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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1964)
THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Friday, April 24, 1964 BATTALION EDITORIALS With All Sincerity In studying- last editorials by previous editors we dis cover that it has been traditional for the outg-oing editor to heap words of praise on the accomplishments of the past year and on the cooperation received during the year. Not wanting to upset tradition, our last editorial will heap praise. However, at the moment we are embarking upon our next-to-last editorial, and we have no intention of heaping praise, nor do we have the intention of piling on criticism. We are, though, going to attempt to fire a flare or send out an SOS on behalf of Texas A&M University, an educa tional institution which is of strong body and frame; but sucked void of its strength by mal-functioning organs. Contrary to most common arguments the illness of A&M is not the result of one external wound inflicted by “THEM”; but, is a cancerous internal illness eating away at the very guts (pardon, please) of A&M. This cancer is composed of thousands of little cells which must be referred to by all associated with A&M as “US.” Factionalism is the cancer that eats away at A&M. It is not so small a thing as Civilians vs. Corps, students vs. administration, for co-ed vs. against co-ed, etc. The death-carrying factionalism stems from selfish group ambitions and is fed by the idea that anything “THEY” do is wrong. It would be tragic for all factions supporting A&M to agree down the line. This would soon make us stagnant and the school would die of its own odor. However, it is just as tragic that the factionalism has become so ingrained that it is always a foregone conclusion that the other faction cannot intend any good, regardless of the idea which might be projected. What can be done about this deplorable situation ? That’s a hard thing to determine, because the human animal is involved. A glorious start would be for everyone to take up the cape of dignity and swallow their foolish pride which will not permit any member of any faction to admit that he has been wrong. If but one time one faction will lend its support to another faction for the total good of A&M we will be much further down the road we so often talk about than we will ever get under present conditions. Aggies are men with nerve, with backbone, with prin ciples, it is said. It must be pointed out that men with nerve, men with backbone, men with principles do not think in packs like hungry wolves, or more fittingly in most of our cases, in herds like sheep. These last remarks are not aimed only at Civilian that think Civilian because of his dress, or Cadet that think Cadet because of his uniform; but, it is intended for the professor who does not have the nerve to tell a superior that a new teaching practice might improve a department; it is intended for the person in the administration who will not walk into a better furnished office than his own to discuss something with which they do not agree; it is intended for those people who have or who would ask the editor of The Battalion to stand for a principle, but would decline the opportunity to declare themselves openly. We of A&M have a choice. We can let our ideas and ideals embrace one another and then stand together or we can continue as little cancer cells and eat away at this mighty institution until it is completely void of the life stuff. This editor says to you students, former students, faculty, staff and administration, after having read the fore going, frown if you wish, anger if you must, but in the name of God and for the sake of A&M think. Think that the other side might have ideas with merit. Think how selfishly and dogmatically you and your faction have held on to your own narrow views. Think of the expense to A&M for your selfishness. It Has Been Rewarding As indicated above we are going to follow tradition. However, it is not as idle an effort as might be implied above. A&M has accomplished some things this year. However, we must point out now that our accomplish ments have been in the plant and not the intangible insti tution of A&M. Our accomplishments have been physical and not idealistic. We have been generally pleased with the cooperation we have received on campus this year. We could not leave this post without saying that it has indeed been an honor to serve as Editor, The Battalion 1963- 64. It hasn’t all been fun, but it has very well been interesting, educational and rewarding. May we all see A&M prosper. AGGIE SPECIAL Served Daily — 4 p. m. - 9 p. m. Chicken Fried Steak or Breaded Veal Cutlet Served With French Fries or Baked Potato Only 65^ BILL HUGHES RESTAURANT Between Western and Sands Motels THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and operated by students as a university and community news paper and is under the supervision of the director of Stu dent Publications at Texas A&M University. Members of the Student Publications Board are James L. Lindsey, chairman ; Delbert McGuire, College of Arts and Sciences; J. A. Orr, College of Engineering ; J. M. Holcomb, College of Agriculture: and Dr. E. D. McMurry, College of Veterinary Medicine. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M is published in College Sta tion, Texas daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods. Septem ber through May, and once a week during summer school. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter here in are also reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. MEMBER: The Associated Press Texas Press Assn. presented nationally t National advertising Service, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los An geles and San Francisco. Mail subscriptions are S3.50 per semester; $6 per school year, $6.50 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 2% sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA Building; College Station, Texas. News contributions may be made by telephoning VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910 or at the editorial office. Room 4, YMCA Building. For advertising or delivery call VI 6-6415. DAN LOUIS JR EDITOR Ronnie Fann Managing Editor Jim Butler Sports Editor Marvin Schultz, Maynard Rogers Asst. Sports Editors Glenn Dromgoole, John Wright - News Editors Mike Reynolds, Bob Schulz, Clovis McCallister, Ray Harris, Larry Jerden Staff Writers Herky Killingsworth, Ken Coppage „ Photographers CADET SLOUCH %H m Earle Johnson Invites Opponents To See Intelligence Files “ . . . And this year instead of having a Splash Day they’re having a Splash Month! I’m not sure I can spare that much class time! — Sound Off — WASHINGTON <A>)_p r esident Johnson opened the administra tion’s intelligence files Thursday to Republicans who might be nominated to challenge him for the White House. And he said he wants to talk with them per sonally to help chart “the wise course” in foreign affairs. “I do want all the men in the opposition party to know all the facts that dictate the decisions that involve national interests,” the President told a news con ference. His offer of intelligence brief ings for major Republican pres- klental contenders was quickly rejected by Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater. Goldwater called it a “basic ally unwise, offhand political gesture” that could be used to muffle Republicans who want to challenge administration for eign policy. Through a spokesman, Sen. Margaret Chase Smith of Maine accepted the invitation and add ed she would be “delighted to confer with the President any time he calls, on anything.” At Johnson’s behest, Secre tary of State Dean Rusk sent invitations to six Republicans and a dissident Democrat to hear intelligence briefings from Editor, The Battalion: I’ve heard a word used on campus more lately than usual which implied other words that led to ideas and finally to this letter. The expression could mean a lot of things but I in terpreted it in an educational sense. Any kind of education is a beneficial procedure under some circumstances and it is a process which requires a teacher as well as a student whether the teacher be the student or some one else. We paid good money to come to this institution to get educated. We were intro duced to many conflicting ideas as soon as we started learning. We were also presented with the various types of teachers that would mould and build out phil osophies for now and the years to follow. As good Ags we soon learned to classify teachers as either good or bad. I learned but restricted my classification: A good prof was one who ap preciated his job because the student was able to use him to develop himself to the limit of his desires. The bad prof was the one who appreciated his job for the single reason that the prof was able to see his own in telligence only when it was re lative to his ignorant students. The word I refer to is enlarge. The bad prof was and still is the one who goes out and looks for poor, helpless, devils to build into mighty men with much en largement and broadened views. They do this to console themselv es for their goodness and in telligence. Attention Aggies Candidates for Vanity Fair for the Aggieland ’64 can be entered at the Office of Student Publications in the basement of the Y.M.C.A. A portrait (8x10) head & shoulders and 1 snapshot full length with vital statis tics should be included. The deadline for turning in pic tures will be May 1st. AGGIE SPECIAL Turf Green Miniature Golf Course THIS AD AND 35* Good For One Game Offer Good Thru May 1 Ask About Our Party Rates 120 Hwy. 6 South VI 6-8097 GRADUATING SENIORS —are you in need of a car? There is no need to wait if you have a military con tract or a job commitment. Come in today — “Test Drive” the “Really Hot One”—the 1964 Plymouth. Brazos Motor Co. ‘Serving the Brazos Valley for 41 years’ 1211 Texas Ave., Bryan, Texas TA 2-7009 TA 2-1965 Plymouth - Valiant - Studebaker These self-appointed, judicial- minded, rattlebrained, incompet ent, enlarger should examine their own motives before they set out to enlarge and direct the motives of others. It is probably obvious to most of their students but oblivious to them what their real objectives are and how they get stimulation and excitement from life. But Ags, watch out for these self-defined school mas ters and school mistresses with out a teachers diploma who think they are God’s answer to every thing, and appreciate the really good ones. Joseph N. Wanja, ’63 EE Students Win Three senior electrical engineer ing students at A&M University were awarded second place for the technical paper they presented at The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Regional contest in Dallas this week. The contest involved student chapters from 25 universities in 10 states. The A&M entry, the seventh in nine years to be among the top papers, was written by Charles E. Bryson, III, Paul D. Mauldin and Lee D. McIntosh. The students were awarded $80 in prize money for their paper entitled “Transistorized Fourier Expansion Demonstrator.” FISHING C RANCH LAKE 5 Miles West of Caldwell OPEN TO PUBLIC — $1.00 for All Day Fishing Overstocked with all kinds of fish, including Bass and Crappie — overnight facilities — 2 bedroom house, 3 trailer homes and camping — plenty of boats — live bait available. Attention Graduating Seniors Try this for size—COMET, CALIENTE, 2-dr hardtop, 260, V8, multi drive transmission, radio, heater, padded dash, $2419.00. See JAYE JENKINS ’64, VI 6-7609. BUY FROM YOUR LOCAL DEALER ON THIS SPECIAL AGGIE SENIOR PLAN—BANK RATES. JACK SHACKELFORD, INC. 1215 Texas Ave. Bryan TA 3-5476 Open until 9 p. m. CAMPUS STARTS WEDNESDAY "BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!” 'BEST ACTOR!" "BEST DIRECTOR!" Albert Finney Tony Richardson — —NEW YORK FILM CRITICS AWARD The whole world lores Join m Jones: ALBERT FINNEY/SUSANNAH YORK/HUGH GRIFFITH/EDITH EYANS/jOAN GREENWOOO/tTOM JONES" DIANE HfNTO/ttORGEKVIllE/wVlOTOMlINSON/jOHN OSBORNe/tONYRICHARDSON/a^^^./^ EASTMANCOLOR/a united artists iopert release him, Secretary of Defense Rob ert S. McNamara and Director John A. McCone of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Democrat is Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace who has cam paigned against Johnson slates in a handful of presidential pri mary states. In Indianapolis, Wallace declined comment on the offer. “I didn’t know anything about it,” he said. The other Republicans are New York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, former Vice President Richard M. Nixon, former Minnesota Gov, Harold E. Stassen and Gov. Wil liam W. Scranton of Pennsyl vania. Bulletin Board Saturday The Indian Student’s Associa tion will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Gay Room of the YMCA. C. M. Loyd, coordinator of the National Science Foundation at A&M will be guest speaker. Monday The A.Y. I. Wives Club will meet in the South Solorium of the YMCA at 7:30 p.m. Joyce Verney and Diane Formke will be hostesses. POWER YOUR PLAY LASTS LONGER • STAYS LIVELIER MOISTURE IMMUNE ashawav MULTI-PLY F$r Regular Play Approx. Stringing Cost Tennis Badminton ASHAWAY PRODUCTS, INC.. Ashaway, Rhode Island “Sports Car Center” Dealers for Renault-Peugeot & British Motor Cars Sales— Parts—Service “We Service All Foreign Cars” 1422 Texas Ave. TA 2-4517 FRIDAY ‘THIRD MAN ON THE MOUNTAIN” SATURDAY “MYSTERIOUS ISLAND” Saturday Nite Preview Also Sunday “TWO RODE TOGETHER” PALACE Bryan 2‘8$79 NOW SHOWING “WALT DISNEY presents aHIGER walks wmmm 01964 Walt Oiin«| toductiont TECHNICOLOR® QUEEN DOUBLE FEATURE Alan Ladd In ‘HELL ON FRISCO BAY” & “CLAUDELLE INGLISH” NOW SHOWING “THE CARDINAL” (In Color) STARTS SUNDAY DOUBLE FEATURE With Robert Culp Also THE DANGEROUS GAME THAT TWO CAN PLAY!!!! Flayed with your wifs... your lips... your life! A UNIVERSAL RELEASE IAN CARMICHAEL • IANET MUNRO HUGH GRIFFIMRT JURGENS- CIRCLE LAST NITE 2 Color Hits Paul Newman In “THE PRIZE” & Johnny Rodgers In “LITTLE SHEPPARD OF KINGDOM COME” OUR SAT. NITE BIG 3 No. 1 Charlton Heston In ‘NAKED JUNGLE” No. 2 James Stewart In “F.B.I. STORY” No. 3 Gregory Peck In ‘THE BRAVODOS (All 3 In Color) STARTS SUNDAY Walt Disneys “INCREDIBLE JOURNEY” PEANUTS PEANUTS DIP VOO KNOW THAT THE 'VAN IN LL/DWI6 VAN BEETHOVEN DIDN'T MEAN ANVTHIN6? By Charles M. Schulz NOTHING EVER DlSTtW YOU, DOES IT? V