The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 12, 1962, Image 1

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Che Battalion
Fish Hit
100 Mark..
See Page 4
Volume 60
Number 45
SCON A Hears Smith Today
WUlrich Will Speak
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Wire Review
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By The Associated Press
BONN, Germany — West Ger-
lany’s three-week-old political
risis ended Tuesday night with
lhancellor Konrad Adenauer still
irecting the administration at the
iead of a new coalition govern-
The small, right-wing Free Dem-
oatic party which agreed to team
ip with Adenauer’s Christian
lemoerats again after a show-
own fight, wrung a promise from
be iron-willed chancellor to retire
ext fall.
+ 'fc -jAe
NEW DELHI, India—Red Chi
na’s charge that Indian planes
hade “provocative” flights over
, the Himalayan front raised ap
prehension here Tuesday that
the Communists are planning
new attacks—possibly supported
by fighters and bombers.
Peking called the alleged air
incidents “extremely , grave.”
A spokesman for Prime Min
ister Nehru’s government denied
the Peking charge of nine Indian
violations of Tibetan airspace
and declared: “It appears that
these allegations are fabricated
by the Chinese as part of a
malicious campaign for their
own purposes.”
★ ★ ★
LONDON—Britain made it
Plain to U.S. Defense Secretary
Robert McNamara Tuesday that
cancellation of the Skybolt missile
Project could lead to a complete
reappraisal of British policy and
defense commitments, British in
formants reported.
The informants described a day
long exchange between McNamara
a nd British Defense Minister Peter
Thorneycroft as “outspoken and
'At "At "At
GENEVA—The Soviet Union
threw cold water on newly re-
'ived American and British
hopes for an enforceable nuclear
test ban agreement.
Soviet delegate Semyon Iv.
Tsarapkin refused Tuesday to
e xpand on Moscow’s proposal for
Policing a test ban with “black
boxes” checked periodically by
international personnel.
CARMICHAELS, Pa.—Scores of
miners cleared debris from the
Kobena No. 3 coal mine Tuesday
' n preparation for investigations to
determine the cause of an ex
plosion that killed 37 men.
The last of the bodies, found
Monday night near the working
fece of the tunnel, were brought
the surface.
★ ★ ★
Air Force said Tuesday night it
believ'ed the KC-97 tanker plane
that vanished into the darkness
over central New York Monday
night after its crew bailed out
Probably crashed somewhere
northwest of Goose Bay, Lab
Officials at Plattsburgh Air
Force Base said they were still
trying to determine where the
plane has crashed.
★ ★ ★
GREAT FALLS, Mont. — T h e
first operational Minuteman mis
siles, half of which were armed
with nuclear warheads and ready
to fire when the Cuban crisis broke
late in October, were officially de
clared an active part of the na
tion’s defense Tuesday.
In the vast plains country of
central Montana, the first 20 Min
utemen stand ready to blast off
at targets up to 6,300 miles away
within 15 seconds if the president
should ever order it.
BEAUMONT — Testimony in
the murder trial of Odessa teen
ager John Mack Herring prob
ably will end sometime Wednes
day night.
Defense attorneys indicated
that young Herring will take the
stand during defense rebuttal.
Off Campus Permit
Deadline Friday
Students living off campus and
not in their family home were re
minded Tuesday that they are to
file a letter of application not
later than Saturday if they wish
to reside off campus during the
spring semester.
The deadline was announced ear
lier by Bennie A. Zinn, head of the
Department of Student Affairs.
He explained that the deadline is
necessary to allow time for proc
essing the applications during the
holiday period.
Students can learn during the
last week of the fall semester of
the action taken on their applica
Spending Reaps Dividends
In Cuba, Johnson Says
FORT WORTH UP) — America’s
financial outlay for defense and
foreign aid reaped vast dividends
in the recent Cuban crisis, Vice
President Lyndon Johnson said
Tuesday night.
The Vice President, slated to
speak on the A&M campus Thui’s-
day said Americans paid $498 bil
lion for defense and security from
1949 to 1961, while giving an
additional $34 billion for foreign
“What have we gotten for our
money?” Johnson asked a huge
congi’egation attending the annual
chamber of commerce dinner.
“On Sunday morning, Oct. 28,
the answer was provided — when
the message come from Moscow
that Khrushchev had, in the face
of unmistakable American deter
mination and might, agreed to the
withdrawal of his missiles and
bombers from the island of Cuba.”
HITTING CLOSE to home, John
son said, “America got its money’s
worth from the B24 Liberator
bombers built here in. Fort Worth.
America gots its money’s worth
from the B36. America will get
its money’s worth from the TFX.”
Johnson reportedly played a
prominent role in the awarding
of the defense department con
tract for tactical fighter planes,
known as the TFX program, to
General Dynamics Corp. in Fort
“I do not know . . . what the
meaning of recent events will
ultimately be,” the Vice President
continued. “We can believe, how
ever, that a time of turning has
come in the destiny of this cen
“THE RECENT events leave no
doubt about two crucial points:
“First, there is no doubt that
the assumptions of communist
strategy—about the eventual col
lapse of ability or will in the
West—have been proved failures.
“Secondly, at the same time,
the concept, purposes and conduct
of the policies of the West—
have been proved coi’rect.”
The Vice President flew into
Fort Worth for a rapid-fire series
of personal appearances in this
North Texas area.
A part-time janitor while at
tending the Southwest Texas State
Teachers College in San Marcos
where he graduated in 1930.
Johnson is slated to make a maj
or U. S. policy speech at the
eighth annual Student Conference
on National Affairs here Thurs
The Vice President will arrive at
Easterwood airport Thursday
morning with his wife. Lady Bird,
and possibly his daughter, Lynda.
The family will be escorted by
SCONA representatives.
Before his 1:30 p.m. address in
G. Rollie White Coliseum, he will
speak to the Bryan-College Sta
tion Junior Chamber of Commerce
at a noon luncheon.
Delegate Interest
Promises Success
Delegates to the eighth Student Conference on National
Affairs heard Gen. Frederic H. Smith, ex-Air Force vice chief
of staff, speak on “Arms in Europe—Source of Tension?”
this afternoon in the first plenary session of the conference.
Tonight at 8 p. m. in the Memorial Student Center Ball
room, Mason Willrich, treaty specialist with the U. S. Arms
Control and Disarmament Agency, will make the second key
note address. The sessions are open to students and other
interested persons.
SCONA delegates began arriving on campus Tuesday
afternoon from the more than 70 schools invited. Schools
in the United States, Mexico and Canada are participating.
SCONA Chairman Vic L.+
Donnell, ’63 from Dallas, said ty a •
former Aggie
Available Now
A&M Campus Chest Aids School
In Roma, Basutoland, South Africa
The only private institution of higher learning on
the African continent is in danger of folding up unless it
receives $50,000 immediately.
A&M ? s Campus Chest may have helped prevent the
closing of the University College of Pius XII in Roma, Ba
sutoland, South Africa, by resnonding to a request sent to
American colleges and universities^
The little 175-student college, founded in 1945, asked
for $20 from 2500 U. S. schools in order to raise $50,000
needed to continue its operations.
A letter from the college addressed to the A&M Student
Senate said, “Because of the tightening political and economic
situation, there is every prospect that our college will collapse
in the near future unless we have immediate aid.”
The college is totally free of governmental regulations,
the letter said, and is the only college serving the African
nations of Basutoland, Swaziland or Bechuanaland.
“Here alone, African students may obtain an education
untainted by racialistic idealologies,” the appeal said.
The Student Senate welfare committee, chairmaned by
Ken Stanton, authorized a $20 contribution to the African
college, which is located about 600 miles northeast of Cape
town, Union of South Africa.
Use Of Paperback Books On Increase
the first delegates to register
were from Davidson College
in North Carolina.
Registration of delegates was
held until noon today. Also on the
morning’s agenda was an orienta
tion for the 17 round-table chair
men. and recorders.
a question and answer period was
held, followed by the first round
table meetings. Each of the eight
round-tables used this short time
for organization and orientation.
At 6 p. m. students and obseiwers
will be feted to a MSC smorgas
Willrich’s speech will follow.
Willrich, 29, is a former Strate
gic Air Command pilot and until
this past September was a delegate
to the 18-nation disarmament talks
in Geneva.
He is a graduate of Yale and
holds a law degree from the Uni
versity of California. His present
title is that of attorney-advisor to
the disarmament agency.
The topic of Willrich’s talk is
“Arms Race—A Source of Ten
sion ?”
Thursday is SCONA’s big day,
with a top-level U. S. policy speech
scheduled at 1:30 p. m. by Vice
President Lyndon B. Johnson. John
son will address an expected 8,000
persons in G. Rollie White Coli
THE PUBLIC has been especially
invited to attend Johnson’s address.
Thursday night the president of
the council of the Organization
of American States, Gonzalo J.
Facio, will speak to the fourth
planary session. His talk at 8 p. m.
in the MSC Ballroom will be on
“Tension In Latin America.”
Facio, 44, is the Costa Rican
ambassador to the United States
and one of Central America’s most
respected statesmen.
He has been long active in the
OAS, but was named to the pres
idency less than a month ago.
Friday former U.N. Ambassador
James J. Wadsworth will speak at
8 p. m. on “Prospects for Perman
ent Peace.”
Saturday at 12:15 p. m. Dallas
j Times-Herald executive editor Felix
J McKnight will present the “Con
ference Round-Up.”
The new 1962 Directory of For
mer Students published by the
Former Students Association has
been completed and is ready for
distribution, J. B. (Dick) Hervey,
executive secretary of the associa
tion, said Tuesday.
The association had 20,000 di-
I’ectories printed. The books are
7% x 10% inches in size and con
tain more than 58,000 names and
addresses of former students. The
book is printed once every five
“Every contributor to the 1962
Development Fund will receive one
of the directories,” Hervey sjdd.
In addition, 1,500 personalized
case bound books will' be distrib
uted to association and college
The book has three sections. The
first section lists the former stu
dents in alphabetical order, the
second part lists the members with
the city and state to which they
belong. The third part will give
a listing of faculty and staff mem
bers, as well as members of the
There are paperback books
and then there are paperback
A strong trend toward use of
the specialized paperbacks on
college and university campuses
continues to gain momentum, ac
cording to Carl Birdwell, man
ager of the Exchange Store.
Some of the mass market
paperbacks seen in drug stores
and supermarkets have a place
on college campuses, but it’s
quality paperbacks which are
found on foot after foot of
shelving in a college store.
The paperbacks making such
a hit on college campuses often
have slightly larger pages than
those found on newsstands. And
the prices match the larger
format. It’s not uncommon to
pay $1.75 for a quality paper
Birdwell recalls that the first
paperback book he ever saw used
on a college campus appeared in
the 1930s and was entitled “Six
Plays by Shakespeare.”
The use of paperbacks on
the campus spread slowly until
the late 1940s and in recent
years gained great momentum.
Many university presses de
voted exclusively to academic
works have entered the paper
back field in the last several
A large college store such as
the Exchange Store stocks hun
dreds of different paperbacks.
The subject matter range is
indicated only in a broad way
by these titles: “The Political
Thought of Plato and Aristotle,”
“The Chemistry of Uranium,
The Element, Its Binary and
Related Compounds,” “Folk
ways” and “Statics and Dyna
mics of a Particle.”
Birdwell explains that some
of the paperbacks are used to
supplement standard textbooks,
while many are planned for the
college student who wants to
learn something generally a-
bout a subject outside of his
special field of interest.
The Exchange Store carries,
for example, the paperback
book “Four Ways of Being Hu
man,” which is an introduction
to anthropology, although the
college has no courses in that
“Why aren’t textbooks print
ed in paperback form, so as
to save the students some mon
ey?” This is a question Bird-
well has to answer often.
“The binding of a textbobk
accounts for only about 10 per
cent of its price,” Birdwell said.
At current average prices for
texts, this would make the book
only 50 to 75 cents cheaper
if bound paperback. But the
paperback binding would cut
sharply the resale value of the
book, and many students sell
their books at the end of the
“The savings affected in pa
perbacks comes from large
printings — 100,000 copies and
up — and smaller royalties to
authors or often times no roy
alty at all. Neither saving is
applicable to the average hard
bound textbook,” Birdwell ex
Senate F.mlorses
Student Attendance
At SCONA Events
The Student Senate has voted
to endorse 100 per cent participa
tion by the student body in the
Thursday afternoon activities of
SCONA. Thursday afternoon
classes have been dismissed so that
students can hear a speech by Vice
President Lyndon B. Johnson.
Sheldon Best, student body pres
ident, said that he hopes the stu
dent body will avail itself of the
opportunity to hear many of the
speakers that have been brought
to the campus by SCONA.
Baptist Board
Backs McCall
In Firm Stand
DALLAS CP>_The Texas Bap
tist Executive Board passed unani
mously Tuesday a motion uphold
ing and commending Baylor Uni
versity President Abner McCall
for closing Eugene O’Neill’s prize
winning play last week because of
profane language.
The motion, presented by Dr.
j Herschel Ford of El Paso, said
j “that this board go on record ap-
I proving the action of Dr. McCall
in cancelling the play ‘Long Day’s
Journey Into Night,” and com
mending him for his strong stand.”
McCall ordered the Baylor The
ater Thursday to stop the remain
ing six performances of the play
because “the language of the play
is not in keeping with the univer-
| sity’s ideals.”
The board’s action came just
after outgoing Chairman K. Owen
i W hite of Houston said he had
j written a letter expressing dis-
j appointment in the recent action
j of the Baylor Student Congress.
The student congress, student
governing body on the Baptist
campus, approved Friday a resolu
tion condemning the play’s can-
| cellation.