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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1964)
THE BATTALION Page 6 College Station, Texas Thursday, August 6, 1964 Read Battalion Classifieds Texas Maritime Academ WELCOME FRESHMEN W. L. Ayers Laundry & Cleaners 313 College Main and W. L. Ayers “ONE HOUR MARTINIZING” 1315 Texas Ave. ★ One Hour Service on Dry Cleaning Fast Efficient Alterations ★ One Day Service on Laundry ★ A New Additional Location at North Gate For Your Convenience . ; - a'* - T \\ CUSTOM BOOT MAKERS BOOT & SHOE REPAIRING LEATHER GOODS GIFT ITEMS SHOE STORE WESTERN BOOTS Made-to-Order Makers of The Famous TEXAS AGGIE SENIOR BOOTS MoLL ’i 3^ A&M Since 1891 North Gate nc. College Station Young Men Train For Marine Caree I Can j Ling nr fe. ding MARITIME ACADEMY TRAINING SHIP . , . when handed over to TMA, will be renamed ‘Texas Clipper’ CADETS VIEW SHIP BRIDGE . . . practical experience gained CADET LIVING AREA . . . while in A&M Corps of Cadets Phone, Telegraph Services Available For A&M Students Because of the physical size of the university and the number of students served, many communica- AT ,9 V'A H: Stop and Consider Our Book Policy Before You Buy We Will Buy Back All Books We Sell When Edition Is Still Current. When From You. You Buy From Us — We’ll Buy USED BOOKS ARE A REAL SAYING But They Never Last Long. BUY EARLY and SAVE MONEY. If You Know Your Course WE KNOW YOUR BOOKS. You Can’t Lose When We Guarantee Full Cash Re funds For 2 Weeks. This Eliminates Errors and Allows For Course Changes. LOU POTS MADE BY TRADES WHERE TRADES ARE MADE tions and transportation facilities are available at A&M. In the Memorial Student Center telephone operators are on duty from 3 to 11 p. m. to place Ipng distance calls for, students and accept payment for them. Pay phones are also located in many of the dormitories. Western Union maintains an of fice in the MSC. Office hours are from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. With mes senger service for telegram de livery to dorms as well as univer sity departments. TELEGRAPH officials said that many parents sending wires to students often give only the post office box number. The officials asked that the room number be also included to save time. Without this information, they explained, it is necessary to check with the Hous- Patients Get Free Writing Materials Students who are patients in A&M’s campus hospital next school year will write to re latives and friends on special stationery. The Association of Former Students again will furnish free letter stationery and envelopes to second-floor bed patients at the hospital. The stationery, designed by Joe Russell, artist-typographer with the A&M Press, is imprint ed with a maroon-ink letterhead. ing Office to locate telegram reci pients. PASSENGER TRAINS do not operate out of either College Sta tion or Bryan. The main bus termi nal is in Bryan, at the corner of Texas Ave..And Dodge. A flag stop is located at the East Gate in Col lege Station. Passengers for A&M may leave buses at the East Gate stop and certain departures during the day may be made from there. One airline serves the Bryan- College Station area. Flights leave Easterwood Field, the university- owned airport, four times daily. The Texas Maritime Academy was established Feb. 24, 1962 by the Board of Directors of the Tex as A&M University System, by authority of Acts of the 56th Legis lature, Regular Session 1959. The 57th Legislature of 1961, appropriated funds for starting operations and for the develop ment of the Texas Maritime Acad emy campus at, Galveston. An agreement between the Goveimor of the State of Texas and the Mari time Administrator, Department of Commerce, has been executed. This agreement, pursuant to the federal Maritime Academy Act of 1958, commits the federal govern ment to provide a suitable train ing ship, $75,000 annual funds matching state appropriations, ade quate funds for the annual over haul of the training ship, and a subsistence grant of $50 per month to each student. THE STATE on its own part agrees to provide adequate facili ties and faculty necessary to con duct a course of training for future officers of the United States Merchant Marine. The Texas Maritime Academy offers young men the opportunity to continue formal education and, at the same time, to prepare to become licensed ship’s officers in the Merchant Marine. Upon completion of the first semester, the cadet selects one of two areas of specialization: Ma rine Engineering or Marine Trans portation. Thereafter he’s known as an Engineer Cadet or as a Deck Cadet. UPON SUCCESSFUL comple tion of the course of study, three ocean training cruises, and upon passing the United States Coast Guard license examination for a Third Mate or Third Assistant En gineer, a graduate receives a Bach elor of Science Degree in Marine Transportation or in Marine En gineering. Upon graduation the cadet who tended to insure necessary optrlH^n tional training periods and esj ience for all cadets. IU3J DURING the three requiu ■ operational training periods cis h/- \ pleted, the cadet progresses fji the apprentice stage through; \ Many artificer level to the junior offr imaU P category. In addition to practh nen ’ ar< experience in ship operations,si: I 135 inex ty at sea is continously emphashP ^ ese and boat drills are conducted I, A&M preparation for the “lifeboatmpI irnlshe .' examination. B2 furi The operational training pei men * ;s £ includes visits to four to six I: eign ports. Different ports ii| selected each year to provideck with a wide range of experier? Ample liberty time is provided | each port, affording cadets opportunity to visit places of c droom Unive ;udents Ipartme jjist of t Hensel View ap; Mck-typ tural and historic, as we U asK 'ij. ov j ( j e time importance. If THE MARITIME Academy til To th , pus is located in Galveston, Ag j g forms part of the A&M MirAjjjjng Laboratory in spacious grounds the former Fort Crocket in Ai n f orn shores of the Gulf of Mexico. lj nK area The Academy building, a ti available story, concrete structure, provitAe. messing and living spaces as There as classrooms and administra::|rately < offices. These accommodations jments very modern and all spaces are Bryan a conditioned. ~~ GALVESTON’S concrete pit te and warehouses provide bertli ■- accommodations for 40 modi 1' ships. A large shipyard is neat: I These shipyard facilities will serve as a laboratory for then dents. In addition, NS Savanti the first atomic powered mercto ship in the world, is to be regnlj ly serviced in Galveston. Galvesl promises to become an imp® center for commercial nuclear ft pulsion. DURING their freshman yd Cadets will participate intheCot of Cadets at A&M University College Station. While on the Al campus the cadets will wear has the required qualifications may Corps uniform, with a special^ apply for a commission as Ensign, : signed Maritime Academy pate. United States Naval Reserve. The first school year consists of nine months and the remaining three school years consist of eleven months of instruction and training. The year is divided into two academic semesters and one ocean training cruise. Each sea training period is a required, staff supervised, educational term in- the shoulder. Starting with their first train! cruise, the cadets will turn in 1 Corps of Cadets uniforms ^"1 shift to midshipman type unfrf of dress blues, whites, and khaki The primary aim of the Acadf is to prepare young men ship at sea, eventually as mas and chief engineers. Studei rs to procedui rtain 1 Every F regii [Campus of arriv P per B>e regi I Apprc an (ft cor a studei has the thicLlf of Me'xic" at ^*M™vertuy SI Ini attSheTcademy on the shores FISHER NURSERY Constructive Ptay and Conscientious Care Ideal for working Mothers . . . Bring the children to play your shopping day . . . on FISHER NURSERY State Licensed 906 S. College TA 2-0597 Open Monday thru Saturday