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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1964)
• ' - . ' • - •: ’i..-.-" Vr.' . • ^OO or more ij ' Iudir >g a seooni ^oenix. He » bohind Palmer. l|lecte d $55,455 Wednesday’s P r os tee off it na ment over tit S5-36-71 Country : tournament will ■> the last tim 3e d for the oper. de Arizona Com. v on with 273. linals; eague 1 batting a pro- e holding dotra tion. 'under will joit March 15 at 'la., spring traia. ; be camp he wil Cards’ Westeri ub at Rock Hi, 4-Oz. Btls. A&I Singers In Performance The Texas A&I Singers will present a concert Friday at 8 p. m. in G-uion Hall. The program, consisting of classics, folk songs, popular arrangements and musical comedy, is sponsored by the Memorial Student Center Music Com mittee. Cosmic Studied Rays Here By DONALD HOOKS Special Writer The fiery, earth-shaking lift-off of the mighty Saturn rocket, probably the most exciting phase of the exploration of space to most people, is but one of the many aspects of this field. The Space Fiesta now underway on campus also has displays of lesser known en- ‘ .s- deavors, including one depicting the study of cosmic rays now be ing conducted at A&M. The random flashes of light and staccato sounds produced by the passage of cosmic rays through a spark chamber are part a field of study very important the success of manned space flights. This work is being carr ied on by Dr. Nelson Duller of the Department of Physics and is aid ed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Duller pointed out that al though his work is pure research, some of his findings are of great interest to NASA. Information on the particles is necessary to the study of “Space radiation en vironment of vehicles and men in space.” This space radiation can affect the performance of men and may even cause death, depending upon the intensity and exposure, he ex plained. “They have shielding now for Wire Review By The Associated Press New ALS icy WORLD NEWS ' NICOSIA, Cyprus - violence has hit Cyprus. Seven Turkish Cypriots and four Greek Cypriots were killed and a Turkish village was burned Thursday in a six-hour gunfight south of Nicosia. British troops again stepped in to restore peace. ★ ★ ★ LEOPOLDVILLE, The Congo — A poisoned arrow fired by a rebel warrior killed the Congo army chief of staff, Lt. Col. Eugene Ebaya, 44, Congolese army sources reported Thurs day. U. S. NEWS ' NEW YORK — Melvin Belli, defense attorney for Jack Ruby, i said Thursday he is preparing a $15 million libel suit against the Saturday Evening Post. the Apollo project, but the ques tion is when is the ‘quietest’ time to orbit the capsule,” said Duller. Since these rays are produced by the sun and other stars, it is hoped that a period of relative quiet in the production of these rays can be determined from the studies now going on. “We have to infer information about the rays of space from our ground study/” Duller admitted. He added, however, that ground study affords better research on high energy ray particles than can be obtained through the use of satellites due to their weight and size limitations. Duller explained that the cos mic rays in space are “primary” rays, composed of protons of ex tremely high energies. Upon en tering the atmosphere, these rays strike air atoms such as the nu cleus of a nitrogen atom. The particle resulting from this colli sion eventually becomes a “sec ondary” cosmic ray particle and is of the type studied by Duller. “I began studying these rays before Sputnik went up. Most of us are interested in physics for the sake of physics — any appli cation to space exploration may even be accidental in some cases,” Duller pointed out. Airplane Vanishes From Space Fiesta A model airplane on display in the Memorial Student Center dur ing the Space Fiesta took off without filing a flight plan last Monday around 9 p.m. A black scale model of a Delta Wing airplane disappeared while on display at the space fiesta. The airplane is valued at $100. It is seven inches long and five inches wide with a metal pin in the nose. Anyone with information con- I cerning the flight should contact Campus Security or the Great Is sues Committee in the MSC. Senate To Debate Rings For Coeds The next meeting of the Student Senate, Feb. 20, will be open to all students—civilians, Corps and coeds—as the Senators host a dis cussion on the subjects of senior rings and Silver Taps for coeds. Frank Muller, reporting on the basic feeling of the female stu dents, said, “Their opinion, pri marily, is that the majority of them do not want a ring because most of them are married.” The decision concerning Silver Taps, according to Muller, will be left to the male students and ad ministration to decide, since the co ed students did not have any clear- cut opinions on the question. Che Battalion Volume 60 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1964 Number 194 Castro Shuts Off Water At Guantanamo Naval Base Dictator Demands Prisoners Release HAVANA (H 3 )—Prime Minister Fidel Castro tempered his denial of Cuban water to the U. S. Guantanamo naval base by announcing Thursday night the supply will flow an hour each day so “civilians, including women and children” won’t suffer. Castro, however, told a conference for foreign newsmen the big base’s supply from a Cuban river will be turned off the rest of each day in retaliation for the arrest of 38 Cuban fishermen and the seizure of four fishing boats for trespass ing in Florida water. “WE ARE ready to die before accepting humiliation and blackmail,” Castro said heatedly. Castro also challenged Sen. Barry Goldwater to lead the Marine invasion advocated by the Arizona Republican to get the water turned on again. The Cuban leader warned that if the United States “tries to lay its hands on water sources, we will fight to the last man, and let Bar ry Goldwater know it. He should be in the first line of invaders.” Hospitality Group Plans Talk, Flick A movie showing what Univer sity of Arizona students have done to assist foreign students settle into American university life will be shown at 5 p.m. Tuesday in the Memorial Student Center. The movie, presented by the Hospitality Committee at A&M, is available to anyone interested in foreign student activities, Mrs. W. E. Eckles, committee co-chair man, reported. “We especially would like to have the A&M student leaders see the film,” Mrs. Eckles said. The Hospitality Committee is a member of the Institute of Inter national Eudcation, an organiza tion designed to promote greater understanding among foreign stu dents and Americans. Brazos Boy Scouts ToMeetOn Campus Scouts from Brazos County will hold a convocation Sunday in the All Faiths Chapel to note Boy Scout Sunday and the beginning of Scout Week across America. Representatives from the 36 local units which make up the Arrowmoon District will meet at the chapel at 3 p.m. Guests in vited to the convocation include adult volunteers, parents and other persons interested in boys. The convocation address will be given by Dr. Guy F. Greenfield, pastor of the First Baptist Church in College Station. Other com munity ministers serving on the program include the Rev. Charles Elmer, St. Mary’s Chapel; the Rev. Miller Smith, St. Paul’s Methodist Church in Bryan; and the Rev. Jimmy L. Hallcom, Central Baptist Church, Bryan. The event marks the 54th birth day of Scouting in America, which has grown to include 5 million boys across the land, said Arrowmoon District Executive Dutch Harvell. Two English Profs Publish Articles No Classes Added After Saturday Saturday will be the last day that students will be allowed to add courses to their schedules. No additions will be allowed after this date. Students wishing to drop courses must do so by Wednesday. Drops after this date will be retained on the student’s record. Two professors in the Depart ment of English have recently published articles, one on litera ture and the other on staging techniques in English Restora tion drama. Dr. Lee J. Martin is author of “From Forestage to Proscenium” in volume four of “Theatre Sur vey, 1963,” a magazine published by the American Society for Theatre Research. Allen Schrader has an article entitled “Emerson to Salinger to Parker” appearing in a collec tion of criticism on J. D. Salin ger’s novel, “Catcher in the Rye.” The collection is a college sourcebook published by D. C. Heath and Co. in their series of selected source materials for col lege research papers. SCHRADER’S ARTICLE orig inally appeared in the April 11, 1959 issue of “The Saturday Re view.” The article concerns the differences between an unencum bered young person and an older person in their abilities to grasp the values of a work of art. Schrader and the other critics included are, according to the editors, “able to distinguish the author’s voice amid the total combination of characters, lan guage, imagery, symbolism and pattern.” MARTIN’S LENGTHY article presents evidence exploding a traditional assumption that plays during the Restoration period of 1660-1700 were acted completely on the forestage and not in the proscenium or “picture-frame” area, which has now become the only part of the conventional stage. The evidence presented shows that a great deal of the action of the play took place behind the “picture-frame” area and that furniture came to be utilized more frequently by the actors. Thus it seems apparent from Martin’s evidence that the move ment from the forestage to be yond the proscenium began in that period of English drama. To cheering political rallies in southern New Hampshire on Thursday night, Goldwater said President Johnson should warn Castro to restore the water or “we will march out with a de tachment of Marines and turn it on ourselves.” Castro told newsmen that Cuba would provide water between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. daily but would with hold it the rest of the day from “industrial and other purposes.” THE PRIME MINISTER said Cuba will maintain that action to “its last consequences.” Castro said the fishing boats were on a “peaceful mission and were unarmed.” He accused Amer ican ships and planes of repeatedly violating Cuban waters and air space. Castro charged that the fisher men were “forced to go into U. S. A. territorial waters” and were being detained “under pres sure and are being menaced and have no lawyer.” He said the “federal government had washed its hands like Pontius Pilate” when it turned over the fishermen to the Florida courts. Fish Prepare For Tucson Competition The Fish Drill Team squeezed in one more for competition with 50 drill teams from practice Thursday afternoon as they prepare across the nation. ABC’s Wide World of to depart Friday morning for Tucson, Ariz., Sports is considering filming the meet. MAJOR BATTLES UNDERWAY Communists Take Initiative In Vietnamese ‘Brush War’ SAIGON, South Viet Nam <A>) _ Communist guerrillas seized the initiative Thursday in the Vietna mese war. They staged a series of attacks that U. S.-backed govern ment forces could counter only in part. Red detachments of battalion size — perhaps 600 men in each — scored on widely separated tac tical targets in an offensive mounted one week after the coup that put a new military junta into power in Saigon. World Chess Ace To Appear Feb. 19 The International Chess Master and world blindfold chess cham pion will play two games at. 10 seconds a move without ever seeing the board during his lecture and demonstration stay on campus, Feb. 19. George Koltanowshi will appear in the Memorial Student Center Ballroom for a lecture and simul taneous demonstration sponsored by the MSC Chess Committee. Koltanowshi will play 30 local chess enthusiasts at the same time and then will play the two blind fold games. On Dec. 4, 1951, he played 50 games in nine hours. The chess champion won 43, drew five and lost two, all without look ing at the board. Koltanowshi was born in Bel gium in 1903 and learned to play chess at the age of 14. He soon became a recognized international chess master and has traveled the world over amazing audiences with his “mental magic.” He also plays and teaches the game. He has held the national cham pionship of Belgium six times, in addition to the victories in inter national tournaments which earned him his official title. In San Fran cisco, 1949, he- played 271 games simultaneously, winning 251, draw ing 17 and losing three. The chess master established the world’s record for simultaneous blindfold chess in Edinburg, Scot land, by playing 34 games in which he won 24 and drew 10. Now an American citizen, the chess wizard is the author of 15 chess books in several languages and edits a column which appears daily in the San Francisco Chron icle and weekly in papers across the nation. The exhibition is free to the public as an activity of the MSC Chess Committee. Players desir ing to register for the opportunity of playing one of the thirty games should attend the meeting at 7:30 tonight. This week’s meeting will have a “Chess For Fun” event which has become nationally popu lar this year. A MAJOR BATTLE was under way at dusk around a complex of five Tay Ninh Province vil lages 40 miles northwest of Sai gon. They were seized by raid ers who evidently had crossed into Viet Nam by night from neutral Cambodia. U. S. sources reported details of this and other actions. Shooting from behind the vil lages’ earthen walls, the guer rillas withstood fighter-bomber at tacks and an artillery barrage. They drove off an air- dropped company of 100 troopers. They put two companies of civil guards men to flight by killing two offi cers and wounding eight men. THE GOVERNMENT stepped up the counterattack. Reports from the fieeld said some of the guerrillas were breaking away in small groups. In scouting the area by heli copter at dawn, Capt. George Dor sey of Alexandria, Va., narrowly escaped death from a Communist bullet that punctured his cockpit. Armor that lay at his feet deflect ed the bullet. Other activity centered south and southwest of Sagion. Government armored units and U. S. helicopters were alerted for Cadets To Hear Maj. Rushworth Astronaut Robert A. Rush- worth, one of the world’s fast est men will arrive here by auto mobile Friday afternoon for an 8 p.m. speaking engagement. The X-15 rocket plane pilot, scheduled to speak at the A&M Space Fiesta, will take the high way route from James Connally Air Force Base in Waco. Lt. Col. Benjamin F. Smith of the Department of Air Science and students from the Great Issues Committee will meet Maj or Rushworth in the Central Texas city. Following his public appear ance Friday night in the Memo rial Student Center, the winged astronaut will discuss filght testing at Edwards AFB in Cali fornia at a meeting of 1,000 Air Force cadets and faculty Sat urday morning. Major Rushworth, the Air Force’s second winged astro naut, has more than 5,200 hours of flying time—3,000 in jets—in his 20 years of military service. He has made 16 flights with the experimental rocket plane at Edwards, one exceeding 285,000 feet to earn the winged astro naut’s title. His flights with the X-15 proved the craft could withstand heat greater than 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit on its speed brakes and 1,000-degree wing and fuse lage temperatures. On Jan. 28, the X-15 made its 100th flight at Edwards, with Major Rushworth at the con trols. He flew at a top speed of 3,682 miles per hour and at an altitude slightly higher than 20 miles. Rushworth is one of three prominent speakers to appear at the Space Fiesta. The others are Willy Ley Feb. 13 and Wemher von Braun Feb. 14. an assault on Red Viet Cong fight ers who captured the town of Phy My. THE GUERRILLAS set the town afire and drove out a govern ment battalion. Three U. S. ad visers assigned to the garrison were reported safe. Government ground forces re covered without opposition a Mekong River delta post, Thoi Lai, where the Communists scored heavily in two actions Wednesday. Attempted Curbing Of Atty. General’s Powers Defeated WASHINGTON (A>> _ South ern efforts to clip the powers of the attorney general to intervene in civil rights cases were de feated Thursday in the House. Despite a statement by Rep. Edwin E. Willis, D-La., that it was approving “a real lulu of a sleeper,” the bipartisan civil rights group voted 122-47 against a Willis amendment to remove the section. The provision to which Willis objected would grant the attor ney general authority to inter vene in suits brought by private parties seeking to protect their right to equal treatment under the law. A BROADER provision approv ed by House Judiciary subcommit tee, which would have permitted the attorney general to initiate such suits, was knocked out by the full Judiciary Committee after Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy said he didn’t want such powers. The section, known as Title 3 in the 10-title bill, revived memories of the bitter fight over a similar proposal in the 1957 civil rights bill, also known as Title 3. Rep. John V. Lindsay, R-N. Y., recalled that after the House ap proved Title 3 in a bruising fight, the Senate deleted it. He said if the Senate again surrenders on the issue, House Republicans will not support the resulting compro mise bill. THE SECTION also contains a provision specifically authorizing the attorney general to bring suit to desegregate public parks, play grounds, swimming pools or “any public facility which is owned, operated or managed by or on be half of any state or political sub division thereof.”