLIED ON SOUND TIRE BODIES OR ON YOUR OWN TIRES WHITEWALLS-ANY SIZE NARROW OR WIDE DESIGN TUBELESS OR TUBE-TYPE 4 FOR 13” or 14” Plus tax and 4 trade-in tires Our New Treads, identified by Medallion and shop mark tire GUARANTEED 1. Against defects In workmanship and materials during life of tread. 2. Against normal road hazards (except repairable punctures) encoun tered in everyday passenger car use for 12 months. Replacements prorated on tread wear and based on list prices current at time of adjustment. WORK FAST S. M. (MONK) MEEKS IN HIS KYLE FIELD OFFICE ... named “Out House Poet Laureate” Monk Gives More Than Top Service By TEX ROGERS Sports Editor S. M. (Monk) Meeks, Aggies equipment manager, is said to be— or to have been—a man of many things, thoughts and experiences. And if you ask him he will proba bly tell you the same thing. Since the bespectacled, smiling Meeks came to A&M in 1958 he has been known more or less around Kyle Field as a second father to the players and a man in which the coaches and athletes could con fide. He has used his experience to guide and direct those whom he has come in contact. Through his wisdom and wit those associated with have gotten at least one thing out of him—a laugh. Monk is a man of a definite philosophy, more along the line of hard knocks. This is shown when you enter his office under the stadium and a handful of signs and plaques loaded with quotations hits you right in the face. One reads: “Don’t tell me what you can do or have done— show me.” On the other hand, Monk states; “They said it couldn’t be done—so I didn’t even try.” “I use that little comment to show the boys how not to think,” he said. Then he will always come back with the advice: “Learn from the mistakes of others—you can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” We aim to please you Nothing less than your best appearance satisfies our barbers. They’ll expertly cut whatever style you choose. Jim’s RAMADA INN Barber Shop Next to main entrance Ramada Inn GOOD BUY > STATE FARM INSURANCE GOOD GUY Meeks came to A&M after being in the equipment repair business in San Antonio for 12 years. With him he brought one of his three sons, Tommy, who is currently an offensive gun for the Aggies. He had two other boys, Charles and S. M. Jr.—who were noted athletes in the Texas collegiate ranks in the early 50’s. Monk has always been a lift and morale builder. Like when the Cadets rolled to Aggieland earlier this sumer, he had a word for them to heed. It was a poem that read: The magazines and experts have picked us last. To our Aggie pride this is quite a blast. Now the race is tough and the season long. We’ll do damdest to prove them wrong. We ain’t quittin’, we’ll just wait and see Who is the dummest, them or we. The work was signed S. M. Meeks, Out House Poet Laureate. “Yes sir,” Monk said, “I’m the Out House Poet Laureate. I might even write a book called the Out House Papers and make a mil lion.” If anyone could do it Meeks can, because “I never look back— something might be gaining on me. Geo. FREE CAR SAFETY CHECK! OPEN Every ft Day Iy Till Except Sunday Saturdays till 6 • •••«•< TA 2-0139 FREE PARKING TA 2-0130 College Ave. At 33rd FOR AUTO, LIFE & FIRE INSURANCE U. M. ALEXANDER ’40 221 S. Main TA 3-3616 STATE FARM Insurance Companies Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois ARE ALL GREAT CHEFS TEMPERAMENTAL? We can’t realty say if they’re all temperamental... but we know about the chef at Ramada Inn! His disposition is so miserable ... his voice so loud and abusive — if his food wasn’t so spectacular he’d be out of work tomorrow! Temperamental isn’t the word for him. But the way he pre pares a steak! Easily angered? Salads like you've dreamed of! Mean and sassy? Well, we didn't hire him because he was a nice guy. Businessmen’s Lunch .75 up MONDAY THRU FRIDAY EVERY SUNDAY Buffet $2.00 For Evening Dining Try Our Delicious Steaks In The Beefeaters Room RAMADA “fVuAlj J M jpx S£css*