Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1962)
COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 v- • • • - HERE’S YOUR BEST PORCH SHADE BUY! DL Wo World omcin d Send Women’s News To THE BATTALION Or Call VI 6-6618 From 8-5 Mrs. Nat Alvis will head the Ag-gie Wives Council next fall as President. Nat is representing the Civil Engineering Wives Club. Other officers elected at a council meeting Mon day night are: vice president, Mrs. Sandra Runnels of the Oceanography and Meteorology Wives Club; secretary, Mrs. Sylvia Bookman of the Journalism Wives Club; treasurer, Mrs. Mary Ellen Landers of the Mechanical Engineering Wives Club; and reporter, Mrs. Bernice Smith of the Business Administration Wives Club. Woven wood adds beauty /and glamour to any porch, den, breezeway or playroom COOL- DURABLE comfortable 3 Beautiful Standard Colors — Green, Tan and ••w, popular Redwoodl KRAFT FURNITURE CO. Downtown Bryan Russell Selected Outstanding Professor In Ag Department Dr. Daniel Russell of the De partment of Agricultural Econom ics and Sociology, has been se lected by the Student Agricultural Council as the outstanding profes sor in the School of Agriculture. Charles Berry, chairman of the Student Agricultural Council, said Russell is widely known through out Texas as a teacher, speaker and civic and church worker. Russell was born in Mississippi in 1899 and was educated at Rice University, Baylor University and University of Chicago. He re ceived his BA degree in social science from Baylor in 1922 and his MA degree in sociology from the University of Chicago in 1925. The educator is a member of the American Rural Sociological COLLEGE MASTER VI6-4988 Society, Texas Social Welfare As sociation, Texas Commission on Interracial Co-Opeiation, South west Social Science Association and the South Texas Chapter of the American Academy of Social Workers. He has been a consultant in va rious commissions and councils which have been confronted by sociological problems. Russell served as assistant pro fessor of sociology at Baylor from 1925-26, and professor here from 1926 to the present. He is author of numerous publications in the field of sociology. WINNERS (Continued from Page 1) place team in the Southwest Rifle Association. Among the four units honored as the best drilled, in addition to BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES }pe day a* per word Ed per word each additional day Minimum charge—40# UEADJL1NE 4 p.m. day before publication Claasified Display 80c per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6418 FOR RENT June 3, sell room $40.00. VI 6-5030 or VI 6-5034. Il6tfn 50.0 North Main, Colleite Station, lovely three room apartment, cooling fan, modern furniture, private entrance. VI 6-5644. 113tfn 500 North Main, College Station, large cool bedroom, private entrance, private bath. VI 6-5544. 113tfn Rent it here and you go. You save money renting a trailer and have your furni- re with you when you get whe: 2-8 Il2tl2 One way trailers, it where ailor and have your fi ’ou when you get where you’re ling. See baker Tire Co., TA 2-8169. SPECIAL, NOTICE SUL ROSS LODGE, NO. 1300, AF&AM. Called meeting Tuesday, May visit of 15 at 7 p. m. Official ^ ^epi Mi invited to attend. Truman Jones, WM Joe Woolket, Sec. 115t2 P. District Deputy Grand Master. All Master Masons are especially Electrolux sales and service. G. C, Williams, TA 3-6331. 90tfn Fish and picnic at Hilltop Lake, 9% Miles on Hwy 6 south of College. Tables Mid ovens, clean place. 69tfn FEMALE HELP WANTED Waitress wanted. Experience not neces- ars o ngle Restaurant, 108tfn wantea. hixperience sary, must be over 18 years of working conditions. Tria 8606 South College. age, good estaurant. DR. G. A. SMITH OPTOMETRIST SPECIALISING In EYE EXAMINATION and CONTACT LENSES BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC 105 No. MAIN • BRYAN, TEXAS HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 AGGIES NOTICE SAE 30 Motor Oils ........ 15* Qt. Major Brand Oils 27-31* Qt. For your parts and accessories AT a DISCOUNT See us— Plenty free parking opposite the courthouse. DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Brake shoes, Fuel pumps. Water pumps. Generators, Starters, Solenoids, etc. Save 30 to 50% on just about any part for your car. Filters 40% discount AT JOE FAULK’S 25th and Washington COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 YOUR DISTRIBUTOR FOR • EICO KITS • Garrard Changers Q HI-FI Components • Tape Recorders Use Our Time Payment Plan DRY AN RADIO & TV TA 2-4862 1301 S. College Ave. CHILD CARE Experienced personal care for children, large fenced yard, near campus. VI 6-4020. Will keep children, all ages, will pick up and deliver. VI 6-8161. llltfn Will keep infant child or children in my home. Contact TA 3-5129. 106tfn WORK WANTED Dependable lady will babysit, do house work, Monday through Friday. Worked for students eight years. Call after 6 TA 3-3932. p. m., 115t2 Typing - electric typewriter. Experience: Secretary, business teacher. VI 6-8510- 86tfn FOR SALE Cabritto (spring milk fed goats), delicious for barbecues and outings, $5.75 each or two for $11.00. Hanson’s Food Service, 2701 Texas Avenue, TA 2-1316. 116tfn 1955 Chevrolet, two door, Bel-Air 6, good condition, cs Department 116tfn 1966 unevroiet, two ooor, power glide, heater, very goc $450. See D. R. Smith, Physics or Y-l-J Hensel. bicycle, Schwinn, 20 inch, good condition. VI 6-4065. 116tfn Girls (1) One 1959 Ford Station Wagon, all metal, 8-cylinder, 9-passenger, 4-door. (2) Two 1960 Chevrolet Station Wagons, all metal, 8-cylinder, 9'-passenger, 4-door. May be inspected at the Housing Office, Tele phone VI 6-5713. Sealed bids will be re ceived in the Office of the Business Man ager, Richard Coke Building, until 10:30 a. m.. May 28, 1962. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Bxisiness Manager, A. and M. College of Texas, Col- g+iitinn Texas. 116t2 ser size 5 p. m. ew — :s, after 115t2 Golden blonde female Pekingese. VI 6- 7049. n5U New Dynakit Stereo Preamp^ factory sealed carton), $50.00. Call 114t3 Mercury outboard motor, 40HP, electric starter complete with controls, $296.00. Aggieland Service Station, East Gate, VI 6- 7212. 1960 Fiat 600, excellent condition, 17,000 miles, bargain priced. See at X-4-G Hensel after 6. 113tln Kinmore wringer washer, $20.00. ^503-^A Culpepper after 6. 109tfn 1952 TD MG (classic), new tires, top, i —- —cornet. Comnletely [n tunnel cover, paint, carpet. Completely overhauled. VI 6-5672. 106tf NOTICE ELECTROLUX SALES SERVICE & SUPPLIES By Authorized Dealer 1003 S. College Ave, Bryan, Tex. TA 2-4143 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 HELP WANTED Wanted white lady for night shift, Tastee Freez, 103 Hiway 6 North, College Station, VI 6-4827. OFFICIAL NOTicii Official notices must be brought, ea»Ueo or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (Ground hioor XMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12. 1-6. Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p. m. ot the day preceding publication — Director of Student Publica tions, A list of candidates who are academically on Each candi- who ar clear for graduation will be posted in the Richard Coke B lobby of rd Coke Building 24 at 8 a. m. to consult this list to for graduation. j se H6t All student organization leaders and ad visors (this includes Military Units in the Cadet Corps, Hometown Cluos, and Techni cal Clubs) please come by the Student Finance Center, Memorial Student Center to file a new signature card of newly elected officers for the fall of 1962. If y°U do not elect new officers until the fail semester of 1962, the finance officer for each organization must make arrangements for an individual to legally handle funds for the organization during the summer months. Please take care of this by May MSC-Student Finance Center Il2tl2 Regalia For The May Commencement Exercise All students who are candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are re quired to order hoods as well as the doctor s cap and gown. The hoods are to be left at the Registrar’s Office no later tnan 1:00 p. m., Tuesday, May 22 (this will be accomplished by a representative of the College Exchange Store). The Pn.D. hoods will not be worn in the procession since all such candidates will be hooded on the stage as a part of the ceremonies. Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine will wear the doctor s cap, gown and hood appropriate to this degree. Candidates for the Master’s Degree Will —— 4L-, — t\ /r,,ct 3.rid fr o r"i 1J. wear the Class of academic regalia. S( optional with the uniform. che /ho i uniform nior boots are Rental of caps and gowns may be ed with the Exchi arranged with the Exchange Store. Orders may be placed between 8 :00 a. m. Tuesday, May X and 12:00 noon Saturday, May 19. The rental is as follows: Doctor’s cap ir’s cap and gown l gown $4.25. Hood same as that fur cap and _ _ Texas State Sales Tax is in addition to these rentals. C. E. Tishler, Chairman (Convocations Committee 108tl6 gown. A 2% required ii COLLEGE MASTER VI6-4988 SOSOLIKS T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 • E SS N T r ;.£??surP... E s • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 608 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS SHIPLEY DONUT & COFFEE SHOP For The Best Coffee & Freshest Donuts ANYWHERE Hamburgers — Short Orders — Fountain Service Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules, & Etc* 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE LOUPOT e Rules, & Etc* I G WRONG _s ! THE BATTALION Tuesday, May 15, 1962 College Station, Texas Page 3 Head Classifieds , :;.S: Yell Leaders Confer Four civilian yell leaders pause for a conference during - Friday night’s 12th Man Bowl game in Kyle Field. The Corps team edged the Civilians, 10-8. See story on Page 4. Photo by Johnny Herrin) those already named, were Com pany D-2, commanded by Cadet Capt. Boyd Branch, Fort Worth; and the Consolidated Band, com manded by Cadet Lt. Col. Jimmie Combes, Brownsville. A. M. Waldrop presented 35 Dram and Bugle Corps awards to members of the Drum and Bugle Corps. Sons of the American Revolu tion Awards were presented to 17 outstanding second classmen, one in each Battle Group, Air Force Group, Brigade, Wing, Band, and Corps Staff. The Houston Chamber of Com merce Military Affairs Committee Awards were presented to eight individuals. They are Arthur Rich ardson, Beaumont; Roger John, Bellaire; William Nix, Canadian; Victor Donnell, Dallas; John Mey er, Hondo; Claude Jones, New Boston; John Brooks, Menard; and George Wiederaenders, San Antonio. Other awards presented include: Reserve Officers Association Award and Chicago Tribune Award to Cadet Colonel of the Corps James Cardwell; the Albert Sidney Johnston Award of the United Daughters of the Confed eracy and the U. S. Air Force As sociation Award to Cadet Col. Homer Denning; The N. S. Meyer-Raeburn Foun dation Award to Cadet Lt. Col. Charles Cloud; the Caldwell Tro phy to Cadet Master Sgt. William Nix; the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution Award to Cadet Master Sgt. Arthur Richardson; The Lulie-Hughey Lane Scholar ship Award to Cadet Cpl. Thomas Ashy; the Federated A&M Moth ers’ Clubs of Texas Award to Ca det Cpl. Paul Dresser; the Out standing Freshman Medal to Ca det Michael Durbin and Cadet John Allen; The Department of the Army award to Durbin; the Louis Guion Chapter of the Daughters of the American Colonists Scholarship award to Cadet Donald Warren; the Society of American Military Engineers Award to Cadet Maj. Robert Wright Jr.; The Armed Forces Chemical As sociation Award to Cadet Maj. James Carnes; the Association of the Army award and the Depart ment of the Army award to Cadet Master Sgt. Roger John; the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Award to Cadet Col. Ramsey Melugin; The Brazos County Chapter, Re serve Officers Association Award to Cadet Master Sgt. Fred Black- ard; the Armed Forces Communi cations and Electronics Award to Cadet Lt. Col. Terrence Gossett; the Chicago Tribune Award to Cadet 1st Sgt. James Norwood and Cadet Sgt. Maj. George Wied eraenders; The Brazos County Chapter, Re serve Officers Association Award to Cadet Master Sgt. Claude Jones; the Convair Award to Ca det Cpl. Lawrence Garrett; the Army ROTC Department Award to Cadet Kenneth Radde; the Na tional Rifle Association First Place Award to Cadet Cpl. Mc Cloud Hodges; the Chicago Tri bune Award to Cadet Capt. Elmer Goins; and the Department of tlie Army Award to Cadet Lt. Col. Marion Walton. Several dozen individual awards also were presented for outstand ing service as unit commanders. TheTop Flips Automatically {and so will you) You’ll keep out of the rain without strain in this handsome Rambler convertible. The top flips up or down automatically—yet the Rambler American “400” is the lowest priced U. S. convertible. Even lower priced than manual top jobs. Bucket seats, optional. Your Rambler is so stingy with gas you won't believe it’s such a tiger for performance— until you try it... at your Rambler dealer’s. ambler t •^.American iVlotors Means More for Americans j Howdy Aggies! Order Your Senior Boots Now And Pay Later $69.95 , “Boots of All Types” * * PALACE 1212 Prairie BOOT INC. Phone CA 6-7965 Houston EASY TERMS BRYAN RADIO & TV MAY 24 MONTHS TO PAY! Clearance SALE THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING DURING THIS SALE! ★ ★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ • RABBIT EAR T.Y. ANTENNA 79? • F.M. HOUSE - TOP ANTENNA 5.90 • COMPLETE T.V. ANT.—(Installation) 27.50 • CHANNEL MASTER TRANS. RADIO 15.95 • GEMARK TAPE RECORDER 49.95 • • V.M. 41TRACK STEREO RECORDER : 99.95 • R.C.A. 4-TRACK STEREO RECORDER 99.50 • ADMIRAL RADIO—4 Tube 10.95 • TRANCEL RADIO—5 Tube 13.95 • ADMIRAL CLOCK RADIO 16.90 • 6 x 9" REAR SEAT SPEAKER KIT 5.90 ★ ★ ★ • Y.M. STEREO (Portable) 59.95 • Y.M. STEREO Console—Walnut 109.95 • RCA AM - FM STEREO Console 219.95 • RCA AM - FM STEREO Console ; 279.95 EE£B£Ei $50.00 Pack of Stereo Records With Purchase ■ of Any RCA Stereo Console ★ ★ ★ • RCA PORTABLE TV (With Trade-in) 129.95 • RCA 23" T.Y. (With Trade-in) 169.95 • RCA 21" COLOR T.V. (With Trade-in) 450.00 • T.V. TABLE — (Black) , 3.45 ★ ★ ★ EPP C Stereo 'Cartridge with Diamond Needle ■ SSra ilss and Wooden Turn Table Base WITH PURCHASE OF ANY TURN TABLE By Garrard or Lesa — from 39.95 to 79.50 • VM Automatic Stereo Turntable & Cart 29.95 ★ ★ ★ DIAMOND NEEDLE SPECIAL > s. d* Cg C Installed in Your Phono at This Price if Brought to O D our Shop—REG. PRICE 10.95 —This Price Applies Only to Needles in Our Stock— ★ ★ ★ • V.M 45 ADAPTOR SPINDLE 1.85 ★ ★ ★ —10% DISCOUNT ON ALL EICO KITS— • 10% OFF ON ALL RCA & CAPITAL 4-TRACK TAPE. • 20% DISCOUNT ON SOUNDCRAFT RECORDING TAPE. • DISCOUNTS ON ALL HI-FI & STEREO COMPONENTS. • STEREO CARTRIDGE WITH NEEDLE 1.85. • MONO CARTRIDGE with 2 NEEDLES — 1.45. ★ ★ ★ • EICO C.B. TRANCEIVER 119.95 Installed Complete with Whip Antenna, Hand Mike & Crystal. • GROUND PLANE ANT. FOR C.B 14.90 Complete with 50-ft. Cable & Connector. ★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★★ BUY NOW and SAVE AT BRYAN RADIO & TV SERVICE, INC. 1301 S. College at Dodge , Phone TA 2-4862 • SAVE THIS VALUABLE AD! • THIS AD IS WORTH $1.00 ON ANY PURCHASE OR REPAIR TOTAL ING $10.00 OR MORE DURING THIS SALE! ★ ONLY ONE TO A CUSTOMER