Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1964)
IK Teachers Begin Orientation r PARDNER Vou’ll Always Win The Showdown When You Get Your Duds Done At CAMPUS CLEANERS ♦ Academic Year Institute activi ties for 30 junior high school science teachers from 17 states County Agent Heads Association E. J. Harrison Jr., 39, of Ward County is the new president of the Texas County Agricultural Agents Association. His election came during the organization’s recent annual meet ing in El Paso. He succeeds out going president Thurman Kennedy of Bexar County. Harrison is a member of the class of 1947. He has been agri cultural agent for Ward County since 1953 and was vice president of the TCAAA in 1963. Other new officers are A. H. Karcher Jr. of Hidalgo County, first vice president; Darrell Brown of Dallas County, second vice presi dent; and Herman Lynch of Bowie County, secretary-treasurer. have opened at A&M University. The teachers along with other A&M students will begin classes Sept. 14. The orientation program includes group and individual conferences, campus tours, an extended review of mathematics and other topics. The schedule also allows time for the teachers to enroll their chil dren in local schools. The teachers will study varied science, mathematics and educa tion courses. They may apply the academic credits toward the Master of Education in Science Education degree. The National Science Foundation sponsors the 12-month program as a means of upgrading science teaching at the junior high school level. THE BATTALION Thursday, August 27, 1964 College Station, Texas Page 5 AMONG THE PROFS SERBO-CROT LANGUAGE BELGRADE (A*) —. The Serbo- Croat lanuage, spoken in Yugo slavia, is taught in 20 foreign universities. In Yugoslav univer sities nine foreign languages are taught.. A&M’s Professor To Publish View Emeritus Of Rural Signs Texas BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES Out 3* per w It per ward each additional day Minimum charge—40* DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before pnblication Classified Display 80* per colamn inch each insertion FOR SALE Two bedroom house, 220 wiring:, fenced itk yard, close to A&M, 106 Cooner, VI US36 64tl Latex Special, $2.68 per gallon, >!ors and white. Nelson Paint Co., former- 'Mary Carter Paint. 306 E. Dodge, TA 2- m 63t4 FOR SALE OR RENT WITH PUR- fHASE AGREEMENT — three bedroom ia«e close to campus, call Sparks Realty, 63t2 tone close H 6-1831. For sale to settle an Wry colonial type hoi mpletely Woy root estate—Large two al type hon furnished a wny room, kitchen Wed back to all bedrooms. irg< ome. Upstairs now as two bedrooms, and bath—easily con- See at 307 j Haswell, Bryan, Texas. Phone Mrs. •Wi Dansby TA 2-1784. 62t4 Small gas stove. Call VI 6-6636. 61tfn <0R SALE BY OWNER, nice three wrootn, one bath home near A&M Uni- •wy. Large family room and fenced yard. TA 2-0161, VI 6-6007 after -• 61tfn HELP WANTED Student to work 30-36 hours per week; • a “ e wor F t through school year. W in person. Little Pig’s Barbecue. ‘ Maria Rd, prefer married student. 62t3 I Part-time waiter. Early even- * and night work. Good working con- REf’Call Mr. Mullins at The Dutch «»»t ’ ^ ®'9968 or VI 6-6146 for appoint- 69tfn kautician, white, man or won wence necessary, call VI 6-4280. n, ex- 67tfn WORK WANTED Jaint oil portraits at special x 16’— * -$10.00. VI 6-6600. hr. J. R. PARKER Chiropractor College Station. Texas Phone : VI 6-4603 118 E. Walton SOSOLIK'S T V.. Radio. Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 7ls S. Main TA 2-1941 WE BUTCHER livestock WE PROCESS kn! EEF and PORK :° R your lockers an d HOME FREEZERS WE FREEZE TO PLEASE HANSON’S aggies 0 y«u change your own oil—? ~^ )r Wor k on your car—? Then HrVa you ny not sav ® more on r parts at JOE FAULK’S UI SCOUNT AUTO PARTS ! Gal's, ia * ide D»int Gal. $2.98 . - — — $4.98 ^ Belt, 3 - 95 ^-Save 40 - 60% 8 Spark Pl uea 29 ^ "heel n— . ln Ms 30 to 60% discount tt, , ‘'rll?e 1 n £* a 8 ? at covers Si* i nly $13.88 * koclc absorbe: *«ollt, ! rs as low as $3.88 Not off-brand 1JV only $12.96 Ch e ,. F(} e - ‘ n<> Lwh^l C * shoeB 36-58 List $6.86 0*^ ~ $2.69 ^ Wfo fe P yo u eS b ° a Kelly Springfield N S^‘ VOll " e ’ Pcn n*oiI .. Q t . S7d Enco. Amalie, Mobil- S; 111 r°"' °" «*• h lra n8mission Fluid _ Qt. 25* PricV or° f le^ e PBrU you ne ed at J0 L! AlJ LK auto ’32 4:>t h and \xr__ . FOR RENT One bedroom furnished house, College, $37.60. Call TA 2-6221 1500 S. 64tl For ment. single men, t furnished, 114 e, 1 6630 after 5 :00 p. m. three bedroom apart- blocks from campus $60.00, VI 6- Nicely $40.00, water fan, or TA 2-4582. furnished one bedroom pets. KE house, 7-6241 Available Sept. 10, two bedroom fur nished garage apartment. VI 6-4005. 63tfn Three room furnished apartment avail able Sept. 1, air conditioner, convient to campus, couples only, $50.00. VI 6-6628. 63tfn Nicely furnished bedroom for students, private entrance, two blocks north of campus, $25.00 month, VI 6-5266. 61tfn One bedroom furnished apartment, all newjy redecorated, 106-C Waverly Drive, $50.00 monthly, plus utilities. TA 2-6340. 58tfn CHILD CARE FEMALE HELP WANTED Artist with commercial experience, draw and letter free hand ; lay out publications ; filing and typing experience desirable. Commercial art school graduate preferred. Texas Forest Service, College Station, VI- 6-4771. 62t5 SPECIAL NOTICE Dr. Robert L. Hunt, Professor Emeritus of A&M University, rec ently signed a contract for the publishing of his newest book, “Recollection of Farm Life.” This book, being published by the Naylor Company of San An tonio, Texas, an entertaining and carefully observed look at rural Texas from approximately 1900 to 1920. Hunt attended college at A&M where he was a Distinguished Stu dent. He received and accepted fellowships to the University of Wisconsin and North Carolina State, and was awarded his Ph.D. by North Carolina State. A teach er for 37 years at agricultural schools and colleges, Hunt recently retired as Professor Emeritus of Texas A&M. The author is a member of the Southwestern Social Science As sociation, Kiwanis Club, D.A.V. American Legion, and the Mississ ippi Historical Association. ★ ★ ★ Warren Trock, formerly of Mon tana State College, has joined the Department of Agricultural Eco nomics and Sociology. Dr. R. E. Patterson, dean of the College of Agriculture, said Trock will conduct research on problems related to water utilization in Texas. The economist also plans to teach resource economics and hopes to develop a course in water use economics. ★ ★ ★ Dr. Chris H. Groneman is the author of a lead article in the current issue of “Industrial Arts and Vocational Education” maga zine. Groneman, head of the Depart ment of Industrial Education and coordinator of teacher education at A&M, presents details of a study made of 40 industrial technology programs in the United States. He compares each program re garding required hours in mathe matics, basic science, engineering science, industrial materials and processes, business and industrial services, humanities, social studies and electives. Sherilyn Bailey of Jefferson has been named rural civil defense specialist with the Agricultural Extension Service. In making the announcement, Director John E. Hutchison said that Miss Bailey will replace Bobye Riney, who resigned May 31 to be married. As rural civil defense specialist, Miss Bailey will work with Tommy Hollmig, who holds a similar position, and will give leadership to educational pro grams dealing with rural civil de fense being conducted by state and county Extension personnel. Included will be programs which give information needed by rural residents to live successfully in a nuclear age. ★ ★ ★ Two A&M University research officials are attending committee meetings of the Highway Research Board in Chicago this week. Charles J. Keese, executive of ficer of the Texas Transportation Institute, is participating in ses sions of the HRB’s Department of Traffic and Operations and aid ing with plans for the traffic pro gram of the board’s annual meet ing. Dr. Charles Pinnell, head of highway design and traffic engi neering in the Texas Transporta tion Institute, is chairman of the program of the HRB’s Freeway Operations Committee’s present sessions in Chicago. ★ ★ ★ Walter (Pete) Holt of Bartlett has joined the Engineering Ex tension Service as an instructor in the water utilities training pro gram. Holt has operated the Central Texas city’s fluoridation plant since the facility was completed by the Public Health Service in 1952 as an experimental project. He was a city employee at Bart lett for 18 years before joining the Engineering Extension Serv ice this week. He will conduct classes as part of the statewide training program for industrial municipal employees. WE KEEP PRICES DOWN Ages 3-5, hot lunch, large fenced yard, playhouse, toys, Mrs. John Belew, 302 North Ave., VI 6-6351. 64tfn NOTICE OF BID SALE 1958 Chevrolet 214 ton truck tractor; 288 Straight chairs; 410 tablet arm chairs; 16 drawing tables ; assortment of office equipment and furniture, household ap pliances, shop machinery, electric motors, etc. Bid forms will be available and sealed bids will be received in the office of the Director of Purchasing and Stores, B&U j Building, Asbury Street, until 10:00 a.m., September 3, 1964. This equipment may be inspected by contacting the Inventory Supervisor at the above address. For in formation call VI 6-5122. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. 64tl Fast efficient service reasonable prices . . , bro- onery, 24tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY, Li censed by Texas State Dept, of Public Welfare. Children of all ages. Virginia D. Jones, Registered Nurse, 3404 South Col- ledge Ave., TA 2-4803. 64tfn TYPING SERVICE-MULTILITH PRINT ING, thesis-dissertations-yearbook-brochures j-business letters-job resume Will keep children in my home, air conditioned and fenced hack yard, VI 6- 7960. 63tfn ;rm papers-business letters-job resume .plications-blank forms, etc. REPRODUC- ’s-v-Sky a p () py — vwsn+ct-lan+ckT'n i - papei » finishi rs repai Glidewell’s ] 2007 S. College Ave., Bryan. appllCa nvruo—*v »*»*»» ' — — TION: Copy negatives and prints-Iantern slides - paper masters - metal plates-cus photo finishing. Camera and movie _ jectors repair service. PHOTOGRAPHY. J. C. Glidewell’s PHOTO LAB. TA 3-1693, 12tfn Beginning Sept. 1, will care for children of walking age. Serve hot noon meal. Li' in College View. VI 6-6600. . Live 6Itfn Will care for children. Call for informa tion. VI 6-4841. 61t4 Mid-August is blossom time for ragweed. Each weed releases mil lions of irritating-. pollen grains into the air. C-13-D, CV, VI 6-7986. Experienced child care in my home, call Mrs. Robert Wenck, VI 6-4982, College View. 60tfn %"cairvi Or 6-8 C 6 h 0 1 0 dren ° r adUltS at 1<>W 61tfn low 69tfn care with experience. Call for 64tfn Child care with exp information, VI 6-8151. Keep children in my home from 8 to 6. Experienced. VI 6-6536. 35tfn HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 • Watch Repair 1 • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate VI 6-5816 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer atom pro- GIL’S RADIO & TV Sales: Curtis Mathis, Westinghouse Service: All makes and models, including color T. V. & multiplex F M 2403 S. College TA 2-0826 BACK-TO-SCHOOL SAVINGS SALE Make Weingarten s Your Headquarters For Back To School 49 c COFFEE SHORTENING MARYLAND CLUB With $2.50 Purchase or more behind grocery turnstiles FOOD CLUB FISHER NURSERY Contientious, State Licensed Child Care, Hot Lunch, Snacks, Diaper Service. Open 6 a, nt. - 6:30 p. m. Daily 906 S. College For Reservation Call TA 2-0597 Friday and Saturday Nights Only KINDERGARTEN ABC KINDERGARTEN Open for Inspection 303A Dexter 5 year Olds Only. Limited Enrollment. Reading, Number Readiness, Preparation For First Grade, Music, Danc ing, Art, Speech and Spanish. For Information Call Mrs. W. B. Lancaster, VI 6-5286 Import Motors Authorized Triumph Dealers 100% Financing To Graduating Seniors Sports and Economy Cars New and Used Complete Service Dept. 2807 Texas Ave. TA 3-5175 SAVE ON Air-Conditioners Water Coolers Garden Supplies & Lawn Mowers Tires, Batteries, Seat Covers New & Used Bicycles 40% Discount on auto parts WHITE AUTO North Gate College Station MASTER’S TRANSMISSION SERVICE Complete Transmission Service TA 2-6116 1309 S. College Bryan, Tex. cash avai 5 l 0 a 0 o L aggies can^t be L wrong loupots 0 « m 'til 5*30 p. *n. — • Day* A Weak. Store Houra — 8 a. m. m v- PEACHES DETERGENT MELL0RINE FOOD CLUB Sliced or Halves 3 -49 25 TOPCO MELLO-FREEZE Assorted Flavors No. 2y 2 Can Giant Size 49° 3 1/2gal ' Carton I Prices good Thurs., Fri Sat., Aug. 27-28-29. We reserve the right to limit. FREESTONE A Peaches LB. 9 Ideal for Canning 35 Lb. Box $2.99 C lb FARMER BROWN 1= CHICKEN HENS To 7 Lb. 434 Lb. Lb. 33 CROWN ROAST TURKEY^H Quality Veal Lb. HAMS CHEESE AGAR 3 QUARTERS Light or Dark Meat Lb. Can 33 c 29 c $1.59 Mild Cheddar