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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1962)
THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Tuesday, March 20, 1962 | BATTALION EDITORIALS An III Service Publication by several Texas newspapers Sunday and Monday of a portion of the “Faculty-Staff-Student Aspira tions Committee” report came as an unpleasant surprise. We were not surprised or displeased at the committee’s recommendation. Nor were we surprised at the use of the story by many Texas newspapers. For after all, recommenda tion by a group as important as the Aspirations Committee that A&M admit women for the first time in it’s history is news. We were distressed, however, that such an important report was circulated to the public prematurly, and that only a fragment of the 213-page document was quoted or com mented upon by the press. The part of the report which was reported by the Asso ciated Press and the Bryan Daily Eagle makes very interest ing reading—coeducation and the compulsory corps question always do. The Aspirations Commitee’s report was not a public document. It was prepared by the committee members for Century Council and the A&M System Board of Directors in the formulation of a “Blueprint for Progress” for A&M. The faculty-staff-students’ report was to be only one of several reports by external and internal study groups to be used in the forming of this plan of action. Full details of the various reports, as well as the Board of Directors’ answer to the proposals will be presented at a convocation next fall at A&M. The dangers of releasing a portion of any of these re ports before they have been studied and the plan of action decided upon are obvious. First, the Aspirations Committee report, by itself, does not consitute the basis for any action by the board of direc tors. And it is the board, and this board alone, that can bring about any of the changes suggested by the report. The report is merely the expression of belief by one small, 24-member committee. While the members of the Faculty-Staff-Student Aspirations Committee put in many hours of research and many more hours of discussion before submitting their report, the report remains only one of several to be studied by the board of directors before any decision on any issue can be made. The report of the Aspirations Committee does not reflect the present position of the A&M administration or of the board of directors. In an interview with the Houston Post Sunday, President Earl Rudder reiterated the college’s posi tion when he said “the policy is a compulsory Corps and non admission of women.” And worst of all, only a portion—less than three pages—of the 213-page report, was used. Nothing was men tioned of the remainder of the report, yet many worthwhile proposals were made. We are sure that all of the ideas expressed in the report are sound and merit the full consideration of the board of directors. We believe strongly, however, that since the report was not prepared for public consumption, but only as a guide for action by the board of directors, those people responsible for first releasing the story to the public have done an ill service to A&M College. The report, at best, was a strong argument. Get a flying start on Continental! WASHINGTON NEW ORLEANS CHICAGO Corrrenient connections at DaBas and Houston with Cm* 4-engine non-stops east. For reservations, call your Tiawdl or Continental at VI 6-47891 COMTIHENTAL AIRLINES THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the stu dent writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax-supported, non profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and op erated by students as a journalism laboratory and community newspaper and is under the supervision of the director of Student Publications at Texas A&M College. Publication! Truettner, School of Engineering ; Otto McMurry, School of Veterinary Medicine. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A.&M. is published in _ College Sta tion, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, Septem ber through May, and once a week during summer school. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein, in are also reserved. Rights of republication of all other matter hera- Second-class postage paid at College Station, Texas. MEMBER! The Associated Pren* Texas Press Assn. Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los An geles and San Francisco. Mail subscription! All subscriptioi Address: The News contributions may be made by telephoning VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910 or at the editorial office. Room 4, YMCA Building. For advertising or delivery call VI 6-6416. BOB SLOAN EDITOR Tommy Holbein Larry Smith Managing Editor Snorts Editor Alan Payne, Ronnie Bookman, Robbie D. Godwin News Editors Ronnie Fann, Gerry Brown, T. S. Harrover Staff Writers CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Sound Off- A&M. After all we want son* thing better for A&M. Congratulations to Malcolm. Grandon Garris, ’i| “These new boxes are nice, but I’m gonna miss mv snider —he was with me since my fish year!” Wee Aggies General, Dean Praise A&M (Editor’s Note: The following two letters were sent to Presi dent Earl Rudder and Student Program Director Pete Hardesty following “Military Weekend,” Mar. 9, 10 and 11.) Dear General Rudder: It was certainly a pleasure for me to be able to participate as an observer in the Military Day activities at Texas A&M College last Saturday 1 thought that the review was one of the finest that I have ever seen, and the band and drill team were without question su perior and probably cannot be matched throughout the entire country. I also appreciate the many courtesies extended to me while I was a guest at the college including the various receptions and parties. Please extend to all of those who assisted in making my visit a real red letter day during my stay in Texas my sincere appreci ation and thanks. With kindest personal regards. T. R. Yancey Major General, USA Commanding Combat Ball, the Intercollegiate Talent Show, and the Military Ball. I feel that I have experienced the ultimate in hospitality and gallantry for which the A&M stu dents are so well known. As I observed the Military Ball, my pride ad confidence in all the men who have made our country great was renewed. I hope you will convey to the students my sincere appreciation for the privilege and pleasure afforded me. *(Mrs.) Kathryn Crossland Associate Dean Texas Woman’s University College of Nursing Houston Center ★ ★ ★ Nine future Aggies and six fu ture Aggie dates were born re cently at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Bryan. Boy to Mr. and Mrs. Paul War ner Medlin, D-8-Z College View, Mar. 8. Boy to Mr. and Mrs. Jon Alex ander, B-12-Y College View, Mar. 8. Girl to Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Sheets, 406 East 17th, Mar. 13. Boy to Mr. and Mrs. Michael John Carlo, U-2-D Hensel, Mar. 13. Boy to Mr. and Mrs. John Col lier McMillan, C-9-Y College View, Mar. 14. Boy to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald l»iit M8 TUESDAY “BACHELOR IN PARADISE” with Bob Hope Plus “TWO LOVES” with Shirley MacLaine Plus “Fast Mail” — Cartoon LAST DAY “4 HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE” STARTS WEDNESDAY Technicolor _ROBERT ELIZABETH JOAN TamIamFome -GEORGE - Ir EMLYN Sanders Wihiams of tHe Starring ,, ROBERT TAYLOR-AVA GARDNER-MEL FERRER | CIRCLE “OPERATION PETTICOAT” & “FLYING LEATHERNECKS” Heddins, B-15-X College View, Mar. 15. Boy to Mr. and Mrs. William Evans Walker, D-7-Y College View, Mar. 15. Girl to Mr. and Mrs. Benny Wayne Johnson, W-l-I Hensel, Mar. 15. Girl to Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Roach, 802-B Enlow, Mar. 16. Boy to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth James Kutac, 102 Moss, Mar. 16. Boy to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robert Ibert, 415 Tauber, Mar. 16. Girl to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dale Brashears, 906-A Cross, Mar. 16. Boy to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Edwin Dunks, 904 Park Place, Mar. 17. Girl to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Douglas Dooley, 205 Cooner, Mar. 17. Girl to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter, 821 Muckleroy, Mar. 18. ★ ★ ★ Dear Mr. Hardesty: I am deeply grateful for the privilege extended me by the stu dents to spend the weekend at the Memorial Student Center and the opportunity to attend the Hall’s Backbone Editor, The Battalion: Someone should stand up for Malcolm Hall since he has had enough backbone to do something worthwhile in pushing rejection of the SWCSA. I’m glad to see we still have a leader around this campus to lead the sheep. All the rest of the ratifying schools of the SWCSA are mere ly sheep being led to the slaugh ter. The Southwest Conference Athletic Conference serves all the purposes the SWCSA does. I am in favor of backing a Stu dent Association if it can benefit iT¥TfT¥Tf¥TTTT'j “Sports Car Center” Dealers for Renault-Peuireot & British Motor Can Sales—Parts—Service j “We Service All Foreign Can'! 1416 Texas Ave. TA 241'i r PARDNER You’ll Always Win The Showdown When You Get Your Duds Done At CAMPUS CLEANERS Job Calls The following firms will inter view graduating seniors in the Placement Office in the YMCA Building: Wednesday Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. — Chemical engineering (B.S., M.S.), mechanical engineerihg (B.S.), and chemistry (all degree levels). El Paso Natural Gas Products Co.—Chemical engineering (B.S., M.S.). Farh, Miller and Beerman—Ac counting (B.B.A., M.B.A.). Wednesday and Thursday Gulf Atlantic Warehouse Co.— Agricultural economic and soci ology, business administration, economics and industrial technol ogy. Welex, A Division of Halli burton — Electrical, mechanical and nuclear engineering (B.S., M.S.). PALACE Bryan 2'8$79 LAST DAY ‘GEORGE RAFT STORY” QUEEN LAST DAY “JOURNEY TO THE 7th PLANET” Lovely, larger diamonds . . . distinctive stylings •¥••••*'* . . . attractively Engagement Ring low prices. Wedding Ring $64.50 EASY CREDIT SANKEY PARK Your Trusted Keepsake Jeweler 111 N. Main Bryan EAST TEXAS PULP AND PAPER COMPANY offers EXCEPTIONAL CAREER OPPORTUNITIES SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS New, modern, 400-ton bleached kraft pulp and paper plant, manufacturing pulp and paper for many of the well-known paper products you use each day. Plans for expansion are being made, and excellent opportuni ties for advancement in early years is offered. Good salaries, and all fringe benefits. Campus Interviews MONDAY, MARCH 26 Mechanical Engineers, Civil Engineers, Chemical Engineers and Chemists Call Your College Placement Office For Appointment If you cannot be present for an interview, write for more information to: L. C. Menius, Personnel Director, East Texas Pulp and Paper Company, P. O. Box 816, Silsbee, Texas CADET SLOUCH Presented by THE LAUNDROMART PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz (PEANUTS i VE DECIDED (JE NEED A BASEBALL 5COUT1 OJE NEED SOMEONE TO 60 Oi/ER, AND AAIN6LE tdlTH THE OTHER TEAM, AND FIND OUT THOR STRENGTH AND WEAKNESSES.. IT CAN BE A VERV DANGEROUS JOB OF COURSE, BUT ITS A JOB THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE, AND... I'VE FOUND SOU A VOLUNTEER'