Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1964)
pring Guide To Cheap Dates By MIKE REYNOLDS Assistant News Editor In spring a young man’s fancy Iturns to thoughts of love and Aggies are no exception to the rule. However, various dances, weekends, trips and other ex penditures usually have taken their toll by this time and most students are left with empty bill folds. On Friday afternoon classes or Saturday morning after drill the cry is still the same. “What will STABBED BY SHAKESPEARE? Hamlet —Macbeth North Gate These and other plays and novels are easier when you have a copy of CLIFF'S NOTES to help you study. CLIFF’S NOTES provide expert summaries and explanations of more than 60 frequently-assigned plays and novels. They’re designed to give you a better under standing-and better grades, too. America’s most popular study aid at only $1 each. GET 'EM HERE Chaffer i 'l/fniverditu d3ook Sto College Station we do ? ” Only the answer has been obscured by that ole green stuff, money. THE ANSWER has many sides to it, depending on amount of finances left, methods of trans portation available and present relationship with the girl back home. Once these factors have been determined and since the average student can’t even begin to think about bringing a date on campus for less than $10, an Aggie would be wise to head off in one of three directions. THE UNIVERSITY of Houston and Rice University in “Big H” have dormitories which can furn ish dates for the late arriving Aggies on Saturday nights. Also, in the Harris County Medical Center is the nursing school extension of Texas Wo man’s University, a source of girls that comparitively few Ag gies seem to know about. The Tessies stand ready as ever to BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 3d per word It per word each additional day Minimum charge—40d DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 80d per column inch FOR SALE REMOVAL SALE Sacrificing Merchandise, Building Sold, Process of moving out. SALE on new, used, reconditioned furniture, appli ances, antiques, gift items. SALE AT ALL THREE STORES. KOOKEN HOME FURNISHINGS, Navasota, Tex as. 42tl0 I Large fan on rolling stand, large cooler lor car, VI 6-8531. 42t4 Four housi irgain pric n Ellinger St., for sale at es. Call R. L. Jackson, VI 6- for appointment. 42t3 o t lis ;ide R. ide, all furnished, are listed by ackson, Realtor VI 6-7248. Terms, near i&M University, Campus, north side. 42t3 Two (2) 1961 Chevrolet Station Wagons Pass. 8 Cyl. These vehicles may be in- pected at the University Housing Office JY.M.C.A. Bldg. Bid forms are available dll be reo ising eived d separ vehicle. Sealed t the Housing Office and separate bids for ea( ids will be received in the office of the lirector of Purchasing and Stores, Uni- ersity Service Bldg. (B&U) until 10:30 i.M. 11 May 1964. The right is reserved » reject any and all bids and to waive and all technicalities. For information VI 6-5713, Housing Office, Texas A&M Jniversity. 41t4 Studebaker silver hawk cou ery good condition (Hint: V-8 1959, I go back to my it for S600.00. ry and will sell it for S600.00. See 1. S., 910 Gordon St, Bryan, between 0 a. m. and 5 p. m. every day. Postponed Hay 10, 1964. 41t4 1965 Chevy Bel Air 4-door sedan, 6 ylinder, standard transmission, radio, eater, air conditioned, clean. VI 6-5861. 39t4 RE CAPS 670-710 x 15 800 x 14 $7.99 TAYLOR TIRE CENTER 1105 W. 25th. TA 2-4661 LOST eige 913. WANTED TO BUY Back issues of Aggielands (Longhorns) 1939, 1936, 1933, 1932, 1928, for small European Aggie Museum. $10.00 plus post age for fine condition, Write Air Mail (8<!) Jack Bell, USA Finance Office, APO 230, New York. 37t5 FEMALE HELP WANTED Need one more white lady for night shift at Tastee Freez located across from Sands Lady with experience in bookkeeping for local firm, good working conditions, salary open, submit resume of experience and education to Box 408, Bryan, Texas, in own handwriting. Replys kept confi dential. Our employees know of this ad vertisement. CHILD CARE Keep children in my home from 8 to 5. Experienced. VI 6-6536. 35tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY, Li censed by Texas State Dept, of Public Welfare. Children of all ages. Virginia D. Jones, Registered Nurse, 3404 South College Ave., TA 2-4803. 61tfn Will keep children, all ages, will pick up nd deliver. VI 6-8151. llltfn SPECIAL NOTICE SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300, AF & AM. fQ. Called meeting, Thursday, May 7, at 7:30 p. m. visit of Grand A Master of Masons in Texas, VAJAA John R - Collard, Jr. All Master y '\ /S' Masons are urged to attend. ^ J. H. Reese, W. M. Joe Woolket, Sec’y 42t2 We give a discount on all winter uni forms dry cleaning at North Gate Cleaners, next to Loupot. All repair and buttons, no charge at North Gate Cleaners. 41t3 Fast efficient service reasonable prices on catalogr- ; 1 chures etc ly 20 drive. Check our meat specials. Lockers, Hearne, Texas. Hearne 19tfn One ton air conditioner $50. Bamboo turtains for Hensel closet $5. VI 6-8126 lifter 5:00. 39t4 Senior boots, size son cap, 8406 afte 1114 shoe, 16" calf, 135. Ike jacket size 40, 34" sleeve, pink loot pants 34" waist, both for $15. Garri- size 6 7/8, $5. Please call VI 6- 06 after 5:00 p. m. 39t4 1963 zig zag portable, makes latterns without attach >le, makes all fancy hments. Sews button loles and monograms. One only. Guar: yes TA 2-7020 ran- ears. Just $32.75 or $7.95 monthly, for free home demonstration. 32tfn Singer select-o-matic automatic portable. is necessi Also moi year gu: uitee. $44.00 or $8.50 monthly, TA 2-7020. Singer si No attachments or pattern cams necessary icy irams and sews buttons on. 10 lor hundreds of fancy designs. so mono- ar- 1960 motor scooter, 4209 College Main, Yl 6-4652. 24tfn FOR RENT rooms for special events phone TA 2-1244. 41t4 apa phc Two furnished apartments, completely refinished, new refrigerator, $50. No utili ties paid, 106-A, 106-C Waverly Drive, TA- 2-6340. 41tfn TYPING SERVICE-MULTILITH PRINT ING, thesis-dissertations-yearbook-brochures -term papers-business letters-job resume applications-blank forms, etc. REPRODUC TION : Copy negatives and prints-lantern slides - paper masters - metal plates-custom photo finishing. Camera and movie pri jectors repair service. PHOTOGRAPH! J. C. Glidewell’s PHOTO LAB. TA 3-1693, 2007 S. College Ave., Bryan. 12tfn AUTO INSURANCE—place your auto insurance with Farmers Insurance Group Dividends increased 50% over last year. We accept persons, single and under age 25. Call today FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP, 3510 South College Road, Bryan, phone TA 2-4461. 146U07 TV-Radio-Hi-Fi Service & Repair GIL’S RADIO <& TV TA 2-0826 2403 S. College Students of Texas A&M University and residents of the College Station Area, before you trade for a new pick up or tractor, it will be worth your time to contact WM. T. SMITH, salesman for CEN-TEX TRACTOR & CMC CO., 2300 Highway 21 East, TA 2-4012 or Call VI 6-6-6245 after 6. AGGIES Do you change your own oil—? —or work on your car—? Then, why not save more on your parts at JOE FAULK’S DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Latex inside paint Gal. $2.98 2 Gals $4.98 Seat Belts 3.95 Filters-Save 40% RB Spark Plugs .. Ea. 29d Wheel Bearings 30 to 60% discount Plastic Vinyl trim seat covers $19.95 value now only $13.88 Shock absorbers as low as $3.88 Not off-brand Autolite batteries 6V only $12.95 12V at dealer price. Chev-Fd brake shoes 36-58 List $5.85 set of 2 wheels $2.90 Check or prices on Kelly Springfield tires before you buy. Gulfpride, Havoline, Pennzoil .. Qt. 37<f Your choice — Enco, Amalie, Mobil- Conoco Qt. 33d Texaco, Gulflube-Opaline - Qt. 30d SAE 30-40 Recon. Oil — Qt. 15<f Automatic Transmission Fluid Qt. 29< i We have 95% of the parts you need at Dealer price or less. JOE FAULK’S 25th and Washington SOSOLIK'S T. V.. Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 ACMC We^ave'lt” GLASS COMPANY P. O. Box 1164, Bryan, Texas Taylor 2-1577 “Auto Glass Specialists” (Courtesy Car Available) WORK WANTED Ironing, TA 3-5233. OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must be brought or mailed so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (Ground Floor YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preceding publication—Director of Student Publica tions. It is now time for all student tions to time for all student organiza- apply for official recognition at the Student Finance Center, Memorial Student Center. 42tl0 BELL COUNTY STUDENTS: The Bell County A&M Club will award a scholarship for the academic year 1964-65 to a qualified student from Bell County. Interested students should obtain applica tion forms from the Student Aid Office, Room 8, YMCA Building, prior to May 11, 1964. 40t5 ATTENTION GRADUATING SENIORS You may pick up your graduation invita tions at the record-playing room No. 2, Memorial Student Center beginning April 29, 1964 from 8-12 1-5, Monday - Friday.. 37tl5 SPECIAL NOTICE TO THOSE GRAD UATING SENIORS WHO DID NOT ORDER THEIR GRADUATION INVITATIONS The EXTRA INVITATIONS will go on sale Wednesday, May 6, 1964 at 8:00 a. m. at the Student Finance Center, Memorial '' on a 37tl5 at the Student Finance Center, Men Student Center. These will be sold first-come, first-serve basis only. ay Exercise All students who are candidates for the e required cap hoods are to be left at the later than I :00 All students who are candidates lor degree of Doctor of Philosophy are reqv to order hoods as well as the doctor’s and gown. The hoods Registrar’s Office no Tuesday, May 19 (this will be accompli by a representative of the College Exchange p. m., is will be accomplished by a representative of the College Exc Store). The Ph. D. hoods will not be in the procession since all such candidates will be hooded on the stage as a part of the cei'emonies. Candidates for the Master’s Master’s cap and Degree will wear the gown. All civilian students who are candi dates for the the bachelor’s dents who are can Degree will wear p and gown. ROTC stu- ndidates for the Bachelor’s egree will wear the Class “A” cadet uniform in lieu of academic regalia. Sen ior boots are optional with the uniform. Rental of caps and gowns may be arranged with the Exchange Store. Orders may be placed between 8:00 a. m. Monday, May 4 and 12 :00 noon Saturday, May 16. The rental is as follows: Doctor’s cap and gown $5.25, Master’s cap and gown $4.75, Bachelor’s cap and gown $4.25. Hood rental is the same as that for cap and gown. A 2% Texas State Sales Tax is re quired in addition to these rentals. 33tl6 HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS •BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 608 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN, TEXAS Corsages for the MOTHER’S DAY WEEKEND RAMADA FLORIST Located in the Ramada Inn Convenient to Campus Import Motors Authorized Triumph Dealers 100% Financing To Graduating Seniors Sports and Economy Cars New and Used Complete Service Dept. 2807 Texas Ave. TA 3-5175 AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer enjoy a weekend away from the books. Within walking distance of the TWU dorm is beautiful and spac ious Herman Park and the Hous ton Zoo. Across Fannin Street for the more cultured is the Houston Museum of Fine Arts. Admittance to all three is free. WITH A BLANKET, a picnic basket, cold drinks and a port able radio, and oh yes, a girl, quite an enjoyable afternoon can be had. The zoo closes at sundown and the museum at 6 p.m. but other entertainment for a small fee waits nearby. About six blocks south on South Main is Playland Park. Its roller coaster and other amusements are now open for the summer months. THE TRAIL Drive-In nearby on Old Spanish Trail has its share of Saturday night specials of $1 a carload. Six blocks the other way on South Main is a small restaurant called the Terrace which seems to be the hang-out of quite a number of college students of both sexes, and at the same time, serves quite a good pizza and pitcher of beer for a nominal price. “Sports Car Center” Dealers for Renault-Peugeot & British Motor Cars Sales—Parts—Service “We Service All Foreign Cars” 1422 Texas Ave. TA 2-4517 THE BATTALION Wednesday, May 6, 1964 College Station, Texas Page 3 ‘Just A Lot Of Hot Air 9 One group of A&M students can look out of a window 24 hours after a test and learn their grade. The 16 seniors in Meteorology 458, a course in weather analysis, meet daily to analyze data, pre pare weather maps and issue fore casts. Students must forecast such things as the exact temperature at midnight and 6 a.m. Assistant professor Walter K. Henry grades against the next days weather. “IN THIS course, students put together what they have learned and apply it to forecasting,” Hen ry said. The professor is a retired Air Force weather forecaster with al most two decades of experience. Students, working in four-man teams, analyze data and prepare maps. At 4 p.m., a team tapes up its charts and begins briefing. BRIEFINGS are devoted to con tinental weather conditions, sur face through the 20,000-foot level, an area chart of the Southwest and Midwest and a forecast for this area. “Presenting the briefings is really the instruction part, for this is when a student presents his views and must answer criticisms,” Henry said. “How fast did you move out the warm front on the east coast?” a student asks one of the briefing team members. “If you put the cool front there, how do you account for the cooling at Los Angeles at the 850 millibar level ? ” another asks. A&M meteorology classes include Air Force officers here for school ing and virtually all of the grad- | ment in one way or another, Henry uates go to work for the govern-1 said. New, Rebuilt LEONARD’S AUTO SUPPLY AGGIES: Come to Leonard’s for your discount where your business is appreciated. Automatic transmission fluid 25^ — Rebuilt Spark Plugs 25tf Chev., Ford brake shoes (2-wheel) $2.75 — Filters Save 50% 6 Volt Batteries as low as $8.95 Look For LEONARD’S AUTO SUPPLY Highway 21 & Sims TA 2-4195 The National School Binding, Inc. Serving Texas Aggies and the Bryan-Col- lege Station area with the finest Plastic or Hardback binding at the lowest possible prices. -Themes— —Notes— —Reports— —Thesis’— —Books— —Magazines— Located at the rear of Loupot’s temporary location. Come by or call VI 6-6312 for more information. AGGIE round up of values Jeans by: Levis Wrangler Lee Hats by: American and other famous brands Shirts and Accessories by: Trail Ridge Texas Togs Miller Partner, these are just a few of the many famous name brands that are available in Lou pot’s Western Wear Department. Along with these styles of hats, jeans, shirts and western wear accessories, Lou has the Texas A&M— N.I.R.A. Rodeo Awards on display. So, stop by Lou’s and take advantage of his round up of values. Loupot; book and clothing shop at the North Gate VI 6-6312