The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 07, 1962, Image 4

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    Page 4
College Station, Texas
Thursday, June 7, 1962
Gets Grant
Jack V. Walker, an instructor in
nuclear engineering at Texas A&M
College, is one of 47 recipients of
Southern Fellowships Fund awards
for advanced study during 1962-63.
He will study here.
These dissertation year fellow
ships have been made to persons
who, having completed all doctoral
degree requirements except dis
sertation research, writing and de
fense, expect to complete these re
quirements during the year 1962-
The Southern Fellowships Fund,
in announcing its eighth series of
awards, also announced that the
fellowships for 1962-63 are the
final awards in programs initiated
in 1954. through funds granted to
the Council of Southern Universi
ties, Inc., by the General Education
High Schoolers
Attend Meeting
A group of high school gradu
ates from across Texas were on
campus Monday and Tuesday for
a period of testing, counseling and
generally becoming acquainted with
the college.
. The sessions were the first in a
series of 17 such periods planned
to aid all incoming freshmen to
get off to a better start in college
when classes begin in September.
Registration for these programs
is limited to 100 men for any single
period, Director S. Auston Kerley
of the Counseling and Testing
Center, said. The choice of which
period to attend is made by the
The summer program is de
signed to fit the needs of the
freshman as he faces “one of the
most important and crucial years
of his college career.”
On the first of the two days the
new students take a battery of
tests and then hear an interpre
tation of the tests. The following
morning the young men meet indi
vidually with academic advisors to
plan the course work for the fall
semester. An orientation program
on campus life is the final event.
Free time for students to use the
various recreational facilities on
campus also is on the schedule.
The freshman will use college
residential facilities during the
visit, but parents who accompany
a son to the campus are expected
to make their own [housing • ar
rangements. * ,
Camp Set
For 100
Nearly 100 A&M Air Force
ROTC cadets are scheduled to
attend four-week summer train
ing sessions, with more than half
of the cadets reporting to sum
mer training units June 17. The
balance will report July 29.
The cadets will report to a
variety of Air Force bases
across the nation for their sum
mer training.
The summer program is for
voluntary advanced cadets, those
who accepted contracts for the
advanced training which will
qualify them for commissions as
second lieutenants in the Air
Force upon graduation.
During the June 17-July 14
period, groups of cadets from
A&M will be training at Webb,
James Connally and Reese Air
Force Bases in "fexas, Eglin Air
? IFbffce ’Base, Florida, and Wil
liams Air Force Base, Arizona.
iflilp IfBfiEDGl®
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★ Made in 71 sizes and types to fit
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Gel these advantages...Trade for De Luxe Champion Tires
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Every new Firestone tire is
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Replacements prorated on’ tread
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PLUS 24-MONTH Road Hazard Guarantee
You know what you’re getting when you buy Firestone
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Large capacity, holds two U S,
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easy pouring. Complete with
self - storing, 6-inch flexible
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Take a 60-Day
Let us install a set of new
Monro-Matic shock absorbers
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full refund and reinstallation
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. . . new professor
New Faculty
Member Named
In Journalism
Harry O. Ritter, currently a
member of the journalism faculty
at the University of Kentucky,
will join the staff at A&M in July,
according to Delbert McGuire, head
of the Department of Journalism.
Ritter will instruct in the areas
of advertising, photography, news
paper management and related
courses as an assistant professor.
He has the bachelor’s and mast
er’s degrees in journalism from
the University of Kansas. He spent
12 years as publisher of the Hart
ford Times in Kansas.
Ritter has worked as assistant
editor of the University of Kansas
newspaper, on the Daily Republi
can of Burlington, Kan., and on
the Kansas City Kansan. He is
currently editing a business publi
cation in Lexington, Ky., as a pro
fessional hobby.
Ritter served as a navigator in
Italy in World War II, is married
and has three sons aged 11, 10
and 6. He belongs to the Methodist
Church. Professional association
memberships include Kappa Alpha
Mu and Sigma Delta Chi.
“We feel that Ritter’s experience
and professional emphasis will
serve to round out the depart
mental capability in offering in
struction. in all phases of journal
ism education,” McGuire said.
Newborn koala bears,, living
teddy bears of Australia, are
three-fourth of an inch long at
birth and weight only one-fifth of
an ounce.
You’ll Always Win
The Showdown
When You Get
Your Duds Done
A&M Ajunct Opei
For Summer Tern
The first term of the 1962 sum
mer session of the A&M Adjunct
j at Junction in the Hill Country of
Texas began Monday with the
limited enrollment of 120 fresh
men signed up weeks ago.
The second term, which opens
July 16, also has a capacity en
rollment, college officials say.
The Adjunct program has been
operated each summer since 1951
to provide special opportunities
for students making the transition
from high school to college. Each
student takes seven semester
hours of courses, but the adjunct
has something of a summer camp
The central theme of the entire
program is to help the young man
make maximum development in
educational and personal adjust
The summer program for fresh
men is a part of the total services
offered by the Counseling and
Testing Center. S. Auston Kerley
is the director of the Counseling
and Testing Center.
Serving for the third year as
director of the adjunct program
will be W. Dee Kutach, a member
of the Counseling and* Testing
The classes are small numeri
cally. The teachers and staff at
the adjunct are from the A&M
College System.
A typical school day begins with
an English class at 7 a.m. Other
classes, including physical educa-
NASA Gives
10 Predoctoral
Ten young men from colleges
and universities in four states
have been awarded National Aero
nautics and Space Administration
predoctoral traineeships at A&M.
Names of the successful appli
cants, whose appointments are ef
fective Sept. 1, were announced
by Dean Wayne C. Hall, Dean of
the Graduate School.
The trainees were selected by a
faculty evaluation committee
which considered such matters as
academic records, scores on the
Graduate Record Examinations,
letters of recommendation and the
proposed research problems. The
successful applicants had grade
point ratios, on a scale of 3.0,
ranging from 2.60 to 3.0.
The appointments are renewable
and carry a basic annual stipend
of $2,400 on a full year (12
month) basis.
The predoctoral trainees plan to
specialize in a variety of space
and engineering fields related to
space technology, and should com
plete their doctoral programs* in
three years.
Names of the trainees, their
home addresses, undergraduate
college or university, and field of
specialty, are. listed as follows:
Two A&M students are among
the 10 winners. They are Robert
D. Purrington of Magnolia, a
physics-math major, and Eugen E.
Rozacky of Becker, a biochemis
try-chemistry student.
VI 6-4988
Get a flying start on Continental!
4-engine non-stops east. For peeerva&kraa, call;
etr Continental at VI 4-47ML
- lm
tion, study periods and a
tion period, follow until 10 ”
The adjunct is located ot&A
banks of the South Llano lific
and includes a total of appn
mately 411 acres. tst
Using facilities of the ad,’ es£
in addition to the freshmen’ 1 ’ 6
be advanced students enrollt? ue
a civil engineering course in’* 111
veying. Advanced students; se
summer field course in ge< lon
use the adjunct as their li 13 ^'
camp. S P
Plans Made
For Forestry
Agents Meet
Plans have been formulate^ p
a forestry workshop for a-
agents, assistant county
and vocational agriculture tei: ^
to be held June 25-29, accord^
David A. Anderson, head oi on
Department of Information qso)
Education of the Texas Fifoan
Service. e 1
Personnel attending the M 1
shop will be primarily from
“piney wood” counties of i
The purpose of this worksk
to better train county agent , ’£||
sonnel and vo-ag teachers inn
that they may have a betterm
standing of forestry to advisRL
general public and to providf..^
their students, Anderson said,
Anderson will serve as dirsi ue _
of the workshop and other instill
tors include Dr. Robert A. Dar t ^
a professor in the Departmer ma; .
Range and Forestry; Mason Clone
head of the Nursery Section «i s ta
Texas Forest Service; and W! s J
A. Smith, extension foreste. a
the Texas Agricultural Ext® p;
Service. y t<
Anderson said the instn# n
from out of town will includeihe
Kramer of the Department of; Scl
est Products; K. L. Burton,dist Ja<
forester; M. V. Dummyre, secs c
head of Plans and Training; Jol
Kenneth Nelson, all of the li 0 ^
Forest Service at Lufkin, are
According to Anderson, opt;
day will include appearance
Dr. A. D. Folweiler, head o
Texas Forest Service; John He
son, head of the Texas Agrici ,
Extension Service; and ft
Hurt, director of vocational «i
tion of the Texas Edwi
Agency of Austin.
Topics to be discussed it
workshop include “Economic
portance of Forestry in the Ff
Plan,” “Artificial Reforestafe
“Proper Use of Wood,” “Prottf
from Fires,” “Forest-Range FJBC
tionships” and “Forest MatOR.
ment Practices.”
Staf£ Member
In Houston For ‘ u
Unique Meeting aj
Ben Evans, coordinator of a : bb>
tectural research for the f'i A r
Engineering Experiment Stat
is in Houston as a consultant!
unique experiment in architec^Qj
design and education.
A Design Fete, sponsored
department of architecture of
University and the Educate
Facilities Laboratories, will !!_
together 10
tural designers to draw plan; 1
college structures in hypotW
locations across the country. J3 r
According to William W. Ca-
chairman of Rice’s departmet
architecture, “The primary pei? Xsi]
of the meeting is to bring top^S.
some of the best architectural
signers in the country to proft
to develop in a highly concents L
effort new concepts for erf
buildings, particularly those rfbby
community and junior coij^
Caudill is a former memb^,^
the architecture faculty at
and is credited with establi*
its present Architectural Rest
For the unusual project, !
will give each architect an o!
all the consultant help he f.
and a working crew of four** 1
tectural students for drafting"]
and for making routine dra 50 ^- 1
and models.