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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1962)
' physiti! THTITtlr Texas I JlS* A ...... RATES TO GO UP Post Office Offers Special Yule Stamp The College Station post office has many additional responsibili ties and numerous extra services to offer the public during the 1962 Christmas season, postmaster Er nest Gregg said Friday in issuing an appeal to the public to mail early. For use during this year’s Christmas rush, the Post Office Department is offering a new 4- cent stamp, Gregg said. To insure speedier service dur ing the holiday season rush, Gregg suggested the use of the new Christmas stamp for greeting cards. The stamp permits letters con taining a card to be forwarded to an addressee or returned to the sender if the letter is undeliver able-provided that a return address is on the envelope. Reminding' citizens of the forth coming change in the postal rate structure, effective Jan. 7, 1963, the postmaster listed highlights of the rate legislation recently en acted by Congress. Increases which the average post office patron is most concerned a- Official Visit RAWALPINDI, Pakistan OP) — President Ayub Khan plans an official visit to Australia next May at the invitation of Austra lian Prime Minster Robert G. Menzies. bout will be the one-cent hike in the letter rates. First-class surface-mail rates for letters will be five cents per ounce. For postal and post cards, the rate will be increased to four cents. First-class air delivery for let ters will be eight cents. For post cards, the air rate will be six cents. Area Club Slates Russian Films The A&M Russian Club will present two films about the pjeople and country of Russia Friday at 7:30 p.m. in Room 205 of the new wing of the Mili tary Science Building, according to Lee Walker, president of the club. The films, produced by the United States Army, will have English dialogue- A&M Students ’Art. Shown In Mexico “Three Persons, Three Countries, Three Styles,” could have easily been the title for the Division of Architecture’s newest adventure. Recently Noe Marmolejo repre senting Mexico, John Ryan from Panama, and Ed Hunt showing the work of Fred Wallace from the United States, presented an art exposition requested by Virgil Gar za Ruiz, mayor of Matamoros, Mexico. The three, all fourth-year stu dents of architecture at A&M, presented their work in the city hall from Nov. 17-19. The exposition, “Pictorial Ex hibit of Modern Art,” was attended by the mayor, and several school officials, as well as the citizens of Matamoros. After the three-day exhibit, the paintings and drawings were moved to the Matamoros High School for the high school and pre-college stu dents to view. The exposition re mained at the high school five days, Nov. 19-24. Purpose of the exposition was “to awaken in the students to whom the exhibit was dedicated aspira tions and artistic desires they might possess.” The styles of the three students ranged from pure representational to the most abstract drawings. During their stay, they gave talks to the high school students concerning their work. Plans for the exhibit to be pre sented on the A&M campus are in progress, Marmolejo said. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 3d per word 2d per word each additional day ‘ num cttarges- DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publicatiop Classified Displ 0d per column i each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 80d per columr lay inch SPECIAL NOTICE NU-WAY BEAUTY SHOP TA 2-4407 Is your hair unmanageable ? Come to the Nu-Way Beauty Shop and let us give you a S15.00 permanent for only $10.00. Special for Christmas from the Owner - Mrs. Annie Way Operator - Carolyn Herwig 38tl0 JOHN CHRISTIAN, Ag gie, age 20, was injured November 22, 1962 about 9:15 a. m. in downtown Austin when hit by a car driven by a parking lot attendant. Several other pedestrians were injured. If you saw this accident or were there, or if you know of anyone else who might have seen this accident or were there, please call TA 2- 0155, Bryan, Texas. 37t3 SHOP A&M MEN’S SHOP “Home of Distinctive Men’s Wear” North Gate College Station CAT’S SHOP is now located at 204 West 19th St. We specialize in the repair of Cushman motor scooters and small gasoline engines. TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 HELP WANTED Part time and full time jobs open for A&M students or student wives. Telephone for interview appointment. DUTCH KET TLE SNACK RESTAURANT, VI 6-?968 (walking distance of College View Apts.) 37t5 WORK WANTED Typing - electric typewriter. Experience: Secretary, business teacher. VI 6-8510. 85tfn FOR SALE Must sacrifice, like new ’61 Dodge Lancer, 4-dr. compact wagon, radio, heater, white tires, tinted glass, low mileage. Was Chrysler Corp. State Fair of Texas show car. Trade considered. Bob Hunt, VI 6- 8466 or VI 6-7690. 39tfn Three piece bedroom suite, white, $35.00. Call after 6, VI 6-6022. 38t2 Baby bed, good condition. B-10-B College View. 37t3 tr terior, exc Wash and grease $1.00 with minimum fillup of 8 gallons of gasoline. The New Sinclair Service Station, Hwy. 6 South at East Gate, College Station. VI 6-9982. I9tfn COINS Need Christmas money? Sell me your old American coins. Contact Richard Crosby, Box 1522, College Station. 36t8 CHILD CARE Will take care of children in my home. TA 2-4935. 38t4 HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY Children of all ages, weekly and hourly rates, 3404 South College Avenue, Bryan, Texas. Virginia Davis Jones. Registered Nurs®. TA 2-4803. 124tfn Will keep children, all ages, will pick up ind deliver. VI 6-8161. llltfn DR. G. A. SMITH OPTOMETRIST •FSOLALIZINa tm nrt fXAMtNAno* CONTACT LINCCS URYAN OPTICAL CLINIC 105 No. MAIN • BRYAN, TJX A 1 TV - Radio - Hi-Fi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 2403 S. CoUege WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY BACK ISSUES OF AGGIELANDS, 1954 and prior years wanted. Highest prices plus postage. Write AIR MAIL to Jack Bell, USA Finance Office, Paris, APO 230, New York, N. Y. 36t4 OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office lent Publications (Ground Floor YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12. 1-5, daily of Student Monday d< I. D. Cards may be picked np at the Exchange Store. 37tfn TO ALL STUDENTS IN THE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES WHO ARE ON SCHOLASTIC PROBATION: You are re minded that yon are required to arrange with the dean of your school a conferen after each grade repo Those undergraduate students who have 95 semester hours of credit may purchase the A. and M- ring. The hours passing at relimir the time of the preliminary grade report on November 12, 1962, may be used in dsfying the 95 hour requin may leave their name with the ring in the Registrar’s office in order that she may check their records to determine eligibility to order the ring. Orders the ringp will 1 27 and J am turned for 1, 1963. The ring 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 n THROUGH FRIDAY OF ONLY. be taken between November rill 1 nary 4. The rin delivery on or al ring clerk is on duty froi to 12:00 noon, MONDAY rigs v ibout will be re- February EACH WEEK H. L. Heaton, Director of Admissions and Registrar 30tl9 HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN'S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 Gift Wrapping Begins At YMCA Students may begin taking their Christmas packages to the YMCA to be wrapped, J. Gordon Gay, general secretary of the YMCA, announced Friday. Packages may be turned in at the front desk of the YMCA from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Students have been asked to confine their packages to normal sizes and not enclose small gifts in large packages. Each year, 300 to 500 Christmas packages are wrapped free of charge for students. Gifts may also he wrapped for mailing. Gay also announced that Christ mas carol booklets are ready to be distributed to the cadet organiza tions. Each unit has been asked to send a representative to the pick up the carol booklets as soon as possible. They may be picked up at the front desk of the YMCA from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. This year the carols have been placed in book form instead of the usual mimeographed sheets. The book also contains thoughts for the season and “The Christmas Story.” On the back cover of the booklet the YMCA has saluted the Ex change Store for the “some $500,- 000 which has been returned to student life and activities by the Exchange Store.” THE BATTALION Friday, November 30, 1962 College Station, Texas Page 3 Read Battalion Classifieds I LAUNDROMART NO. 1 1501 Sulphur Springs Road Newly Remodeled New & Improved Equipment Most Convenient Laundry- In College Station COURTS STOREWIDE Discount Sale on Entire Stock Porto-Fed Shoes | Taylor Made Shoes Black & Cordovan Reg. Price ?20.95 | Military Style Reg. Price $20.95 Discount Price $17.95 H Discount Price $17.95 Justin Boots 9 Texas Brand Western Boots Reg. Price $39.95 g Reg. Price $23.95 Discount Price $31.50 9 Discount Price $14.80 Western Shirts 1 One Group of Men's Shoes | Wembley Ties Loafers and Oxfords ■ Dress Military Reg. Price $7.9o H Reg price ^ 12 95 _ $ 14 95 | Reg $1 5() Discount Price $4.50 H Discount Price $9.80 || Discount Price 99^ Hush Puppies Casuals 1 Western or Dress Belts Western Buckles Reg. Price $9.95 ^ Western or Dress Billfolds Discount Price $7.88 1 20% OFF Esquire Spray Shine | Famous Just spray and wipe | Lee Westerner for a miracle shine p JEANS ' Reg. $1.00 per can NOW ONLY 390 9 Now priced $4.69 Roughout Wellington Boots g Hush Puppies Golf Shoes Reg. Price $17.9o 1 Re ^ Price ^ 12 ^ 5 Discount Price $14.95 If Discount Price $9.80 Hunting Boots Reg. Price $16.95 NOW ONLY $12.85 North Gate College Station INVISABLE REWEAVING Cigarette Bums - Moth Holes Cuts & Tears Inquire: Mary Carter Paint Store 305 E. Dodge Bryan Mondays thru Fridays TA 2-4172 AGGIES NOTICE To Rent Brazos County A&M Club For Mixed Parties,—See Joe Faulk SAE 30 Motor Oils 15* Qt. Major Brands Oils 27-31* Qt. For your parts and accessories AT a DISCOUNT See us— Plenty free parking opposite the courthouse. DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Brake shoes. Fuel pumps. Water pumps. Generators. Starters, Solenoids, etc. Save 30 to 50% on just about any part for your car. Filters 40% discount AT JOE FAULK’S 25th and Washington • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 608 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN, TEXAS SOSOLIKS T. V M Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 YOUR DISTRIBUTOR FOR • EICO KITS • Garrard Changers • HI-FI Components • Tape Recorders Use Our Time Payment Plan BRYAN RADIO & TV TA 2-4862 1301 S. CoUege Ave. SHIPLEY DONUT & COFFEE SHOP For The Best Coffee & Freshest Donuts ANYWHERE Hamburgers — Short Orders —• Fountain Service The Church... For a Fuller Life... For You... At idler ttuneral Ato BRYAN,TEXAS 502 West 26th St. PHONE TA 2-1572 STUDENT PUBLICATION Campus and Circle Theatres College Station CALENDAR OF CHURCH SERVICES A&M CHRISTIAN 8 :80 A.M.—Coffee Time 9 :45 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Services ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC Sunday Masses—7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 FIRST BAPTIST 9 :30 A.M.—Sunday School 10:45 A.M.—Morning Worship 6 :10 P.M —Training Union 7 :20 P.M.—Evening Worship 7:15 P.M.—Wednesday Worshij UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP 4:00-5:30 P.M.—Friday School, YMCA 8 :0O P.M.—First four Sundays of each month—Fellowship Meeting, Call VI 6- 6888 for further informatioi CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 9 :45 A.M.—Sunday School SECOND BAPTIST 710 Eisenhc owe 9 :45 A.M.—Sunday School 11 :00 A.M.—Church Service a :45 A.M.—Sunday School 10:45A.M.—Morning Worship 6:30 P.M.—Young People’s Service 7 :00 P.M.—Preaching Service 6 :30 P.M.—Training Uni P.M.—Church S' ion ice COLLEGE HEIGHTS ASSEMBLY OF GOD 9 :45 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship OUR SAVIOUR'S LUTHERAN 8:15 & 10:45 A.M.—The Church at Worship 6 :30 P.M.—Young People’s 7 :30 P.M.—Evening Worshi g Worst People’s Service worship 9 :30 A.M.—Bible Classes For All Holy Communion—First Sunday Each A&M LUTHERAN Month FAITH CHURCH UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 9 :15 A.M.—Sunday School 10:30 A.M.—Morning Worship 7 :30 P.M.—Evening Service 10:00 A.M.—Aggie Bible Class 11 :00 A.M.—Morning Worship Wednesdays 7:15 P.M.—Gamma Delta A&M METHODIST 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School 10 :55 A.M.—Morning Worship 6 :00 P.M.—MYF Meetings 5:30 & 7:15 P.M. -Evening Worship CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 9 :30 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Sunday Service 10:00 - 11:30 A.M.—Friday Reading Room 7:00-8:00 P.M.—.Wed.. Reading Room 8 :00 P.M.—Wed. Evening Worship A&M PRESBYTERIAN 9:45 A.M.—Church School 11 dH) A.M.—Morning Worship CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 26th East and Coulter. Bryan 8 :30 A.M.—Priesthood Meeting 10:00 A.M.Sunday School 6 :30 P.M.—Sacrament Meeting first A&M CHURCH OF CHRIST 9:45 A. M.—Bible Classes n - ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL Sundays 8:00 A.M.—Holy Communion 9:15 A.M.—Church School 9 i!5 A.M.—Holy Communion, and third Sundays Morning Prayer, second and fourth Sundays 11:0O A.M.—Holy Communion, first and third Sundays Morning Prayer, second and fourth Sun- 10 :45 A.M.—Morning Worship 6 :45 P.M.—Bible Class 7:15 P.M.—Evening Service per. days -Evening Prayer 6:00 P.M.- Wednesdays 6 :30 A.M.—Holy Communion 10:30 A.M.—Holy Communion College Station’s Own Banking Service College Station State Bank NORTH GATE Central Texas Hardware Co. BRYAN • HARDWARE • CHINAWARE • CRYSTAL • GIFTS Sure Sign of Flavor SANITARY Farm Dairies Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules & Etc. 5,000 AGGIES CAN'T BE WRONG LOUPOTS The Exchange Store Bryan Building & Loan Association “Serving Texas Aggies’ BRYAN W. L. Ayers Laundry & Cleaners 313 College Main W. L. Ayers “One Hour Martinizing" 1315 Texas Ave JLUy. ICE CREAM MELLORINE SHERBET > ii