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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1964)
Illegitimate Child Delinquent Source Who are the children who appear in court? Judge Wendell Odem of Houston said the primary source of juvenile delinquents are “children born illegitimate.” One of 10 newborn in Harris County last year, he added, were born out of wedlock. The criminal district court judge also reported “broken homes” as a result of divorces produce a high percentage of teenage criminals. On the national level, Judge Odem said four of 10 marriages end in divorce. “The child given too much is the third major factor contributing to juvenile delinquency,” he con tinued. “They have not been disciplined and do not possess the ability to create.” The Houston judge was a speaker at last week’s session of A&M University’s Police-Com munity Relations Institute. The five-day conference ended Thurs day with a roundup talk by E. R. McWilliams, director of the Na tional Conference of Christians and Jews. addressed the 60 Institute dele gates, including law enforcement officials and youth workers. Regarding divorce cases, the speaker said 75 per cent of the marriages that end in divorce are the result of “excessive drinking” and less than five per cent of the couples attend church. Once a divorce is granted, Judge Odem said parents generally find excuses “to use the child as whipping post to hurt each other, which, in turn, causes the child to lose respect for humanity.” He encouraged the law enforce ment officers attending the insti tute “ to teach youngsters to re spect the law and encourage them to get into church activities.” Aggies Make Mexico Drive Judge Odem said the three primary sources of crime “strike a challenge to all of us” as he Commendation Medal Given To New Prof Maj. Thomas F. Hines, new member of A&M University’s AFROTC faculty, has received a U. S. Air Force commendation medal for his work with aerial re covery of scientific packages ejected from orbiting satellites. Col. Raymond C. Lee, commander of A&M’s Air Force ROTC detach ment, made the presentation dur- mg an informal ceremony Friday. Major Hines, a World War II end Korean veteran, assisted in organizing a group responsible for satellite recoveries. Major Hines determined opera- tional requirements, developed and implemented crew training pro grams and performed aerial re covery operations,” his citation read. He made a significant contribu tion to a space research program great national importance,” the order continued. “His distinctive accomplishments reflect credit up on himself and the U.S. Air Force.” The new A&M staff member seived as an aircraft commander 'n the 6593rd Test Squadron, which ' v as assigned the mission of aerial recovery of scientific packages as Part of the Discoverer series. A native of Virginia, Major ,' n f an d his family reside at Dominick. He will serve as a nanch chief for the sophomore group. For Confab THE BATTALION Nine A&M University students are in Mexico for a 10-day fund raising venture for the 10th an nual Student Conference on Na tional Affairs. The Aggies extended invitations to Mexican college students to at tend the December conference, which attracts students from 75 schools in the United States, Canada and Mexico. “Theme of this year’s conference will be on Pan America, and we are hoping more students will come from Mexico and other Latin American nations,” Bob Bell, a Bryan senior, said. Six of the cadets were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Longoria during a stopover in Laredo Satur day. The others, A$M; students living in Mexico, joined the groups in Mexico City and Monterrey. An A&M graduate, Longoria was a member of A&M’s Century Coun cil, which included prominent Texans who recommended future goals of the university. One of the students is Pablo Livas of Monterrey, an A&M fresh man and son of Gov. Eduardo Livas of Nuevo Leon. Others include Bell, Craig Buck, Carthage; Jim Roberts, Wichita, Kansas; John Arnold, Monterrey; J. T. Rose, San Antonio; Jerome Rektorik, Corpus Christi; Mike Laughlin, West Columbia, and David Saloma, Mexico City. The student conference also attracts nationally-known speakers who discuss foreign policy and other subjects relating to the fed eral government. The 1964 budget calls for $18,000 worth of expenditures, including student travel costs, meals, hous ing, speaker fees and other costs. Approximately $13,000 has been raised by the Aggies. THE DYMO HOME LABELMAKER Nationally Advertised Price $9.95 DYMO HOME LABELMAKER Makes Permanent, Sessional, Self-Sticking, Raised-Letter, Plastic Labels In Seconds. ^bel Sporting Equipment . . . Home Canning . . father Goods . . . Storage Shelves . . . and An Endless Variety of Things That Need Marking. Staffer I Across From Post Office—North Gate Thursday, August 27, 1964 College Station, Texas Page 3 Read Battalion Classifieds SUGAR IMPERIAL Pure Cane Limit One With Purchase of $2.50 or More! PEACHES (Excluding Cigarettes) HUNT'S 5 - 27 Yellow Cling Sliced or Halves 21/2 CAN SOUP 25 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO "It's Soup & Sandwich Time" NO. 1 CAN KOTEX 10 REGULAR OR SUPER BOX OF 24 Rath Blackhawk FRANKS ’pkg* 39C FRYER BREASTS Lb — 59c 53 BRAZOS VALLEY U.S.D.A. GRADE A rrticrs Any Way •pr You Cut It . . . It's the Finest Fryer You Can Buy LB. Golden Tropical Beauties Tsananas Golden Ripe Ideal for the Lunch Box! LB. Le Grande Nectarines Red Ripe Tomatoes Sweet Cantaloupes CORN Golden Yellow 5 Ears 19c 19c 19c 29c Each SWIFT PROTEN BEEF Chuck SteakSS Canned Hams 4 SJ79 Rath Blackhawk Bacon ib. 59c Good Value Bacon ib 55c Hair Spray AQUA NET Regular $1.19 77c SIXTH WEEK SPECIAL FREE 50 EXTRA STAMPS with purchase SUGARINE SWEETNER 4-oz. 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DAILY — CLOSED SUNDAY 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Downtown Ridgecrest 200 E 24 Street m 3516 Texas Ave