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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1964)
1 . mtam T Pag-e 4 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, August 20, 1964 NSF Coordinator Ends India Trip Coleman M. Loyd, coordinator of National Science Foundation pro grams at A&M University, has re turned from India where he served as an educational science con sultant. At the University of Gujarat, Loyd spent the summer with 43 physics and chemistry teachers from four different states of India. Now back in College Station and 17 pounds lighter, Loyd admits that his greatest “adjustment” in India was the food, not the language. “Even the students, coming from different parts of India, had trouble agreeing on a uniform menu,” the part-time physics pro fessor said with a grin. “We hired a cook but set aside one day each week to counsel him and present our complaints.” For those familiar with Amer ica’s high speed traffic, Loyd said Mitucc/M Supply 'PuAu/te. ptaMvea- 923 So. Col leg a Ave - B ryaw. JejCas “Sports Car Center” Dealers for Renault-Peugeot & British Motor Cars Sales— Parts—^Service We Service All Foreign Cars”I ■ 1422 Texas Ave. TA 2-4517? India’s urban transportation prob lems offer quite a contrast. “The traffic officer stands on a box in the middle of the street,” Loyd said, “and at the proper time, he blows a whistle and the camels cross the intersection.” Loyd’s tongue-in-cheek report on the food situation was followed with more serious descriptions of India’s struggles with a growing population. “Many people slept wherever they found space, along the super highways or in the streets,” the professor commented. Loyd was one of 32 American teachers selected for the AID pro gram, directed by Columbia Uni versity. They conducted 16 sum mer institutes for secondary school teachers. Mrs. Loyd accompanied her hus band. Regarding the language barrier, Loyd stuck with English with no difficulty. Lebanon Student Receives Grant A&M’s Department of Petroleum Engineering has received a $2,400 grant from Cities Services Re search and Development Company. The fellowship will be awarded Issam S. Bousaid of Beirut, Leba non, a Ph.D. student at A&M. His research concerns “Computations Related to Fluid Properties.” Announcement of the grant was made by Stanley M. Pier, fellow ships coordinator for Cities Serv ices. No Straps Disdaining the wearing of the so-called topless swim suits whose straps leave sunburn shoulder streaks, actress Car- roll Baker has designed a pair of lacy trunks with small embroidered roses around the edge for her personal use. Carroll is currently making “Sylvia,” and the scrip calls for her to wear a topless bathing suit—she agreed provided she could design her own. (AP Wirephoto) Education, Psychology Adds New Professor Dr. Robert S. Randall will join the Department of Education and Psychology faculty in September as an assistant professor, Dr. Paul Hensarling, department head, an nounced. Randall comes to A&M from the University of Texas where he has held an instructorship in mathe matics while completing the Ph.D. degree in educational administra tion and mathematics. He has served as a principal in the San Antonio and Fort Hancock school systems and has taught mathematics in the Austin and Norton schools. Randall will teach courses in the area of school principalship and develop and direct field work and supervise interns in school admin istration throughout the state, Hensarling said. The new faculty member’s re search activities have related to the problem attack process in edu cational administration. He has developed a means of testing this process in the behavior of high school principals and is the author of several major publications. ★ ★ ★ Dr. W. W. Williams, retired A&M University official, has been named an Honorary Fellow of the American Society of Animal Science. The honor came during the organization’s recent 56th annual meeting in Knoxville, Tenn. The widely known educator was head of the Department of Animal Husbandry from 1923 to 1943; vice chancellor for agriculture, 1948 to 1956; and acting president of the university in 1957. He was senior agricultural ad visor to the chancellor of the Uni versity of Ceylon from 1958 to 1961. ★ ★ ★ E. P. Creech, who spent eight years overseas as an agricultural adviser, has been named to the Office of International Programs staff at A&M University, Dr. Jack D. Gray, director, announced. Creech, a 1947 graduate of A&M, will serve as programs coordinator and foreign training advisor. He received a master’s degree at A&M in 1954. His overseas experience includes two years in India, one year in Burma and five years in East Pakistan, including two years as deputy chief of the A&M staff there. In addition, Creech has eight years experience in agricultural education in Texas. ★ ★ ★ Danny R. Tidwell and Harry J. Sweet, both research engineers at A&M University, have been named assistant professors of aerospace engineering, Prof. A. E. Cronk, department head, announced. Sweet, former assistant research engineer for A&M’s Space Tech nology Division, received both master’s and bachelor’s degrees from A&M. For four years, Sweet served as a structures engineer for General Dynamics Corp. of Fort Worth and earlier was an instructor and grad uate assistant instructor in A&M’s Department of Mechanical Engi neering. YOU SAVE Cottage Cheese 29* Lucerne. All Styles. High in Protein.* : ' ^ •- I» * I-Lb. Ctn. at SAFEWAY Beverages Cragmont. Assorted Flavors. A distinctive flavor (Plus deposit). Quart Straw*. 10O-Ct. Phg., 39*) Bottle 10< Corn Meal Cheese Food Chef's Delight. Rich in flavor and protein. L,heT s Uelight. Kich in flavor and protein. (Quality Brand Macaroni. 2-Lb. Cello 39#) 1 It, 49* Covered Wagon. tomght.' 5%29* 3 £.35* SAFEWAY SPECIALS! With ... ... $2.50 Purchase All purpose shortening. Perfect for all cooking, baking and frying. Kraft Salad Dressing. The bright, delightful flavor that suits modern tastes. Crisco Miracle Whip Canned Milk Green Beans Golden Corn 3 -Lb. Can Quart Jar Lucerne Evaporated. For cooking and baking. A bonus quality milk. Del Monte Cut. Tender. Have summer-garden beans on your table in minutes. 49* 49* 10* Ati $1 Cans JL This Coupon Worth 50 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS flu* your rogularly aantad Gold Bond Stamp* with tha purchaia of Any Two Heavy Beef Sirloin, T-Bano ar PORTERHOUSE STEAKS Coupon Expira* August 22, l?44. This Coupon Worth 100 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS Urn y*w ra««l*rlr ..mW Gold load Stamp, with rk« parckau af i 2-0*. Jar Airway INSTANT COFFEE Csapo. Expira, Aaguit 22, ISM. Safeway Fresh Produce! 14Vj- Oz. Cans Russel^with’tend.r Bag *5 *ay Superb steaks tonight. Fresh Pears 7,,*$1 f Cans JL Bartlett. For flavor and health. Lb. BAKERY FRESH... Wheat Bread 19* Slcylerk Crushed. (Regular 23<) I-Lb. A Crisp, nutty flavor. Loaf Coffee Cake Il-Oi. Pkg. Hamburger Buns 13-01. 8-Ct. Ptg. Fresh Bread I'/a-Lb Loaf 33* 21* 00* FOOD IS A BARGAIN at Safeway ... F°r a quick hot weather meal serve Busy Baker Crackers with Campbell's Tomato ioup . .. both featured now at your friendly Safeway. You II And these and other values gain! W<ly ' * ’ wh * r0 Food '* always a Bar- 19* Lemons g Of) 4 SunList. Meal for summer desserts, ww For ANbOw Radishes 9^2*54 Fresh end wholesome. WBKM Cellos mBI Aw LETTUCE Iceberg. U.S. No. I. Crisp lottuce soled odds rest to any meal. Head 9< f picnics .'/ Smoked Whole. 6 to 8-Lb. Avg. Old-Time Smokehouse Flavor. (Sliced Picnics... Lb. 3If) (j, 25 Quick Steaks Manor House Veal. For tasty, jiffy meolsl Lb. 79* Shoulder Roast U.S.D.A. Choice Grade Heavy Beef. Boneless. FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS! U.S.D.A. CHOICE GRADE LAMB LEG OF LAMB Flavorfu! and nutritious. Serve Lamb this weekend. Shoulder Roast .49* 75* Serve Lamb Roast oftep. Lamb Chops ^.u.,59* Lamb Chops „ 99* ROUND STEAK 69* Rump Roast 69* U.S.D.A. Choice Grade Heavy Beef. Delicious prepared your favorite way. Joyett Mellorine s some horn 10* Assorted Flavors. A reel treat. Take some home for the family. Vi-Gal. Ctns. Lemonade Bel-air Frozen. Regular or Pink. Refreshing. Shrimp Captaii Ea*y to Captain’s Choice. Breaded, o prepare. 25* 59< Deodorant Larg . jjg 4 IC-Oz Pkg. Arnd Cream. (Fed. Tex lecl.j Jer Brooms qo« Evergreen. Sturdy. High Quality.Each .Jw ’ This Coupon Worth 50 ^ FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS S Flu* your regularly earned Gold Bond Stamp* with tha purchato of j 9 TWO — 14-Ox. BoHIgs HIGHWAY CATSUP Coupon Expires August 22, 1444. \ This Coupon Worth^f^^^ll | FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS i H r®T rftgul.flj Cold lo.d Stomp, with th. pur C h...of P 13-Oz. Acre Can Rayntt* Aqaa Net P HAIR SPRAY I Cotipoo Expirox August 22. IH«. p 3 kl iBnlbC ■ ri | ■ i _t-tt J^r Redeem this Coupon for 100 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS wit* perches, ef *10.00 or mere (Excleding Cigarettes) Ona par family • Coupon Expires August 22, I9M. This Coupon Worth 25 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS trice, end Ceepeu Wecttve There., tri. end Snt.. A.emt 20 Tie* your regularly earned Gold Bond Stamp* with the purchase of ONE — 13-Ox. Carton TOMATOES Coupon Expires August 22, 1444. Q SAFEWAY © Copyright ITU, S.f.w.y Store, Inc.rpgr.t.d, The jiiblic [old di sity’s : Institu- Dr. “these profess iient c Tidwell also received his under graduate degree and master’s from A&M. He is currently working C7 na toward a Ph.D. in aerospace struc tural mechanics. Tidwell’s professional experience also includes work as an associate engineer for Convair in Fort Worth and a year as an aeronautical engi- neer with the U. S. Air Force in San Antonio. ★ ★ ★ George Darroch whose experi ence includes more than a decade as a statistical consultant has joined the Institute of Statistics as an assistant professor, Dr. H. 0. Hartley, institute director, an nounced. Darroch has served since 1958 as principal statistician for the ex perimental station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association and as consultant for the Pineapple Re search Institute. Earlier he was experiment stations statistician at the State College of Washington, This fall he will teach an under graduate statistics course primarily for agricultural students. Darrocli also will join the group of statis ticians in the Institute of Statistics who currently consult with the Texas Transportation Institute and he will act, under a half-time ap pointment, as liaison officer be tween the two institutes. Darroch is the author of num erous articles and lists membership in the Biometric Society, American Statistical Association and the American Society of Quality Con trol. Grant Given To Continue Fungus Study A $7,132 research grant to help combat a fungus parasite occur ring in oysters has been awarded Dr. Sammy M. Ray, director of A&M University’s Marine Labora tory at Galveston. The U. S. Public Health Service for the third consecutive year has approved Ray’s research requests to investigate “Effects of Anti biotics on Fungus Parasites in Oysters.” An assistant (professor of oceanography, Ray will study th { geographical and seasonal distri bution of the parasite, Dermo- cystidium marnium. The additional grant will support studies on antibiotics that have indicated promise for laboratory control of the oystem parasite, R a J said. The fungus parasite is the cause of considerable mortality to oysters in warm seasons in relatively high salinity ocean areas, he added. 1 P< II The for m theory the cn iitiom mimit) Radi gation cretior power groups ity pn He gist I ing: tated statist order the so and p ‘Mo ed to for so crime the sp Reg today, situat: keen ingly higher Rad must' mg "l tion f ment “Th ican embed relatic He me oi sity-h lions the sr "A relatk cved :omm map i sens ARE ALL GREAT CHEFS TEMPERAMENTAL? We can’t realty say if they’re all temperamental.. • bu know about the cl1 ... „ Ramada Inn! His disposition is so miserable . . . h.s voice so loud and abusive — 11 food wasn’t so spectacle; he’d be out of work tomorrow- Temperamental isn’t the for him. But the way heP^ ISiSis o?! Mein and sassy? Well, ** didn't hire him because was a nice'.gtiy: MONDAY THRU FRI dA ^ Businessmens’ Lunch .75 u EVERY SUNDAY Buffet $ 2 - 00 For Evening Dining ^ Our Delicious Steaks In The Beefeaters Room RAMADA ‘SftOMlj J ^ jo* ^ css