Page 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, June 7, 1962 THE BATTALION Force Engineering Instructor Gets Grant Jack V. Walker, an instructor in nuclear engineering at Texas A&M College, is one of 47 recipients of Southern Fellowships Fund awards for advanced study during 1962-63. He will study here. These dissertation year fellow ships have been made to persons who, having completed all doctoral degree requirements except dis sertation research, writing and de fense, expect to complete these re quirements during the year 1962- 63. The Southern Fellowships Fund, in announcing its eighth series of awards, also announced that the fellowships for 1962-63 are the final awards in programs initiated in 1954. through funds granted to the Council of Southern Universi ties, Inc., by the General Education Board. FOR ORIENTATION High Schoolers Attend Meeting A group of high school gradu ates from across Texas were on campus Monday and Tuesday for a period of testing, counseling and generally becoming acquainted with the college. . The sessions were the first in a series of 17 such periods planned to aid all incoming freshmen to get off to a better start in college when classes begin in September. Registration for these programs is limited to 100 men for any single period, Director S. Auston Kerley of the Counseling and Testing Center, said. The choice of which period to attend is made by the freshmen. The summer program is de signed to fit the needs of the freshman as he faces “one of the most important and crucial years of his college career.” On the first of the two days the new students take a battery of tests and then hear an interpre tation of the tests. The following morning the young men meet indi vidually with academic advisors to plan the course work for the fall semester. An orientation program on campus life is the final event. Free time for students to use the various recreational facilities on campus also is on the schedule. The freshman will use college residential facilities during the visit, but parents who accompany a son to the campus are expected to make their own [housing • ar rangements. * , Camp Set For 100 Nearly 100 A&M Air Force ROTC cadets are scheduled to attend four-week summer train ing sessions, with more than half of the cadets reporting to sum mer training units June 17. The balance will report July 29. The cadets will report to a variety of Air Force bases across the nation for their sum mer training. The summer program is for voluntary advanced cadets, those who accepted contracts for the advanced training which will qualify them for commissions as second lieutenants in the Air Force upon graduation. During the June 17-July 14 period, groups of cadets from A&M will be training at Webb, James Connally and Reese Air Force Bases in "fexas, Eglin Air ? IFbffce ’Base, Florida, and Wil liams Air Force Base, Arizona. iflilp IfBfiEDGl® iiSfe: 111, m >C W tectural research for the f'i A r Engineering Experiment Stat is in Houston as a consultant! unique experiment in architec^Qj design and education. A Design Fete, sponsored department of architecture of University and the Educate Facilities Laboratories, will !!_ together 10 outstanding tural designers to draw plan; 1 college structures in hypotW locations across the country. J3 r /h< According to William W. Ca- chairman of Rice’s departmet architecture, “The primary pei? Xsi] of the meeting is to bring top^S. some of the best architectural signers in the country to proft to develop in a highly concents L effort new concepts for erf buildings, particularly those rfbby community and junior coij^ level.” Caudill is a former memb^,^ the architecture faculty at and is credited with establi* its present Architectural Rest Laboratory. ilp For the unusual project, ! will give each architect an o! all the consultant help he f. and a working crew of four** 1 tectural students for drafting"] and for making routine dra 50 ^- 1 and models. COLLEGE MAS® VI6-4988 I