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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1962)
Page 2 THE BATTALIOin College Station, Texas Friday, May, 4, 19G2 BATTALION EDITORIALS ‘Path - Making' Apathy Needs Fresh Approach The signs now says, “Don’t Be A Path-Maker,” but what really is the difference? For over three weeks various pleas have been made to students to refrain from walking on grass and paths on cam pus, with little results. The average student seems to take the efforts as a personal insult, with the end-result not decreased, but in creased, walking on grass. The Battalion feels the principle is a good one, and a definite need. But are such efforts necessary on a campus composed of young men, many of whom are qualified voters in Saturday’s election primaries? A Student Senator said Thursday night that the new signs, which replace “Keep Off the Grass” signs, are “more mature than the original ones.” It seems to us that the new placards will be viewed in the same light, with their destruction the end result. Even though the small signs were in place at dusk Thursday, chances are they have been removed by now. A&M has always been known for its beautiful campus, and The Battalion hopes it always will be. As a result to the current problem, and anyone can readily see that there is a problem, we feel a new approach should be attempted. As long as authoritarian notices are posed on campus, students will take added delight In exercising their class privileges to walk on the grass. A new approach, appealing to a student’s sense of pride and loyalty, may not produce the needed results, but we feel it would be more effective than the current attempts. Sound Off- Student Wants Integration Poll Editor, The Battalion: It is very interesting to note that the student body will be giv en a chance to express an opin ion on three issues that are per tinent to the future of A&M. Church News The results of the opinion poll, I believe, would be much more beneficial if the following ques tion could be included: Should A&M be integrated in the near future ? A&M Church of Christ Sunday—Radio sermon, WTAW, 8 a.m.; Bible classes,'9:45 a.m.; morning worship, “What Hap pened Next,” 10:45 a.m.; young people’s classes, 6:15 p.m.; Ag gie class, 6:30 p.m.; and evening worship, “Practical Holiness,” 7:15 p.m. Wednesda y—Ladies’ Bible class, 9:30 a.m., and mid-week service, 7:15 p.m. A&M Presbyterian Church Sunday—Aggie welcome cof fee, 9:30 a.m.; Church school, 9:45 a.m.; morning worship, “A Spiritual Sun,” 11 d.m.; leagues, 5 p.m.; and Board of Deacons meeting, 6:30 p.m. The reaction could be very sur prising. Robert Wakefield, ’62 SPECIAL DANCE At Snook SATURDAY, MAY 5 Music By CYCLONES ALSO IN PERSON Kockin Dave Allen Recorder of Walking Slowly, Shirley Jean, 'Those Lonely Lonely Feelings, Also many others. It’s A Treat For Dancing Feet nrrrrjrr mTmm riltmnmw “Sports Car Center” Dealers for Renault-Peugeot & British Motor Can Sales—Parts—Service We Service All Foreign Can 416 Texas Ave. TA 2-451’i PALACE Bryan Z’SSI^ NOW SHOWING ■~3sm ITS Hi-Hi-LARM **|i| Poll Issues To Be Aired Next Week Primary Absentee Voting Shows Interest, Apathy Wednesday’s announcement of next week’s informal student opinion poll has probably pro voked more student thought and interest than any issue on cam pus in recent years. In the light of this interest. The Battalion next week will publish “pro and con” articles on all three proposals to be pre sented in next Wednesday’s vot ing. The articles will be written by different students, faculty and staff members, and are designed for only one purpose;—to hon estly acquaint voters with the issues in question. The Battalion will make no ef fort whatsoever to attempt to persuade voters as to how to vote. In a group of issues this impor tant, we believe our opinion couldn’t make that much differ ence. The decision is with each student and his honest beliefs and convictions, nothing else. In next Tuesday’s edition of The Battalion, pro and con views will be presented on the compuls ory Corps of Cadets question. The following day, articles will be published on the coed and name-change issues. We will also make every effort to publish as many letters as possible concerning the election questions. Naturally space lim itations will prevent publishing all letters, but all efforts will be made to publish as many as possible. The actual election will be held from 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Wednes day in the breeze-way adjacent to the bowling* lanes in the Memo rial Student Center. An administration request trig gered the poll, which is expected to carry heavy weight in the findings of the Century Study, now in progress. By The Associated Press Absentee ballots throughout Texas Thursday spelled out* a curious mixture of keen interest and apathy in Saturday’s pri mary elections. At least three counties report ed record number of absentee votes cast and half a dozen others reported increases in the number of absentee ballots over previous years. From some there were predictions of a record vote Saturday. But a spot check of other coun ties showed absentee votes fall ing short of the number cast in 1960 and in 1958. Harris County Clerk R. E. Tur- rentine in the populous Houston ai*ea predicted the largest pri mary turnout in history. Absen tee voting, which ended Tuesday night, totaled 3,364 Democrats and 507 Republicans and Turx*en- tine predicted a turnout Satur day of 180,000 to 200,000 Demo crats and 12,500 to 18,000 Repub licans. In 1960 in Harris County a record 165,000 votes were cast with absentee ballots totaling only 2,758 and no Republican pri mary held. In Travis County, absentee vot ing hit a record of 2,726 includ ing 172 Republicans with mail ballots still arriving. The old max*k was 1,473. Hidalgo and Gregg counties al so set new voting records. Among the other counties showing gains were Tarrant, Ti tus and Hutchinson. Recording losses from previous absentee balloting were Midland Dallas, Webb, Cameron and Wichita counties. Other coun ties reported their totals about the same as in previous years. Here is how the vote ran in various counties: Wichita (Wichita Falls)—To tal vote 514 with 112 ballots still out and 14,000 votes expected. The 1960 primary election had 525 absentee voters and a total vote of 21,049. Webb (Laredo) — Very low turnout. Seventy-four Democrats and seven Republicans voted with seven still out in the mail against a normal absentee ballot total of more than 200. Bexar (San Antonio)—A total of 2,143 Democrats and 306 Re publicans. Dallas (Dallas) — Total of 1,406 Democrats and 338 Repub- icans, against 2,376 cast in 1958 by Democrats and 337 by Repub licans. Tarrant (Fort Worth)—1,154 total including 152 Republicans against 1,050 in 1960. Taylor (Abilene)—Total of 518 cast including 61 GOP, with 97 mailed out. Midland (Midland)—A total of 938 including 188 Republican with a last-day rush totaling 469 the last day. Total of 980, all Democratic votes, cast in 1960. ELECT W. D. (Davis) Burley Your District Clerk Attended Texas A&M College three years. U. S. Armed Forces, four year (World War II) Veterans Service Officer, Brazos County ten years. Chief Deputy, office of County Tax Assessor- Collector, three years. YOUR VOTE WILL BE APPRECIATED MAY 5 (Paid Political Ad) THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the stu dent writers only. The Battalion is a nor^-tax-supported, non- profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and op erated by students as a journalism laboratory and community newspaper and is under the supervision of the director of Student Publications at Texas A&M College. Members of the Student Publications Board are Allen Schrader, School of Arts at)c Sciences; Willard I. Truettner, School of Engineering: Otto R. Kunze, School of Agri culture ; and Dr. E. D. McMurry, School* of Veterinary Medicine. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A.&M. is tlon, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, anc her through May, and once a week during summer school. published in College Sta- holiday periods, Septem- The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter hero in are also reserved. Second-class postage paid at College Station. Texas. MEMBERt The Assoeiated Pres* Texas Press Assn. Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los An geles and San Francisco. Mail subscriptions are All subscriptions subject Address: The Battalion, $3.60 per semester; $6 per school year, $6.60 per full year, to 2% sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Room 4, YMCA Building. College Station, Texas. News contributions may be made by telephoning VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910 or at the editorial office. Room 4, YMCA Building. For advertising or delivery call VI 6-6416. \LAN PAYNE EDITOR Ronnie Bookman 1 Managing Editor Van Conner Sports Editor Gerry Brown, Ronnie Fann, Dan Louis Jr News Editors ient Johnston, Tom Harrover, Bruce Shulter Staff Writers lim Butler, Adrian Adair Assistant Sports Editors Sylvia Ann Bookman Society Editor jlohnny Herrin, Ben Wolfe Photographers FRIDAY THRU MONDAY “MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE” With John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart Plus “CINDERFELLA” With Jerry Lewis Cartoon—“Top Cat” ADDED ATTRACTION SATURDAY “SOME CAME RUNNING’ with Frank Sinatra CIRCLE SATURDAY NITE SPECIAL Walt Disney ffitMi Vivian (from II sity of mgean 18, a I NOW SHOWING Chuck Connors in GERONIMO CIRCLE LAST NITE “SUSAN SLADE’ & “CLAUDELLE ENGLISH’’ POND OB® Df bio nanc7<M Uuu >< uu u • QUEEN NOW SHOWING “4 HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALPVSr Career Cues “Cure for job boredom: I made my favorite pastime my career!" Richard Bertram, President Bertram Yacht Co., Division of Nautec Corp. “When you stop to think what percent of our total waking hours is spent bread-winning, you realize how tragic it is for any man to work at an occupation he doesn’t enjoy. Besides frittering away life, it reduces chances of success to just about zero. I know . . . because it almost happened to me! After college, I did what I thought was expected of me and joined a solid, Manhattan-based insurance firm. I soon found office routine wasn’t for me. I lived only for lunch hour when I could walk to the Battery and mentally sail with the ships that stood out in the Narrows . . . and for the summer weekends when I could go sailing. Fortu nately, the company I worked for is one of the leading insurers of yachts and after two years I was transferred to their Yacht Underwriting Department. Enjoyment and interest in my work improved immediately 100%. After World War II, I started my own yacht brokerage firm and yacht insurance agency in Miami, combining my marine insurance background with an even closer rela tionship with boats. My only problem ever since has been a feeling of guilt that my work was too easy. I love boats and boating people. That affection has paid me rewards way beyond the financial security it has also provided. The moral’s obvious. You have an odds-bn chance for success and happiness working at what you enjoy most — what comes naturally! And if it’s not just frivolous, your life’s work could well be what you now consider just a pastime. It’s certainly worth thinking about, anyway!” E'.niora ^een £ rijtica b; is opem perutive dlntists. Br. Sa Irge E aent ol Ifteorolo ive-vveek lid preli Brent s ojieal sti ater :ific oc he oc< iilanced gr: lence I n lie pre |fice oi t. Lui anogra jydrograi While i ffsity o: pgiru i 1YU fcil: lan IBM Richard Bertram, while still in his early thirties, became one of the country’s leading yacht brokers. Today be heads up eight companies covering j^acht manu facturing, insurance, repair, storage, fi nance and brokerage. A resident of Coconut Grove, Florida, Dick became a Camel fan while still in college. I C '4 ' FRED umm m\ mm TA8 MYER ItCHSlCOUJI 2nd Show Robert Taylor & Richard Widmark In LAW & JAKE WADE’’ 3rd Show James Stewart ’ In ‘MOUNTAIN ROAD’ Last in lal Ex baftme Ins thi ids of ; ! Tlics i Ids. Hie bu lividua I |d Exte i neque »i' this Membe Scho< j lists ( spare ins pri P'iculti nt. iiiJiili And to make any time pass more enjoyabiy... Have a reaj cigarette-CaiTIdl THE BEST TOBACCO MAKES THE BEST SMOKE. It. J. Reynolds Tobuoco Co,, Winston-Salem, N. C, PEANUTS By Charles M. Schuh PEANUTS I NEl/ER mu) (jOHAJTO DO LUMEN r GET TO THE Often Ins ar< oup tc ish- eet St H its »ck ju ft the the w ®t Ma The cc 'I and %k tterina 111 jud{ ,0 elas 'Of wo kt tin en W i king lf y ju lf e to thei