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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1962)
THE BATTALION Thursday, Noyember 29, 1962 College Station, Texas Page 7 1962 Cage Season Saturday A frv\ rt £r> « 4 /i A;- ^ ^ ^ ■' 5 A «r-j> vt^ Tiro All-Staters Are Fish Cagers Shelby Metcalf, freshman bas ketball coach 5 and Sports Illus- trated’s bread-and-butter man, has come up with another top-notch Fish cage team. The team features two all-state players and two captains of state champions. All-staters are John Beasley, 6-7, 286-pound center, who aver aged 29 points a game for Linden- Kildare, and Dicky Stringfellow, 6-4, 190-pound guard, who aver aged 25 points per game for Cooper. Billy Atkinson, 5-10, 160-pound guard, was captain of Dallas Jef ferson’s Class 4-A state cham pions. Dick Rector is the other captain, playing for Dumas’ Class 3-A champs. Rector stands 6-1 and plays forward. Rounding out the Fish team are: Lance Cobb, G, 5-10, 160; Bob Craig, F, 6-4, 170; Bill McQueary, G, 6-0, 168; Charles Patterson, C, 6-5, 195; John Reynolds, F, 6-3, 195; Joe Roberts, F, 6-2, 19.5; and J Keith Thompson, F, 6-0, 175. Head Battalion Classifieds Daily Copyright ic) 1961, the coca-cola company, coca-cola and cokj are registered trademarks Rogers’ Hopes Bolstered Despite Personnel Losses In over 100 countries;|||;|i people get that refreshing new feeling with Coke! Bottled under authority of BRY AN COCO COLA BOTTLING CO. The Coca-Cola Company by HU Iml Jerry Windham A 6-6 rebounding star from Hamilton Coach Bob Rogers, who is now in his sixth season as boss of G. Rollie White Coliseum, is optimis tic as the Aggies start a new era of basketball against Centenary Saturday night at home. Despite the loss of record-writing Carroll Broussard and a raft of standout seniors last season, the Ags are still in good shape personnel-wise. Says Rogers, “Our hopes are bolstered mostly because of the improved play of our three big boys—Lewis Qualls, Jerry Wind ham and Lee Walker. Further more, Bennie Lenox never looked better, and I believe Gei'ald Wood ard will add scoring punch.” Windham is a two-letterman with a lot of experience under his belt and a history of standout re bounding and defense. Lenox got SWC Basketball Outlook Is One Big Question Mark Basketball’s outlook in the bert his only returning regular, Southwest Conference this season is hard to figure. Rebuilding seems to be the theme at most of the eight member schools. Arkan sas, Texas, SMU and A&M have been given the nod as most likely to succeed, with Rice breathing down their necks. At Fayetteville, Coach Glen Rose foresees improvement this year de spite the loss of Jerry Carlton, the team’s leading scorer and all-SWC performer. “We lack team speed and an outstanding- post man,” says Rose, “but the squad will be more experienced, which will help, especially defensively.” but rival coaches claim more play ers gained experience through Bradley’s substitution plan. The Longhorns return good, sea soned height in 6-8 Mike Hum phrey, Joe Fisher (6-7) and 6-7 Jack Dugan, all lettermen. Dugan played more than either of the other two and topped them in scoring and rebounding with aver ages of 9.8 and 6.9, respectively. ★ ★ ★ Three starters return to the SMU team that won its last nine SWC games last season and gained a share of the title with Tech. Senior Tommy Boyer, a 6-6 for- ] Missing, however, are league-lead- ward, who was one of the league | ing scorer Jan Loudermilk, and Jim leaders at foul shooting last year, | Hammond, the 6-4 captain who them may run strong at the polls when the year’s top players are selected. Heading the Owls’ thin but impressive cast of veterans is Kendall Rhine, a 6-9 center who led the league in rebounding as an 18-year-old soph last season. Larry Phillips and Herb Stein- kamp are two others who were teen-age stars with the 1962 club that finished 7-7 last year. John ny Womack, another junior, is the only other letterman. “We hope to have a good starting unit built around these returning lettermen,” says Frankie, “but lack of proven depth will be a serious handicap.” off to a rousing start as a soph last year and managed a full-sea son average of 10.6 points per game. SEVEN-FOOT Qualls is the tall est eager in the SWC and both he and 6-7 Walker have the benefit of two years seasoning. Teamed with Windham, they will probably make the Ags one of the top re bounding clubs again. Woodard, a junior college trans fer, is the former “Mr. Basketball of Louisiana.” Rogers says he “has great hands and is a good scorer.” Other promising new- Welcome To COACH NORTON’S PANCAKE HOUSE featuring Special Lunches Monday Thru Friday 11:30 til 2:00 Also Steaks, Shrimp and Other Fine Foods. East Gate Highway 6 So. comers are junior college transfer Cliff Hankins, 6-5, a forward “with good speed and spring,” and soph Paul Timmins, an all-SWC fresh man performer last year who is “real quick and good at shooting.” Woodard and Hankins come from Kilgore Junior College and they appear capable of furthering Rog ers’ success with JC grads. For Expert ALTERATIONS REASONABLE PRICES and Quick Service Visit THE DISCOUNT HOUSE 2 Doors From The Campus Theatre EAUNDROMART NO. 1 1501 Sulphur Springs Road Newly Remodeled New & Improved Equipment Most Convenient Laundry In College Station will probably spark the Hogs. Other experienced Razorbacks re turning are Jim Wilson, a 6-6 re bounding star; Larry Wofford, also 6-6; and 6-2 Jerry Rogers. ★ ★ ★ Coach Harold Bradley has as many lettermen as the next coach, but there’s a feeling around the circuit that as sophs go, so goes Texas. The Steers lost only Jimmy Brown and Butch Skeete from their starting crew, but Bradley points out, “most of our veterans split time last year and did not play a lot.” He terms Jimmy Gil- figured high in the late-season surge. “We lack height and speed,” Coach Doc Hayes points out as he prepares for his 16th season as head coach of the Ponies. “At this time of year we always hope to be a contender but a lot depends on our sophomores. Jim Smith (6-7), Bill Ward (6-5) and Hank Wen- dorf (6-4) are three sophomores who have shown promise in our early practices.” ★ ★ ★ Not one of Rice Coach Johnnie Frankie’s leading candidates is of voting age, but at least one of •a COURTS STOREWIDE Discount Sale on Entire Stock Porto-Ped Shoes | Taylor Made Shoes Black & Cordovan Reg. Price $20.95 1 Military Style Reg. Price $20.95 Discount Price $17.95 g Discount Price $17.95 Justin Boots g Texas Brand Western Boots Reg. Price $39.9o 8 Re ^ Price 523.95 Discount Price $31.50 8 ' Discount Price $14.80 W'estern Shirts I One Group of Men’s Shoes 1 Wembley Ties Loafers and Oxfords gj Dress Military Reg. Price $7.9o I Reg Price 5x2.95 _ $14.95 1 Reg. Price $1.50 Discount Price $4.50 8 Discount Price $9.80 8 Discount Price 99£ Hush Puppies Casuals 8 Western or Dress Belts Western Buckles Reg. 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