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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1964)
THE BATTALION Thursday, July 23, 1964 College Station, Texas Page 3 rals will iive mil is only a unity M iervativs ost stra. electing ws. on of a s views of til! )n. Ani r shonli farthes: can al- 5 Reput election mployei explana. cities to i done in ties still n indus- idustrial he influ. as De- autor® owth o! - whife operatt i the !!• ies, ani 1th wi I ] 1C. 0130 Chemistry Dept. Receives Keys To Data Unit A&M University’s Department of Chemical Engineering Tuesday re ceived the keys to a mobile data gathering unit, built to sell for $100,000. Dresser Controls of Houston donated the custom designed unit to A&M officials at a 11 a.m. ceremony Tuesday at the Houston plant, 10201 Westheimer Road. Among those participating in the dedication were W. F. Haley, general manager of the Houston firm, and Dr. J. D. Lindsey, head of A&M’s chemical engineering program. The mobile unit, known as a process dynamics recorder and similar to a moving van, houses a wide assortment of electronic equipment capable of receiving and recording data at a fast clip. “This equipment from Dresser, along with some we already have, will permit our students to test classroom theories,” Leo D. Dur bin, an assistant professor of chemical engineering, explained. Durbin, a Ph.D. graduate of Rice University, will be responsible for the operation of the equipment at A&M. His background experience includes asignments with industry, in addition to teaching and re search at A&M. For several years, A&M has offered instruction in automatic controls for process industries, which is required of senior chemi cal engineering majors. The equipment from Dresser, along with new purchases through the National Science Foundation, will help establish an undergrad uate laboratory for instruction in automatic control by instrumenta tion. “The laboratory will augment and extend the activities in this constantly developing technology,” Lindsey said. “The students will be able to simulate chemical pro cesses used in industry.” The Dressed unit includes an analog recorder, an analog-digital converter, a paper tape punch, a multiplexer or sender of data and low-frequency signal generation equipment. Durbin said the mobile unit will be located outside the new labora tory, where the instruments can be coordinated with present labora tory equipment. At the same time, the unit can easily be made mobile, allowing students to go to different indus tries to gather data for problem solving exercises. Scholarsh ips For Ag Fish Sets Record A record 130 high school grad uates will be attending A&M this fall on scholarships provided by the university’s Opportunity Awards Program, Dean W. J. Graff announced. More than $150,000 worth of new four-year scholarships have been awarded, Dr. Graff, dean of instruction and chairman of the faculty committee on scholarships, reported. Other students will receive spe cial scholarships. The opportunity awards, valued from $1,000 to $1,800 each, are presented after consideration of the candidate’s scholastic record, financial need, leadership in high school and other qualities. The program is supported by the Association of Former Stu dents, A&M Mothers Clubs, busi ness corporations, foundations and individuals. Scholarships under the program were first granted 18 years ago. Each recipient receives $250 to $500 annually, plus part-time em ployment provided by the universi ty if needed by the award winner. Min.kiA'l Supply ‘Pidu.’te. 923 So. Col lege Ave - &rya*X«*AS Sports Car Center” Dealers for Renault-Peugeot & British Motor Cars Sales—Parts—Service |“We Service All Foreign Cars”! ■1422 Texas Ave. TA 2-4517: II New Instructor Bill Caffee of Borger, a Texas Highway Patrol sergeant, has poined the A&M University Police vise police training courses held throughout Texas by the Engi neering Extension Service. Training School as an instructor. Wallace Beasley, the school’s coordinator, said Caffee will super- 1 A highway patrolman for 10 years, Caffee was stationed in Greenville, Orange and Mineral Wells before moving to Borger two years ago. Read Battalion Classifieds Prices Good Thurs., Fri., Sat., July 23-24-25 r inneiwfflc FIRST WEEK THIS WEEK’S DINNERWARE OFFER! FREE COFFEE CUP With Purchase of $5.00 or More And The Coupon From The Four Color Mailer Book let. Other Items May Be Pur chased With Valuable Stamp Coupons For This Week. This Weeks Offer Good July 20 thru July 25 10 PIECES OF Beautiful Tcmpwamn/ * by Cflnensburg ABSOLUTELY FREE! With Coupons From Mailer Booklet PLUS... 4300 EXTRA STAMPS hf the New Tempotama Pattern rr=ir=Jr==ir=Jr=ir==Jr J FREE! 100 EXTRA STAMPS With This Coupon and Purchase of 4 1-Lb. Cartons jblipfk Corn Oil Margarine Expires July 25 Limit One With Purchase Of $5.00 or More (Excluding Cigarettes) £772 VEGETABLES • Baby Limas • Broccoli Spears • Broccoli Cuts • Mixed Vegetables 6 *1°° Breast OThicken Tuna Cokes Snowdrift 25c Fleming's Coffee Caii 69c 12 The Snowy White Shortening Slovacek’s Sausage Little Sizzlers # Samuel’s PlCIIICS Smoked Hormel [2-0,. 45c u. 29c Franks Beef Stew 12-Ox. Pkg. 'Boneless" 39c ub. 59c MINIMAX The All-Purpose Kitchen Favorite! Flour Salad Dressing Bottle Carton (Plus Deposit) 3-Lb. Can -Lb. Bag Good Value Qt. 49 49 29 29 SWIFT PREMIUM SWIFT'S PERSONALLY SELECTED! 'Serf tfoASt BLADE CUT ARM CUT CENTER CUT CHUCK ROAST ROAST LB. 33c LB. 49c LB. 39c BACON CHUCK STEAK Good Value Thick or Thin Center Cut 2 -Lb. Pkg. Lb. 49c 89 c Golden Corn Good Va,ue Whole Kernel Renown Tomatoes Hot Shot Bug Killer Dill Pickles w~. d 1 e Volue Biscuit Mix plo,,e ' r PORK & BEANS VanCamps Hot Dog Sauce Wolf Brand PLUMS California Assorted Varieties Pillsbury Cookies Birds Eye Awake Assorted Varieties Roll g 9-Oz. Si oo 3 Cans DRUG VALUES! Listerine Antiseptic Liquid Shampoo 0^ Schick Blades cotlrw Reg. 98c $1.00 Size 59c 69c Stainless Twin- QT-* Pak 7/C 2 For 29c 2 c 3 ™ 25c cl 59c ?t. 31c Box'* 53c 9 No. 300 fa* Cans N cJ 25c WE GIVE Pies Morton's Frozen Fruit iilil*? For QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED Skim Milk ^ Kraft Cheese KIMr '/a -Gal. 39C Lb. 69c m Lemons Bell Peppers Fresh Cabbage Potatoes Russet 2 Lbs. 29c Lb. 19c Lb. 8c 4 Lb.. 49c VALUABLE COUPON FREE IOO S&H Green Stamps WITH THIS COUPON AND THE PURCHASE OF $10.00 OR MORE (LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER) MUST BE ONE PURCHASE COUPON EXPIRES JULY 25. inure Ssili 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Downtown Ridgecrest 200 E 24 Street E 3516 Texas Ave Prices Good Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. July 23 - 24 - 25. RIDGECREST STORE HOURS 8 A.M. TO 8 P.M. DAILY — CLOSED SUNDAY