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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1964)
THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Wednesday, April 22, 1964 CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle “Don’t leave more than one nurse with him at a time—he’s already blown out two tubes!” — ARRESTS REPORTED — Major Step Announced In Soviet Consular Pact WASHINGTON <A>) — Au- thoriatative sources said Tues-' day the Soviet Union has yielded to a U. S. request that whenever an American is arrested in Russia, the Ameri can counsul must be notified and permitted to visit the man in prison. The sources said this opens the way to signing a consular agreement with the Soviets. It took more than six months of on-again-off-again negotia tions to make Moscow under stand that Washington would not be interested in such a pact without this proviso. The sources said the pact is close to completion with only minor—mostly technical — ques tions still pending. They de clined, however, to speculate when the agreement would be signed. Some specialists concede it hard to believe the Soviets would agree to include an “ac- ess and notification” clause in the agreement because in their philosophy an arrested person, whatever his nationality, must be held incommunicado, especially if charged with crimes against the state. The explanation for this major change in thinking is that the Soviets want the consular agreement and were told in un mistakable terms they could not have one without the access and notification clause, the sources said. One of the reasons the Soviets desire such a pact might be that a considerable number of dollars is involved. Numerous American citizens of Russian descent have willed whatever they had to relatives in the Soviet Union. But it was difficult to claim such legacies without consular representation. There was no estimate of how much might be involved. The U. S. request for the ac cess and notification clause be came more urgent after the ar rest last year in Moscow of Yale professor Frederick C. Barg- hoorn. He was held incommunicado for 16 days without notification to U. S. authorities, and for an other five days without any U. S. official being permitted to visit him despite vigorous protests. Barghoorn was released after the late President Kennedy called off U. S.-Soviet talks on a new cultural agreement. Bulletin Board WEDNESDAY The Animal Husbandry Wives Club will meet in the South Solarium of the YMCA Build ing at 7:30 p.m. Ferreri’s Triangle Restaurant Invites You To Try Our AGGIE SPECIAL Also, try PIZZA, Spaghetti, Raviola, Mexican Food, and Seafood. Book Your Banquets and Special Parties Early. Accomodations From 10 to 200 Persons THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and operated by students as a university and community news paper and is under the supervision of the director of Stu dent Publications at Texas A&M University. >ard are J ; J. A. Orr, E. D. McMurry, The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M is published in College Sta tion, Texas daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods. Septem ber through May, and once a week during summer school. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republicatiq dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all in are also reserved. ews of 1 news other matter here- Second-Class postage paid at College Station. Texas. MEMBER: The Associated Press Texas Press Assn. Represented t i o n a iriee, Inc., New City, Chicago, Loe An geles and San Francisco. ited nationally by National advertising Service, Inc., New York Chic Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per subscriptions subject to 2« All subscriptions subject to 2% Address: The Battalion, Room 4, full year, n request. News contributions may be made by telephoning VI 6-661S or VI 6-4910 or at the orial office. Room 4, YMCA Building. For advertising or delivery call VI 6-6415. DAN LOUIS JR. - - EDITOR Ronnie Fann Managing Editor Jim Butler Sports Editor Marvin Schultz, Maynard Rogers Asst. Sports Editors Glenn Dromgoole, John Wright News Editors Mike Reynolds, Bob Schulz, Clovis THURSDAY The A&M student branch of the American Nuclear Society will meet in Room 211 of the W. T. Doherty Building at 7:30 p.m. The Brazoria Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Academic Building. The Amarillo Hometown Club will meet in the Anderson Room of the YMCA at 7:30 p.m. Corpus Christi Hometown Club members will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Art Room of the MSC. The A. C. M. Wives Club will have a social meeting at 8 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Jim Taylor, 1400 Ester Blvd., Bryan. TRADITIONAL Keepsake WEDDING SETS For generations, the choice of America’s loveliest brides . . . and their grooms. ‘‘See these RINGS in our store” SANKEY PARK Jewelers 111 N. Main Bryan Sound Off Editor, The Battalion: Tomorrow is election day at Texas A&M. I am sure most of you have heard this news be fore reading it in the Batt; how ever I would like your consider ation in the casting of your bal lots tomorrow. My name is Frank Muller and I am running for the office of Student Senate Presi dent. I am a junior in the Corps of Cadets and presently I hold the office of president of the Junior Class. Along with these activities this past year I have been secretary of the Election Commission and I was in charge of the Transportation Committee for SCONA IX. I feel that I have had the experience to ade quately perform the duties of Student Senate President. I sin cerely hope that you will vote for “F.M.” tomorrow. Thank you for your time. Frank “F.M.” Muller ★ ★ ★ Editor, The Battalion: Three weeks back, I overheard two classmates of mine discuss ing the student government of this University. The particular branch to which their dialogue was directed was our Student Senate. It seems they were skep tical about its validity as the voice of the student body, ex plaining that since none of A&M’s students were actually aware of its existance, it couldn’t possibly be their voice. “Humbug,” said I . . . but wait they said and ask yourself this question, “Do you ever recall participating in or listening to a discussion or debate centered around a Stu dent Senate issue?” “Yes,,” I thought, “yes I have and I’m sure that all Aggies must also.” It seemed so obvious. Now, three weeks later, I’m not so sure. The people and events which have served to change my attitude this past three weeks are too numerous to mention at this time but I’m no longer so confident. To the end that an ever increasing sense of student apathy be quell ed and a stronger bond between student and student government be initiated, I submit my candi dacy for Student Senate. Robert G. Lee Candidate for Student Issues Committee Chair man ★ ★ ★ Editor, The Battalion I am a candidate for Parlia mentarian of the Student Sen ate. Having been on the Stu dent Senate this year I have be come familiar with the duties and responsibilities of the office, pri marily to advise the President of parlimentary procedure and to interpret the constitution. Need less to say, this is a vast amount of responsibility and the poss essor has to be an impartial in dividual who has the best inter ests of the student body as a whole in mind. I believe I can accept this responsibility and car ry out the duties of the office in a logical and conscientious man ner. I ask for your support and consideration at the polls to morrow. Whatever you do, though, get out and vote. Let’s make this year a record turnout. Charles E. Wallace ’65 ★ ★ ★ Editor, The Battalion: As a candidate for President of the Student Senate, I would like to make a few statements about myself and my campaign. First, I’m running for this of fice as an Aggie; second, as a member of the Class of ’65; third, as one who believes in help ing the school; and fourth, as a civilian. It is traditions such as Silver Taps and Muster, both of which have been observed this week, that makes us realize just how petty the differences between the Civilians and Corps really are. If I am elected, I will do every thing I can to promote the unity between the Corps and Civilians that must be present if A&M is to progress. At present, I am serving on the Student Senate, the Civilian Stu dent Council, vice president of the YMCA and I am also a mem ber of the Singing Cadets. With these qualifications in mind, I hope you will vote for me. Don Warren ’65 ★ ★ ★ Editor, The Battalion: My name is Jim Benson and I am running for Civilian Yell Leader in the general elections this Thursday. I have the sup port of many of your student leaders plus a good cross-section of the athletes at A&M. How ever, I do not ask for your vote on this basis alone. I ask for your vote on the basis of my past record as a Civilian student lead er and my pledge to become one of the best Yell Leaders A&M has ever had. I want to urge you all to vote Thursday and vote for your Civilian candidates. We, as Civilian students, compose over 60 per cent of the student body and we have our best chance in many years to put some capable Civilian students where they be long — as officers and committee chairmen in the Student Sen ate. So exercise your voting right Thursday and vote for your Civil ian candidates for the Student Senate and Jim Benson for Civil ian Yell Leader. Jim Benson ★ ★ ★ Editor, The Battalion: My name is Ronald Pate. If you vote Thursday you’ll find my name listed under the head ing: Vice President, Student Senate. My prime motivation for seek ing this office has been an ob servation of the present Student Senate. The wagonmaster has obviously let the reins slack, with the result being a leader-less and voiceless student body. I have been keenly disappointed in the lack of initiative and all-round apathy shown by this year’s sen ate. It appeared to me that our esteemed senators were more in terested in having “Student Senate” on their personal record than in pressing for constructive reforms. There are a great number of issues which I feel that Student Senate has the privilege and the responsibility to take action on. Issues ranging from broad areas such as projecting an improved A&M image to the nation, and heightening student interest in campus government to more spec- fic ones. Some of these specific issues include: voting procedure reforms, a greater personal con tact between the senate and the student body, a re-evaluation of the role of the campus security force, a ban on athletic contests on the drill field, and another attempt to secure final exam ex emptions. Further, I will actively support greater political freedom on the A&M campus. Victorian Age censorship is rarely seen in the same company with academic ex cellence. I honestly believe that Texas A&M, a very good in stitution, is on the threshold of becoming a great one. We have the opportunity be fore us. Do we hitch our wagon to a star or do we hesitate on the side of the road and watch the others pass us by ? If you have asked these same questions, your voice will be heard by casting a vote on Thurs day for Ronald Pate. Thank you. Ronald E. Pate ’66 Editor, The Battalion: A&M traditions are losing im portance and they deserve to be lost. It is hard to pass through a single day without hearing the complaint that Old Army is gone. Seniors, juniors, sophomores and even fish resent new ideas, but is this resentment justified? In my opinion it is not, and won’t be until every Aggie is willing to honestly participate in the great est tradition that A&M possesses. I have waited all year to ask two questions which have been bothering me. What has hap pened to Silver Taps ? Why has this, the most sacred tradition at our school, become so common. I don’t mean common its fre quency, but common in the hearts of Aggies. There are Aggies who start wild-cats after a Silver Taps announcement (second Sil ver Taps in the fall). There are also RV’s who find something else more important than firing for a senior they knew (Silver Taps last week). There are civil ians who won’t even turn off their lights two minutes before the firing unless someone makes it impossible for them to study by cutting the main switch. Monday night was no exception either, with seniors in my dorm having a water fight at 10 p.m. and Hart Hall lighting up like a Christmas Tree a few minutes after Silver Taps. These are only a few examples of how the once solemn ceremony has changed. I know that it is GRADUATING SENIORS —are you in need of a car? There is no need to wait if you have a military con tract or a job commitment. Come in today — “Test Drive” the “Really Hot One”—the 1964 Plymouth. Brazos Motor Co. ‘Serving the Brazos Valley for 41 years’ 1211 Texas Ave., Bryan, Texas TA 2-7009 TA 2-1965 Plymouth - Valiant - Studebaker hard to adjust to the large num ber of deaths we have had this year but the least an Aggie can do is be respectful. The people who view Silver Taps as a half hour which interrupts their stud ies are very few, but they are increasing. The poor attitude of many upperclassmen is spread ing. This attitude has almost ruined the solumn atmosphere of Silver Taps, which to me is very sad. When tomorrow’s quiz is more important than the honor and duty of an RV, and the res pect of one Aggie for another, it is time to stop being hypocritical. Why cheapen a great tradition with insincerity and lack of res pect ? Why complain about small traditions when we are killing the greatest college tradition in our country ? 0 Tom Forgeng ’65 Barbara Ann Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David H. Smith of Hearne, Tex as, is a graduate of the Hearne High School. She enrolled in the summer of 1963 at Mc Kenzie - Bald win Business College for the S ecretarial Course. She is employed as sec retary for the J. A. Williams Mortgage Com pany, Texas Avenue, Bryan. Ernestine Rodrigues is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arcenio Rodriguez of Bryan. She re cently received her diploma from the Me Kenzie - Bald win Business College for sue cessfully com pleting t h e Executive Sec retarial Course, Because of her o utstand- ; ing grades, she was able to start working part time at the Agriculture Extension Service, A&M Univer^y. She is now em ployed full time in this depart ment. FISHING RANCH LAKE 5 Miles West of Caldwell OPEN TO PUBLIC — $1.00 for All Day Fishing Overstocked with all kinds of fish, including Bass and Crappie — overnight facilities -— 2 bedroom house, 3 trailer homes and camping — plenty of boats — live bait available. Faculty and Staff Members of Texas A&M University are invited to a coffee honoring State Senator William T. (Bill) Moore Thursday, April 23 9:30 until 11 a. m. Clayton’s Restaurant (Sponsored by Friends of Bill Moore) PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz 1 NEUJ MATH 15 TOO Ml/CH FOR ME! VOO'LL 6ET ON TO IT.. IT JUST TAKES TIME. MOW CAN VOO DO “NEU/ MATH" PROBLEMS (dlTH AN “OLD MATH "MIND? a&m paring for clu< Mississi 10,000 The i Angino Researc oceanog Mississi Southw aboi Galvest The legists The lor posits ( Deep, a below t The anrrr t I « One da 24 [ Trade In C bicycl televii 1963 z Mtterns wles an Singer No attac atta 1 hun grams ai antee. $■! 1963 R malic di payment George 1 1960 r VI 6-466 Experi to 6, VI Aggiel rollment and reai Music, c Pinnell. Went, ct HUM! censed Welfare D. Jon< College Will t and deli Comp] bath, pr ties pai< 1244. TEAC Southwi Southw* Ave. N Studei reside before conta* CEN-' Highv VI 6- T. V 1 713 3 Thei you D] Later 2 Gal Seat Filtei RB £ Whee Rlast 119.9, Shod Auto 12V Chev Ched Gres Gulfe Youj Cono, Texai Sae Auto* 1 heal*