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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1962)
lam ratil he (k ^ eiittt m. {Je j ■W\e boifl r other ifn t A4!| tollegiate] his weetc Lflnes, The Battalion Volume 60 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1962 Number 105 Nix, Richardson, To Lead Corps pnng nster Recess To Scheduled Begin; Saturday Spring recess, eagerly anticipat- 8 picture Bd since the first part of February is folltt! when the spring semester began, followi ■t' al 't ;s Wednesday as students exit ., . Hhe campus and trek homeward to parts of the state, nation and W'orld. SHH Classes will officially be dis- Haissed at 6 p.m. Wednesday, with Bie first classes after the recess Beginning next Tuesday at 8 p.m. An unusual feature of this BB^Bpring’s recess is that Muster, to observed Saturday, will fail ^■#Buring the break. The annual cam- Bus observance, always the larg- Bst in the world, will still he held ^ B- but only for student remaining Bn campus and members of the I Brazos County A&M Club. ■ Other students have been urged jr T-BusB 0 attend one of the more than it is l.,_ ' ^Ttamada Inn o Be Built 'n Highway 6 Joe Ferreri, owner of the Tri- ngle Restaurant, announced Sat- rday that he has secured land for l new 120-unit Ramada Inn to be Built on five and a half acres of land at the corner of Sulphur Springs Road and Highway 6. The new center will include a I entitidBonvention hall with a seating ce in Id Capacity of 600, a Ramada Inn Pancake House, various other din- ng halls, a swimming poo 1 , a series of meeting rooms and a playground for children. Also in cluded in the plans is a nursery and a kennel for dogs. Ferreri made it a point to ex press that this inn is primarily to [ be of aid to the students and their guests, and to the college. The addition of the center to the area can be expected to draw conventions to the community that will mean added revenue for other businesses, the restauranter said. The center will be located on the land now encircling the present Gulf service station. Ferreri said plans are now being drawn up and bids will be let soon. Ferreri will continue to operate the Triangle Restaurant, he said. AM mn vxsotf our !« y Election Results To Re Announced Tuesday Night Even though The Battalion will not publish an edition Wednesday, results of Tuesday’s general elec tion run-offs will be posted on The Battalion office door Tues day night by 8 p.m. The next edition of The Battal ion will be published next Thurs day, April 26, at which time the results will be printed. Vying in the run-offs are: Charles Lee Nichols and Gary L. Balser, senior vice president; James Bryant Scott and Charles E. Frith, senior secretary-trea-. surer; Arthur Reginald Richard son and Harry L. Zimmerman, senior social secretary; Matthew B. Bader and J. L. Penrod, senior historian. James A. Noake and Silas Ed win Duncan, junior vice president; Charles Graham and Gordon E. Davis, junior secretary-treasurer; Winton Boyd Zimmerman and Lou is W. Zaeske, junior social secre tary; Mike C. Dodge, Franklin D. Summers and Jerry Partridge, jun ior yell leader. Mike J. Fourticq and William K. Altman, soph president; James Love and Garry L. Tisdale, soph vice president; William E. Bam- mel and Ernest Holloway, soph social secretary; and Sidney P. Brown and James M. Burns, soph secretary-treasurer. 500 observances to be held Satur day, most of them in Texas. Thir ty-two other states have at least one Muster planned, while 15 for eign countries will also mark the occasion with Muster observances. Texas Musters listed in the Of fice of Former Students as of Mar. 12 are planned by the following clubs: Abilene, Amarillo, Anderson County, Atascosa County, Austin County, Bandera County, Bastrop County, Beaumont Big Lake, Big Spring, Boerne, Brazos County, Brush Country, Caldwell County, Calhoun County, Canyon, Capitol City, Coastal, Coastal Bend, Col lin County, Colorado County, Cooke County, Corpus Christ!, Culberson County, Denton Coun ty, De Witt County, Ellis County, El Paso, Falls County, Fort Hood- Killeen, Freestone County, Frio County, Garland, Gillespie County, Gonzales County, Guadalupe County, Guajillo, Hereford HJSKK Counties, Houston, Houston-Croc- kett Counties, Hunt County, Hunts ville, Johnson County, Karnes County, Kerrville, La Grange, Liberty County, Milam County, Mitchell-Scurry Counties, Montgomery County, Mt. Pleasant, Nacogdoches, Navarro County, North Dallas, Northeast Panhan dle, Northwest Texas, Odessa, Or ange, Panola County, Plainview, Port Arthur, Red River County, Richardson, Rio Grande Valley, Runnells Coun ty, Schulenburg, Shackford County, Snyder, Sutton County, Triple ‘M’, Tyler, Upper Brazos, Upshur Coun ty, Victoria Cotmty, Waco-McLennan County, Wash ington County, West Texas, Wil liamson County, Winter Garden and Yoakum. Other states planning one or more musters, according to the former students’ office, are: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Ar kansas, California, Colorado, Con necticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana. (See MUSTER On Page 4) ARTHUR R. RICHARDSON . . . deputy corps commander WILLIAM D. NIX JR. . . . corps commander College To Receive AFB In April 30 Ceremonies Bryan Air Force Base, deacti vated since 1958, will be formally conveyed to A&M April 30 by the U. S. Depai'tment of Health, Edu cation and Welfare. President Earl Rudder said Tues day the public is invited to the brief ceremony, which is at 3 p.m. at the main entrance to the base. The event will be attended by Health, Education and Welfare of ficials, local civic leaders and A&M officials. Rudder said HEF is transferring the 1,991-acre base and about 112 buildings to the college for educa tional and research purposes ac cording to provisions of the Fed eral Property and Administration Services Act. The property is valued in excess of half a million dollars, exclusive of buildings which were disposed as surplus in an auction in Febru ary. Original cost to the U. S. government was about $10.6 mil lion. Rudder said the transfer activi ties on April 30 will also include Wire Wrap-Up By The Associated Press World News LONDON—A Laborite legislator petition in parliament Monday protesting planned American nuclear tests in the Pacific. The signatories included Earl Bertrand Russell, Britain’s most prominent anti-bomb campaigner. The petition, presented by Fenner Brockway, said forth coming tests at Christmas Island would constitute criminal acts against humanity ranking with the recent Soviet test series. ★ ★ TOKYO—Red China publicly acknowledged Monday it has suffered another year of great economic difficulties and announced a program to deal with its woes. Pyemier Chou En-lai, in a report to the National People’s Congress which has just concluded a long and highly secret session, declared Communist China has suffered serious natural calamities for three consecutive years and has run into formidable difficulties in the national economy. ★ ★ ★ ORAN, Algeria—Police smashed a Secret Army Organi zation OAS attempt to seize an armory in a suburb Monday, then ranged through the streets blazing away at terrorist positions with heavy weapons. Police also struck hard at terrorists in downtown Oran, a secret army stronghold, arresting 25 persons and seizing stolen military transport and arms. U. S. News NEW YORK—A federal grand jury went ahead with its antitrust investigation of the steel industry Monday, despite action by leading steel companies rescinding a $6-a-ton steel price increase. At the same time, subpoenas were received here from Washington by U . S. Marshal Thomas J. Lunney summoning officials of three steel companies before a Senate antimonop oly subcommittee. WASHINGTON—The Navy and Air Force announced Monday that nearly 20,000 officers and men whose service was extended during the Berlin crisis will be released from active duty before July 1. The order covers about 12,300 airmen and 700 Air Force and Air Reserve officers as well as 5,500 enlisted men and about 1,400 officers of the Navy and the Naval Reserve. Texas News (ULMER, Tex.—Officers continued their hunt Monday for the killer of Mrs. Minnie Green, 64, whose body was found Sunday dragged across a road near her home. Authorities and some citizen helpers concentrated on finding a Negro who had been picked up for questioning. a 12:30 p.m. invitational luncheon at the Triangle Restaurant and a 2 p.m! tour of the base. A&M made official application early last fall to acquire the site, and Rudder confirmed on Jan. 9 that the school would receive the base. “These properties will be used by the college in providing educa tional and research programs to meet the educational needs of Texas for which adequate facilities are not otherwise available,” Rudder said. “We will not confine research activities to just one type. The base will be available to any de- Hannigan Issues Plea For Safety A plea for safe driving on the part of „all students who will be traveling during the spring re cess period was made today by Dean of Students James P. Han- nigan. He said that six students thus far have been killed in traffic accidents this school year. Students begin the spring re cess officially at 5 p.m. Wednes day and return to the classrooms and laboratories at 8 a.m. next Tuesday. partment of the college for its own particular research projects.” A&M is already utilizing por tions of the base in its research programs. The Engineering Ex periment Station, with approval from the U. S. Corps of Engineers, is using runways to conduct traffic design and control studies. Top Frosh, Soph In Agriculture Chosen Monday The outstanding freshman and sophomore in the School of Agri culture were selected at a meeting of Alpha Zeta Monday night in Room 114 of the Herman Keep Building, according to Chancellor Dick Runge. Announcement of the selections will be made at the club’s annual banquet April 30. Election of next year’s officers will also be held at the meeting. In addition to selecting five offi cers, the group will name a dele gate to attend the 1962 Biennium Conclave in Washington, D. C., Sept. 10-13. Two alternate delegates will also be selected, Runge announced. Prison Director Slates Talk Here The newly appointed Director of the Texas Department of Correc tions, Dr. George J. Beto, will lecture here Apz’il 24 on “The Texas Prison System Rehabilitation Pro gram.” The public is invited to attend the lecture scheduled at 7:30 p.m. in Room 231 of the Chemistry Building. DR. GEORGE J. BETO . , . speaks here next week Beto’s appearance is being spon sored by the Graduate School and the Graduate Education Club. Beto assumed the directorship of the Department of Corrections this past March 1. He served on the Board of Corrections from 1953- 1959 while an Austin resident and became active in penal progresr He was the board delegate to American Correctional Association meetings and to regional associa tion conventions. He has made extensive studies of the larger penal systems, including those of Europe. In 1958 he was voted the Texas Foundation Herit age Award as Man of the Year for his contributions to the Texas De partment of Corrections educa tional program. After attending public schools in Illinois, he enrolled at Valparaiso University in Indiana, receiving the B.A. degree in 1949. After two years at • Concordia Seminary in .St. Louis, he was oiMained and moved to Austin to teach history in Austin Concordia College. Later he became president of that insti tution. ■ While in Austin he com pleted the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in educational administration at the University of Texas. Beto became president of the Lutheran Seminary in Springfield, Illinois, in 1959. He continued his interest in penal progress, serving as a member of the Illinois Board of Pardons and Paroles. More Promotions' To Come In May By BOB SLOAN Battalion Editor William Dale Nix Jr., a junior English major from Canadian, has been tentatively named commander of the A&M Corps of Cadets for the 1962-63 school year. Arthur R. Richardson, junior accounting- major from Beaumont, has been tentatively named deputy corps commander. Appointment of Nix and Richardson to the two top posts in the Cadet Corps was made with the approval of President Earl Rudder and Dean of Students James P. Hannigfan, and was announced by Commandant of Cadets Joe E Davis Tues day. In making the announcement, Davis said the choice was made “from a number of outstanding- nominations.” He added that “it was a hard decision to make.” Davis said tentative wing and brigade commanders would be named, along with either command positions, some time in May. “Nix and Richardson were chos en for their academic standing, their proven leadership ability and their, military proficiency,” Davis said. Present Corps Commander James W. Cardwell added the selection was “culminated by an extensive series of interviews” by the corps commander and his staff, the pro fessors of air and military sci ences and their staffs, Davis and his staff, Hannigan and Rudder.” Nix and Richardson, along with other commanders throughout the corps, will assume their duties at Final Reivew May 26. Their ap pointments will not become final, however, until next September, fol lowing the successful completion of academic work this semester and military summer camp re quirements, according to Davis. Until Final Review, they will work with present commanders and prepare for next year, Cardwell said. Of their duties, Davis said: “The corps commander and his deputy are responsible to the command ant for the internal administration of the Corps of Cadets.” “Bill” Nix is presently corps scholastic sergeant, and is in the Army ROTC program. In high school, he played foot ball, basketball and tennis. He was president of his senior class and was third ranking student in his graduating class. Following his graduation in June (See CORPS On Page 3) Time Magazine Executive Sets April 26 Talk John Scott, special assistant to the publisher of Time Magazine, will speak in the Memorial Student Center Ballroom at 8 p.m. Thurs day, April 26. Scott, who will be presented jointly by the Great Issues Com mittee and the Department of Journalism, has as his topic “The Communist Economic Offensive.” Each summer for the past 10 years the foreign correspondent, author and lecturer has made fact finding trips to areas of the world which Time feels will be of major importance in the news. In his search for news, Scott has traveled to Germany, Austria, Greece, Turkey, Italy, Morocco, France and England. He has made more extended trips to Europe, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East, Africa and the Soviet Union. Scott was born in Philadelphia, Pa., and has attended schools in the United States and Switzerland. He graduated from George School, Pa., and the attended the University of Wisconsin for two years. After several months of study in Schenectady, N. Y., he worked in Russian industrial plants for five years. Since 1942 Scott has written five hooks: “Behind the Urals,” “Duel for Europe,” “Europe in Revolu tion,” “Political Warfare,” and “Democracy Is Not Enough.” UU :: ; Pinky Opens Soccer Tourney Official Greeter (Pinky) Downs officially opens the third annual Intercollegiate Soccer Tournament Saturday with a hefty boot from mid-field. (Photo by Bill Semmelrogge Jr.)