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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1964)
Page 6 College Station, Texas Thursday, July 23, 1964 THE BATTALION Matson Could Hit 65-Foot Against Russians Saturday UP)—The big Texas Aggie, Ran dy Matson, is heavier and stronger and may explode into the 65-foot shot put class Saturday when he represents Uncle Sam against the Russians in the Los Angeles Coli seum. “I’ve been reaching 64 feet in practice,” the young Aggie re vealed Tuesday. “I’ve never done that good in practice before. Usually I throw about a foot further in competi tion.” Randy stressed the word “usual ly,” for in the Olympic trials at New York City two weeks ago he managed only 62 feet QVz inches after having practice puts in the 65-foot range. He finished sec ond to Dallas Long’s winning throw of 64-9 However, Randy qualified for the U.S.-Russian track meet with Godfrey’s Restaurant ‘Good Food *For Aggies—that’s all!” * Including Coffee • MEAL CARDS AVAILABLE Jean & Bob Godfrey ’55 North Gate VI 6-5612 a record throw of 64-11 in the National AAU meet which re legated Long to the runnerup posi tion. And Randy had departed from his hometown of Pampa for New Brunswick, N J , and the 63-foot bracket. He will weigh in for the two-day meet in Los Angeles at his heavi- est-ever of 250. It’s not from over eating. Matson, 6-7, attributes his added weight (10 Pounds) and strength to his systematic work with weights since the Olympic Trials July 3. “I’m taking protein pills now,” he added, “but it’s a little early for them to take effect.” Randy is also throwing better without his hand being taped. Un til the trials, he had used one strip of adhesive tape around his throwing hand to protect strained ligaments leading up to the knuckles. BATTALION CLASSIFIED ie < 24 WANT AD RATES day 3<t per word per word each additional day Minimum charare—40# DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 80# per column inch FOR SALE 1954 Ford and Westinghouse one-ton air conditioner. Call TA 2-3290. 59tl 1962 Fairlane 500, 8 cyl., 4 door, air conditioned, radio, good tires, clean, orig- 500, inal owner, $1500, Guy Greenfield, Vi 6- 7994. 58t2 Baby bed, VI 6-8151. 1957 4-door Chevrolet, V8, radio and heater. VI 6-4095. 57t3 HELP WANTED Applications are now being taken for nursery workers for Sunday School and Church hours in College Station Church. Must be over eighteen years old. Please call VI 6-7008 for further information 59tl Aggie, as part-time waiter. Early even ing and night work. Good working con ditions. Call Mr. Mullins at The Dutch and night work. Good working con- Kettle, VI 6-9968 or VI 6-6146 for appoint ment. 59tfn Secretary Stenographer, good dictation ping, hai ^g, and office management. ?loj and accuracy in typing, handling fiscal and offici acy records, filinj Long term employment. Call VI 6-8996. 69tl Beautician, white, man or woman, ex perience necessary, call VI 6-4280. 67tfn STUDENTS—STUDENT WIVES earn $15.00 to $60.00 a week depending on time available. Fuller Brush Co. VI 6-5266. 67tfn Artist with commercial experience ; draw and letter freehand; layout publications ; file and type. Commercial art school graduate desired. Start July 31. Texas Forest Service, College Station. VI 6-4771. 57t4 MALE HELP WANTED Checker. Mostly night and weekend hours. Mr. Ellis. U-Pac-M Food Stores. TA 2-4386. 59t2 WORK WANTED rates. 14’ x 16’—$ portrai 510.00. VI 6-6600. 59tfn Ironing done in my home, VI 6-5192. 58t2 SOSOLIK'S T, V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 FISHER NURSERY Contientious, State Licensed Child Care, Hot Lunch, Snacks, Diaper Service. Open 6 a. m. - 6:30 p. m. Daily 906 S. College For Reservation Call TA 2-0597 Friday and Saturday Nights Only AGGIES Do you change your own oil—? —or work on your car—? Then, why not save more on your parts at JOE FAULK’S DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Latex inside paint Gal. $2.98 2 Gals Seat Belts $4.98 3.95 Filters-Save 40 - 50% RB Spark Plugs Ea. 29<f Wheel Bearings 30 to 60% discount Plastic Vinyl trim seat covers $19.95 value now only Shock absorbers as low as _ Not off-brand .. $13.88 $3.88 te batteries t dealer pric Chev-Fd brake shoes 36-58 List $5.85 set of 2 wheels $2.69 Check our prices on Kelly Springfield tires before you buy. tires before you buy. Gulfpride, Havoline, Pennzoil „ Qt. 37# Your choice — Enco, Amalie, Mobil- Conoco Qt. 33# Texaco, Gulflube-Opaline SAE 30-40 Recon. Oil Qt. 30# — Qt. 15# Automatic Transmission Fluid _ Qt. 25# We h Dealer price or less. JOE FAULK AUTO *32 25th and Washington CHILD CARE Will care for children of walking age. ■rve hot noon meal. Live in College View. 69tfn Serve VI 6-6600. Will care for little girl who needs pi mate. VI 6-6351, 302 N. Ave. ay- tfn Child care with experience. Call for information, VI 6-8151. 54tfn Keep children in my home from 8 to 5. Experienced. VI 6-6536. 35tfn FOR RENT August 1, one bedroom furnished house eg< refrigerator for sale cheap. Call TA 2- IffUi 500 at 1500 South Colk $37.50. Also used 59tl One bedroom partially furnished house. 307 North Ave., Bryan. Close to Univer sity $45.00 month. Call VI 6-4367. 58tl Two bedroom unfurnished house, $45.00 monthly. TA 2-6340. 58tfn One bedroom furnished apartment, all newly redecorated, 106-C Waverly Drive, $50.00 monthly, plus utilities. TA 2-6340. 68tfn Beautiful new two bedroom furnished apartment for a June Bride. Hardwood floors, tile drainboard, window fan, lot of closet space, 304 East 22nd. 53tfn Bachelor house for one. Completely fur- 52tfn nished, VI 6 louse I -6311. SPECIAL NOTICE FREE kittens, 607-B First Street. VI 6-6303 after 6:00 p. m. Call 59tl Enroll your four or five year old child i Wee Aggieland Kindergarten. Well planned program, pre-first grade, art, music, and rhthm training under ex- erienced and qualified teachers. For penenced and qualifiec interview call VI' 6-4052. 68tfn Fast efficient service reasonable prices on cataloges, magazines, programs, bro chures, reports, posters, tickets, stationery, etc. Gene Hix Printers, TA 2-7525. 24tfn TYPING SERVICE-MULTILITH PRINT ING, thesis-dissertations-yearbook-brochures -businet yearbook-t -term papers-business letters-job is, etc. R s and pr plates-custom d movie rm pa. plications-blank forms, etc. REPRODUC- and pr i-i- •— metal ph applic TION: Copy negatives and prints-lantern slides - paper masters finishii photo finishing. Camera and movie prc lectors repair service. PHOTOGRAPHY. J. C. Glidewell’s PHOTO LAB. TA 3-1693, 2007 S. College Ave., Bryan. 12tfn GIL’S RADIO & TV Sales: Curtis Mathis, Westinghouse Service: All makes and models, including color T. V. & multiplex F M 2403 S. College TA 2-0826 DR. J. R. PARKER Chiropractor College Station, Texas Phone: VI 6-4603 118 E. Walton Import Motors Authorized Triumph Dealers 100% Financing- To Graduating Seniors Sports and Economy Cars New and Used Complete Service Dept. 2807 Texas Ave. TA 3-5175 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 OFFICIAL NOTICE ^Official notices must be brought or mailed so as to arrive in the Office to in the of Student Publications (Ground Floor loor YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preceding publication—Director of Student Publica tions. Ph. D. Language Examination ;tin >r t day, August 22nd at 129, Academic Build- Examinations for meeting the foreign lan guage requirement for the Ph. D. degree will be given Saturday, August 22nd at 8:00 a. m. in Room 129, Academic Build- Students wishing to take this exami- >ly to the C for a letter of authorization not later than mg. nation should apply the Graduate office August 7th. Instruction sheets are avail able from the secretary in the office of the Department of Modern Langu Department of Modern Lai J. J. Woolket, Head ruages. inguages THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Announcement of Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree (Defense of the Dissertation) Full Name of Candidate: Haynes, John Jackson Candidate for Degree of: Doctor of Philos ophy in Civil Engineering Title of Dissertation : The Development of the Use of Vehicular Density as a Control Element for Freeway Operation Time of Examination : August 1, 1964 at 9 a. m. to 12 :00 noon Aggie Grad Wins PGA Bobby Nichols, ’58, leans to the right as his try for an 8-foot birdie putt went wide to the left of the cup on the 18th green in second round play of the PGA championship ship at Columbus, Ohio. Nichols went on Sunday to win the 46th annual affair with a record score of 271. He led every round although he was chased by Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus. (AP Wirephoto) READ BATTALION CLASSIFIEDS Rice Receives No& In SWC Football By HAROLD V. RATLIFF Associated Press Sports Writer A mag-azine with green pre dominating the cover has made its appearance at newstands of the Southwest and could football sea son be far behind? It’s “Texas Football,” the pro duct of Dave Campbell, sports edi tor of the Waco News-Tribune, and cohorts and it’s the usual bang-up job. It’s filled with good informa tion on the approaching football race in the Southwest Conference, other Texas conferences, the in dependents and the massive field of Texas schoolboy football. While Baylor’s John Bridgers and Lawrence Elkins occupy the cover, the Rice Owls get the big gest play. Rice, you see, is being picked by Texas Football to win the Southwest Conference championship. This would be a revolution be cause Texas, under Darrell Royal, has reached that point where it is conceded the title without dis cussion. Well why not? Texas has won the last two, tied for the one just before that. In fact, in five years Texas has won two and tied for two. Rice, however, gets the nod from brother Dave because he discovers that Texas hasn’t beaten Rice in Houston since 1952 and the game is in Houston this fall. Ergo, if Rice folows tradition—and it has the men to do it—then who’s going to beat Rice ? Simple as that. Texas is loaded and looks almost as good as last season when it was nation champion. So if anybody ki Texas how can they be lower thi first ? There are some interesting n informative articles, one com® ing Bridgers and his affinity li the forward pass at Baylor. When it is pointed out tk Royal abhors the pass except t emergencies because he says “tliij are three things that can hap;* when you pass and two of them bad,” Bridgers comes backwitttl point that he might say the sat thing about running with the t{ There are four thing that o happen when you run, says Briij ers, and three of them are bad- fumble, loss of yardage and gain. Jess Neeley, who will have It silver anniversary as coach Rice, recalls his golden mom® and compares football today tip his yesterdays. “I don’t see* difference, except the boys It' day have a lot more poise,” qM Jess. There are features on E® Koy, the Texas hard-luck boy ih can’t show his greatness becats he’s always being injured, Bobby Maples, Baylor’s linebacfe called the “hellfire and brimest® leader of the Chinese Baptists"- the Bear defensive platoon. Elkins, Baylor’s national legiate record-holder at catchii passes, tells why he’s so toast His brothers did it, says Larry- “they’ve been knocking me on: since I was two years old. had sure better been tough.” Place of Examination : Faculty Room in Richard Coke Building Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Announcement of Final Examination for tnnc the Doctoral Degree (Defense of the Dissertation) ~ indid " " Full Name of Candidate: Lytle, James Bert Candidate for Degree of: Doctor of Philos ophy in Zoology (Radiation Biology) ophy in Zoology (Radiation Biology) Title of Dissertation : A Study of the Radiation Protective Drug AET on Mito tic Growth in the Bone Marrow of the Rat by the Stathmokinetic Method. Time of Examination: August 4, 1964 at 2 :00 p. m. Place of Examination: Room 307 in lace of Examir Biology Building Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies July and August graduates may begin ordering their graduation announcements starting July 6 thru July 27, 1964 Monday Friday, from 9 :00 to 4 :00, at the Cashier’s Window, Memorial Student Center. 56t4 SAVE ON Air-Conditioners Water Coolers Garden Supplies & Lawn Mowers Tires, Batteries, Seat Covers New & Used Bicycles 40% Discount on auto parts WHITE AUTO North Gate College Station Watch Repair- Jewelry Repair Diamond Senior Rings Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate VI 6-5816 AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It’ Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer MASTER’S TRANSMISSION SERVICE Complete Transmission Service TA 2-6116 1309 S. College Bryan, Tex. CASH AVAILABLE FOR BOOKS, SLIDE RULES & ETC. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS New Store Hours — 8 a. m. ’til 5:30 p. m. — 6 Days A Week. w WE KEEP PRICES DOWN BOVS 9 and GIRLS’ SALE EXTENDED 3 MORE EXCITING DAYS! TOP SPRED OLEO 10 FLOUR Light Crust 5 - 39 J. W. COFFEE With $2.50 Purchase or More Behind Grocery Turnstiles. 1-Lb. Can SNOWDRIFT 3 Lb. Can 49 49 Prices Good Through Sat. July 25. In Bryan Only. We Reserve The Right To Limit. ]\ Inc teach is a in el in Sc Dr. : Depa cholc He respc schoc k Va Pr gie I prog: versi seasc Th Deat come ago < ducti open; night Te Mem The peop Hrji spea: open final son. nigh' £ p ROAST U. S. CHOICE BEEF SQ. CUT SHOULDER LB Di Sciei Mohi p.m. versi Li Proj Biol ( othe: Pour hire: publ Part stitu Li visoi ; befo I. nrar I Moh 1 Th & R Pascal U. S. No. 1 Fresh STEWING CELERY BOLOGNA PICNICS Hens 2'/2 to 3y 2 Lb. 23 Stalk Swift Premium Piece Lb. Agar or Mohawk 3 Lb. Can ia 29 $|59 i ling ■hole eart: cate of c crus heat lie 1 done as n A the awa pap ( T1 narr Poin and Rico