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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1964)
Page 4 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, June 18, 1964 Hardy Is Leader Of 1930 Vet Class There is little doubt that Dr. W. T. Hardy, superintendent of the Ranch Experiment Station at Sonora, is the head man of A&M’s veterinary medicine Class of 1930. Unofficially, he is class presi dent, first, second and third vice president, secretary, treasurer, re porter and historian. When the class of 1930 holds a reunion, there is always 100 percent participa tion under Dr. Hardy’s leadership as program chairman. When A&M held its annual Con ference for Veterinarians, at the university in May, the man from Gay Awarded F ellowship Lloyd W. Gay, son of Gordon Gay, Coordinator of Religious Life at A&M, has been awarded a Spe cial Fellowship by the U. S. Public Health Service, Division of Air Pollution. The award consists of a stipend and a research grant to Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Gay plans a career in research in forest climatology. Sonora stepped up to the registra tion desk and announces, “I want to pay the tab for the entire class of 1930 at the alumni luncheon.” Then he plunked down $2.50. “But sir,” the lady at the desk said incredulously, “buying tickets for the whole class of 1930 will take more money than that. The tickets are two dollars and fifty cents each.” “No it won’t,” Hardy said with a widening grin, his joke almost complete. “I’m the only person who graduated in veterinary medi cine at A&M in 1930. I’m the whole class.” Looking back to those days more than 34 years ago, the veterinarian recalls that there was only nine students in his freshman class. He also recalled the graduation exercises. Dr. Mark Francis, then dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine, called for the “class” to stand and prepare to receive the coveted DVM degree. The recipient stood alone, with hun dreds of eyes turned in his di rection. “Come get it, Hardy,” Dr. Francis barked. SPECIALS Regular Mexican Dinner—Fried Bean Rice, Tamales, Enchiladas, Taco and Choice Soft Tortillas or Crisp Tortil las, Crackers or Bread. Reg. Price $1.00 Come Early No Orders To Go Please Air Conditioned Chapultepec Thursday thru Sunday Across the Street From Ramada Inn ‘You Don’t Say’ Gov. John Connally, right, seems to be puzzled by some thing Lt Gov. Preston Smith told him as the pair attended a dinner honoring Connally on the eve of the Texas Demo cratic Convention in Houston. (AP Wirephoto) ■ AMONG THE PROFS Research Trip To Take Profs Around The World Three members of the Depart ment of Agricultural Economics and Sociology will leave here late this summer on a research trip that will eventually take tv/o of them around the world. The travelers are Arun Kumar Mitra, research assistant; Dr. John G. McNeely, professor; and Dr. Kenneth Tefertiller, associate pro fessor. The trip is primarily for Mitra, whose hometown is Calcutta, India. He will visit farmers in the area, gather material for his doctoral dissertation and then return to A&M. McNeely and Tefertiller, who who also will tend to other profes sional business on the trip, will help Mitra assemble and tabulate the information for processing by A&M’s electronic computers. 37 High School Students To Attend Special Course Thirty-seven high school stu dents from 15 states have been accepted for a special geology course at A&M University in co- peration with the National Sci ence Foundation. Fred Smith of A&M’s Depart ment of Geology said the six- week course will involve a general survey of geology with laboratory practice in problem solving. The students will visit several locations in Texas and Oklahoma in search of different kinds of rocks and minerals. The course begins July 13 and continues thorugh Aug. 21. To be accepted, students must rank in the top 10 per cent of their class, score satisfactorily on a bat tery of tests and be recommended by their high school teachers. Smith said. Committee Awards $400 Scholarship Keith B. Ward, Jr., a senior phy sics major from Wichita Falls, has been awarded a $400 scholar ship from A&M University’s Great Issues Committee. A distinguished student, Ward’s selection was made on the basis of high academic standing, work in extracurricular activities and his contribution to university pro grams. The Great Issues Committee is a student group responsible for the university’s entertainment and cultural programs. Ward, an outstanding member of the Corps of Cadets, is the son of Mrs. Alice C. Ward of 2906 Cun ningham St., Wichita Falls. The idea, Tefertiller says, is to determine what size of farming operation is required to earn an income comparable to the farmer’s opportunity in non-farm employ ment. ★ ★ ★ Dr. Bennie J. Camp, associate professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition, has been awarded a certificate as Honorary Fellow of the American College of Veterinary Toxicolo gists. He is the first person in the organization’s history to receive an honorary fellowship. The award went to Camp in recognition of his studies on the chemistry of toxic plants, which cause huge livestock losses each year in Texas and other states. The scientist’s work has been in collaboration with Dr. James W. Dollahite, associate professor in the College of Veterinary Medi cine. Presentation of the fellowship was made by Dr. R. D. Radeleff, president of the ACVT and veteri narian in charge of the U. S. De partment of Agriculture’s Animal Disease and Parasite Research Di vision at Kerrville, Texas. ★ ★ ★ Two members of the Depart ment of Aerospace Engineering were present Wednesday when Ling-Tempco-Vought displayed its experimental vertical takeoff air plane, known as the XC-142A. A. E. Cronk, department head, and Stan H. Lowy, associate pro fessor, -joined state government and military officials invited to the special “rollout” ceremony. The invitation was issued by SAFEWAY FRESH MEATS... SAFEWAY GROUND BEEF - Safeway Guaranteed. Freshly Ground. Made from U. S. Government Inspected Beef. Have Charcoal Hamburgers tonight. 35^ pound or... 3. $ 1 Chuck Roast Chuck Steak Pork Sausage Armour Franks U.S.D.A. Choice Grade Heavy BeeL Tops in tenderness and flavor. Lb. U.S.D.A. Choice Grade Heavy Beef Economical and nutritious. Lb. Wingate Pure. Regular or Hot Or Safewey Franks. Superb eating quality. So economical. I-Lb. Pkg. Ssfeway beef prices are down. This you can check for yourself. A A fk Safeway beef salei are up. Up twice ai much as the U.S. increase in beef consumption, proving the effective ness of Safeway promotions featuring the outstanding values that beef offers. ★ ★ ★ Safeway does not own, raise or feed any livestock, either directly, on contract or in any other way—and does not own or operate any meat slaugh tering plants. ★ ★ * Safeway has everything to gain by working for, not against, the prosperity of beef producers. Families of producers, feeders, shippers, and local business men directly dependent on agricultural income are very im- men directly dependent on agricultural income are very im portant to us as customers - and we need strong producers to supply us with the quality and quantity of beef required to satisfy our customers. Beef is a"B»stB»y"- Serve SomeToiioy MORE GOOD BUYS! Arm Roast 49* Rib Steak 11.09 Canned Ham a 12.49 Fryer Breasts 69* Bologna 33* This Coupon Worth 50 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS Pius your regularly earned Gold Bond Stamps with the purchase of ONE —Vs-Gal. Carton Lucerne CHOCOLATE MILK Coupon Expires June 20, I9&4. This Coupon Worth 50 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS Plus your regularly earned Gold Bond Stamps with the purchase of ONE — Vi-Gal. Carton Lucerne PARTY PRIDE SHERBET (Asserted Plovers) Coupon Expires June 20, 1944. This Coupon Worth 50 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS Plus your regularly earned Gold Bond Stamps with the purchase of THREE — 10-Ox. Package* Bel-air Froxen SLICED STRAWBERRIES Coupon Expires June 20, 1944. 100 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS with purchase of $10.00 or more (Excluding Cigarettes) One per family • Coupon Expires June 20, 1944. This Coupon Worth 25 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS Pius your regularly earned Gold Bond Stamps with the purchase of ONE 13-Ox. Carton U. 5. No. 1 TOMATOES Coupon Expires June 20, 1944. Juicy ’n Red Ripe! This Coupon Worth 50 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS Plus your regularly earned Gold Bond Stamps with the purchase of ONE —13-Ox. Aerosol Can Rayettc AQUA NET HAIR SPRAY Coupon Expires June 20, 1944. This Coupon Worth 25 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS Plus your regulaily earned Gold Bond Stamps with the purchase ef ONE — 100-Ct. Bottle SAFEWAY ASPIRIN Coupon Expires June 20, 1944. Watermelons Charleston Gray. U. S. No. I. Unconditionally guaranteed or your money refunded without question. 24-Lb. Average. Whole. Each Edwards Coffee Velkay Shortening Canned Tomatoes loyett Mellorine Tomato Juice Golden Corn Corn Meal Liquid Detergent Zee Tissue Cat Food Charcoal Briquets With $2.50 Purchase or More ^ All Grinds. 1-Lb. Can (Folger'g Coffee. All Grinds. Lb. Can 49^) With $2.50 Purchase or More All Purpose Shortening 3-Lb. Can Dixie Red, U. S. No. I. Ripe and Delicious. Lb. Gardensida No. 303 Can Assorted Flavors '/j-Gal. Carton. 35# or. Libby 46-Oz. Can Highway. Whole Kernel Buffet Can Kitchen Craft. White. 5-Lb. Bag (Kitchen Craft Yellow Corn Meal. 5-Lb. Bag 39#} Brocade. 22-Oz. Plastic Or TRULY FINE Bathroom Tissue. Assorted Colors. 4 Roll Pkg. Glamour Puss Chopped Mackerel Or Red Meat Tuna. 6-Oz. Can Oza rk 20-Lb. Bag 39* 7, $ 1 33* 29* 6-49* 35* 39* 3*. $ 1 4-49* 79* Melons. U. S. No. I. Wonderful eating. Each Peaches Honeydews Apricots Cucumbers ^ m .U.S. No. I. Enjoyable as Summer. Lb. Fresh Produce Buys! Beets 2—25* Fresh Carrots U. S. No. I. Vitamin Packed. 2-Lb. Baa FROZEN FOODS! Bel-air Frozen ★ Baby Limas ★ Green Beans ★ Mixed Vegetables ★ Blackeye Peas Regular Pfcg. [\ Your Choica iT For Bel-air Fiozen ★ Leaf Spinach ★ Turnio Greens ★ Chopped Collards Bel-air Frozen ★ Green Peas -k Squash ★ Cut Corn Mix or Match Regular Pkg. Your Cho«*c» 5-79*1 Ha 5-89* Morton's Frozen Dinner ★ Chicken ★ Beef ★ Turkey k Salisbury Steak 11 -Or. Pkg. Your Choic* 2-79* Dog Food Pooch Tasty Nuggets 5-Lb. Bag 55* Libby Plums 9Q4 Deluxe No. 303 Can mm Toothpaste Crest. Large Tuba Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. No Seles to Dealers. V B--U d J Gifford K. Johnson, president of the Dallas firm. The cargo-type plane is designed to lift vertically and reach a speed of 400 miles-per-hour. ★ ★ ★ Dr. John Paul Abbott, distin guished professor of English, re turned to campus Monday after leading a seminar session in Wash- ington, D. C. He discussed “The Role of Com munication in Management” at a session of the continuing “Top Management Seminar” sponsorei for civil service and military per sonnel by the Army Management Engineering Training Agency. The professor has spoken pre viously at other sessions of the continuing seminar. Abbott alsi is a veteran faculty member ol the annual Executive Development Course held here under sponsor ship of the School of Business Administration. ★ ★ ★ A paper on the College o! Veterinary Medicine’s trimester plan is being presented by Dean A. A. Price during a symposium at Michigan State University Wed nesday through Saturday. Also attending from here will be Dr, M. R. Calliham and Dr. T. J. Gal vin. The symposium on veterinary education is sponsored by tire Council of Education of the Ameri can Veterinary Medical Associa tion and the Association of Ameri can Veterinary Medical Colleges. Texas Teens Need Money Management Many Texas teenagers don't know how to use money wisely, And many parents fail to provide an opportunity for young people to learn money management. Dr. Bardin Nelson, who pre sently is on leave from the A&M Agricultural Economics and Soci ology Department to assist with the establishment of an agricul- Jniver tural university in Syria, con ducted the research. Three-fourths of the parents of 15 and 16-year-olds studiedly Dr. Nelson followed a system of doles or dictated method of pro viding their children with money, Even with limited allowances, parents should provide the child with a bit more money than is absolutely necessary, so there is an opportunity to make choices about spending money, points out Miss Reynolds. I Texa n con: )f the matorj 'or At A&M me lorpor earch Sc Jon Dr. I mblish y Dai eturns iept. 1 Jniver essor. Bowe idogic Ihestei he for leevilh Bowe ite sti Missou eceive free, nass 195 fellow fel in it the The it Roi City b f’ent Many parents supervise their children’s use of money closely in order to prevent mistakes- However, people learn from mis takes, and a misspent dime may teach a lesson which may prevent a misspent dollar, the Extension specialist says. Just as a child must have plan ned systematic training to lean to read or write, he should have planned opportunities to learn t« use money wisely. Boys enter military service at 17, and bott boys and girls go away to school or to work at this age. Younf people need to learn money man agement before they are “on their own,” Miss Reynolds em phasizes. He 58 College Students Faculty Members College Libraries SUBSCRIBE NOW AT HALF PRICE BOSTON LOS AHGBii LONDON Robe matics School named missioi H. ] missioi ed Glc newly “Gle time Heatoi ranger tration career schools Glea A&M cation tended tion s' Texas and re com pie cation A m an ur, Gleaso Pa, an ation. Clip this advertisement and return it with your check or money order to: Ttio Christian Scitnct Monitor One Norway St., Boston, Moss. 02115 □ 1 YEAR $12 □ 6 mos. $6 □ COLLEGE STUDENT □ FACULTY MEMBER Te Be A PP: *hose years, v ersity Thursd Tennis The Clarem Tut B: ‘Uclude 'ompet Aeco ^20 a !r ‘ e mbe kd ot Pernor