Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1962)
Pag'o C College Station, Tova Thursday, May 3,1982 THE BATTALION Intramurals Winner in the open intramural badminton singles held last night is Robert C. Ramsower. He won over Kimbrough, 6-15, 17-16, and 16-10. In Class I> League C softball play-offs yesterday, Sqd. 8 beat Sqd. 4, 11-5. They will play Sqd 9 Friday in the quarter-finals. CAN DE GAULLE STOP THE ■ Says one O.A.S. sympathizer: 'A handful of terrorists got ria of the czar. Now we are using terror to get rid of oe Gaulle.” In this week s Post, you’ll learn now oe Gaulle is strug gling to smash the O.A.S. Ana how the fanatics of the Secret Army are plotting to assassinate nim. ALSO: Read Backstage With Andy Williams” and watch his TV Special on NBC, Friday night— Thts Saturday Evening. ■ ; • pm :a tps#i$s ^ ,Jk • 'iH iPifP "" o \ 8:30 P. M. —Channel 5 MAY 3 issue/Wow ON SALfc- COAC H ROGERS AND JOHN BEASLEY Aggies Sign John Beasley Coach Bob Rogers Wednesday schools and Kentucky, Oklahoma announced the signing of John ! State, Oklahoma, Tulsa, Houston, Beasley, the state’s most sought! LSU, Tulane, Vanderbilt, and the after schoolboy basketball player, three service academies, to a pre-enrollment scholarship Beasley averaged 28.6 points and agreement. 20.3 rebounds a game last season Beasley, 6-8 center from Linden-1 and was on the Texas Sports Kildare, spurned offers from 20 J Writers Association’s all - state schools including all the SWC | team the pas two years. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES >ie day i* per word i4 per word each additional day er wol Minin iam charge DEADLINE to* 4 p.m. day before publlcatioa Dlspla Claaaificd Display SO* per column inch each inacrtion PHONE VI 6-641S FOR SALE Set of encyclopedia Americana, best bind ing. $150.00. VI 6-8696. HOtfn Refrii'erator, $20.00; Kinmore wringer i.OO; stove, $5.00. 603-A Cul- W.':!;hor. $20 pepper after 6^. 109tfn Sealed (1) 1958 Ford Ranch Wuro bids will be received in the office of the Executive Assintant until 10:30 n. m. Mon day, May 14, 1962. The ritcht is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive liny and all technicalities. Address Execu tive Assistant, Afrricultura] Extension Serv- tssii ice. CoIIcro Station, Texas, information. further 10813 Dearborn air cooler, model DEB 45C, three speeds, 8 horsepower, priced to sell. VI 6-6040. 10814 4204 Culpepper Drive, three bedroom home, cyclone fence, lai-Re lot, take up notes in May and pay closinir costs. Box 5305, College Station. 108tfn 1952 TD MG (classic), new tires, top, tuunel cover, paint, carpet. Completely overhauled. VI 6-5672. 106tfn Study for finals in comfort 1 Swivel desk chair, Rood condition. Call TA 3-6986 after £ p. m. 105tfn Boat, trailer, 7*V2 h.p., Scott-Atwater motor, canvass cover. Sacrifice sale— movinif. Call TA 3-6985 after 5 p. m. 105tfn SPECIAL NOTICE FIRST GRADE — If your child will be six after September 1, rejdster him now for private 1st grade. Limited enrollment. Bryan Schools. Also kindergarten and Separation for A&M Consolidated and year round nursery. Collier’s Mother Goose School. 501 Restwood, TA 2-8760. 110t7 Mother's service, free for mailinK. EGE. 107t5 LET US HELP YOU sell Day Rift - personal shopping Rift wrapping, free wrapping JOYCE’S, 608 SOUTH COLLP Electrolux sales Williams, TA 3-5831. and service. G. C, 90tfn Fish and picnic at Hilltop Lake, 9% College. Tables tniles on Hwy 6 south of and ovens, clean placi 69tfn FOR RENT Two bedroom unfurnished apartment. Ice box and stove, excellent condition, good location. Vt 6-6833. U0t2 OFFICIAL NOTICES Clean apartment, utilities paid, lay •hrist, VI 6-4657 or VI 6-4631. apartment, utilities paid, garage, available May 16th, couple only, 104 Gil- llOtfn Completely furnished two bedroom house, ideal for two employed women or couple, air conditioned. TA 2-3619. 109tfn Nicely furnished four room duplex apart ment with garage, 30C-A Second Street. College. VI 6-5481. 109t3 COLLEGE HILLS, across from A&M Golf Course, four room apartment, ideal for bachelors, nicely furnished, ample closet space, air conditioner in bedroom optional, adults only, $60.00 utilities paid. VI 6-5031 after 6. all day weekends. 109tfn Two bedroom furnished house, newly decorated, nice shady back yard, washer connections. Inquire at 2608 Texas Avenue. 108t4 Air conditioned furnished apartment for two, close to campus, $50.00. Phone VI 6- 6638 or VI 6-5711. 105tfn CHILD CARE HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY Children of all ages, weekly and hourly rates, 8404 South College Avenue, Bryan, Texas, Virginia Davis Jones, Registered Nurse, TA 2-4803 108t4 Will keep infant child or children in my home. Contact TA 3-5129. 106tfn Our nursery for children all ages. Pick up and deliver. VI 6-8151. No answer call back. 42tfn WORK WANTED Typing - electric typewriter. Experience: Secretary, business teacher. VI 6-8510. 85tfn WANTED Children’s gym set. Call TA 2-0700 after 5 :30 p. m. 108t4 DR. G. A. SMITH i : OPTO M ^ T R I S T SPECIALIZING % in EYE EXAMINATIONS and CONTACT LENSES BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC 105. No. MAIN « -BRYAN. TEXAS HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 YOUR DISTRIBUTOR FOR • EICO KITS • Garrard Changers @ HI-FI Components ® Tape Recorders Use Our Time Payment Plan BRYAN RADIO & TV TA 2-4862 1301 S. College Ave. COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 608 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS AGGIES NOTICE SAE 30 Motor Oils 15£ Qt. Major Brand Oils .... 27-31(4 Qt. For your parts and acc6ssories AT a DISCOUNT See us— Plenty free parking opposite the courthouse. DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Brake shoes, Fuel pumps. Water pumps. Generators, Starters, Solenoids, etc. Save 30 to 50% on just about any part for your car. Filters 40% discount AT JOE FAULK’S 25th and Washington Official notices must be brought, mailed telephoned so as to arrive in or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (Ground Floor YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-6, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preceding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. NOTICE: GRADUATION INVITATIONS All Seniors that ordered their graduation invitations for the May graduation may pick up their order at Memorial Student Center Cruft Room. Lower Level, across from the Barber Shop beginning Tuesday, May 1, through Monday, May 7, 1962. Also all seniors that failed to place a regular order may purchase our extra invitations beginning Tuesday, May 8, 1962, at 9:00 a. m. at the Cashier’s Window, Memorial Student Center. These invitations are sold first-come, first-serve basis only. Memorial Student Center Cashier 10815 Regalia For The Commencement he May Exerci* All students who are candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are re quired to order hoods as well as the doctor's cap and gown. The hoods are to be left at the Registrar’s Office no later than 1:00 p. m., Tuesday, May 22 (this will be accomplished by a representative of the College Exchange Store). The Ph.D. hoods will not be worn in the procession since all such candidates will be hooded on the stage^ as a part of the ceremonies. Candidates* for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine will wear the doctor’s cap, gown and hood appropriate to this degree. Candidates for the Master’s Degree will wear the Master’s cap and gown. All civilian students who are candidates for the Bachelor’s Degree will wear thg bachelor’s cap and gown. ROTC students who are candidates for the Bachelor’s Degree will wear the Class “A” cadet uniform in lieu of academic regalia. Senior boots are optional with the uniform. Rental of caps and gowns may be arranged with the Exchange Store. Orders may be placed between 8 :00 a. m. Tuesday, May 1 and 12:00 noon Saturday, May 19. The rental is as follows: Doctor’s cap and gown $5.26, Master’s cap and gown $4.75, Bachelor’s cap and gown $4.25. Hood rental is the same as that for cap anti gown. A 2% Texas State Sales Tax is required in addition to these rentals. C. E. Tishler, Chairman Convocations Committee 108tl6 LOST A grey plastic card holder billfold, with several credit cards and student identifica tion card. If found, please notify Coker Lassiter, Hart Hall, Room 1-6. . 10912 FEMALE HELP WANTED Waitress wanted, mi ng 3606 South College. wa snry, must be ov< working conditioi Experience not nee ars of age, gooi aurant, 108tfn ce 18 years of ag< Triangle Rest es- >od SOSOLIKS T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE 1003 S. College Ave. TA 2-4148 (On East Side Welngarten’s) HURRY! SUPPLY IS LIMITED! CASH OR TERMS New 88 model Airways, list price $202. Now with trade in, only — $100 77 model Airway, new motor & At tachments with wheels. With trade in r- $75 Major brand used vacuums, 1 year warranty. Your choice tank & lot type with at tachments or uprights, $9.95 to $20 SHIPLEY DONUT & COFFEE SHOP For The Best Coffee & Freshest Donuts ANYWHERE Hamburgers — Short Orders — Fountain Service Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules, & Etc. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS Aggies Blank Baylor, 6-0, In First Of Crucial Pair By VAN CONNER Battalion Sports Editor A&M’s varsity baseballers are over the first hurdle in the SWC climax, after Wednesday’s 6-0 victory, over the Baylor Bears on the Kyle Field diamond. At the same time in Fort Worth, however, the Texas Longhorns, only a half-game behind confer ence-leading A&M, kept the situ ation tense by squeezing past TCU, 4-3. The undisputed standout in Wednesday’s Aggie win was soph hurler Johnny Crain, who went all the way, allowing only two hits. He fanned six Bears and gave up four walks. Crain is now 3-0 in season and SWC play. Baylor sophomore Frank Char- ton was the losing pitcher. This was his second loss in nine starts. The contest looked like a real pitcher’s duel until the seventh. In the third, Bill Grochett came across for a counter on a wild pitch. He had tapped a single, and then was sacrificed to second by Frank Stark. Thirdsacker Bill Hancock had punched a double in the first but was left aboard. Ag catcher Bill Puckett blasted a double in the second ami could advance no farther. In the fourth, leftfielder Kay Hall hit a shot past Arthur Fuentes in left for a triple and was left aboard. Crain looked to be in trouble in the top of the seventh, allowing a single by Bear centerlielder Andie Cox, a walk to Ronnie Goodwin and a big double to John McEl- downey. He already had two men away, however, and calmly fanned protesting catcher David Young to end the only Baylor threat of the afternoon. He gave up one walk and then polished off the Bears in order in the remaining innings. The seventh was a big hitting period for the Ags too—bigger. It saw singles by Hall, Grochett, Hancock and George Hargett, an a double by crain to right center that earned him an RBI. Hall’s single came first and he was scored by Crain’s double. Grochett then tapped a single, and was out at second on a fielder’s choice as the Bears missed Crain as he scored. Hancock’s single was his third hit and he was advanced when Stark walked. On a double steal, these men moved to third and second, respectively. Hargett then tapped the single that earned h 1 j Sales—Parts—Service two RBI’s. The 11th Aggie hit We Service All Foreign came as a single from David John- J C1416 Texas Ave. TA son in the eighth. A Mmo {twrih... Mr. ^ /o ■CDHHJ f|j|^ IH V! vl V*UN I tJIJIVs PINEAPPLE Del Monte Crushed, Refreshing Flavor! Imperial Minimax SUGAR Lb. Bag c Lb. Bag C Golden Roastin' Ears, A Natural for Your Cook-Out! Large Eggs Grade A Dozen 39c Morton Frozen Pies 22-Oz. 3 For $1.00 Magic Bake Bread .... 2 -1 1 /* Lb. Loaves 41f Minute Maid Frozen, Pink or Regular SPECIALS FOR Thursday Friday Saturday ' IS! S iif at Quantity Rights Reserved