Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1962)
'Page $ College S+nt.ioi 1 . Texas' Thursday, May 24,1962 Tffi BATTALION, 4^5 URGED TO TAKE PART ROTC Staffers Leaving A&M Seven staff members of the in structor unit of the Army ROTC at A&M are scheduled to assume oth er duties this summer. Thz-ee officers are being reas signed to service schools within this country, and the remaining personnel are being reassigned overseas. Maj. William T. Rife and Maj. William H. Rhodes are scheduled to attend the Command and Gen eral Staff Cpllege at Fort Leaven worth, Kansas. Capt. Samuel J. Grant Jr., is be ing reassigned to Fort Sill, Okla., where he will attend the artillery officer’s career course. Maj. Robert M. Peach has re ceived orders for assignment in Rangoon, Burma. BA TTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES >ie day it per word word each additional day 14 P< er word each additional Mini m n m charge—40d DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before pnblicatioB Classified Display 80d per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6411 FOR RENT Large bedroom, adjoining bath, closStsV private entrance, garage, isionable. Private home. 200 reasonable. Private home son, TA 2-2221. two rent West Car- mtl Room, private entrance, private bath, three blocks from campus, furnished in cluding small desk. $25/mo. Call VI 6- Une bedroom lurnished garage apart ment, 2108 Echols Street. Phone TA 2- 5529. 121t2. Corner Foster and Francis, available June 1. One bedroom upstairs southeast apart ment. Very nicely furnished. Ample closet space. Ideal for couple or bachelors. Adults only. $50.00 without utilities. Phone VI 6-5031 after 6. all day weekends. 121tfn Two nice bedrooms for students. Call Vl 6-4233. 120t3 June-July-August only. Two bedroom furnished apartment, fenced yard, $45 month 804-B In low, C. S. 120t2 Large furnished one bedroom student apartment. North Gate, $50.00 including uti litics. Also, one at $35.00. VI 6-6165. I20tfn Room conditioned, across Don’s Barber Shop. Room, private entrance and bath, air iditioned, across from campus. Contact Apartment, 1 ‘/i blocks from North Gate, 2 large bedrooms, two baths, range, $60.00 per month. Available June 1st. Call VI 6- 5011 or TA 2-3765 (Mr. George Jaehne) 120tfn For couple only, furnished garage apart ment, 210 Trant, utilities paid, $40.00 monthly. TA 2-4363. 'l20t2 Apartment, 1 Ms blocks from North Gate, one bedroom, range, refrigerator, $50.00 per month. Call VI 6-5011 or TA 2-3765. (Mr. George Jaehne) 120tfn Cool completely furnished Southeast two *nd three room apartments. Private bath apar tnd entrance, $45.50 and $55.00 monthly, adults. TA 2-1244. 119t3 Two bedroom unfurnished house, near A&M storage space and washer connections. Phone VI 6-4455. 117tfn $37.50, 400 Cooner. Phone V,! 6-4455. June 3, $40.00. VI 6-5036 or^VI 6-5634. 116tfn : way trailers. Rent it here and leave it where you go. You save money by renting a trailer and have your furni ture with you when you get where you’re oing. See Bake iting a trailer and have yoi vith you when you get whe: going. See Baker Tire Co., TA ere yoi 2-8159. 112M2 FOR SALE OR TRADE CONTEST PRIZE 10 day 1st class round trip for two, Rio, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires. Includes plane ticket, hotel, meals, sight seeing complete. Value $2,300.00. Make offer. VI 6-6545. i 118t4 DR. G: A. SMITH 6 P T O’M E T R I S T SPECIAL! Zl NG In EYE EXAMINATIONS and CONTACT LENSES » 1—— ONS BRy.AN OPTICAL CLINIC 105.No. MAIN • BRYAN; TEXAS. HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 AGGIES NOTICE SAE 30 Motor Oils 150 Qt. Major Brand Oils .... 27-310 Qt. For your parts and accessories AT a DISCOUNT See us— Plenty free parking opposite the courthouse. DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Brake shoes, Fuel pumps, Water pumps. Generators, Starters, Solenoids, etc. Save 30 to 50% on just about any part for your car. Filters 40% discount AT JOE FAULK’S 25th and Washington YOUR DISTRIBUTOR FOR • EICO KITS • Garrard Changers • HI-FI Components • Tape Recorders Use Our Time Payment Plan BRYAN RADIO & TV TA 2-4862 1301 S. College Ave. FOR SALE Registered Doberman puppies, six weeks old. TA 2-4501. 121tfn Senior boots, size 11, calf 15, boot pants 32. VI 6-6162. 121tl All nylon 12 by 12 beige rug-. Bought in February. Must sell before graduation Cal! VI 6-4649. 121tl Storkline baby bed, $15.00 ; highchair $4.00 ; training chair, $2.00. Phone VI 6- 5572. 12H1 Notice of Sa 1 '' ’’’rucks and Farm. Machinery Sealed bids will be received at the Farm Service Office, A. and M. College, College Station, Texas, until 10:00' a. m. June 6. 1962, and then publicly opened and read for two John Deere tractors, two Ford Pickups, 5-ton Mack truck tractor, IHC cotton picker and other assorted farm im plements. 121tl REWARD FOR YOUR HOME FREEZER OH FOOD LOCKER—5 Lb. Steak Boxes— Fillet Mignon, Cutlets, Beef Patties, Liver, Lamb Chops, T-Bone Steaks, Chuck Wagon Steaks, Pizz: 1 . Patties, Catfish, Flounder, Perch, & Fish Sticks. WE DON’T STEAL THEM, BUT OUR SALE PRICES WILL MAKE YOU THINK WE DID! HANSON MEAT COMPANY 2701 Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas 12112 41’ by 8’ Fleetwood mobile home, two bedrooms, air conditioned, hitch and yard fence. 161 Lakeside, Webb Park. 12012 Baby bed and mattress, $15.00 ; chair, $6.00 ; floor lamp, $9.00 ; stroller, $9.00. Call VI 6-7997 after 5 p. m. 120t2 1957 Olds 88, air conditioped, radio, power steering, power brakes, excellent for trip to summer camp or first job, owned by professor. Price $895. VI 6-6732. 120tfn 1959 Renault Dauphine-radio and heater, 37 miles per gallon. Price at $300.00 for quick sale. Phone VI 6-8123 or VI 6-5169. 120t3 4000 OEM evaporative cooler, 1 year old —like new. Originally $89.95 for $50.00 or fair offer. Call VI 6-8137. 120t2 Toy Terriers, KE 7-6131. 120t2 NOTICE TO JUNIORS Senior uniforms. Blouse, jacket, pinks, serge etc. Shirts, 14%-35 ; pants 32 waist. Ht. 6-4, wt. 150. Boot size 12, a-c, calf 16". TA 3-5174. 119t3 ’49 Ford, $125, C-16-B College View. 119t4 1957 Oldsmobile, hard top station wagon. Air and power. Call VI 6-4563. 117t5 Kinmore wringer washer) $20.00. 503-A Culpepper after 6. 109tfn 1952 TD MG (classic), new tires, top, tunnel cover, paint, carpet. Completely overhauled. VI 6-5672. 106tfn LOST Biology 107 Lecture notebook. Lost in Biology Lecture Room. Reward. No ques tions asked. Charles Engelking, 1012-A Foster or VI 6-8241. 121tl Brown wallet. Please return important papers. Bruce Davis, 2E Law. 120'f2 COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 NOTICE ELECTROLUX SALES SERVICE & SUPPLIES By Authorized Dealer 1003 S. College Ave, Bryan, Tex, TA 2-4143 SOSOLIKS T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 O ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 608 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 SHIPLEY DONUT & COFFEE SHOP For The Best Coffee & Freshest Donuta ANYWHERE Hambnrgers — Short Orders — Fountain Service Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules, & Etc. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS CHILD CARE FIRST GRADE — If your child will be six after September 1, register him now for private 1st grade. Limited enrollment. Bryan Schools. Also kindergarten and “rg Separation for A&M Consolidated and year round nursery. Collier’s Mother Goose School, 501 Restwood, TA 2-8760. 110t7 Will babysit at home, any age. Call VI 6-6536. 120t3 Will keep children, all ages, will pick up and deliver. VI 6-8151. llltfn keep e. C my home. Contact TA 3-5129. 106tfn WORK WANTED Typing - electric typewriter. Experience: Secretary, business teacher. VI 6-8510. FEMALE HELP WANTED waitress wanted. Experience not neces- ry, must be over 18 years of age, good arking conditions. Triangle Restaurant, 06 South College. 108tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Leaving May 29, Yellowstone Park by Denver. Share expenses and driving. VI- 6-6248. Electrolux sales and service. G. C, Villiams, TA 3-5331. 90tfn Fish and picnic at Hilltop Lake, 9% miles on Hwy 6 south of College. Tables »nd ovens, clean place. 69tfn OFFICIAL NOTICES Extra graduation announcements are now available at the Cashier’s Window, M.S.C. from 9 to 4. 119t3 All student organization leaders and ad visors (this includes Military Units in the .det Corps, Hometown Clubs, and Techni- Cadet Corps, Hometown Clubs, and Techni cal Clubs) please come by the Student Finance Center, Memorial Student Center ance to file a new signature card of newly elected officers for the fall of 1962. If you do not elect new officers until the fall " 1962, th elected an individual to legally nan for the organization during the summer months. Please take care of this by May 25. MSC-Student Finance Center 112tl2 Regalia For The May Commencement Exercise All students who are candidates for the Ail students who are candidate! degree of Doctor of Philosophy are re quired to order hoods as well as the doctor’s >ods as well as the doctor s cap and gown. The hoods are to be left at the Registrar’s Office no later than 1 :00 p. m., Tuesday, May 22 (this will he accomplished by a representative of the College Exchange Store). The Ph.D. is will he College Exchange Store). The Ph.D. hoods will not be worn in the procession since all such candidates will be hooded on the stage as a part of the ceremonies. Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine will wear the doctor’s cap. gown and hood appropriate to this dej gree. Candidates for the Master’s Degree will wear the Master’s cap and gown. All civilian students who are candidate an students who are candidates for thi Bachelor’s Degree will wear the bachelor’! cap and gown. ROTC students who ari candidates for the Bachelor’s Degree will wear the Class “A” cadet uniform in lieu of academic regalia. Senior boots are ree will wear the bache . ROTC students who are ir’s Degree will of academic regalia. Se: optional with the uniform. Rental of caps and f ,al of caps and gowns may be ed with the Exchi arranged with the Exchange Store. Orders may be placed between 8 :00 a. m. Tuesday, May 1 and 12:00 noon Saturday, May 19. The rental is as follows: Doctor’s cap and gown $5.25, Master’s cap and gown $4.75, Bachelor’s i cap and gown $4.25. Hood rental is the same as that for cap and gown. A 2% Texas State Sales Tax is ft,vy v* ii. x-v c* /o j kJLcvcv: vo<li n required in addition to these rentals. C. E. Tishler, Chairman Convocations Committee 108tl6 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held in the City Hall of the City of College Station, Texas, at 7:00 p. m. June 15, 1962, on the city’s budget for the fiscal year 1962-1963. 121tl NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals addressed to the Honor able Mayor and City Council of College Station, Texas, will be received at the of fice of Ran Boswell, City Manager, until 3 p. m. June 7, 1962, for furnishing all necessary materials, machinery, equipment, superintendence and labor for constructing a certain street for the City of College Station, Texas. The approximate quanti ties are as follows: 4,150 C.Y.—Common Road Excavation 110 M. Gal—Sprinkling Water 9,560 S.Y.—Compaction of Subgrade Flexible Base: 9,375 S.Y.— (a) Bank-Run Gravel 7,975 S.Y.—(b) Crushed Stone, Limestone 2,343 Gal.-—Asphaltic Material Asphaltic Concrete Pavement: 37 Tons— (a) Asphalt 456 Tons—- (b) Aggregate 3,955 L.F.—Standard Curb and Gutter 38.3 C.Y.—Extra Concrete for Curb and Gutter 1 Each—Standard Manhole 8.7 C.Y.—Standard Inlet 38 L.F.—18" Reinforced Concrete Pipe 128 L.F.—21" Reinforced Concrete Pipe 296 L.F.—30" Reinforced Concrete Pipe 0.3 C.Y.—Reinforced Concrete Headwall 850 C.Y.—Channel Excavation 21 S.Y.—Channel Lining companied by a upon a Na- Proposals shall be accom Cashier’s or Certified Check tional or State Bank in an amount not lesi than five (5%) bercent of the total maxi bid price, payable without recoi > City of College Station, Te: from a eg< bid bond in the same amount quar to a bond Owner, or a t reliable Surety Company as a gui antee that the Bidder will enter into contract and execute performance within ten (10) days after notice of award of contract to hi: ler must furnish per formance bond upon the form provided in con The the amount of one hundred (100%) percent of. the contract price from an approved Surety Company holding a permit from the State of Texas, to act as Surety, or other Surety or Sureties acceptable to the Owner. The right is reserved as the interest of the Owner may rquire, to reject any and all bids, and to waive any informality in bids received. Plans, Specifications, and Bidding Docu ments may be secured trom the office of the City Manager, City Hall, College Sta tion, on deposit of twenty ($29.00) dollars per set, which sum so deposited will be re funded provided the provisions of the Specifications regarding the return of such Documents are complied with. Signed : City of College St By: S/Ernest Langford Mayor Attest: S/K. A. Manning City Secretary lege Station, Texas t Li ‘ ‘ Summer Recreation Offere Already underway with the ad vent of Little League baseball, the College Station Sumnier Recrea tion Program will again this year offer summer amusement to A&M students and residents of College Station. According to Mjrs. James Griffin, a recreation Council mem ber, the program is to offer a greater number of activities this year and will continue to expand in the future. The program, which has for years accomplished the task of providing recreation for College Station youngsters, includes sports for all ages. It is sponsored by the City of College Statiom and the College Station United Fund. Since they are considered resi dents of College Station, and since they provide many of the annual donations to the city United Fund drive, Mrs. Griffin said that stu dents at A&M are urged by the council to take advantage of the facilities offered. The activities to be provided by this summer’s program include: adult softball, archery, Little League Baseball, bowling, a com munity picnic, golf, pre-school and teenage baseball, swimming, ten nis, tumbling and gymnastics. Information regarding the pro gram may be gotton from the Col lege Station Recreation Council. Its members include: C. V. Woot- an, president; Mrs. J. B. Hervey, Vice President; Mrs. B. M. Call away, secretary; K. A. Manning, treasurer; W. T. Riedel; Ran Bos well; W. L. Penberthy; W. A. Tar- row and J. D. Chaney. Also Mrs. John K. Riggs, Mrs. Griffin, J. E. Loupot, Herb Shaf fer, W. A. Manning, Mrs. J. C. Brusse and E. R. Ibert. There is a program of the activi ties posted in the hall on the main floor of the YMCA Building and another is available at the sports desk of the Battalion. The swimming program is the most extensive of the many offer ed. Under the direction of A&M swimming coach Art Adamson, it includes classes for low and high beginners, intermediate and ad vanced swimmers and those inter ested in competitive swimming. The posted programs should be checked for qualifications. There will be two six-weeks ses sions of swimming classes, the first beginning June 4. Registra tion for the first session will be at 3:00 p.m. June 3 under the north end of Kyle Field. For the second session, new students will register from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. July 15 and repeat students will register during the following hour. On the day of registration, any child who can already swim and is joining the program for the first time, should bring a suit and cap so that he can swim for Coach Adamson and be placed in the proper class. Ladies classes will be offered, but not under the sponsorship of the Recreation Council. Advanced classes will register and swim at 5:30 p.m. June 4. These classes will meet on Mondays and Wed nesdays. Beginners will register and swim at 5:30 June 5 and their classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All registrations must be made in person. The classes will be held in P. L. Downs Natatorium. Mrs. Hervey and Mrs. Callaway are handling* the swimming and are the ones to contact for informa tion. Fees are $4.00 for each ses sion. Other summer activities,, ai’e out lined as follows: Adult Softball: To be held on Fridays and Saturdays for adult mt*n (A&M Htu- dents included}. The fee is 82.00 and it will be played on the lighted diamond play* south of The Grove. Starts June 4. Con tact E. R. Ibert. VI 6-4791 or VI 6-5527. pry: To bo held on Mondays and days for adults and juniors, Wednesdays fo fee is $4.00 a nd it will be held at the Brazos Bowman’s Ran fire. Starts June 4. Contact E. O. Morrison, VI 6-4651. Eisru< through Friday at the Little League Park. Babe Ruth and prison. Little *: Monday Already in progress. Bowling: To be held on Wednesdays for tact wayne VI 6-8721 or W. L. Penberthy. VI 6-5749 ng: To bt* held on Wednesdays ages 12-18 in the MSC Bowling Lanes. The fee is $2.50. Contact Wayne Smith, or VI 6-5147. Golf: To bo held on Tuesdays and Thursdays on the, A&M Golf Links for 8- school and adults *e is $4.00. Contact Thursdays on the. A&M year-olds through high if enough register. Fee Joe Fagan, VI 6-4813 VI 6-6:112 or VI 6-7005. To mn, 12 oi Pre-school: or J.i I Mont be held Fridays at Consolidated Junk* children 4-6. Fee is $2.00. Con!»' Fagan, VI 6-4349 or Mrs. J VI 6-5974. Summer Library: To be i- Conaolidated Junior High sth' for all ages Monday through ■ T/nli Tennis: To be held M VU1L F rid; pi on the concr lers, advanced students. Fee is day school be held for 10-year-olds tta. on the concrete courts.0 i tne concrete com for beginners, ini 0 1 /r- Horace Schaffer, VI 6-7325 ey, VI 6-6719 or VI 6-6492. Tumbling and Gymnastics: Mondays through Fridays atti’ dated Gym. Classes for girls n; from 8:45-9:45 a.m. (S3.00),Fi; ners, 9:45-10:16 a.m. ($1.00) vanced students, 10 :15-11:15 tact Manuel Garcia, VI 6-il£ i ^ Manning, VI 6-4440 or VI Community Work Shop: I * Tuesday nights for ages Jubv,'^ the Consolidated Ju registration or $1.00 pe op. Ft. ' nigt: SF Finally WiF* Warriors Shift Arran; t* £ NEW YORK (AP) — The Phil adelphia Warriors, starting Wilt Chamberlain, finally moved to San Francisco Wednesday. After a month-long series of meetings, the National Basketball Association’s board of governors approved the sale of the franchise for $850,000 and the shift to San Francisco although the Boston and New York elubowners voted against it. The seller was Eddie Gottlieb, owner of the Warriors and charter member of the NB. The buyer is a syndicate headed by Matty Sim mons and Leonard Mogel, both of New York. The remaining mem bers all are of San Francisco. Only 19 days ago the governors fcM sti xt Oci debated the possible rsity < transfer in several lor,; was Despite the pleas of Ctsad Yt proposal was rejected. The g “I wanted the deal/’suston lieb Wednesday, “becaas’ the 1 it was a good one. the f “I have put in many Rowing basketball and have bjpjjschedu of retirement ami to get if it. Despite this, I made if k f fort to purchase a teair. i 5 sent Philadelphia in theS coming year but without! “I would like to see P' i return to the NBA in the; ture. Until then I am mai effort to line up son:?{ games there so that pro Is will he kept alive in Plilation; this season.” minist: O ^ CHUCK Blade Cut Heavy Northern Beef BACON BACON Good Value 1-Lb. Hickory Smoked Pkg. Rath Black Hawk IMPERIAL PURE CANE 25-Ft. Aluminum Roll Reynolds PINEAPPLE JUICE CATSUP Delicious Can 29c 29c i |hnolog Un he Uni ■ of Ci isselae vers it) vers it> *.*. Del Monte Tomato-Rich 2 14 F°„r 39c 5 LB. BAG 51 m By tl PEANUT BUTTER First Pick ! 8 /?:;49c SALAD DRESSING G ;iL J FRUIT COCKTAIL Del Monte Fancy C) No. 303 \ r L Cans feC SHORTENING Minim “ 3 11 PFACHES DeI Monte—Yeliow c,in s s ’ 3 N c^ 89c i a on? Shelton’s LAillTHl HitjrtjFO Grade A Do J FRESH FIRM SLICING TOMATOES LEMONS for^Lemonade ONIONS White, Sweet and Juicy POTATOES New R ‘" ,s ' Cook with Green Beans 2 Lb, 29c 2 Lb, 25c 3 Lb, 29c in, &Aijcm onrs LIMES Make Delicious Limeade Lb. 19c CREAM PIES H ;r te r ; ozen 14 -° z . 9Q p Each tfJiy ORANGE JUICE 5 ^ $1.00 MI? A T PI T- v - Frozen ’ Beef ’ n ITlAJla. 1. fl Chicken or Turkey .... ; io ^-$loo cl is11 Mo y ?:$arlii 1 seal’ large of M who day n Specials Thur. ie you • of IV n. Th of the Fri. - Sat.—Quantity Rights Resef of the ^center